After meeting with President Trump at the White House, Jordan’s King Abdullah said that he reiterated Amman’s opposition to the displacement of Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank.
“I reiterated Jordan’s steadfast position against the displacement of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. This is the unified Arab position,” Abdullah wrote on X.
The Jordanian leader called for the reconstruction of Gaza without the expulsion of Palestinians. “Rebuilding Gaza without displacing the Palestinians and addressing the dire humanitarian situation should be the priority for all,” he said.

While speaking with reporters alongside Trump, Abdullah did not outright reject Trump’s plan for the US to “take over” Gaza and expel the Palestinians to Egypt and Jordan, which would mean ethnic cleansing.
When asked about Jordan’s opposition to the plan, Abdullah said, “Mr. President, we have to keep in mind that there is a plan from Egypt and the Arab countries. We’re being invited by [Saudi Crown Prince] Mohammed bin Salman to Riyadh to discussions in Riyadh. I think the point is how to make this work in a way that is good for everybody.”
After the meeting, Egypt announced that it would present a “comprehensive” proposal for the reconstruction of Gaza that would allow Palestinians to stay on their land and said it was ready to “cooperate with the US administration under President Donald Trump to reach a comprehensive and just peace in the region.”
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi was scheduled to visit Washington on February 18, but according to a report from Daily News Egypt, the trip has been postponed indefinitely due to Cairo’s opposition to Trump’s proposal.
Abdullah announced during the brief press conference with Trump that Jordan would take 2,000 Palestinian children from Gaza who have cancer or are in some other kind of “ill state,” a step Trump said that he appreciated. But Trump continued to push his plan for Gaza while sitting next to Abdullah and even said that he believes Gaza’s population will end up on a “parcel of land in Jordan” and a “parcel of land in Egypt.”
The president did say he was open to expelling the Palestinians to other countries besides Egypt and Jordan. When asked about his comments about buying Gaza, Trump said, “We’re going to take it. We’re going to hold it. We’re going to cherish it.”
The US provides Jordan with nearly $1.5 billion in aid each year under a seven-year deal signed in 2022. Trump has suggested he could cut off that aid if Jordan didn’t accept Palestinians, but said on Tuesday that he didn’t want to do that.
Look at the face of poor King Abdullah meeting with that orange ape! For the first time in my life I feel sorry for a king.
Trump should be very careful … Jordan and Egypt are NOT Iran that can handle US Maximum Pressure…! They could quit US and lean towards China and Russia…!
Trump's plan for ethnc cleansing is evil. But is it unethical?
Should innocent people being genocided be given a choice to stay or leave Gaza?
No country in the world except Yemen is standing up to Israel and the United States. The dirty truth is that the Palestinians in Gaza are trapped by the refusal of Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE and other Arab countries to admit Palestinian refugees. The internet is filled with crowd funding appeals from Palestinian families looking to pay thousands of dollars to human traffikers and corrupt officials to get out of Gaza. Meanwhile the Arab countries call for jihad against the Zionists, but won't let the refugees escape from the genocidal carnage.
Personally I want the Palestinians to get their land back and for the Zionists to be expelled from Palestine and punished for their crimes along with their enablers in the US government and corporate elite. But I have no right to force the Gazan people to stand alone to fight the genocidal murderers. If no one in the world is willing to stand up to Israel militarily, then the countries of the region and the world should open our borders to the people and families who want to leave Gaza.
Let the Rafah crossing be opened. I will support the Palestinians who choose to stay to fight for their land. But people who want to leave Gaza should be permitted to leave. F__k Trump! But we can't let the people of Gaza be crucified because we hate Zionist colonialism. We need to give them a choice.
Leaving Gaza is a bad choice. An evil choice. But for 76 years the world failed to stand up against Zionist settler colonialism and apartheid. For the last 16 months no one except the Houthis, has even tried. Open Rafah!
What?????? Trump is not the eagles swooping down to save the day, he is Sauron.
