On Sunday, President Trump continued to push his idea for a US takeover of the Gaza Strip, saying he was “committed” to owning the Palestinian territory.
“I’m committed to buying and owning Gaza. As far as us rebuilding it, we may give it to other states in the Middle East to build sections of it,” Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One.
The president said it would be a “big mistake” to allow Palestinians to return to Gaza once they’re removed despite the White House previously walking back his call for the “permanent” expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza, which means ethnic cleansing would be required for his plan.
“It’s a big mistake to allow the Palestinians or the people to be living in Gaza to go back yet another time. We don’t want Hamas going back, think of it as a big real estate site,” Trump said.
He again called Gaza a “demolition site” and said the “remainder will be demolished. You can’t live in those buildings right now. We’ll make into a good site for future development by … somebody.”
Trump also claimed that the “only reason they’re talking about returning to Gaza is because they don’t have an alternative. When they have one, they won’t want to return.”
The president has continued to double down on his plan to take over Gaza despite strong opposition from regional Arab states and the Palestinians who live there. Trump said he planned to meet with “all” Arab leaders and will be hosting Jordan’s King Abdullah in Washington this Tuesday.
A new poll from CBS News/YouGov found there is very little support among Americans for Trump’s plan to take Gaza. The poll found only 13% of respondents thought it was a “good idea,” while 47% thought it was a “bad idea,” and 40% said they were “unsure” or that it “depends.”
When Trump first announced his plan last week, the assumption was that taking over Gaza would require US troops to be deployed, and the president didn’t rule it out. After some backlash, the president later claimed that under his plan, Israel would hand Gaza to the US after the “conclusion of the fighting,” a sign that Trump expects Israel’s genocidal war to be restarted.
On Saturday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Trump “never said he wants American troops to do the job. Guess what? We’ll do the job.”
Trump also signaled Israel could restart its bombing campaign in Gaza in his remarks to reporters on Air Force One. The president said the three Israeli hostages released by Hamas on Saturday looked like “holocaust survivors.”
“I don’t know how much longer we can take that when I watch that. I know we have a deal where they’re supposed to dribble in and keep dribble in, but they are in really bad shape. Even the ones that came out early were in a bit better shape, but mentally they were treated so badly. Who could take that? At some point we’re gonna lose our patience,” he said.
Many Palestinians freed from Israeli prisons under the ceasefire deal have also shown signs of starvation and torture. Israeli troops have also continued to violate the ceasefire in Gaza, killing four Palestinians on Sunday alone.
"A new poll shows only 13% of Americans think Trump's proposal to take over Gaza is a 'good idea.'" That's because Bibi didn't ask for it. If he asked, we would think it's a great idea.
I certainly am not part of any "we"you refer to.
Any idea which blocks zionist control of Gaza has some merit.
Not keen on sarcasm I see.
Is President Trump provoking a new Middle East war like the ones in 1967 and 1973?
Are you attempting to give us reading assignments? No sale.
If you cannot offer thoughts, we do not want it.
Oh sure, blah blah blah, Trump is the first one taking a lead in starting negotiations, and you call that provoking war? That is classic reversal or inversion.
“Starting negotiations”?! He’s taking over Gaza for Israel. Like everything he’s ever done regarding the ME, it’s whatever Israel wants. How can you possibly be this myopic?
I didn't write this article but as a reader I read the ramblings of a madman.
Trump is stark raving mad.
If something is mad, it is your stark raving mad posts. How about some actual discussion, instead of childish invective?
You should go first. You only write fascists propaganda.
As a staunch defender of all things Trump, why don’t you start off by telling us how ethnically cleansing Gaza, despite harsh opposition from all the states in the region, minus one, furthers US interests and represents anything more Trump selling the Presidency to Zionists. Then you can explain why you would possibly believe that Gaza will be occupied by anyone but Israeli Jews going forward.
nero is not mad, he's insane,narcissistic, sociopathic, petulant as a 5 year boy( which of course he claims is all he is) and its Universe 25 so enjoy the time we have left….
Let him pay out of his own pocket.
D. Trump is a real estate mogul who cannot resist a good business opportunity. Now his 'craze du jour' is tho say that he is "committed" to owning the Palestinian territory. One cannot expect less from a would-be emperor of the world! George W. has also said that “God asked him to invade Iraq“, in 2003. I suppose he was also “committed“!
How come that suddenly there are so many nut cases running for the presidency?
Regardless of what anyone says or plans, any action dealing with the future of Gaza runs through Hamas and its many Middle East supporters! Do not the Palestinians also have a "right to self-defense" after 70 plus years of human rights violations by Israel and its enablers?
