President Trump on Thursday continued to push his idea of a US takeover of Gaza, claiming Israel would hand over the territory to the US at the “conclusion of fighting” and insisting the occupation wouldn’t require US troops.
“The Gaza Strip would be turned over to the United States by Israel at the conclusion of fighting,” the president wrote on Truth Social. The president’s comments suggest he expects Israel’s genocidal war to restart, which would be supported with US military aid.
After 15 months of heavy bombing and a ground campaign in Gaza, Israel failed to dismantle Hamas, and US intelligence believes the Palestinian group had even replaced most of the fighters it had lost in that time. That means even though Gaza has been reduced to rubble, Israel would still face stiff resistance if it attempts to conquer and ethnically cleanse the Strip.
In his post, Trump also called for the “resettlement” of Palestinians in Gaza and referred to Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) as a “Palestinian,” something he first did while on the campaign trail over Schumer’s calls for elections in Israel.
“The Palestinians, people like Chuck Schumer, would have already been resettled in far safer and more beautiful communities, with new and modern homes, in the region. They would actually have a chance to be happy, safe, and free,” the president wrote.
“The US, working with great development teams from all over the World, would slowly and carefully begin the construction of what would become one of the greatest and most spectacular developments of its kind on Earth. No soldiers by the US would be needed! Stability for the region would reign!!!”
Trump’s post again suggests that his idea is for the permanent expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza, although the White House said the idea was a “temporary” relocation. But even a temporary displacement would be resisted since Palestinians wouldn’t expect Israel to let them return.
Trump’s proposal has been resoundingly rejected by the Arab states in the region and the Palestinians themselves, who don’t want to give up their homes even as they lie in ruin.
"…claiming Israel would hand over the territory to the US at the “conclusion of fighting"."
I disagree with you brother. We're the slaves. They think they own us just like the land.
besides, they will need a property manager anyway. You can't expect the owner to do that work, eh?
It’s just getting ever more stupid.
Couldn't have said it better myself. His entire administration resembles Kesey's Cuckoo's Nest.
I can only assume that the creatures (aka vermin) behind the curtain are merely shoving our noses into shit and laughing their asses off.
Actually, he seems to be working from a '60's "urban renewal" model developed after the riots in Detroit, Newark, Oakland, …, clearing inner-city slums and gentrifying the area. It did contribute part of the solution to race violence (not oppression) in that it dispersed the concentration that bred effective mass action.
It's been stupid, my brother. It can't get more stupid. It's like someone is brain dead. You can't get more brain dead than brain dead.
I disagree that he is brain dead. Biden fits that diagnosis far better of him either suffering from dementia or Alzheimer. Trump's brain is not dead, it is in overdrive from the dark side.
While I do not believe in a devil in flesh walking around the earth or a god in flesh sitting up in heaven, I do believe in dark forces and forces of light. Dark forces are not brain dead, otherwise forces of light would have overcome them centuries ago.
not even the cunning of Capitalist acquisitiveness, just simple knuckle-dragging grasping.
“The Palestinians, people like Chuck Schumer, would have already been resettled in far safer and more beautiful communities, with new and modern homes, in the region. They would actually have a chance to be happy, safe, and free,” the president wrote.
Was that before or after the slaughter?
They're happy, safe, and their bodies are mixed into the Gaza sand instead.
Blame Hamas.
Hamas didn't do a mass slaughter. Israel did.
Can I be Governor of Gaza?
I'll give everyone a Trump Quran
This is Trump's way of saying, "the U.S.A. will pay for cleaning up all the mess the that Israel made after the U.S.A. pays Israel for the big mess Israel is making. " If Trump wants to develop Gaza so bad, why not he rebuild Gaza for the Palestinians whose homes have been destroyed?
Simple: the Palestinians can't pay him enough.
This is so sick. If American troops are deployed there and they are accidentally killed by ordinance sent from America to Israel to use as they wish. Hypothetically if nothing is done from America then all bets off.
