President Trump said on Wednesday that he had a “lengthy and highly productive phone call” with Russian President Vladimir Putin and that negotiations to end the war in Ukraine would begin “immediately.”
The president wrote on Truth Social that he and Putin agreed “to stop the millions of deaths taking place in the War with Russia/Ukraine.”
Trump added, “We agreed to work together, very closely, including visiting each other’s Nations. We have also agreed to have our respective teams start negotiations immediately, and we will begin by calling President Zelenskyy, of Ukraine, to inform him of the conversation, something which I will be doing right now.”

Trump said he directed Secretary of State Marco Rubio, CIA Director John Ratcliffe, National Security Advisor Mike Waltz, and Special Envoy Steve Witkoff to lead the negotiations. Missing from his list was Ret. Gen. Keith Kellogg, who Trump appointed as the envoy to the conflict. Later in the day, the president said he might meet with Putin soon in Saudi Arabia.
“Millions of people have died in a War that would not have happened if I were President, but it did happen, so it must end. No more lives should be lost!” Trump said. He has repeatedly said the real death toll in Ukraine is in the millions, much higher than what’s been reported.
After speaking with Putin, Trump said that he also had a call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky about reaching a peace deal. “The conversation went very well. He, like President Putin, wants to make PEACE,” he wrote on Truth Social.
In his post on his call with Putin, Trump also said he thanked Putin for releasing Marc Fogel, an American who was imprisoned in Russia for possession of marijuana. He was freed this week when Witkoff made a trip to Russia.
The Kremlin confirmed the Trump-Putin call, saying it “was a very long phone call, it lasted almost an hour and a half.”
It’s unclear at this point what sort of deal could be reached to end the war, and Trump has been pushing the idea of a deal for US access to Ukraine’s rare earth minerals and other resources in exchange for continued US support.
Talking is excellent!
I agree. Biden and Putin talked ZERO times.
Hey leftists, any comment on that?
Boy you are dense, both with your facts and your leftist mudslinging. Try googling "2021 Russia–United States summit".
Most Trumpers are
Biden and Putin talked on the phone at least twice (December 7, 2021 and December 30, 2021), and met in person at least once (June 15, 2021).
I’m not great at math, but I’m pretty sure three is not equal to ZERO.
In MAGA math it may as well be
The point is Biden never talked to Putin after Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022..
Facts don’t matter. Only perception matters.
There is no leftist or rightist here… Only pro Trump and anti-Trump… The same was true when Genocide Joe was in white house…!
Now how can you not make Trump the Genocide Don…?!
Trump has already his share of Palestinian genocide's responsibility. Even if they give him Nobel Peace Prize, it can't change this fact.
Biden is not the "left", he is very much hated in the actual left, aka socialist and communist circles, who are just antiwar as the "right".
The corporate media is confusing people on purpose about the left and the right.
Those who are for the social justice and for equality of all people (including financial equality), they are left. Those who are supporting the power of the oligarchy, they are right. So, Biden is more right than Trump because he is more devoted to U.S. oligarchy and less care about ordinary American people.
Your left / right analysis is, at its core, succinct and accurate.
I myself tend to go with the Left's thesis statement as "I support policies that help everyone" and the Right's thesis as "I support policies that benefit myself."
"actual left" is a bit of a No True Scotsman. I am on the Left, and while I have some small-s 'socialist' leanings, the majority of my ethos is Humanist.
Of course it is good to have contact between the major nuclear powers, There are many things they have to talk about.
Now that they've got "regime change" in Syria, no longer any need to preoccupy Putin and the Russians in a proxy War with Ukraine. Recall that Putin suddenly became "Hitler" when he said "Nyet!" to the West's plan to overthrow Bashar Assad in Syria.
Ok Warren, but Trump wanted this to all end long before the overthrow in Syria by Turkey and the CIA.
That was today, Wednesday…! So he lied when he said he talked to Putin yesterday…!
Blah blah blah blah blah, you have yourself a good time whining.
They have talked a few times.
Most of you folks only try to trap Trump and it never works.
No comment from you on negotiations for peace, all we get from you is resentment that Trump is successful, unlike Biden.
Tearing up JCPOA with Iran and other treaties with Russia, not to mention owning Gaza and the intention of forcing Gazans out of their homeland put Trump back for decades no matter what you say or what he is doing now…!
