The Israeli military command overseeing operations in the occupied West Bank has expanded its “open fire orders,” leading to a surge in the killing of Palestinian civilians by IDF troops, Haaretz reported on Monday.
One of the orders allows Israeli troops to fire on unarmed Palestinians if they are “messing with the ground.” The claim is that this order is necessary to prevent explosives from being planted, but sources told Haaretz it has made soldiers “trigger happy.”
The other order allows Israeli troops to open fire on any vehicles approaching Israeli military checkpoints that are leaving combat zones to force them to stop. Since the combat zones are residential areas, this means the IDF can open fire on civilians trying to flee.
These orders led to the killing of a husband and his wife, Sundus Shalabi, who was eight months pregnant. Initial reports said Shalabi’s husband was “critically injured” by the Israeli military attack, but Haaretz said he was shot dead.
Sources told Haaretz that the husband was shot and killed while driving near Tulkarm, and Shalabi was shot dead after managing to get out of the car. According to an IDF investigation, Shalabi was shot because she “looked suspiciously at the ground.” No weapons or explosives were found in the car, which was carrying their two children. Palestinian officials said paramedics couldn’t attempt to save Shalabi’s unborn baby because IDF troops blocked the ambulance.

There have been many other incidents of civilian deaths in the Israeli military’s current operation in the West Bank, dubbed “Iron Wall,” which was launched on January 21. In one incident, IDF troops shot a two-year-old girl in the head while she was inside a house eating dinner with her family.
On Saturday, Saddam Hussein Iyad Rajab, a 7-year-old boy, died of wounds he sustained by Israeli gunfire 10 days earlier. The boy was shot over the claim that he was “messing with the ground.”
The Haaretz report also revealed the Israeli military has been using Palestinian civilians as human shields to check for explosives inside buildings, a practice that became common in Gaza.
The report said another Palestinian woman, 21-year-old Rahaf al-Ashkar, was killed on Sunday by an explosive charge placed at the entrance of her home that was placed by the IDF. The Israeli troops placed the explosive charge after they ordered anyone inside to leave over claims a “terrorist” was inside. The explosive was set off when al-Ashkar opened the door.
The Haaretz report said that after the explosion, the Isralei soldiers “selected at random a resident of the refugee camp to check the scene and make sure that no other explosive charge had been placed that the soldiers were unaware of.”
Nazis. There, I said it. Worse than, even.
We’re at least told the Germans did this sort of thing.
It's a shame that the good name of an entire people that has contributed so much to humankind is now irreparably tarnished by a small bunch of – exactly as you called them – Nazis. "Victims of the holocaust, perpetrators of a genocide" what a way to go down in history.
I don’t equate Zionism with Judaism.
I sympathize with your viewpoint, but to the extent that Israel purports to be a democracy, and to the extent that the current voting population of Israel continues to support – and in many cases cheers – a government whose official position is the pursuit of ethnic cleansing, I would submit that a sizeable percentage of the citizens of Israel are functionally indistinguishable from Zionists.
They are Zionists.
It's not a democracy, it's much closer to a theocracy.
Nope. Ethnosupremacy apartheid state.
Such information is only good in the hands of trustworthy, ethical and just people. Otherwise, it will be abused by racists and ignorant people.
I'm perfectly willing to believe that the majority of Jews are not genocidal Nazi maniacs. I'm certainly intelligent enough not to pain everybody with the same brush, especially when it's my own Jewish friends who convinced me that the state of Israel should not exist.
But it remains a fact that this supposedly non-genocidal Jewish majority has not exactly been active in stopping the genocidal minority. Worse, as RBE pointed out, in Israel the genocidal maniacs are the majority; they did not ask themselves why October 7 happened, they are just baying for Palestinian blood.
Or just intellectual laziness and plain stupidity.
That goes with ubiquitous indoctrination and propaganda.
Propaganda & co@propandco
With Israelis, there is a belief of supremacy
Aaron Mate
One more:
“Arabs are inferior to us. That’s why we kick Palestinians and slap them. We train dogs so they will bite them strongly and tightly. That’s why we shoot them. They’re nothing”
-Tel-Aviv school principal, literally teaching kids to hate.
Levy’s Three Factors
What does it take for one group of people to justify the pain and suffering of another group of people?
Several years ago, journalist Gideon Levy, who writes for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz as a trenchant critic of the occupation, argued that three factors are at play: chosenness, victimhood and dehumanization.