The stupid floating pier that the Pentagram sent came under Israeli fire at least twice, if any US troops had been injured you can guarantee that Hamas would have been blamed.
True. It’s as if the Pentagon sent land mines to Israel which I’m sure they did. Israel deployed them but many never detonated. Israel says to America come over here and neutralize these unexploded ordinances that you gave us. Israel says to America ,gesturing with the extended middle finger, it’s not my problem it’s yours
"This is Trump's way of saying, 'the U.S.A. will pay for cleaning up…the mess,,,Israel made after the U.S.A. pays Israel for the…mess Israel is making.'"
"Pays Israel for the mess Israel is making"? Yes, if you mean that, to start with, the US paid Israel to make the mess:
"[Israeli] devastation is [largly] the result of unconditional U.S. assistance and diplomatic cover."
(U.S. Preferences and Israel’s War Conduct, Quincy Institute, 11/22/24)
"A senior Israeli air force told Haaretz…US supplies of weapons…are the main reason Israel has been able to keep the war on Gaza going. Without American support, the official says Israel would have struggled to sustain its war for more than a few months."
("Israel would have struggled to maintain Gaza war without US support: Report" (Middle East Eye, 9/3/24)
That's why I have often said in the past – as have others as well -that the US is more responsible for the genocide in Gaza than Israel. Because Israel after about a few weeks would have been out of weapons and money.
"Because Israel after about a few weeks would have been out of weapons and money."
and facing a global legitimacy crisis for its in-plain-daylight atrocities.
Trump's administration says, "no military boots on the ground in Gaza", but just ONE death of ANYONE American gives the USA a "justification" to enact more repression towards Palestinians! This is what Nutty Yahoo wants – let Americans experience what Israelis have to experience, and they will be part of OUR forces fighting the "terrorists"! I know one thing for sure – Hamas will NEVER relinquish what they have been fighting and dying for for many years without a fight to the death! Once again Israel has "swayed" the USA and its taxpayers to clean up/pay for its mess!
As for Hamas…do you think they are tougher than Nazi Germany's army? Go read about the fall of Berlin.
Why would the US help the current residents of Gaza?
Israel is a US ally that provides military technology and intelligence, plus it has a strategic location and nuclear weapons.
Hamas is a designated terrorist organization with the goal of destroying a US ally; they have attacked and murdered many of its citizens. They have also murdered and kidnapped US citizens. Plus, historically, many Palestinian leaders have backed US enemies: The Nazis in WWII; the Soviets in the Cold War; Iraq in the Gulf War – as well as supporting Castro, Bin Laden/Al-Qaeda, the Houthis, and Saddam Hussein.
This site is "antiwar". So, who started the war in Gaza? It was Hamas.
They've got to go.
Trump wants to send Arab mercenaries to Gaza, paid by the US?!
With Donald Trump in the Oval Office, the United States openly becomes an imperialist and colonialist country.
Global imperial project was started immediately after the collapse of USSR. Three decades neocons were in the driving seat. Trump thought he can do it cleverer than the previous administrations but so far he is making everything only worse.
He can't. It already is worse.
The ultimate bad is a nuclear version of WW III. Trump got himself in a position where further escalation is almost unavoidable.
The only way for peaceful coexistence is the respect of international law, and first of all respect of UN resolutions.
Bingo. …no. I meant BANG!
The "Global imperial project" started with the Monroe Doctrine, or perhaps the assault on Tripoli.
The turning point was the collapse of USSR.
In 1991 American so called deep state had a choice: 1. Promote democracy worldwide and support the international law or 2. Establish a global dictatorial system with themselves on the top of it. First option was achievable, and it could put all the humankind on the road of peace and prosperity. The second option was not only anti-Christian and anti-human but also unachievable. Unfortunately, U.S. elite had chosen the second one.
"With Donald Trump in the Oval Office, the United States openly becomes an imperialist and colonialist country."