He has a long way to clean up himself…! Actions are so different than words…!
Show me a link that says Trump and Putin talked on the phone yesterday, the day before, last week or last month…! You wouldn't be able to…!
The Prisoner is antiwar's first & most open Trump Apologist. To paraphrase Stephen Colbert's savage roast of Bush II, "The Prisoner will believe on Wednesday what Trump said on Monday – regardless of what actually happened on Tuesday."
Wannabelievers are definitionally irrational. He is one of those.
How's Trump's "imma end Ukraine War on DAY ONE" going ? We "trap him" by tricking him into making that claim then trick him into not keeping his promise ?
We "trap him" into his 100% baseless claim that US aid agency condoms supplied to Palestinians are being used to float bombs into the Apartheid State of Israel ?
Or are these just two of maaaaany "inconvenient Trump f**k ups" you keep ignoring to maintain some laughable high-ground for your fawning Trump adoration ?
The US hasn't approved or met Russia's ambassador to the US–whomever that may be.
That would be a good start toward comity and productive discussions.
It’s hard to approve of, or meet with, someone who doesn’t exist. Anatoly Antonov was removed by Putin last October and no replacement has been named.
Ambassadors do not write agreements, they are only intermediaries. Trump and Putin talking is far better than some ambassador talking.
Trump wants only to get out from Ukrainian trap. Otherwise he doesn't care about U.S.-Russia relations. Neither he cares about European security system.
A good sign … get some popcorn and watch CNNMSNBC ETC heads explode today …
That would be the waste of my time…!
Clearly you aren't familiar with Eastern European geopolitics
Clearly, you have no idea what I know or don't know …
Dude, my friend…you got hoodwinked in the service of mega corporations like BlackRock, and the hegemony of US Empire.
This is standard operating procedure. Please read Smedley Butler.
War is a racket…
Beautiful ideals were painted for our boys who were sent out to die. The was the "war to end wars." This was the "war to make the world safe for democracy." No one told them that dollars and cents were the real reason. No one mentioned to them, as they marched away, that their going and their dying would mean huge war profits….
I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.~Smedley Butler
Do you think Maddow’s head will explode live? It might be worth watching her for once.
She was in full "how dare he?" mode on the news story I watched online … the knowing smirk is so classic for the liberal elite masters of narrative.
She got paid as much as a small nation’s foreign aid to cheer this war on. $35 million.
Top presstitute.
***Actually $315 million over multiple years.
At least what passes for a "liberal" nowadays.
There is nothing liberal about mad woman Maddow in my book.
I have tried lately, just could not stay with her for too long. But to be fair, some shows on Fox are also not very watchable. The constant admiration, cheering and kissing up to Trump is as much off putting as Maddow, Dana Bash adn Katlin on CNN or Nicole something on MSNBC.
That's why I am mostly on the net. But at my age there are times I have to take a break and sit on the couch eating lunch and dinner and watching the tube, to see how Pravda is doing.
They all suck. But Maddow deserves a special place in hell for getting filthy rich on promoting death and war. No one cheer leaded Russiagate more than Maddow, who created the hysteria of hatred for Russians, and manufactured consent for war.
Editing to add: and her repetitive propaganda lies that the mrna covid vaccine stopped transmission of the virus.
She is nothing but a deep state corporate
toolwh0rr.The covid lies all over were totally infuriating.
Let's wait and see what transpires. Trump was full of optimism he could strike a deal with Kim Jong Un and yet nothing came out of it. The deep state still has seven ways to Sunday to sabotage this.
And there are going to be some huuuge (no pun intended) sticking points if that article here recently was accurate about the 9 points of the peace plan.
The Nazis are not happy, for one:
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
Yes, this is pretty much it.
All that so that Western capitals could unsuccessfully attempt to drain Russia by sacrificing your country and countless Ukrainians, and so that western pundits could write columns making themselves feel strong, brave and purposeful:
Illia Ponomarenko
~ @IAPonomarenko
So we are supposed to give up our national territory, vow never to join NATO no matter what Russia does to us, AND also give Donald Trump our rare earth metals?
That's a very interesting deal from an aggressor and a partner that was to support our security in exchange for giving up our nuclear weapons, missile armaments, and strategic bomber fleet.