It wouldn't be unethical, if it wasn't the bastard Trump sending the money, weapons and cover to kill them. Of course the Arabs won't admit the Palestinian refugees because that is to give up to Israel that wants exactly that. However, beacuse it didn't happen voluntarily, Israel decided to ethnically cleans them.
The Arab states don't call for jihad. They are big traitors. It's the people who want the jihad. And they will ultimately get it. Someone did stand up to the Israeli genociders. It was the Palestinian resistance, Hezbollah and the Houthis.
All I am saying is let the Palestinians decide whether to stay and fight or leave.
Justice would be for Israel to be militarily defeated and the Zionists and their supporters to be punished. But those who refuse to take Palestinian refugees in are also guilty of permitting mass murder and deliberately trapping innocent Palestinians in a killing zone..
I am tired of the hypocrisy of people safe in the USA or Arabia or the EU calling on the Palestinians to resist when we don't have the courage or the will to resist the Zionists ourselves. Trump is an evil reflection of our own hypocrisy and cowardliness. If Palestinians given a free choice want to stay and resist the Zionist criminals, I will support them. But the Palestinians deserve a choice which their Arab neighbors have refused to give them.
This reminds me of the hypocrisy of the Europeans and Americans who opposed Hitler and supported the resistance to the Nazis, but refused entry to victims of the Holocaust during World War II. Let Israel's victims decide whether to stay and fight or to leave as refugees. Neither we nor the hypocritical Arab regimes have any right to trap the Palestinians in Gaza. If we can't or won't save the Palestinian nation, then let's save as many of the Palestinian people as we can.
I understand what you’re saying but leaving the land is another nakba that no honorable Palestinian can accept. Yes some will leave if they have the opportunity but not in Israel and Trump’s terms.
I would honor any Palestinian who chooses to stay and resist the genocidal monsters ravaging Gaza. But it is not dishonorable to leave a killing zone in a genocidal war to save yourself and your family. If Palestinians left Gaza it would be a victory for Trump and Netanyahu and the Zionist settlers.
I hate Trump. But hurting my enemy is not as important as helping his victims.
If Rafah is opened and some Palestinians choose exile over genocide, it will not end the struggle against Zionism or US imperialism. The US and Israel will still be guilty of genocide and must be stopped and punished. But it is also a crime against humanity to deny victims the opportunity to leave a war zone as refugees. Rafah should be opened. The Palestinians should have a choice..
Maybe the gazans deserve another choice than ethnic cleansing to death, but to where? Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon have already done WAY more than their share. Look up how many millions of Palestinians displaced by Israel they have already taken in. Welcome them to the US..?
"but to where" South Florida near Mar a Lago.
Trump's plan offers the Gazans a terrible choice between ethnic cleansing or genocidal slaughter. I wish there was a better option. But no one with the power to do so is militarily opposing the US and Israel except the Houthis. And it is Egyptians who are trapping the Gazans in the war zone by keeping the border sealed.
Under international law the Palestinians have the right to leave a war zone and any country they can get to, Egypt, Jordan or the USA is legally required to give them protected refugee status until it is safe for them to return.
"But it is also a crime against humanity to deny victims the opportunity to leave a war zone as refugees."
Who is committing that crime? Israel, for the past 18 years, aided by Egypt. Israel is ultimately responsible because it will not a guarantee Gaza a right of return.
So tell it to Israel, not the people here opposing Israel's multifaceted crimes against humanity!
It’s more complicated than you realize. Israel and the US are committing genocide. But the rest of the world is refusing to stand up to Israel. So the Palestinians are being slaughtered. The Arab state, particularly Egypt, are keeping the Gazans imprisoned in a killing zone. That is against international law.
We can bang on the drum and say that Israel and the US are to blame. And that is true. But no one is helping the Palestinians except the Houthi. And that is a lesser crime.
Trump’s plan would give the Gazans an evil choice between genocide and ethnic cleansing. Some Palestinians might prefer to live as refugees until Zionism is defeated rather than trying to survive in Gaza. They deserve the choice. I wish we could offer them a better choice.