That's why I woke up. Someone was yelling in my ear.
I agree. But that happened long before Trump.
Wars, You complete me. See my comments above and below. I see you're awake early today.
Except it already was and always is.
And yesterday was the third time that he "joked" about running again in 2028.
People better take him seriously. Unfortunately the Democrat Left has not learned anything and they are insisting on their stupid ideas that made them lose in the first place. Kamala is on top of the ticket again for 2028. Abortion, more abortions, transgender, open borders are the things they are still running on. That's why some have been saying better a "good" king than the mess from the Left.
"more abortions, transgender" – it looks rather as satanism than the left.
Hamas took Gaza by force (from the Palestinian Authority). I guess you had no trouble with that. Hamas has a Nazi-inspired, hate-filled charter. Again – that didn't bother you, right? Hamas attacks a US ally, slaughters 1,200 people, some in the most brutal fashion. Again – that wasn't a problem for you. But the US tries to solve the problem of Gaza, and suddenly it's imperialism!
You must teach Middle East History at Harvard! The only people who are ever wrong are the United States and US allies, right?
Good one.
If only it was the one
Stupid is as stupid does”….
Most people here are pointing out the atrocities of Biden and Trump, but, let's not forget the whole God dammed gov. in Wash. is also to blame because they let both idiots get away with continuing to install Zionism as the supreme reason for the govs. existence here in the USA. Now Trump wants to make Gaza a US territory so the American taxpayers and military will clean up what Zionism and Wash. did to the people there. Are Americans supposed to risk their lives defusing the dud bombs and dig out the bodies under the rubble, all for the sake of continuing Zionist lobby contributions? Next Trump proposes rebuilding Gaza, and you know who is going to pay for that, don't you? And, let us not forget how the US/Zionist partnership in genocide is also about non combatants, women and children having been slaughtered through this alliance, which the American people have no say in.
"…..the occupation wouldn’t require US troops.".
Gee, where have we heard this bs before? Then comes the equivocation: The contractors aren't really US soldiers……. Then: It's only a few advisors. Then it's regular troops but only for a limited time.
Oh, yeah. The ever popular: It's going to pay for itself. 😐 Then if you object you're fringe, not patriotic, anti American. 🤐
Good one. Reminds me of Biden provoking Russia without starting WWIII.
Biden also started the craxkdown on campus protests agaisnt Israel adn genocide. He sent IDF goons to beat adn stop protesters adn then all colleges stopped the protests.
Trump goes even further now. He will dispel anyone here on a visa from Palestine should they even utter one wrong word on social media.
The two parties working together except for social issues where the Dems messed up greatly adn delivered Trump.
What evidence do you have that "Israeli goons beat students"? If anything ,leftists goons attacked anyone who disagreed with them.
Questioning someone else's evidence while spouting your own baseless bullshit. Why not tell us about the beheaded babies again.
"'the occupation wouldn’t require US troops' [?] Gee, where have we heard this bs before?"
Don't see it becoming a Vietnam – no Cold War (no 'Russia will not stop!'), and not even a bogus 'Axis of Evil' threat to the US…
…and no practical need, as far as abetting ethnic cleansing goes:
because a foreign policy of more US weapons to Israel is politically easier than troops – who could speak out and resist;
because – w/the army in its bloodstream, a biblical 'mandate,' and a murderous population – Israel would rather expel-or-kill-em-all vs US take over;
and because – vs the Israel proxy – a big US military footprint where Palestinians civilians were mass murdered and driven out would worsen US-ME 'normalization' goals – and spike international terror risks.
“Don’t see it becoming a Vietnam – no Cold War”. …… “. Iraq, and Afghanistan were post cold war. Including suicides those have resulted in > 10,000 dead Americans, > 1,000,000 people in those countries, destabilized Europe with millions of refugees. Cost American taxpayers some $7 trillion dollars. All while the Israeli government cheered. Way past time to cut that country loose.
