The US coordinated closely with Israel on massive strikes in Gaza on residential buildings, knowing that more than 100 civilians would be killed even though Israel didn’t have precise intelligence about the location of a Hamas commander it was claiming to target, the Israeli outlet 972 Magazine reported on Thursday.
The report also detailed how Israel weaponized deadly carbon monoxide gas released by conventional bombs underground to kill Hamas commanders hiding in the tunnels, and in some cases, the gas killed Israeli hostages.
The report, which cited 15 Israeli military intelligence and Shin Bet officers, said Israel frequently “bombarded residential areas in Gaza when it lacked intelligence on the exact location of Hamas commanders hiding underground.”

In these strikes, the Israeli military authorized the killing of “triple-digit numbers” of Palestinian civilians, which it framed as “collateral damage.” The report said the Israeli military maintained close “real-time coordination” with US officials on these bombings regarding the number of civilian casualties, meaning the US was a direct accomplice in the slaughter.
The Israeli military developed a process known as “tiling,” where they would drop massive 2,000-pound bunker-busting bombs on civilian areas above tunnels where they believed a Hamas commander might be located but weren’t sure of the exact area. The report said this “partial intelligence picture led to instances in which the army dropped bunker-buster bombs that killed scores of Palestinians, while the target underground survived.”
One of the most infamous of these types of strikes was the bombing of a densely populated neighborhood in the Jabalia refugee camp on October 31, 2023. The attack was personally approved by IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, knowing it would kill hundreds of Palestinian civilians, which means the US knew as well. A source told 972 that the permissible number of civilian casualties was set at “around 300” to kill a single Hamas battalion commander, Ibrahim Biari.
“A whole neighborhood died for Ibrahim Biari,” another source said. The bombing leveled at least 12 residential buildings, and the bodies of 126 Palestinians were dug out of the rubble, including 68 children.
The 972 report said that while it was never official Israeli policy that all Palestinians in Gaza were responsible for enabling Hamas and the October 7 attack on southern Israel, it was “present in hallway conversations and coffee breaks ‘all the time.'”
The report noted that while the Israeli accusation is that Hamas purposely places its tunnels under densely populated civilian areas, which Hamas denies, the Israeli military also has underground military facilities near residential areas in Israel. In comments to 972, Michael Sfard, a human rights lawyer, referenced “the Pit,” the nickname for an underground Israeli military operations center near residential areas of Tel Aviv.
“Imagine this was Tel Aviv and not Jabalia, and that in order to reach ‘the Pit,’ the neighborhoods around the Kirya would be bombed,” Sfard said. “You don’t know where the military tunnels under the Kirya reach, you don’t know exactly where your target is, and you want to make sure he is killed. So you bomb [the adjacent streets]? Nobody would accept such a thing.”
Throughout Israel’s genocidal war, members of the Biden administration claimed they were concerned about the high number of civilian casualties in Israel’s bombing campaign. But the 972 report confirms they were accomplices in the worst instances of civilian harm, and they enabled the attacks by providing the bombs.
In an interview shortly before he left office, President Biden essentially admitted that he agreed to support major Israeli massacres of civilians after a conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Describing his conversation with Netanyahu, Biden said, “I said, ‘But Bibi, you can’t be carpet bombing these communities.’ And he said to me, ‘Well you did it. You carpet bombed Berlin. You dropped a nuclear weapon. You killed thousands of innocent people because you had to in order to win a war. I said, ‘But that’s why we came up with the [United Nations].”
Biden continued, saying Netanyahu was “going after me for saying, ‘You can’t indiscriminately bomb civilian areas. Even if the bad guys are there. Even if the bad guys are there, you can’t take out two, 10, 1,500 innocent people in order to get one bad guy.”
Biden then conceded he thought Netanyahu made a “legitimate” argument that Israel should take out the buildings above the tunnels. “And he made the legitimate argument, his perspective—‘Look, these are the guys that killed my people. These are the guys that are all over in these tunnels. Nobody has any idea of the miles of tunnels that are down there. The only way to get to them is to take out the places under which they got to the tunnels,'” he said.