Sorry, I think there’s quite a bit of bullshit involved in that hop skip and a jump to supporting Trump’s ethnic cleansing deal, and not much more.
You repeat yourself, in a very maudlin and superior fashion.
You don’t address the question of return.
You’re offering a lot less than you claim, sport.
The Palestinians deserve the right of return. But none of us in the peanut gallery can give it to them. The only two ways to stop the genocide is to either for the American people to stop the US government or for some country or coalition with a strong military stand up to Israel and the USA. Then there would be a third alternative for the Gazans. It is cowardly and hypocritical to force the Gazan people to fight for what you are not capable of or willing to fight for yourself. It is cowardly and hypocritical to expect Gazans to suffer genocide because none of us are willing to or strong enough to fight the Zionists. Right now the Gazans are being genocided. And they are being held captive in Gaza by Egypt, not Israel. Basic human decency demands that the Gazans be given the freedom to choose whether they want to become refugees risking permanent exile or to stay in Gaza risking ,martyrdom. We can’t tell them what to do. We can only do what we can to change our government and hope that some countries find the courage to stand up to the US and the Zionists.
“And they are being held captive in Gaza by Egypt, not Israel”
Quite the tell, Zionist.
” We can only do what we can to change our government and hope that some countries find the courage to stand up to the US and the Zionists.”
Nice try Zionist.
I have fought Zionism since before you were born. But the world has failed Palestine. What have you done for the Palestinians aside from sitting behind your keyboard posting your opinions? You don’t have the power to stop the Israeli genocide and the countries that have the power won’t do it. Palestinian civilians have the right to leave a war zone if they want. Rafah should be opened..
"I have fought Zionism since before you were born"
OK, little boy. Go play with yourself on your keyboard. Your spiteful insults are as immature as they are ineffectual.
You’re an emotionally manipulative creep.
The Rafah Gate isn’t really open until it swings both ways.
But the Palestinians should have the unconditional right to leave the war zone, if they want to. The Palestinians are enduring genocide. If a person or a family wants to leave the war zone, they should be allowed to do so.
I don’t disagree. What I object to is your arrogant, emotionally manipulative rhetoric, and your oversimplification of the issue of voluntary emigration from Gaza. which given the circumstances is an oxymoron.
Voluntary emigration from Gaza probably means permanent exile. An evil choice. But a choice Palestinians should be able to make.
Of course I would prefer if some powerful nations put together an expeditionary force to free Gaza or even put meaningful sanctions on Israel. But the world is ignoring the Gazan genocide. So if we can’t or won’t save the Palestinian nation, lets save as many of the Palestinian people as we can. Let the Palestinian families decide if they would rather risk permanent exile or potential martyrdom.
Your POV fits well with Netanyahu & Trump’s plan to ethnically cleanse Gaza.
Your POV fits well with what Lenin called “infantile disorder.”
Che Guevara said “a revolutionary is motivated by great feelings of love.” The real Joe Hill would have understood that. You seem consumed by anger and infantile delusions of payback. I doubt that you know any Palestinians. Am I wrong?
Not on my list.
Ending US aid to Israel is my priority.
The “infantile disorder” rhetoric was a rather low point for Lenin.
It doesn’t strike me as over-simplification, but rather as commentary on outsiders trying to decide for the Palestinians themselves.
If I understand him correctly, he’s 100% against the ethnic cleansing agenda, but considers it outrageous for those of us sitting outside of Palestine to decide for Palestinians whether it’s OK for them to throw up their hands, pack their things, and go where they’re being pushed to go, rather than sit there and continue being killed just so we can yell YEE-HAW FOR THE RESISTANCE.
Looking back to the Holocaust era, I don’t recall that anyone said European Jews shouldn’t have fled Germany, or the subsequently Nazi-occupied countries. Some did, some didn’t, some couldn’t, some fought bravely in e.g. the Warsaw ghetto. I don’t recall those who chose to, and were able to, get out being put down as immoral, etc.