Without US support Israel would be unable to genocide the Palestinians. Trump is proving “America first” is just rhetoric.
"Without US support Israel would be unable…"
We agree.
"Including suicides those have resulted in…"
That is horrible. Sounds personal. If so, I am sorry.
"Iraq, and Afghanistan were post cold war."
Please recall my 'axis of evil' comment.
Anyway, thx for reading my thoughts. Best.
"They killed our civilian contractors! We need to level Fallajah!" Never mind that the"civilian contractors" were Blackwater mercenary scum who regularly committed atrocities, it supposedly justified slaughtering more civilians in that one city than Russia and Ukraine have together.
"President Trump on Thursday continued to push his idea of a US takeover of Gaza, claiming Israel would hand over the territory to the US at the “conclusion of fighting” and insisting the occupation wouldn’t require US troops." He nuts.
Dont start wars and you won't get bombed.
Right. Instead, enjoy the status quo of you being an inferior "cockroach" who is being held in an outdoor prison by barbarians supported by the superpower.
The resistant fighting would never stop until Gaza is free…! It'll be a while…! So keep waiting Genocide Donny…!
I shall hand you Gaza flour and you shall in return bake me some French Rivera Bagels.
Trump is doing many things that please his voter base…deportation of unregistered migrants, audits of government agencies, defunding Ukraine, elimination of woke values…and with quick success.
He is now pleasing the Zionists. There's something for everyone. Apparently, he is blind to the impossibility of his proposal. That's probably okay by him, so long as the people he's beholden to are getting what they want for now.
This thing is destined to go bad. That's why he's getting out of Ukraine. He doesn't need two quagmires. The only question is how much are the Arab states willing to commit to stop this obvious war crime.
Well, looked at another way, this is just a way for the USA to lose yet another war while keeping the dollars flowing to Wall Street and the arms merchants..
No. The question is how long will ugly Americans go for gory genocide.
Conclusion of fighting implies the US will have possession of Gaza after the last Palestinians have been exterminated.
Why doesn't the US just arm the Israelis with ovens? Much cleaner, less mess.
We did, equipped with the new technology of 2000 pound bombs. It's better for Clim8 Ch@nge.
The USA will demand other nations pay the cleanup and development of Gaza for the Trump family MAFIA.
come to think of, the Sopranos had more ethics and morals than the insane killer MAFIA on the lose in DC and Tel Aviv.
"The USA will demand other nations pay the cleanup and development of Gaza for the Trump family MAFIA."
they won't. and btw imo it's not a real demand – just
1/ a rationale for letting gazans die there from starvation, as gazans stay and both the US and Israel cut humanitarian aid;
('they didn't have to die of hunger there = they coulda' always gone someplace else – and if they couldn't, that's bc of other countries – yea! it's countries accusing the u.s. of being an accessory to israeli genocide that are the true killers!')
2/ and as i wrote elsewhere, an official US signing-on to the taking more land idea.
Considering the insanity around us anything is possible, maybe we soon reach the point where the people have enough of the bull shit. End of the month Germany has an election, can’t wait to see how it ends.
Ireland and South Africa should provide homes for any Gazans who wish to leave voluntarily.
And just like that, all the troubles will be over…
Our past colonialists have never taken land anywhere in the world after its people were thrown out: Hawaii, Guam, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Cuba, hence this is a novelty.
Of course, the "throwing out" at Gaza will be done for us by Israel. There will be casualties among the "removers".
And does Israel really want a US colony on his doorsteps?
If this project is done, the best way to assure the return of the Palestinians to Gaza is to bring them temporarily…HERE!
Past promises of our colonialists turned out to always have been lies. That will happen again. Even promises to Israel will be violated.
BlackRock and Kushner will get first rate property choices, taxpayers will fund the golf course and beach cleanup for the Real Estate Moguls. That is the Trump family's business.
It is how a convicted felon president operates.