“Most Israelis believe deeply that we are the chosen people,” said Levy, “and we have the right to do whatever we want.”…
Resolution and Mediation at Tel Aviv University, a staggering 80 percent of Israeli Jews say their people’s suffering is unique in human history; 84 percent believe their victimization is worse than all other people that have suffered from persecution and injustice; and perhaps most troubling, 63 percent believe their victimhood grants them the moral entitlement to take any action in order to survive.
Just getting started under the new administration, which policy is the same as the old administration.
Yes, the same. Just more bellicose about it.
"If the two parties are so diametrically opposite why do US policies stay the same no matter who is in charge?"
– Caitlin Johnstone
One example is oil, which is the glue that binds both parties together.
I want it all, I want it all , and I want it now.
And I don't care how many people I need to kill to get it.
I am confused as to exactly why some people are uncomfortable about dismantling the Zionist entity? Yes the Palestinians will continue to be murdered in the name of Zionism, Western Liberalism and Christian Zionism. However, the ultimate losers will be the Israelis who will die or end up leaving and American interests in the Middle East that will fall like a house of cards. The when is not important to me as to the fact it will happen only because Israel, the US and Christian Zionists made the choice to oppress. The result is blowback.
The Resistance would continue until there is Nothing to Resist…!
I don’t know if what I wrote will go through. It likely will. Regardless, many of the nationalist movements in both the US and Europe must be Zionist.
It gives the impression that they are allowed to exist only if they support Israel, that their true purpose is as a construct for Israel.
People at this site seem to believe people can just be good and win. Real nationalists, at the most radical level anyway, are powerless and not Zionist. But the ones allowed into power nearly all support Israel.
I am not also talking about power to the people or even rule of the majority. I am saying those who do rule over us owe us honesty, justice, safety and a dignified life (not rich just dignified). Just like the bad people work tirelessly for their power and greed, good people need to double down on justice and morality. Let's see who is stronger.
Sins like this cannot be forgiven.
They won't be. The American Empire is on its last leg, one day soon Israel will be alone and facing the wrath of the whole world.
Sources told Haaretz that the husband was shot and killed while driving near Tulkarm, and Shalabi was shot dead after managing to get out of the car. According to an IDF investigation, Shalabi was shot because she “looked suspiciously at the ground.” No weapons or explosives were found in the car, which was carrying their two children. Palestinian officials said paramedics couldn’t attempt to save Shalabi’s unborn baby because IDF troops blocked the ambulance.
If this doesn't piss you off, nothing will. There is no fucking god.
"Peace through strength" means going on a slaughtering rampage where no one is spared if they just look the wrong way the Zionist/US empire does not approve of.
When the abyss
looks at you
what does it see?
shades of grey hypocrisy
clichés and window dressing
doing the same ol thing
divergent names
different faces
even the place is not the same
but its the same ol evil
you know it
i know it
we cant seem to stop it
again again again
The victim wears a chosen mantra
justifies all the crimes
based on free pass from yesterday
as mowing the grass
in somebodies else grass
the abyss
the abyss
its all of us
this quagmire
mental institution
run by sociopaths
worked by psychopaths
its all good
the abyss is mighty pleased
insanity on repeat is not an upgrade
AI will see to that
right round the corner
Serious question: is there actually a point to protesting the grotesque behavior of these vermin?
I know that in my own mind the only cure for the leadership we are offered in the present day was used not so long ago (historically speaking) at the Place de la Concorde. The star of that show, Marie Antoinette, got so wrapped up in the sheer fun of ruling the peons, she lost her head.
Yes, even protest. Never belittle the urge to to good. If someone sees a vice they should change it with their hands, if they can't then with their tongue, and if they can't then at least hate it with your heart. That is the least one can do.
Yes, even protest. Never belittle the urge to to good. If someone sees a vice they should change it with their hands, if they can't then with their tongue, and if they can't then at least hate it with your heart. That is the least one can do.
Serious question: is there actually a point to protesting the grotesque behavior of these vermin?
I know that in my own mind the only cure for the leadership we are offered in the present day was used not so long ago (historically speaking) at the Place de la Concorde. The star of that show, Marie Antoinette, got so wrapped up in the sheer fun of ruling the peons, she lost her head.
The Zionists are the most Coward in the World…!
I don't know about that, American conservatives may be worse. We spend more on our military than the next ten countries combined, eight of them our allies, and they're still terrified of the boogie man under the bed.
Cowards do not fear the consequences but afraid’s do…!