“It doesn’t strike me as over-simplification, but rather as commentary on outsiders trying to decide for the Palestinians themselves.”
Who are these outsiders? They look like men of straw to me.
“considers it outrageous for those of us sitting outside of Palestine to decide for Palestinians whether it’s OK”
Who’s making such decisions? No one here that I can see. The rest of the paragraph is your parody of an opinion that no one expressed save skywalker himself.
Note that Sky intro’d his screed with a truly fq’d question, “Trump’s plan for ethnc cleansing is evil. But is it unethical?”
He then jumped right into castigating those who questioned his argument as people responsible for Palestinian deaths He drew equivalencies between Egyptian and Israeli culpability for deaths in Palestine.
I would also note that skywalker introduced this debate with the notion Trump’s “evil” plan might not be unethical.
One big problem with that argument is that Trump’s plan is not exclusively to allow voluntary emigration. It’s a one way ticket for evdery Gazan with no right of return. So excuse me if I give this guy’s twisted justification of ethnic cleansing anything but a heap of … scorn.
As to the Holocaust, some Jews said stay, others go.
The Nazis definitely said go, and who ended up being glad they missed that train.
Can’t help but say it reminds me of a Dead song:
Sometimes it’s hard to tell whether you’re stupid, or a bot spouting pre-programmed talking points without the flexibility to handle anything that colors outside those talking points’ lines.
Either way, it’s clear that you’re more interested in talking shit about the Zionists hiding under your bed than in engaging with fact and reality.
And you seem more interested in spewing bile.
Good For You! };-)>
I made my point.
Skywalker tries to create a debate based about the ethics of Trump’s ethnic cleansing plan based on the false premise that it’s a voluntary emigration.
It’s right there at the beginning of his comment.
What part of that are you disputing? That Sky made the statement, or that Trump’s plan is voluntary?
I’m disputing either your reading ability or your honesty. Still not sure which.
“I’m disputing either your reading ability or your honesty. ”
And doing a piss poor job of it.
Try some actual facts for a change, troll.
You first. I’ll wait. But I won’t hold my breath. So far all you’ve ever shown is “everyone but me is a Zionist.”
So far all you’ve ever shown is “everyone but me is a Zionist.”
That’s a mischaracterization based on one instance.
Every other time, the Zionists weren’t hiding who they were.
I got on the peace train back in the 70’s and have protested every US invasion since then, along with the Contra proxy war.
Opposition to US aid to Israel is my primary motivation.
The way I see it, I presented facts and quotes and you spew insults and BS meta analysis.
Facts and truth are very important to me and I disputed false rhetoric about the “ethics” and voluntary nature of Trump’s ethnic cleansing plan. I may have been a bit harsh };-)>
It was Israel , not Egypt, that destroyed the airport in Gaza. It was Israel, not Egypt, that has been blocking Gazans from sailing out of Gaza.
It is Egypt, not Israel that is refusing to let Palestinians leave the war zone through the Rafah crossing. Except for the Houthis the world has abandoned the Palestinians . It is wrong that the Palestinians may be forced to choose between genocide or exile. But they should have the right to make that choice instead of being forced to stay in a war zone when no country will stand up to Israel and the USA.
Your original statement was:
The part about the Gazans not be held captive by Israel was, to put it politely, inaccurate.
Now, you are trying to change the subject by spraying a cloud of fairy dust.
"It is cowardly and hypocritical to force the Gazan people to fight for what you are not capable of or willing to fight for yourself"
You devious little mole! Your accusations are bull. How the fq am I forcing Gazans to stay in Gaza.
Ultimately the primary culpability is Israel's. All your bull won't change that, you Zionist shill!
You sit behind your keyboard and expect another people to die for your beliefs. I supported the Palestinian resistance since before you were born. But the world has failed Palestine. It is inhuman not to let civilians leave a war zone. If they want to stay and fight the Zionists, I will support them. But they deserve a choice.