What's new about the story?
It's exposing that the US knew well all along what was happening, despite Biden appearing senile and clueless.
Many guilty US citizens are living in hell on Earth.
You are ill-informed about the past events in October, November 2023 in Gaza and do not read the internet links of the article (e.g., CNN: “in the Jabalia refugee camp on October 31, 2023”).
Hamas commanders planned on using human shields to protect themself from Israel counter attack. It did not work, as Israel was willing to killed the human shields to get the commanders. War is hell.
Except whenever anyone tries to bring war to a western country or their colony. Then it's "terrorism."
IDF is the one that uses human shields.
I see you have been provided with some evidence. Any response forthcoming? Maybe tell us about 1929 or 1994?
Here’s some.
A source told 972 that the permissible number of civilian casualties was set at “around 300” to kill a single Hamas battalion commander, Ibrahim Biari.
This is what you condone you sick piece of shit.
Would Israel blow up a Jewish neighborhood if there were a single "terrorist" hiding there? And cause say 100 Jewish deaths to try and kill just one?
If not then it is demonstrative of their racist mindset.
As long as the world is divided into groups ,each group has a right to protect its own. Start a war and suffer the consequences. In WWII, the just Allies responded to German and Japanese atrocities with bombing of civilians. Self defense.
Actually, they (Zionists) would and did.
They bombed Israelis on Oct 7th. The Hannibal Directive was ordered.
They sacrificed Hungarians in WWII.
Power hungry Zionists believe they are more “chosen” than others.
IDF Ordered Hannibal Directive on October 7 to Prevent Hamas Taking Soldiers Captive
'There was crazy hysteria, and decisions started being made without verified information': Documents and testimonies obtained by Haaretz reveal the Hannibal operational order, which directs the use of force to prevent soldiers being taken into captivity, was employed at three army facilities infiltrated by Hamas, potentially endangering civilians as well
“This was a mass Hannibal. Thousands of people in every type of vehicle, some with hostages" Colonel Erez said.
"28 fighter helicopters shot all of the ammunition in their bellies"
Israeli forces shot their own civilians, kibbutz survivor says
Ali Abunimah and David Sheen
The Electronic Intifada
16 October 2023
“They eliminated everyone, including the hostages,” she told Israeli radio. “There was very, very heavy crossfire” and even tank shelling.
The woman, 44-year-old mother of three Yasmin Porat, said that prior to that, she and other civilians had been held by the Palestinians for several hours and treated “humanely.” She had fled the nearby “Nova” rave.
There is just no evidence of that. Given the density of the Strip, Hamas did the right thing and built its military defenses underneath and away from civilians as much as possible. And given that Hamas, its leaders, their families are part and parcel of the Palestinian people, Israel bombed civilians anyway. On the other hand, Israel has been thoroughly documented since the first intifada of using human shields. It can also embed a military assets near a civilian population in Tel Aviv because they were able to rely on Hezbollah not to deliberately target civilians.
Maybe I have this wrong, but I understood Hamas to be the political side and Al-Qassam to be the fighters?
Yes that's correct. I say Hamas generically. It is a broad movement with various wings, including social, political and military. The whole movement has public figures and a clandestine leadership to avoid infiltration and sabotage. Al Qassam Brigades works independently.
Hamas just brought Gaza to ruin, costing 50,000 lives-they have only themselves to blame.
You have Hamas mixed up with those who dropped 80,000 tons of explosives on a largely civilian population with a majority of women and children. I know you know this but as long as you keep pretending you don't, I will continue to remind you.
It’s more than 50k lives lost. The price for freedom can be very high. Didn’t arise from the Shoah? Hamas has only gained more popularity around the world as sticking up to earth’s greatest and nuclear powers. Finally, keep in mind the military operation was named al aqsa flood. It has begun in Gaza. Even if hamas was destroyed the Muslim world has a limitless host of Jerusalem liberators coming for generations. Lol. Even this first wave is not over. Hamas released Israeli captives just yesterday. This releases messages we the Palestinians in Gaza are the day after. We’re here to stay.