Hamas are the Palestinian children fighting and dying for their and their siblings Human Rights. They have no proxies to fight for them against two nuclear powers killing them while living in tents with 2000 pound bombs paid for by us, the tax payers.
The brutal, sadistic genocide of the people seeks an equal in human history.
Bush didn't say that. He said God told him, "Get the Palestinians a state." Of course, he also said "facts on the ground."
“I’m committed to buying and owning Gaza.
signed convicted felon, treasonist nero the anti christ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dd3d7d298250468dc98f0d14444be0e8fd88670a3a089786d007efd713dcfd5f.jpg insurrectionist
That is cheap communist propaganda, all you are capable of.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/57a76f0ca4ad9b2fbd2f7b8c12f2d3e32dc3cf27b569bccdd2b6fbbfec837e0b.jpg This is video
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/02da188fd4348aad8d52b1061aaa98a7fb5e6b2e7e391a5c0341b3f693d1ddde.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d47931ca8bc455546d925547af4ef104afe90d951f228ea616a90e4fb7e666d5.png
And, the Dem. hypocrisy is just as bad. https://caityjohnstone.medium.com/as-the-gaza-agenda-moves-forward-the-imperial-narrative-shifts-with-it-35bc2ec3fe5d
It's a two handed puppet show for the credulous American people. There's one party, the war and imperial party controlled by the oligarchs, Plutocrats and Zionists.
Thanks for the reminder.
He's literally the poster boy for Universe 25..spiced up with a bit of 1984/Idiocracy…
Saddest part?
All of us at the very end will be CH at the end of Planet of the Apes…Seriously, we will…
Just more corruption. This time from the Rep. faction. It's a two handed puppet show for the gullible American people.
That is the truth in a nutshell.
That is why we need the arts taught in school helping children/adults to understand real life.
Hope you realize all of Trumps decrees will be tied up in the courts for years. There will be no change, the Dem. appointed judges won't allow it. The beast called the Federal Government is too big to reform.
All the zionists want from us is billions in military aid and praise. They want full control of Gaza.
I like the idea of Trump taking over Gaza. That will keep the zionist abuses under control. The Palestinians would have a nicer and safer place to live. The zionists do not want prosperous Palestinians, they want attacks so they can seize land.
Israel stood down on 10/7/23.
Well you are right and I agree with you on that except of Trump taking over Gaza. Trump is not the genius you and MAGA make him out to be. he is a good con artist adn want to be emperor of the world.
The Zionists do have a record and it is not what you think it is.
Are you are on drugs?
The Palestinians would have a nicer and safer place to live.
And WHERE is that going to be?
Trump: “only reason they’re talking about returning to Gaza is because they don’t have an alternative. When they have one, they won’t want to return.”
"And WHERE is that going to be" Should be in South Florida. Trump can donate Mar-a-Lago lands to get them started.
Yeah, that would be so cool; send people who were bombed and slaughtered to the country who enabled Israel to commit the atrocities. How would you feel if it happened to you?
The Palestinian people want to go HOME, that is all they want, is that too much to ask for?
Can't go home Trump just said so. https://www.counterpunch.org/2016/01/11/jimmy-carters-blood-drenched-legacy-2/
You actually believe Gaza will have Palestinians in it when this is over, if Trump (Israel) gets its way? Fascinating how gullible some people are. Trust me, I’d love to be wrong on this.
Probably only (mostly) domestic servants and such.
Palestinians belong to Palestine. If they are to leave Gaza it's only to return to "Israel", from where they were expelled at gunpoint by European invaders.
Trump just said no return to Gaza for all those surviving people. https://www.counterpunch.org/2016/01/11/jimmy-carters-blood-drenched-legacy-2/
Looks like it is time for Trump's press secretary to come out and translate what he said or did not say again like she did last time. after all the majority of Americans are not going to watch the entire Brett Bair interview.
Many on Trump's side are still believing he is playing 4D or 5D chess while the Dems are playing checkers. Even Scott Ritter is n the chess playing side now.
Trump is nuts. While he is running around with these crazy international expansion ideas, Musk is running the government.
Musk is part of the presidency, maybe more so than the felon who was elected for the job.
The only good part of a boring stupid bowl:
Asia Times
Trump’s Gaza takeover all about natural gas
Move could open way to sell Gaza gas to Europe, locking Russia out of the continent’s energy matrix for a generation
US President Donald Trump has said America “will take over” the Gaza Strip, while the Palestinians who live there should be relocated to Jordan or Egypt.