“You sit behind your keyboard and expect another people to die for your beliefs. ”
Bullshit. You’re a filthy liar and a MAGA Zionist shill.
GFY. liar.
Or you’re an idiot.
Perhaps there should be a betting market on which is more likely.
Good For You!
Exactly what do you do in the real world to help Palestine? Or is writing infantile insults the best you can do?
GFY creep.
Seriously, do you do anything to help the Palestinians? Here in our little Midwest town we hold a weekly vigil at the main intersection with our Palestinian flags and signs. We speak to the church groups and the evangelicals, even to the Trump supporters. We had a power point presentation on Palestine at the local historical society and performing arts center. We held several teach-ins on Hamas and the resistance. We raise funds for humanitarian aid and for legal defense of the students arrested at the pro-Palestine encampment at the local college. We have shown several movies and are raising money to buy books about Palestine for the local library. We joined our local Muslim community in phone banking against Kamala Harris. Do you do anything to support the liberation of Palestine? Honestly. Let us know.
“We joined our local Muslim community in phone banking against Kamala Harris.”
That makes you quite a jackass. I’m surprised you would admit to that, at this point.
YOU were supporting Trump then, and your supporting his GAZA plan now.
I voted for Cornell West. Most of the people I do Palestine solidarity work withvoted for Jill Stein. Do you know a single Palestinian with relatives in Gaza who voted for Kamala Harris? I don’t.
Phone banking against Harris was supporting MAGA.
I have no use for you and think it’s hilarious that you’re lecturing people on morality.
I repeat my question, do you know a single Palestinian with family in Gaza who voted for Harris?
Go interrogate someone else.
End all US aid to Israel!
Of course Rafah should be opened but not so the Palestinians can be ethnically cleansed. It should be open so they can travel, trade and purchase supplies and get treatment and build Gaza.
I doubt that any Gazan who leaves through Rafah will want to come back until it is safe. Unfortunately, the entire world has abandoned the Gazans. Trump’s plan offers them an evil choice between ethnic cleansing and genocide. The Gazan people should be allowed to choose.
It is cowardly to force Gazans to fight Israel when the nations that criticize Israel don’t have the courage to send an expeditionary force to protect the Palestinian people. Rafah should be opened and Gazans who want to leave should be permitted to do so.
100,000 left Gaza since the start of the current war.
So what, we're over 10 million in the vicinity. What's 100,000 in or out. Actually, the whole Palestinian community in the diaspora are really upbeat about making "Aliyah" (עֲלִיָּה) soon…. to Palestine though.
More sleezy Zio-speak.
Those refugees were forced from gaza by the most brutal military assault this century.
It makes 10/7 look like a tea party in comparison.
Arab states don’t admit Palestinians because of their history. They revolted against King Hussain of Jordan who slaughtered 10,000 of them in Black September. They destabilized Lebanon. They took Sadaam Hussein’s side when he invaded Kuwait. Two hundred thousand were then kicked out. And Sisi has his history with the Muslim Brotherhood so he has no interest in more Hamas. Arab countries may sound off about the Palestinian cause but they will not act, and for good reason
These regional tensions only existed because of the Zionist entity. The nation state concept was imposed on the region by the Western powers and the Zionists who weren't satisfied with their Judaism. Trans Jordan is not even a state but was created artificially to protect the Zionist entity. So of course they fought the PLO for trying to set up a base to liberate Palestine. Kuwait and the rest of the gulf sheikdoms are a joke (King, Amir, Sheikh, Sultan, LOL). Kuwait was province 19 of greater Iraq. However, Saddam was a two bit dictator who was retaliating for the Kuwaitis stealing Iraqi oil and flooding the market. The corrupt dictators of Egypt have a problem with everyone including secularists, democrats, etc. The MB would better for Egypt anyway. As for the Arab states, Palestinian freedom means their destruction. Once they are free all the Arabs in the region will be free so the governments fear that, including Israel and the West.