Trump is in the exact same business as George Washington and probably expects a similar place in US history.
Trump and Musk are modern day robber barons. Trump is a convicted felon with 6 bankruptcies and still ending up to be a billionaire, Musk has never had to work a day in his life, but he knows where to get money.
"Our past colonialists have never taken land anywhere in the world after its people were thrown out"
Netanyahu came to Trump to pick up the reward for the ceasefire, the Zionist's gift to Trump, making Trump look great for the inauguration ceremony.
We are being governed by a cabal of insane killers on the lose in DC and Tel Aviv.
It was to be expected that after the inauguration we would find out what Trump payed Netanyahu for the ceasefire.
Now we know, he serves Israel on his knees like Biden.
I already knew, actually. This little visit will bring more and more catastrophe to the entire world.
"[Tr.] serves Israel on his knees like Biden."
No – for both domestic political and foreign policy reasons, the US supports Israel's three-quarter century, criminal and violent oppression of Palestinians.
But not as unlimited as under Trump and Biden, they are the worst.
Obama wanted a 6 months moratorium on WB settlements he could not get it. Biden did not ask for anything he only delivered to Netanyahu and Trump did not ask for much, just to make him look good for his inauguration and he had to pay by accepting less than a real Ceasefire, he got crumbs.
Let us discuss the 750,000 Jews evicted from their millenia long homes in the Mi East.
Nice tactic. Wait a couple days and load up on pithy comments.
"Let us discuss the 750,000 Jews evicted from their millenia long [ME] homes."
join a pack of irgun terrorists for that 'discussion.'
folks outside yr circle jerk? 'greater MI movements of jews'…
…both forced and voluntary…
…in the lead-up-to-and-right-after the zionist military invasion…
…is a worthless justification for the violent zionist ethnic cleansing of palestinians from their land – or for their violent apartheid oppression since.
Exception that proves the rule – my aggravating right lib paper gets the point, once.
The point isn't 'oh now the US is gonna take over there;' the point is that – vs US lip service to a Palestinian two-state solution:
"the United States and Israel now speak publicly about a shared goal: the takeover of Palestinian land."
Which both the usual US suspects and Israel eat up:
"Trump’s Gaza Plan Reflects Broader Push for Annexation of Palestinian Land
"Right-wing officials in Israel, [US] evangelical Christians …and Trump appointees…increasingly outspoken in calling for Israel to take more territory" (NYT, 2/6/25)
Trump is breaking the law by banishing Palestine.
As of June 2024, the State of Palestine is recognized as a sovereign state by 146 of the 193 member states of the United Nations, or just over 75% of all UN members.
Trump does not know what a law is when it is not in his interest.
Trump is above the law. He knows it and acts like it.
We have TWO MEGALOMANIACS in the Oval Office, that can not end well. The nation better wake up to that fact.
Move the Palestinians to South Florida.
The northern Gulf Coast area of Florida would be the better option.
Dixie County alone is four times the size of the Gaza Strip, with a current population of only 16,000. Lots of timber to build with. Nearly 40 lakes, two rivers, and 13 miles of coastline to fish out/off of.
Buy out the current population, finance construction of a coastal city, then have a big ceremony with a coin toss to determine whether the Palestinian population or the Israeli population gets relocated there and has it ceded to them.
Your ability to maintain a sense of humor in all this is remarkable by me, at least,
I live close to Dixie County — if a major Arab community popped up there, I’d be visiting a lot, especially for the food.
One of the things I loved most about Saudi Arabia was the food. I didn’t get a LOT of it, but some from little stands that popped up to sell to US troops, once at a restaurant in al Khobar, and once a dinner out in the middle of the desert, prepared by Bedouin (whole roasted lamb, stuffed grape leaves, custard, etc.).
If I’m looking for a good steak in the US, I look for an establishment run by Arabs. There’s a local place, Falafel King, that I go to for falafel, shawarma, kebab, etc.
