The Trump administration on Thursday imposed new sanctions meant to target Iranian oil shipments to China, which came after the president signed an executive order to reinstate the so-called “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran of his previous administration.
President Biden essentially continued the Iran policies of the first Trump administration and even added sanctions on Iran. But during that time, Iran found oil markets in Asia that weren’t afraid of US sanctions, and it’s unclear if the new Trump sanctions will have any real impact.
According to AP, the new sanctions target a “network” of more than a dozen people and firms in China, India, and the UAE. The targets include Iranian and Indian citizens, crew management companies, and a series of ships.
The Treasury Department accused the network of “facilitating the shipment of millions of barrels of Iranian crude oil worth hundreds of millions of dollars.”
When President Trump signed his order to reimpose maximum pressure, he claimed that he was “unhappy” to do it and hoped to reach a deal with Iran soon. But there’s no sign yet that his administration is attempting diplomacy with Iran.
The Iranian government, which has made clear it’s willing to talk with the Trump administration, said that maximum pressure will fail again. “I believe that maximum pressure is a failed experiment and trying it again will turn into another failure,” said Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi.
Iran has said it would be easy to resolve the nuclear issue with the US since it doesn’t seek nuclear weapons. Trump himself even acknowledged while signing his order that Iranian leadership doesn’t seek a bomb despite the constant hype from the US and Israel about Iran’s alleged nuclear ambitions.
Considering the damage that King Musk is doing to the intelligence community, Iran will get around these sanctions. That will not make the Queen Trump happy.
Are those like sanctions?
Ops. Thanks for pointing out my slip of the fingers. Sometimes, I type too fast.
I'd feel safer with Iran having nuclear weapons than I do with Israel's who stole US uranium secretly building their their nuclear bombs. Remember the Liberty.
That is just nuts. The Liberty was a friendly fire incident. Iran firing 20 missiles into a US air base was intentional. Iran holding 53 Americans in 1979 was intentional.
Iran held 53 Americans hostage for over a year; the US committed Iran's entire population to 20+ years of one of the most repressive, brutal and barbarously cruel governments on the planet with the Shah & SAVAK – SAVAK: the agency a 2010 US FOIA disclosed the CIA and Mossad helped form and train.
But the point is still valid. Iran deliberately held our hostages, the Liberty was a friendly fire incident.
Like I said, just stop!
Once more. Maybe you'll read it this time:
Dean Rusk, U.S. Secretary of State at the time of the incident, wrote: I was never satisfied with the Israeli explanation. Their sustained attack to disable and sink Liberty precluded an assault by accident or some trigger-happy local commander. Through diplomatic channels we refused to accept their explanations.β
βAt the time of the attack, the U.S.S Liberty was flying the American flag and its identification was clearly indicated in large white letters and numerals on its hull. It was broad daylight and the weather conditions were excellent. Experience demonstrates that both the flag and the identification number of the vessel were readily visible from the air. At 1450 hours local time3 on June 8, 1967, two Israeli aircraft circled the U.S.S.Liberty three times, with the evident purpose of identifying the vessel. Accordingly there is every reason to believe that the U.S.S Liberty was identified, or at least her nationality determined, by Israeli aircraft approximately one hour before the attack. In these circumstances, the later military attack by Israeli aircraft on the U.S.S.Liberty is quite literally incomprehensible. As a minimum, the attack must be condemned as an act of military recklessness reflecting wanton disregard for human life.
The subsequent attack by Israeli torpedo boats, substantially after the vessel was or should have been identified by Israeli military forces, manifests the same reckless disregard for human life. The silhouette and conduct of the U.S.S Liberty readily distinguished it from any vessel that could have been considered as hostile. The U.S.S.Liberty was peacefully engaged, posed no threat whatsoever to the torpedo boats, and obviously carried no armament affording it a combat capability. It could and should have been scrutinized visually.
I know, he was only Secretary of State at the time so what did he know. /s
Did you read the Navy now declassified report on the incident? It clearly addresses all of Dean Rusk issues. For example, the torpedo boats attacked the Liberty after the Liberty did not response to PT boats identification requests and then fired a bust of 50 cal machine gun fire at the PT boats. Why? Because the Liberty communication equipment was damaged and gunner did not understand the captains command.
Reread Dean's statement. His entire argument is Israel arm forces should of done a better job. Of course they should have. That argument can be made for almost every friendly fire incident.
The government of Israel did not order the attack. They had no reason to do that. It was just a mistake made by pilots and commanders who had been fighting an intense war for 3 days. The pilots had been flying 3 to 4 combat missions a day. The pilots and commanders had little or no sleep, exhaustion causes mistakes.