Adherents of Judaism are, and probably always have been, a minority among Zionists. Herzl was an atheist.So was Meir. Ben Gurion rejected personification of god and the Genesis account of creation. Orthodox Jews rejected the establishment of Israel as an act of attempt to order God around, and many still do (others have been bought off with state subsidies and privileges).
The biggest group of Zionists on the planet is probably to be found among American evangelical Christians.
Adherents of Judaism are, and probably always have been, a minority among Zionists. Herzl was an atheist.So was Meir. Ben Gurion rejected personification of god and the Genesis account of creation. Orthodox Jews rejected the establishment of Israel as an act of attempt to order God around, and many still do (others have been bought off with state subsidies and privileges).
The biggest group of Zionists on the planet is probably to be found among American evangelical Christians.
Christian Zionism has a long history going back to the Crusader states in the 11th to 13th centuries.
I am in agreement with that. Jews are not the enemy, its bad people regardless of who they are, where they come from or what their religion is.
“Jews are not the enemy” except that 90% of Jews are Zionists. Do you want to reconsider?
Highly unlikely that 90% of Jews are Zionists.
Presumably a Zionist would, given the opportunity, live in Israel.
All Jews are allowed to live in Israel, but fewer than half choose to do so.
I can't think of a single issue, even the existence of a deity, that 90% of the Jews that I've known agree on.
The Persian gulf monarchies and Sisi are terrified of their people and the Palestinians. Only 11% of the residents of the UAE and Qatar are citizens, The majority of Bahrain and Kuwait are also non-citizens The majority f people in these countries are foreign workers without rights. Even in KSA 42% of the residents are foreign expatriates. A majority of Jordanians are Palestinians who almost overthrew the monarchy in 1970.
Little known in the USA is that the majority of Kuwaitis were non-citizen foreign workers who cheered the Iraqi invaders as liberators in 1989.
"if it wasn't the bastard Trump" I take it that you are not one of the "Arabs for Trump" crowd. PS
Are you going to join the "jihad"?
LOL, I couldn't get myself to vote for Trump. Didn't matter much in my state. If I was casting the deciding vote, I would have voted for him to punish the dems He is good for us because he is open about his plans and the lines of what needs to be done are clearly drawn. That massively helps in mobilizing opposition in the Middle East.
PS: Tikkun Olam (תיקון עולם) = Jihad
I already have and I embrace it so you and the other fanatics among Muslims don't highjack this beautiful noble concept.
@knappster:disqus@disqus_qhuce9v5DO:disqus@nhmakingwaves:disqus@dieterheymann:disqus@disqus_aZu3iqqPrn:disqus@oded_samuel:disqus@dreamjoehill2:disqus@disqus_2I7BlFg7RQ:disqus@contrarianduck:disqus @
Tikun Olam means repair of the world
Jihad refers to the Muslim world.
Its to get you to understand that as you see Tikun Olam as something good, so too is jihad a noble endeavor. It comes from the Arabic root word j-h-d which means to exert effort or struggle. One exerts effort to control one's desires, one strives to be resilient in times of difficulty, one struggles against one's own self when it strays. And yes one exerts effort to be free from oppression, subjugation and tyranny by bearing arms and resisting. Its jihad that saved our cousins from Byzantine oppression and Crusader tyranny. Its jihad that will save Jews, Muslims and Christians from Zionist ethno-religious racism.
Join the jihad and we will repair the world together.
@knappster:disqus L. Knapp @disqus_qhuce9v5DO:disqus netman @nhmakingwaves @dieter @heymann @Skywalker @Odele @dreamjoehill2
@Bianca2 @Contrarian Duck
The Arabs countries don't want the Palestinians. They did not in 1948 and still don't today. If Trump wants to kick the Palestinians out of Gaza, than he should offer to bring them to United States. " But for 76 years the world failed" The Palestinians don't help matters with their attacking Israel civilians. How many Israelis died in bus bombings in Tel Aviv over the years?