One of the most crucial yet overlooked reasons behind this decision is energy. Both Israel and Gaza have massive offshore natural gas reserves. Developing these resources could help fund Gaza’s reconstruction.
offshore gas fields – image
Meh, there are natural gas reserves at play but they are relatively small, the real deal is in Russia and Algeria and it doesn't seem like they will be targeted anymore than already happened. In fact Trump's friend Meloni is buying gas from Algeria to replace the blocked Russian gas.
It's never so simple: the real issue is geostrategic: control of the wider Middle East region (which has many oil and gas resources but is also a key trade route, which may be as important). Right now the frontline seems to be in Lebanon primarily, Gaza remains untouchable while Yemen remains proud and defiant and say that they have their finger on the trigger.
Trump would share nothing, he wants it all. He is an egomaniac dictator on the lose.
It's all about giving Israel everything they want because the Xtian Zionists (both Trump and Biden are Zionists) believe God will bless America if they do, like He did on 911.
It's every day more clear that Trumpism is "back to the past". He and his sidekick Musk are trying to revive South African Apartheid even! Their arrogance is so extreme and extremist that it can only backfire very badly.
That won't happen but there is hatred against the white farmers who feed SA. If they do kick them out like in Zimbabwe, both countries won't be able to feed themselves. Zimbabwe relies on foreign aid to eat. Thank you Jimmy Carter and Robert Mugabe. READ THIS: https://www.counterpunch.org/2016/01/11/jimmy-carters-blood-drenched-legacy-2/
Did you watch the video? There’s a white guy, a rich one living at a mansion, saying that it’s just very moderate land redistribution and that Musk should shut up, that most white South Africans understand the issue better and that, with lesser variant opinions on the details, they agree that land reform is necessary to mend the historical wounds.
Of course I’m rather pro-Malema and a more radical land reform or even total collectivization but regardless, even the white landowners (not “farmers”, farmer to me is someone who works his or her own land, not someone who exploits workers at a medieval-style latifund: real farmers are never rich, nor live in mansions) are OK with it because they realize that some steam must be let off before the cauldron blows up (those Economic Freedom Fighters are quite revolutionary and just fell short of an electoral victory).
Don’t believe everything you hear about Zimbabwe anyhow. Nobody misses Rhodesia, really.
First it was austria, then the Sudetenland, then…before you know it. Didnt some other german do something very much like this before?
The gulf is wide, is it not kiddies?
The other German would be insulted.
That other German is both Wash. and Zionist role model. 'You will become who you hate the most.' –Unknown
This is the greater Israel project first instituted by Jimmy Carter and Begin. The plan is to eventually have Israel control the oil in the region, so God will bless America, like He did on 911.
Well, thats 2 faces https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2a12f45612e7465ba3dc115b73d9ef883e11c33fbd2589b2b45b82092e6024ad.jpg
When the voice you should hear
when crime is all around
maybe then
to the folks
War crimes by war criminals layered by crimes against humanity who own the game,isnt this just peachy!
Dont say mafia
say syndicate or cartel…
Calling it Mafia is insulting the real Mafia people like the Sopranos, they have never done what Israeli/US Zionists are doing, executing the most brutal genocide in human history.
There's no such thing as the 'Mafia.' That word is a misnomer and derived from 'Mafioso' which is Italian for 'man of respect.' It's really called 'La Cosa Nostra', Italian for 'our thing.'
Calling it one thing rather than another doesn’t mean there’s “no such thing.”
If you really want to get into semantics and all the axioms, I'm the one to argue with. The state has gone full blown 'newspeak' with all the new woke definitions defying axioms. Hayakawa and Wittgenstein are good reads on those subjects.
If you want to go with a agreed upon misnomer, that's your right. 'Mafia' is really slang. And, I heard what I wrote above from a real Mafioso.
I like slang, it gives character to the language.
"The word mafia originated in Sicily. The Sicilian noun mafiusu (in Italian: mafioso) roughly translates to mean "swagger", but can also be translated as "boldness, bravado"."
If you believe the Sopranos actually exist, that explains a lot.
The fictional Sopranos crew, and the fictional Lupertazzi family it was affiliated, were loosely — VERY loosely — based on the Boiardo crew and the DeCavalcante and Genovese families.
Thomas, I know literature too, literature borrows from real life, that is why Shakespeare is still current, people still use the toilet the same way they did when he lived centuries ago.
That is what makes them classics.
I delivered food for thought.
Writers have privileges' they can collect attributes from different people and put them into one person at any time in history they see fit.
Yes, you did.
I’m currently on a Sopranos binge with my wife (I’ve previously watched the series, she hadn’t). We’re in season 5 at the moment.
