Israeli Defense Minister Israel Katz on Thursday ordered the military to prepare for the “voluntary departure” of Palestinians from Gaza as Israeli officials are hoping to pursue ethnic cleansing following Trump’s proposals for the enclave.
“I have instructed the IDF to prepare a plan that will allow any resident of Gaza who wishes to leave to do so, to any country willing to receive them,” Katz wrote on X.
The Times of Israel reported that Katz held a meeting with Israeli military officials to assess how to get Palestinians out of Gaza in line with Trump’s proposal.
Katz said the plan will include “exit options via land crossings, as well as special arrangements for departure by sea and air.” He said Palestinians should go to Western countries that have been critical of Israel’s genocidal tactics in Gaza.

“Countries such as Spain, Ireland, Norway, and others, which have falsely accused Israel over its actions in Gaza, are legally obligated to allow Gazans to enter their territory. Their hypocrisy will be exposed if they refuse,” Katz said.
“Meanwhile, countries like Canada, which has a structured immigration program, have previously expressed willingness to take in residents from Gaza,” he added.
The idea of Western countries taking in Palestinians from Gaza has been suggested before by Israeli officials, including Danny Danon, Israel’s current representative to the UN. While working in the Knesset, Danon co-authored an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal that argued the West should absorb Palestinians.
While Katz and other Israeli officials frame their idea as “voluntary migration,” ethnic cleansing has been the ideal outcome for the Israeli government since October 2023. Palestinians in Gaza have strongly rejected Trump’s plan to “relocate” them, meaning any plan for ethnic cleansing will require a restart of the genocidal war.
While Palestinians and Arab states have strongly rejected Trump’s proposal for a US “takeover” of Gaza, which would require ethnic cleansing, Israelis have welcomed it.
“I welcome President [Trump’s] bold initiative, which can create extensive opportunities for those in Gaza who wish to leave, assist them in resettling in host countries, and support long-term reconstruction efforts in a demilitarized, threat-free Gaza after Hamas—an effort that will take many years,” Katz said.
Israel is evil.
Worse than Evil… Even evil has its soft moments…!
No words, net. No words left.
Yes, evil is the other side of good. Without evil we would not recognize good.
What we are seeing in Israel and with Trump now is trans human, meaning not human at all. This is the real fight. It is not between good and evil, because each time good wins over evil temporarily it shows up again somewhere else. The idea is to move above good and evil but as humans not none human entities who also want to take over the earth.
If good is +1 and evil is -1… Israel is at least -10…!
He said Palestinians should go to Western countries that have been critical of Israel. Ireland, Norway and South Africa should take them. Yes, I know that South Africa is not a Western country.
Trump also just declared white South Africans to be moved up the refugee list to come into the US, with the claim South Africa is too dangerous for them. Oh.
What colossal arrogance. No nation is obligated to take in the refugees that Israel created, other then Israel.
And what nation should take the refugees that trump is creating when expels them from Gaza? How about the USA? Move them to town near you.
Eject 1.8 million hard working undocumented Latino workers, and replace them with traumatized Palestinians who will suffer PTSD for the rest of their lives? That probably won't work as well as Rump imagines.
On Judging Freedom today, Judge Nap and his guest, Pepe Escobar, zeroed in on the figure that Trump put out as to the number of Palestinians that remain as being 1.7 million.
Which is interesting. The figure for the number of Palestinians in Palestine prior to 7Oct has been said to be 2.4 million.
What happened to the missing 700,000? Is that the more accurate number of Palestinians missing?
In June of last year the British medical journal ‘The Lancet’ estimated that the likely death toll due to direct Israeli violence was at least 64,000 with 95% certainty, other deaths associated with the oppression such as the blocking of water and medicines could have been over 200,000. Since then cholera and polio have been introduced and people are literally dying of starvation. That 500-700,000 is a horrifyingly believable number.
I’d rather they remained in Gaza and received assistance in rebuilding from the regime that tried and failed to murder them.
But if they come to the US, I hope that the Gainesville, Florida area is a major settlement center for them. I miss living around Muslims (St. Louis was the biggest US hub for resettlement of Bosnian Muslims, bringing down crime rates and improving the cuisine).
Very good idea… I like Gainesville area, too.
On the other hand, Palestine won and Israel lost.
As long as Israel continues to occupy Palestine and as long as its proxy/partner, Hamas, continues to rule Gaza, the only real losers are the Palestinian people.
How about the West Bank? southern Lebanon? and the Golan Heights?
And I wonder what gave him the impetus to be so colossally arrogant.
Could it be?
Israeli Defense Minister Israel Katz on Thursday ordered the military to prepare for the “voluntary departure” of Palestinians from Gaza as Israeli officials are hoping to pursue ethnic cleansing following Trump’s proposals for the enclave.
Gideon Levy said that it is amazing that the nuclear armed country of Israel, using bombs, killing Palestinians with relish, consider Israel to the weaker.