"The Arabs countries don't want the Palestinians. They did not in 1948 and still don't today."
Hmm, there are 3.2 million Palestinians in Jordan.
630,000 in Syria. 402,000 in Lebanon.
Your lies really are filthy, Zionist.
I didn't say that Arab countries did not take in Palestinians, I said that they did not want them. There is a difference.
Nit picking can’t save your vile Zionist propaganda.
You did piss poor job of noting that difference.
How many Israelis died in bus bombings in Tel Aviv over the years?
Isreal has killed hundreds for every Israeli killed.
The world sees that Isreal is rued by sadistic torturers and mass murderers, child killers and child rapists.
And if those rapists are threatened with punishment, the Israeli filth riots.
So yeah, cry me a fqing river, Zionist.
Israel was born from terrorism…Why is that OK?
No Israel was not born from terrorism.
Why deny the actual history? The modern use of the word “terrorist” is from the Irgun and Stern Gang, who proudly labeled themselves such and engaged in many acts of terrorism leading up to the UK announcing it was abandoning the Palestine Mandate and kicking the matter to the UN, which authorized the existence of Israel (and later approved Israel’s UN membership contingent upon agreement to the authorization’s terms).
"ERR" wrong answer
Answer the question @disqus_lbkuZ0DrY6:disqus
The Zionists started killing Palestinian civilians in 1948 and they have not stopped ever since.
Israel is a fake country, created by the UK, US to get a foothold in the Middle East for control.
They used religion to accomplish that and it will fail in the end. Jews lived next to Palestinians and Christians in that area before the Wester colonizers and bullies entered the region.
It was not called "Israel" during biblical times. The Romans called it Palestine.
1) It started quite some time before 1948.
2) The UK sided with the Arabs in the 1948 war.
3) It was called both “Israel” and “Palestine” (and “Judea,” and other things) during biblical times.
2) The UK sided with the Arabs in the 1948 war.
They were responsible for the Balfour declaration. The Brits did not attack Israel, but they funded the Arab Legion in Jordan. They supposedly placed an embargo on weapons to both sides. Israel received weapons from the Soviet block while the Arabs received no arms and relied on what they had. The Brits sided with themselves and even that was bi polar. They screwed things up royally.
Yes, the UK issued the Balfour Declaration, then spend two decades backing slowly away from it and a third decade supporting Arab opposition to a Jewish state in Palestine. When it withdrew from its Palestine “Mandate,” it made damn sure it left all locations of military importance in Arab hands, and left British officers in command of the Arab Legion.
You’re correct that they screwed things up from beginning to end. But AT the end, they did their damnedest to prevent Israel from surviving.
"The Zionists started killing Palestinian civilians in 1948 and they have not stopped ever since" and vice versa. It was never one sided.
People being genocidED?
I think the genocidER (Israel) must stop genocidING, and US should stop genocidENABLING.
It is pure battle between good and evil. There are no innocents here, no matter how much wrapped up into “beaurltif” rethoric. The message? GenocidED people should just “love
It”? The history of Gaza is in the Egyptian Amarna letters, and their name never changed since. There is nore than battle for land here — it is a way to erase history and identity.
We will soon find out what the region is all about. Trump is to test.
I hate Trump. But hurting my enemy is not as important as helping his victims.
Genocided people will never "love it." But if no one will help the Palestinians, they should be free to decide whether to stay or leave.
I understand that leaving Gaza would be horrible for the Palestinians. But so would dying in Gaza. People should be able to choose between staying and fighting or leaving as refugees. We have no right to make that choice for them or to tell them what to do.
May be WE should put more energy into STOPPING those who STILL keep on pounding Gaza ruins and killing people. during so called cease-fire.
When Germany was ravaged after WWII , and few people had sympathy for them after what Hitler did, there were still some leaders left with brains. The American president rejected Morgentau plan that proposed destroying all German industries and seal mines — giving them just one option, agriculture. Many people lived in refugee camps, and Germany was rebuilt.