I’ve also found Arabs in particular, and Muslims in general, to be among the most friendly and hospitable people around, both “over there” and “over here.”
I would not, of course, support any forcible relocation of anyone. But if it happens, and they happen to settle in my area, I’ll try to be as welcoming as I can.
Spoken like an old Southern gentleman Thomas if you are ever in my neck of the woods, I'll take you to the best Palestinian restaurant in town or we can grill up a couple of ribeyes. That's a promise.
I don’t happen to know what neck of the woods you’re in, but I’d certainly be interested in that offer. Steak and friends are both great things.
USF area. I was in Pamama City a few weeks ago and I have a good provider of honey in Lynn Haven.
Lynn Haven is about 250 miles from me — but I’m hoping to do a motorcycle ride from Gainesville to Mobile and maybe Birmingham — or maybe further — within the next year.
In fact, that would bring me through the Dixie County that I mentioned earlier (I’d be riding 98, not the freeway, even if I got a bigger bike).
About what parts are you in then
I'm in the country near Gainesville.
How do the Gazans feel about being treated so much like extra baggage?…
Oh wow, this is new. Trump uses “Palestinian” as a pejorative against Schumer.
Trump is straight-in-face bold enough not needing that…!
Not new. Not sure of the date but it was a while ago.
“Chuck Schumer has become a Palestinian. Can you believe it? He has become a proud member of Hamas,” Trump said on Wednesday.
The … 'Levantine Riviera' … 'for the people of the world'
So Trump wants Israel to massacre all Palestinians in Gaza and then hand over Gaza to US so US could manage its re-construction with Saudi's money…?!
Another words, Trump wants the criminal minister to be the genocide bibi not himself be genocide Don even though he supplies 2000-lb bombs to Israel…! His thinking is Israel has a choice not to use those or any US bombs…!
You couldn't make this shit up even if you try…!
He forgot to say "All the Palestinians will get 'Sleep Number Pillows' with which they can be "happy, and safe, and …."
Trump is insane.
Will there be anything left, post?…
Potential War Crimes…!
Seyed Mohammad Marandi reposted
Ahmed Hassan 🇾🇪 أحمد حسن زيد
Why is the Jolani gang attacking Lebanon but not the Golan ?
For Trump to take Gaza from the Israelis is great, lots of money to him and Kushner and the Israelis like Netanyahu and it is of no benefit to the Palestinians, wow, that is what one can call abstract thinking.
All of that is great for Trump and his cabal because BlackRock private equity investment is ready to jump into invest in the sea of Riviera money potential like the Atlanta Board Walk.
It feels like the days when private equity robber barons destroyed corporations like NABISCO. We are being governed by them now, they are the deep state, Musk and Trump. BlackRock is a private equity firm if I am not mistaken
The book "BARBARIANS at the gate" (NABISCO) from way back is worth reading.
Gretchen Morgenson on These are the Plunderers: How Private Equity Runs – and Wrecks – America, (you tube) More up to date and just as good.
Georgia goes Full Russia
MP's declare journalists "traitours"
The Georgian Parliament cracks down on demonstrations
Free press is given no new funding and declared foreign agents
Halting all foreign aid
Georgia makes it harder to become a journalist
Insulting a police officer now gets you 60 days in prison
The protesters were right
Press that receives government funding is the opposite of a free press.
THe rest of my statement still stands
So Trump is going to send Chuck Schumer to a refugee camp? It's harder than usual to figure out what exactly he's talking about.
“it’s the end of the world as we know n and we feel fine!”…
”Angry red, drips from the sky and through the puckish haze emerges:
the hideous, grotesque, shape of man. Standing naked. The nature of our beginnings…” dev
Trump change the US position of a two state solution to just get rid of the Palestinians. The Palestinians supporters who voted for trump or against Harris must be so happy /s.
Arrogance, money and power are a bad combination!….
constipated in the brain…!….
An old expression:Sh-t for brains!”…