Saudi Arabia has rebuked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s suggestion that Saudi land could be used for the establishment of a Palestinian state.
In a recent interview, Netanyahu suggested the Saudis could create a Palestinian state, saying they have “a lot of land over there.”
The Saudi Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Saturday that Riyadh “stresses its categorical rejection to such statements that aim to divert attention from the continuous crimes committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian brothers in Gaza, including the ethnic cleansing they are subjected to.”
The ministry said that the Kingdom “affirms that the Palestinian people have a right to their land, and they are not intruders or immigrants to it who can be expelled whenever the brutal Israeli occupation wishes.”
Saudi Arabia has also strongly rejected President Trump’s calls for the US to “take over” Gaza and his claim that it would normalize relations with Israel without the establishment of a Palestinian state. In its statement rejecting Netanyahu’s comments, the Saudi Foreign Ministry reiterated its support for a two-state solution.
The ministry also thanked “brotherly countries” for condemning Netanyahu’s suggestion since it received widespread denunciation from other Arab states.
The Egyptian Foreign Ministry said that it “condemns in the strongest terms the irresponsible and totally rejected statements issued by the Israeli side, which incite against Saudi Arabia…in direct violation of Saudi sovereignty and a flagrant violation of the rules of international law and the Charter of the United Nations.”
According to Israeli media, the Israeli military has “serious doubts” about the feasibility of Trump’s plans for Gaza since Palestinians don’t want to leave despite the mass destruction and due to the strong opposition of the regional Arab states.
I sometimes wonder what process the manure pile that serves as the brains of the Rump Sadministration uses to come up with these idiot decisions. Do the maggots all pool their minuscule ganglions attempting to construct something approximating a brain? Or do they just push out the nastiest most rotten piece of offal even they reject and call it a "plan"?
It's a mystery.
I do not need to wonder what you used to come up with that nonsensical post. It's a bunch of junk adolescent gibberish.
Firstly, what is this imaginary decision Trump made? Is it in your fairy tales? Who reads your junk post and thinks it came from intelligence?
One would think that, if there's to be a Palestinian state, it should probably be located somewhere historically called Palestine …?
There already is a Palestinian state, and it is indeed located in Palestine.
Well, there is an entity called Palestinian state, but it does not control its borders or do most other things a "state" does. If it doesn't paddle and dabble and quack, is it a duck just because it calls itself a duck?
I suppose it’s POSSIBLE that there’s a state SOMEWHERE that controls its borders, but offhand I can’t think of one.
Professor Jeffery Sachs:–IicGif
It’s not just Netanyahu.
Well spoken but what about DOING something?
Bibi is as insane as Donny.
Your post indicates shallowness and instability.
We see you were unable to comment on the subject.
How many “we” alters does your multiple personality disorder manifest as?
It is colossal arrogance, for the zionists to expect other nations to take the refugees they created. No nation should accept them, other than for temporary humanitarian housing.
There must be a Palestinian state. I am not a leftist. All people deserve a state.
There is a problem though, the place is mostly not livable now.
The leveling of Gaza was done under -BIDEN.
I’m sick of their “brotherly” convictions that they don’t lift a finger to do anything about. They don’t really give a shit about Palestinians, they are only bloviating so that the people below don’t have an uprising.
"For most of them, they never really knew much about the Palestinian issue. And so they’re being introduced to it for the first time through this conflict. It’s a huge problem. Do I care personally about the Palestinian issue? I don’t, but my people do, so I need to make sure this is meaningful,"MBS is reported to have said.
Trump should really STFU…!
Arab regimes either pay lip service, are indifferent or mostly conspire against a Palestinian state. The worst offenders are the UAE, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Egypt and Jordan are on very thin ice. The other two keep their populations at bay with money. Even that will not save them if this situation continues to deteriorate.