There is no reason whatsoever that people should move anywhere. Those that keep on killing people in Gaza need to be told in not so polite language to just stop.
Then open all access points to Gaza and create temporary housing, supply it with health care, supplies. Rebuild section by section, open basic commercual services, and let people return. And until all done.
And insure that border to Israel is sealed, and open Gaza to international commerce. They have something to trade, and the world will help them on their feet. Trump, with Arab countries can achieve that.
US will be on the horn of dillema. Can it be the guarantor of Israel’s security?
Israel however is not done genociding . I think it has West Bank in its sights. And may be part Lebanon. And part Syria. And part Egypt.
Even one day all those “beautiful” places Trump is sending Palestinians to.
Until Israel is forced to declare its borders — no solution can work.
"There is no reason whatsoever that people should move anywhere"
Open the Rafah crossing and let the people decide whether there is reason to stay or go.
Israel will keep on expanding and genociding until they get stopped the way the Allies stopped Hitler. Until someone with strength is willing to fight the Zionists, their victims in Gaza should have the right to leave a war zone. Especially a genocide zone. No one has a right to force the Gazan people to stay in a war zone. Especially people who cannot or choose not to confront the Zionists militarily.
" leaving as refugees" Where will they go?
Under international law refugees have the right to leave a war zone.Any country they go to is legally obligated to accept them and give them refugee status until it is safe to return.
Sisi is Uncle Sammy's lapdog.
Egypt shares blame with Israel, but Israel has earned the far larger portion.
We are experiencing Crusades 2.o. If history provides a lesson, it's that the corrupt Arab regimes must be overthrown,. A revolutionary movement to sweep away the corrupt puppets is step 1.
Saladin rising?
US out of the middle east!
Face it, Joe,
The world has failed Palestine. How many more Palestinians have to die before some other nation with power decides to stand up to Israel and the United States? Let's stop using the Palestinians as human shields for our own impotence and moral indignation. I support and honor the Palestinians who want to stay and fight the Zionists. But I respect the right of families who would prefer to be refugees rather than martyrs to choose survival over death by genocide. We have no right to demand that Palestinians die for our beliefs. Give them a choice. Open Rafah!
The world has failed Palestine.
No shit sherlock, but US/NATO are the worst offenders, doing far more than just "failing" Palestinians.
"We have no right to demand that Palestinians die for our beliefs." Who the fq is making that demand?
Your argument looks to me like a half-assed, back door attempt to spin Trump's ethnic cleaning plan into a humanitarian option.
Just as every cop is a criminal (whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo)
And all the sinners saints (whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo)
As heads is tails, just call me Lucifer (whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo)
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint (whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo)
"The world has failed Palestine" So typical. Palestinians attack Israel on Oct 7 and Palestinians expect the world to come to their rescue. They expect the world to stop Israel counter attack and then rebuild Gaza.
" They expect the world to stop Israel counter attack and then rebuild Gaza."
I'll settle for no more US aid to the Israeli war criminals.
The West is culpable for far more than not stopping Israel's genocidal support.
>We need to give them a choice.
Put a gun to your head and then give you a choice.
How generous…
A woman called Sophie had a choice like that in a movie };-)>
Uncle Sammy is a land thief.
Always has been one.
US out of the middle east!
Post WW2 Germany (Dresden!) proved that the reconstruction of massive bombing destruction can be done with the local population in place or nearby.
GAZA: make one half into a superbly run camp for all GAZAn's except those working for the reconstruction of the other half which must contain an encampment for those who want to eventually settle in the northern half. Then rebuild the northern half.
And, above all, do not let D. J. Trump have any say in GAZA's reconstruction.
The king has been dethroned by a fake king who looms larger than life over everyone and everything because the people created him.
Trump is the best showman and con artist on earth but many love the fire works and fools gold.
A Russian spokesman recently pointed out that a problem negotiating with the United States is that treaties can be, and frequently are, repudiated or simply ignored by the next resident of the Oval Office.