Americans can only be redeemed of their guilt by shutting down the US government, moving the capitol, and starting over.
Keep dreaming.
Yep. I have been doing so since the Vietnam war and the southeast Asian atrocities plus US grossness in Africa and Latin America.
Including hospitals? I believe it.
“Biden then conceded he thought Netanyahu made a “legitimate” argument that Israel should take out the buildings above the tunnels.”
They say this stuff as if it makes any sense. It does not. It’s just nonsense wafted about to give a thin layer of argument to cover the obvious ethnic cleansing aim that we now so clearly can see.
To “take out” forces hiding underground you do not make rubble of the building above, thus making it even easier for the forces to hide. No, you send your forces in and slowly, building by building, conquer the area, arresting and if needed killing the enemy and PROTECTING the civilians.
And instead of working on exploding pagers, you put some effort into tunnel fighting tech for the most advanced and moral army (TM) in the world.
Exactly, that's a tactic of men of honor.
D. Trump is a predatory real estate mogul who would like nothing more than to get his hands on the Palestinian territory of Gaza and turn it into a Riviera of luxurious hotels and villas. All the best since there are rich gas reserves on the Gaza coasts to be developed.
To do this, however, he needs to see the genocide and ethnic cleansing to be completed. This is a horror story.
And ongoing. Netanyahu after meeting with Trump adn the horrible press conference is now being interviewed by Newsmax. Don't know if he will go to Fox next. Anyway he thinks it is a great idea of Trump and believe me they are working on it one way or another.
Some Trump supporter suggested that it will be necessary to do what god did in the Old Testament and wipe out all men, women, children and animals to get rid of evil adn for Western Judea/Christian civilization to flourish.
At the moment Trump and Netanyahu believe that they will succeed.
Too much credence is given to these plans. What they couldn't achieve in war they will not achieve by other means. And as Israel recuperates and plots, so does the other side recuperate and plot.
The more evil they succumb to the better to be rid of them & their NEOCON ILK!!! Just like The NAZIS!!!!!!
Yes, the world will be much better off when we are rid of Hamas,Hez,and their military suporters.
Only the Israeli's, and their supporters (especially the US), can duplicate what the Nazi's did. Hamas and Hezbollah are amateurish in comparison.
Getting rid of the Hamas and Hezbollah does Not mean Israel stops its river-to-river project…! Chaos would continue…! So your’re dead Wrong…!
Biden continued, saying Netanyahu was “going after me for saying, ‘You can’t indiscriminately bomb civilian areas. Even if the bad guys are there. Even if the bad guys are there, you can’t take out two, 10, 1,500 innocent people in order to get one bad guy.”
Biden then conceded he thought Netanyahu made a “legitimate” argument that Israel should take out the buildings above the tunnels. “And he made the legitimate argument, his perspective—‘Look, these are the guys that killed my people. These are the guys that are all over in these tunnels. Nobody has any idea of the miles of tunnels that are down there. The only way to get to them is to take out the places under which they got to the tunnels,'” he said.
That makes no sense. Nothing changed. Biden knew the "bad guys" were in tunnels under the buildings before Netanyahu told him so. His argument didn't become legitimate by pointing out something even the dementia ridden Biden already knew. God, I hate that piece of shit even more than when he was still in office.
They bombed their own people in the kibbutz above ground, FFS.
Yes, I noticed that line of reasoning too.
"'The only way to get to them is to take out the places under which they got to the tunnels,'”
If that was so, that didn't make the killing civilians legitimate.
Bibi's perspective doesn't make it legitimate either.
'Bibi's look is our moral command' is not a valid imperative.
Crooked lines of false reasoning.
All the criminals must be put to trial and made to pay for their crimes.
Let's not kid ourselves.The only ones who might face a justice system are the low level folks dumb enough to vacation in Brazil or other countries that don't take kindly to war criminals. If they don't get tipped off first like recently happened in Brazil.