980 27267 93 7 0 1,681
To be fair, the US and NATO allies did promise them total and endless support. But it's their own damn fault they naively believed it. If they had bothered to study history, they would have known better.
They should have also known that the US and UK are one day in one place, the next day in another. The Russians, on the other hand, will forever be their neighbor.
I agree. I feel terrible about the loss of life. The betrayal was also blowing up the propaganda that it was about democracy.
But Zelensky was elected for “peace” allegedly, while the CIA was training militias (that the BBC called far-right Nazis, before that kinda talk was verboten).
The US govt is so backstabbing.
That’s true regardless of what Trump does. Nuland was a demon.
*take note Taiwan.
I have Taiwanese roommates, nicest people ever. They are between a rock and a hard place… and apparently very much oblivious to how US imperialists are gaslighting them and preparing to use them as disposable pawns against China.
They'll be the next Ukraine sooner or later, there is no doubt about that. It's painful to watch, like a train crash in slow-mo.
The reason we have Trump is because the Democrats messed up so much that they practically handed Trump the throne.
And they have not changed, they still harping on the stuff that made them lose in the first place.
Liberals – I mean liberal in the true sense like in the past – really no longer have a home if one want to be part of group.
I have a suspicion that, in the boxing match, the Dems took a dive. Orders from the ruling class maybe.
You don’t send slick Willie to a swing state to lecture Muslims on how Israel has a right to the land and is righteous in murderous acts, unless you are seeking to lose. Then you turn around and blame voters.
Or trot out some as despicable as Harris.
🎶 happy happy joy joy !🎶
In the BBC's defense, a German news outlet (circa 2012 ?) was first to identify neo-Nazi dominance in the (official Ukrainian military) Azov Battalion.
Supposedly the Obama administration via Biden/Nuland installed Kolomoisky as a governor of Depropetrovsk, Ukraine. This, after he was called a dangerous warlord, by the US, for paying Nazi militias to protect his assets and also to attack Russians or Russian-leaning Ukrainians. They also harassed any element of outliers in society like Roma. He was a Ukrainian/Israeli dual citizen and wonderful “Israeli philanthropist”.
He owned Burisma. He was Zelensky’s benefactor. But then he laundered money in the US, so he was sanctioned. Or was it to keep his mouth shut?
The entire Ukraine timeline is so dirty, you need a shower, after digging into the piles of shit.
All of it intentionally memory holed by western propagandists.
That is why you share the documentary "Ukraine on Fire" on and its sequel. Public showings should be made. If people have not seen it and claim they comment on anything Ukraine related, they really cant.
It doesn't even address the money spent for decades by the USA and probably Canada also to foment this rabid nationalist coup supporting faction.
I would guess the US & NATO saw the disintegration of the USSR at the time and never thought such a promise would ever be called in as a favour.
It is odd to hear pro-Ukraine pundits complain that they gave up a "nuclear shield" that, decades later, would have served to protect neo-Nazis, and racist predatory crimes against ethnic Russians in Ukraine's Donbasi'i, from Russian Federation R2P doctrine.
Or complain about giving up "their" nukes.
And that's exactly why diplomats and wise statesmen never make grand pronouncements to the media before negotiations have even started. But Trump is neither.
By definition, we always wait to see events. Were you trying to advise us on that?
Give us a good laugh, exactly what deal was Trump trying to arrange with Un? NK stopped firing missiles and doing nuclear tests when Trump was president.
Try googling "2019 North Korea–United States Hanoi Summit" and educate yourself.
Muh Deep State!
Regardless, the shitstain of a leadersip for North Korea deserves no agreemtns or leniancy towards it
Promises made, promises kept. America is NOT the World's policeman.
Russia is the world's arsonist
This is great but expected news. Two real men, two smart leaders, talk.
The USA will no longer continue violating the multiple neutrality agreements with Russia. It will also not put troops in Ukraine. Trump also wants compensation from the Ukraine dictatorship.
I call that perfect.
We'll see. It's good that they talk but I doubt they are any close to an agreement. Remember that Russia needs strong guarantees of a neutral, de-NATOized Ukraine, which I doubt the USA will allow to exist, no matter how much Trump despises Zelensky.