At least the message includes freedom of movement and migration as human rights for the civilian population in Gaza. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948): 30 Articles – 30 Documents: Exhibit for the 75th Anniversary International migration and human rights David Miller, Is there a human right to immigrate? Challenging Externalisation Through the Lens of the Human Right to Leave “While international human rights law recognizes the right to leave one's country, there is no corresponding right to enter another country without that state's permission.“
"At least the message includes freedom of movement and migration as human rights for the civilian population in Gaza."
Uh…yea…short of ethnic cleansing by outright murder, that's how the crime against humanity of ethnic cleansing works:
You have the 'freedom' to get the fuck off what is now our land…
…less you want yer kids to die of starvation or thirst or disease or exposure – being as we blew up all yer homes and hospitals, and now we're cutting off humanitarian aid to 'encourage' yr "human right" to "freedom of movement."
You fall back into aggressive, unpeaceful, bigoted, repetitive, old, emotional propaganda and show no sense of respect for human rights during the ceasefire in Gaza. Hamas and you, like the fascists, do not give up, so the murder and destruction in Gaza will not end. Moreover, Hamas is not protecting the civilian population by designating non-combat zones and is waging a hybrid urban war. You and Hamas are not provoking anything other than the Axis powers Germany, Italy, Japan, etc. in the Second World War. Hospitals, schools, etc. are not protected by the international law of war if Hamas fighters abuse those institutions. You are currently spreading lying propaganda during the ceasefire.
"You and Hamas are not provoking anything other than the Axis powers Germany, Italy, Japan, etc. in the Second World War?"
Incredible – you are literally raving.
Do you even have permission to use an internet capable device?
Does your supervisor…or case manager…or your poor mother…know what you're up to?
You poor wretch.
Hahahaha. I shouldn't be laughing at his expense, but when a Palestinian feels a bit unnoticed its nice to have people around who defend justice.
Hamas didn't MAKE Israel do what they have done. Hamas is irrelevant. Israel has no right to disregard the lives of civilians in such a disgustingly brutal way no matter what Hamas did/does.
"Hamas didn't MAKE Israel do what they have done."
Dear wars r u.s.,
Due to the urgent duty of screeching at firemen from a building ledge, binber has been unavoidably detained, but has appointed me to represent him:
Two infantile, historically illiterate commentators, abramawicz and wars_r_u.s., are teaming up to trivialize fascism historically and to slander me. They don't realize that their language practically contains fascist propaganda.
I'm not trivializing what Hamas did, but you can't get that through your thick fucking head. The only one who seems to be taken in by propaganda is you. Find one of my comments where I back Hamas and get back to me. Israel did what Israel did. Nothing justifies it.
You obviously negate the word “provoke” on the occasion of the Palestinian attack of October 7, 2023, in Israel for the benefit of Hamas. I am not defending the war crimes of the terrorist Hamas, the state of Israel or Israeli citizens. If the fascist Hamas gives up in time with its brutal, hybrid warfare and hostage-taking, then the destruction of the infrastructure, residential buildings in Gaza and the decimation of the Palestinian civilian population will also end.
By your standards the rape victim getting killed by the rapist because she tried to defend herself is the guilty party.
She had no right to fight him, she dared kick him in the balls. She deserved to be killed, she should not have kicked him, it was his God given right to rape her.
I note that you, Lysistrata, are joining the fascist propaganda of the two commentators: abramawicz, wars_r_u.s..
I happen to agree with them. What is your problem? In your mind there is “fascist” propaganda and your opinion and nothing else.
I stood up for the respect of human rights, which you call fascist thoughts. You prove your fascist propaganda not only in your comments on my statements in this thread.
Point out the fascist propaganda that I have posted.
That is not possible, Trump/Musk and DC and Netanyahu and his gang in Tel Aviv are the fascists.
Fascists are when dictators, big money, nationalism and the military unite to govern for their interests against the interests of the people.
Fascist dictators are criminal megalomaniacs, united with big money, politics, nationalism, and the military, we already have all of that.
The US is not immune against fascism, it is here already.
Lol, all he can do is give you a thumbs down (so I have to give you a thumbs up) and he resorts to name calling because he has no response to your point.
Birds of a feather flock together. Just like vultures attack anything.
No Binber, you're being ridiculed because you refuse to acknowledge the horrors and oppression of the ideology and state you support. @warsrus:disqus @abramawicz @renatelittlejohn:disqus
You call it horror that I defend human rights. What are you not falsifying?
If you had any decency you would be shedding tears for the Palestinians.
You obviously only know two behaviours, either for the whole Palestinian people or against the whole Palestinian people. You do not recognize a differentiation of war events.
I do, but be specific. Palestinians don't have to be perfect victims. First admit what is wrong.
Whos Human Rights are you defending?
You obviously negate the word “provoke” on the occasion of the Palestinian attack of October 7, 2023, in Israel for the benefit of Hamas.
Which MADE Israel turn into monsters (more so than before) that make Hamas' terrorism look tame in comparison? You keep saying the same shit. Hamas are fascists so Israel gets to use terrorism 101 as their go to rules of engagement.