Dean's overreaction at time of his statement was understandable but incorrect. For example "obviously carried no armament". That ship did indeed have 4 M2 machine guns which could chew up a PT boat and sink one. And in fact the Liberty did fire a bust at the Israelian boats.
Show me a link.
How many more hours do you give him…?
Minor detail. They were shooting back.
LOL! They knew EXACTLY what they were doing. An Israeli pilot even tried to tell his commander it was a US boat! To no avail, it turned out. The attack lasted for hours. You really think they couldn't see the boat's insignia? I know, you should always believe the victim unless that victim is one of the Israeli's targets.
One Israeli pilot refused to attack the Liberty and was reprimanded for it. The other pilots machine gunned our guys while they were in the life boats or in the water.
Why do you feel the need to keep lying about “our guys” being machined gunned in life boats? Is the real incident not bad enough, such that it has to be fictionalized?
Oh, just stop!
Intentional, yes. Retaliation for US belligerence, yes.
At that is the point. A nuclear armed Iran could fire on the US in retaliation for what they believe was belligerence by USA. So why would cjgeek feel safer with Iran having a nuclear weapon that Israel?
They believe? 26 years of brutal rule by the Shah was a figment of their imagination? Trump assassinating their general? Just another "belief"? And my comment had nothing to do with cjgeek's feelings. Just you, once more, ignoring as to why Iran retaliated.
Thank you for reminding me of the assassination of Soleimani (during the first Trump administration), while he as on a peace mission to Iraq.
Some in the Pentagon said it was stupid, because Soleimani worked with the U.S. infighting ISIS.
Peace mission? You can't have that kind of stuff going on.
You sound like the broken record, known as Bibi.
Iran is a signatory to the NPT (which Israel is not), and ratified the same in 1970.
Iran has allowed the IAEA to inspect facilities.
The Pentagon and the CIA have stated repeatedly that Iran is not developing a bomb, nor does Iran have ICBM to deliver a bomb.
What makes you think Israel would not use one? Or two?
U.S. coup in Iran in 1953 was certainly intentional. The U.S. installing the Shah was certainly intentional. After the overthrow of the Shah, the U.S. protected him. Iranians wanted his *ss.
Hence the holding of the hostages, who were in no way injured.
Besides, Nomi Prins has written that it was all about the money, Iranian money held by the U.S..
Liberty was the intentional attack to sink the ship, knowing full well it was American.
It was no "friendly fire" incident.
With friends like that, who needs enemies?
@cjgeek:disqus@warsrus:disqus @
If you keep writing that, maybe some idiot will believe you before the heat death of the Universe.
Remember the Liberty and remember the coward Johnson.
Don't forget Jonathan Pollard sold the entirety of NSA's Signit to Israel who turned around and sold it to the Soviets π As u say – "with friends like that"
That little first White House visit will never seize to produce more and more plagues on the human race.
Impose sanctions all you want… Not gonna work…!
The emperor of the world is on the march. Isn't it about high time that someone points out that he is naked and not wearing any clothing? Are people so dazzled about his naked Grecian beauty?
Behold the power of the Madison Avenue ad agencies, propaganda so powerful that Goebbels is weeping in his grave from jealousy.
And how do US sanctions affect those? I just don't get it: they are not trading with the USA…
The US politicians are mimicking their anti-iran video games' themes…!
The sanctions aren't directed so much at Iran as at purchasers of Iranian oil, the idea being that if the sanction will cost the company more than they would save buying discounted petroleum that they won't do it. Fortunately there are ways around it, particularly using that great US/UK invention of 'shell companies' which DC can sanction to their heart's content.
The longer term effect of this is to 1) piss off China and India even more, and 2) drive international trade away from use of the 'petrodollar'. In any other industry but economics or politics its practitioners would learn from history and the example of the utterly failed sanctions against Russia, but as historian Barbara Tuchman observed, "One thing we learn from history is that our leaders rarely learn anything from history."
After Netanyahu's meetings with President Trump and other administration officials this week, the two appear more in sync than ever.
The battle seems to pit the duo's political behemoth, the Greater Israel Reclamation Project against Iran's non-quest toward developing a nuclear weapon.
The "deal" that Trump trashed during his first administration? JCPOA?
JCPOA was not necessary as Iran was adhering to the NPT.
People have gotten use to consumerism and not manufacturing the last two decade. U.S. will be hurting in the next couple of years.
Here we go again…! oil theft and counter theft at high sea…! who is more prepared…?!
What am I witnessing right now? Two impeachment attempts, attempt to jail the President by DNC subordinates. So, I am seeing above normal conflict. Ep1 = end of part 1.
The Federal regime has ZERO authority to "sanction" anyone or anything outside of US borders.