The only way anyone else will face justice is through the court of Luigi.
You never know: the Nazis also believed they’d get away with their crimes, Mussolini never thought he’d end up hanging from a lamp post, the Tsar never expected to be deposed and executed, Louis XVI didn’t either. Things do change, especially in times of crisis like the ones we live today.
Not the US. It was the criminal Anthony Blinken who needs to stand trial before he is executed!
Would this remind you of Nine Eleven…?!
Everything that's happening before our eyes smacks being of the Third Reich playbook
First the Reichstad Fire, then the Enabling Act.
Firsr 911 then the Patriot act!!
"President Biden admitted that he agreed to support major Israeli massacres of civilians"
impeach trump now.
A lovely expression of allied "consciences"-
Stumpy's own Hezbollah Death Trophy…
Do you know what its like to live in a country you have called your own for over 50 years but its establishment literally wants you dead? As a Palestinian American, I find it ironic how racists and Zionists (no matter where they come from) tell me as an immigrant to leave the US if I don't like it. Apart from the fact that its my country's policies that perpetuated the diaspora and subsequent immigration of Palestinians to the US, I have to live with the fact that my country (through its policies and those who support its policies) aided, abetted and literally took part in a "genocide" but they tell the world I am a citizen with rights and freedoms like no other in history. Little do they know that the earth belongs to its inhabitants and I am proud of the physical surroundings and place I have lived in since my childhood. Finally, unlike some of our cousins, my interests as a Palestinian, Arab and Muslim do not harm the interests of Americans. Quite the opposite.
There is no medicine to cure US racism…!
Malcolm X used to point out the peculiarity of American racism, however, near the end of his life he increasingly saw Islam as the cure.
… And Cassius Clay became Muslim for that reason…!
US racism is no different than the racism everywhere elseon this planet.
We must identify the people who did this by name, so they can be prosecuted. The US won't do it, but courts of universal jurisdiction can and ultimately will.
I advocate the same punishments as given the Nazis at Nuremberg, with death by hanging for those Americans most to blame.
There are rich natural gas riches offshore from Gaza, Palestine.
Only themaps show they belong toIsrael.
duck and cover drills
[soul reply to wars r us] "Bibi's perspective doesn't make it legitimate either."
'So, yea mass murdering civilians – because Israel claims it will 'get the bad guys' – is a blatant high war crime…'war crime' if you want to get all technical…
'…but you gotta unnerstan' Netanyahu's "legitimate" "perspective" where genocidal criminality is ok.
'See that's the difference between us and Republicans:
'Republicans won't even admit war crime. But we liberals? OK, we deny massive war crime evidence too. But, once in awhile, we liberals say:
'Yea, it's a war crime, but…the Israel perspective!'…
'…before we hand Israel unlimited weapons and give it political cover and criminalize domestic anti-war crime speech.
'And only think of our liberal compassion. The Republicans are all jumping up and down when they giv'em bombs to murder with. But we Blinken-type liberals? Sure as we know our table manners, we have the etiquette to pull a long face and sigh about 'tragic' choices as we hand 'em the dozers to fill in the mass civilian grave pits.'
I just want to know why arrest warrants haven't been issued for Biden and Trump due to their complicity in Israel's crimes against humanity. What they are doing, or have done, is a clear violation of US and international law. Yet, here we stand: the American herd quietly chewing our cud while our government tears the world apart for the benefit of people like Trump and his billionaire buddies. At what point do we declare we have had enough; or, do we wait until the rest of the world says enough, and decides to end us for the sake of its own well-being?
Easy,…, that would be the End of Time. Next…
Well, Duh. Good news is that all we have to do is cease supporting the war criminals in Israel. Bad news is that we cannot because for our brave Congress people and senators, this would be a self-inflicted wound, not to mention it would require a few ounces of courage and integrity, currently in vanishingly short supply in the sacred halls …..
What zionists fail to admit is that some of the Hamas tunnels may get damaged or dirt filled, but Hamas, while fighting, also dig new tunnels or repair the strategic damaged ones to be reused…!