I went to school with the daughter of, and later worked on building a house for, an associate of the real life Civella crime family (Kansas City). He had been indicted for a murder in KC, but got off, and moved to my home area of southern Missouri to buy and boss a propane company (I’mg uessing for money laundering purposes, but I don’t know). He bought all the other suppliers in town out, except one who refused to sell and was tragically killed in an entirely accidental gas truck explosion.
At one point, he got tired of police hassles, so he cut some land out of his ranch (Empire Ranch) , moved 20 or 30 of his employees into trailers on it, and founded a town called Twin Bridges with its own police force that answered to him. That town has since changed its name to Evergreen. He had another ranch in Texas near the Mexican border, and often flew down there and back on his private jet (an officer in my Marine Corps reserve unit was his pilot for a while). Wonder why?
His daughter was a sweet gal; he was pleasant enough when I met him, although his security detail was rather jumpy and very heavily armed — I had a work-related encounter with them once, M-16s and all). Last time I ran into her, she was a very respected veterinarian. He died some time back. The football stadium at Missouri State University is named for him (he donated millions for its renovation).
I watched the Sopranos a few years ago, fascinating and so realistic, you can't just make that up. The series has that sense of real life, like so many of the great movies. Food for thought is what good books do to us.
Your personal experience brought you closer to the Sopranos than you would have thought possible.
He must have some agreement with BlackRock and his son-in-law. Did they make sure he signed on the bottom line?
US paid for the destruction.
US will pay for the reconstruction.
US will then sell it to Israel in return for money that US will have provided.
US will reap the hatred of the ME and the wider World.
But that is how hostile takeovers work to be very profitable, Blackrock is the best private equity investor, they are set and ready to go.
Trump says no right of return for Palestinians in Gaza under his plan for US ‘ownership’ https://apnews.com/article/trump-gaza-jordan-egypt-fox-palestinians-be4c67e124f7b8c7d5ad95231fc625a8
He is a lousy president but a great con-artist and business man. He expects to make money and BlackRock knows how to do it they know how to handle hostile takeovers. As far as we know they are heavily invested in Ukraine too. Politics and business go well together.
The republic form of gov. is a symbiosis of money/power, gov./business with each exchanging what the other needs for more wealth and power, which is the driving force to consolidate all power under one committee/person to keep the process intact as the hoi polloi continue to finance, with their wages, that process. And, lobbying is the means in the process to finance elections, and then when elected the representatives pay back the donors with tax payer money. It's a cycle of corruption which the SCOTUS gave its blessing with the Citizens United ruling.
Autocrats and neoliberal economics go well together, the way to real dictatorship, we are almost there. The oligarchs already own the government, nationalism will sweeten the cake.
This will happen soon after Canada becomes the 51st state (and floods Congress with liberal politicians). In other words, never.
The president said the three Israeli hostages released by Hamas on Saturday looked like “holocaust survivors.”
“I don’t know how much longer we can take that when I watch that. I know we have a deal where they’re supposed to dribble in and keep dribble in, but they are in really bad shape. Even the ones that came out early were in a bit better shape, but mentally they were treated so badly. Who could take that? At some point we’re gonna lose our patience,” he said.
Wow, thank goodness no one has "lost their patience" thus far. I guess there is something worse than a "demolition site" in the Don's warped mind. And those still under the rubble would give anything to be able to look like those "holocaust survivors". But there are only thousands upon thousands of them as compared to 3 Israeli's so I can see how the Don was so upset (/s).
He obviously hasn’t taken a look at Palestinian hostages who were starved, tortured and raped.
Nor did he acknowledge that Israel itself was denying food to Gaza where Israeli hostages were held. He expected Hamas to make a feast for them out of bombs?
They were in a sense but the Holocausters were the Israelies and the Yankees.
We do have a felon president who governs with Executive Orders and the richest man as co-president.
Two authoritarians, money, militarism, politics and nationalism combined is fascism.
We already have fascism, democracy was flushed down the toilet.
We have no leading public figures to call it what it is.
Musk has declared there is no Dep. of Education. That does suit the fascists in DC.
And, we thought things couldn't possibly get worse after Biden/Harris.
I did, but I never guessed how much worse.
He again called Gaza a “demolition site” and said the “remainder will be demolished. You can’t live in those buildings right now. We’ll make into a good site for future development by … somebody.”
So our bombs, via Israeli jets, will demolish the remainder standing buildings in Gaza making it inhabitable for the Palestinians to live there…! So that's the reason they should move to…. We don't know where yet…!