Ukraine should be asking for compensation. The US used them. And Trump isn't going to get anything unless the US continues to arm Ukraine.
Why what?
Should Ukraine ask for compensation?
Hell yes.
What Neutrality Agreements do you speak of? The numerous agreemnets between Russia and Ukraine promising for Russia to never invade them?
You forgot two real thugs.
The USA will no longer continue violating the multiple neutrality agreements with Russia.
Are there any left?
Oh! RT? That means it MUST be reliable!
Have you heard or seen a good Polish joke lately?
You conform to every american joke in the books
WINNING! on all fronts:
For MAGA freaks, getting shot in the ass would be winning
Don't be a sore loser.
Am i wrong
Can't say I'm trilled by her defection to MAGA, but her brand of patriotism never stood a chance in the warmongering Democratic party. She's now in an excellent position to do some good, let's see if she does.
Same with RFK Jr.. He had no choice but to migrate to Trump after the Dems threw him out as they did to Tulsi.
My feeling is that if RFK does get confirmed he will come to blows at one time or another with Trump. I cannot see him giving up all the things he has ben fighting for just so to satisfy Trump with some things.
“Millions of people have died in a War that would not have happened if I were President, but it did happen, so it must end. No more lives should be lost!” Trump said. He has repeatedly said the real death toll in Ukraine is in the millions, much higher than what’s been reported.
Even when I'm happy with what Trump does, he still manages to be an asshole. God, that shit is so old.
Trump is old
Trump 1.0 initiated sending "lethal aid" – javelins as I recall; also started/funded the build up and "training to NATO standard" of the Ukraine armed forces.
Whatever was his plan?
His hyperbole is indistinguishable from the nonsense he actually believes.
I'd expect him to claim the Philadelphia Eagles are "the best NFL team in the Universe" then go on to seriously name OTHER NFL teams elsewhere in the Universe (from star systems he invents as he goes along) as if he knew for sure they actually existed.
"No more lives should be lost!"
Why he doesn't talk the same about Palestinian children? Because he doesn't care about lives. He just doesn't know how to stop wasting money on Ukrainian project and yet avoid the collapse of current Kiev regime.
If Trump gets us peace in Ukraine, all the credit to him. Now, if he can stop talking about invading Canada, Greenland, Panama, and now Gaza…..
As Trump's presidency kicks off, pay close attention to what he does, not what he says.
What does "access to Ukraine's REE minerals" mean? Ukraine mines these rocks? Sells these to whom? Removes the REE and sells these to whom?
After the war stops, every US company which is interested in buying Ukrainian REE's can offer the Ukrainian government a bid which is the standard manner in which such deals are made. There seems to be no reason why the Ukrainian government would refuse a reasonable bid. Hence, why does this issue have to be included in peace talks?
It is likely more convoluted than it sounds. Rights or rights promises have been assigned to private military groups, western interests, Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs and by the geographic contours of war. It can be sorted out though the poor Ukranian “Everyman” won’t profit from it. At least the killing could stop.
Once you get the irrelevant petulant children out of the way (Europe, Zelensky) of matters that are none of their business (NATO members' veto on adding new members, US troops serving as peacekeepers in Ukraine), the grown-ups (?!) can start talking. Europeans complained that NATO membership could have been given up at the negotiating table, yet we will never get to the negotiating table with such unreasonable pre-conditions.
I've been running on the assumption Trump wants a Nobel because Obama has one. Stupid, but I'll take it. Also a fallen Kiev regime might unearth some more Biden skeletons. Unfortunately limited to this theater and not elsewhere.
A few European leaders feel compelled to send 'peacekeepers' to Ukraine if and when the US pulls its troops and mercenaries out.
The Russians may publicly reveal discussions with private intermediaries aimed at those representative nations reclaiming parts of western Ukraine lost during WW II.
Europe should consider the advantages of significantly lower defense spending, higher unemployment, and societal collapse while enjoying everlasting peace with Russia.
I’m curious how many spooks were eavesdropping during that call.
Access to Ukraine's rare earth minerals, amounting to $500 billion per Trump's estimates, depends on Zelensky remaining president or his successor who possesses similar 'capitalistic' values.
I can envisage about 300 billion reasons plus interest why this exchange won't occur.