I am not comparing anything with regard to the Palestinian-Israeli Gaza conflict, but criticizing both parties to the conflict, for example from the standpoint of public international humanitarian law. In your comments, wars_r_u.s., I only recognize one-sided propaganda against Israel and no criticism of the Palestinian Gaza conflict party, as well as a crude, vile use of language. For example, in one of your comments, you write: “Hamas didn't do a mass slaughter.” Etc.
Humble yourself and understand blowback.
"Freedom of movement"??
Like the last 75 years, and especially after the brutal blockade was set up in 2007??
Migration? Suppose I approach you with a weapon pointed at you and give you the opportunity to "migrate" from your home, because I want it and/or believe it belongs to me.
Would that be OK?
Speaking of weapons:
For many months, people who probably come from the Middle East have been waging a heinous biological warfare, a terrorist attack with anthrax bacteria in the large rental building where I live. How is this different from your example?
If all is true it is also true that " two wrongs don't make a right".
Your fascist use of language ignores the motive of xenophobia, insidiousness, cruelty of the terrorist Palestinian attack of October 7, 2023.
Don't throw the word fascism around anytime you have nothing to say. I don't think you know what fascism is.
The advocates of fascism basically generate populist, distorting, falsifying propaganda, a forked tongue, about the intended or prevailing social, economic, military conditions, relationships.
Fascism is
Autocrats, politics, big money, and the military unite against the people.
Trump, a convicted felon is a fascist, his tool to govern are EXECUTIVE ORDERS not with the congress, he does not respect court orders, the law of the land.
Time for the people to open their eyes and see what is happening in DC.
The USA is not immune from being taken over by fascists, it is what is sitting in the Oval Office, TRUMP and MUSK, JUDGE THEM by what they are DOING, not by what they say.
Your often crude style of language and discontinuous, volatile, hyperbolic argumentation creates doubt in my mind about your current political position. I argue dialectically, anarchistically, on the foundation of freedom, equality, solidarity, socialism, human rights, etc.
By fascism, I mean a capitalist, imperialist, militarist, patriotic, nationalist, conservative, racist, patriarchal, police state, terrorist, anti-human rights, xenophobic, mass media censoring, populist, anti-union, anti-socialist, anti-communist, corporate, etc., authoritarian political, non-freedom, corrupt party system. Please compare: Leon Trotsky’s FASCISM What It Is and How To Fight It Leon Trotsky on THE RISE OF HITLER AND DESTRUCTION OF THE GERMAN LEFT
I am a secular humanist and believe in common sense and simple human decency and integrity. Your reply is BS, you are sitting on a mountain of hubris.
don’t throw around with calling everything under sun fascist something. I don’t think you know what fascism is.
Your repetitive, narrow-minded words show no sun (Aten, an ancient Egyptian sun god), only moonlight.
You are behaving like many petty bourgeois or upper class people, academics, and scientists under fascism.
Your previous statement: “two wrongs don't make a right” does not apply in the case of my described terrorist attack by the housemates via anthrax bacteria, because the state-owned landlord and owner of the property rejects my complaint in this regard, condones the terrorist behavior of other housemates and obviously shows terrorist complicity.
I don’t know what you are talking about.
I am curious about this anthrax attack. Please tell us more.
The fact is that there is no "country willing to take them" and that includes the Trumpian USA.
In fairness to Trump, Biden-Harris are culpable for this mess too.
Of course they are. They more or less started it by supplying Israel with all weapons, money and stopping pro Palestinians protests here. But Trump is taking it up a notch to utter insanity.
We have been supplying Israel with weapons and money since 1948, even after the U.S.S. Liberty was attacked, jets machine gunning our sailors fighting for their lives in the water.
From Truman to the present.
Trump says the quiet part out loud.
Wishful thinking…! No Gazans would leave voluntarily…!
"voluntary" like the Milesians.
The world does jack to stop this.
All I hear is yap, yap, yap, but no actions.
Perhaps because US interests are the primary driver. Israel is America's pit bull in the Middle East. Yes, the dog sometimes escapes its chain and goes wild, but it still serves its master.
Because, sowing chaos and disorder in the Middle East is part of the plan. Turning Lebanon, Libya, and Syria into failed states is part of the plan. Making Jordan and Egypt into aid-dependent vassals is part of the plan.
Allowing Zionists to pursue their dream of Eretz Israel and justifying that with Biblical fantasies may not be exactly part of the plan, but if it adds more regional instability, so much the better.
The last thing the US wants is a stable arrangement of thriving Middle Eastern states that might coalesce into an alliance for mutual aid and defense. That would be a nightmare scenario for the Empire.
I can't imagine anything driving the Middle East into an oppositional alliance faster than what the Zionists are planning. Let's hope the members of that alliance tire of Israel's shenanigans very quickly.
Israel will fail departing Gaza Palestinians, like numerous times before, with or without force…!
I'm expecting a sudden drop in the number of available cattle cars here in the United States ….
I can't wait to see how Nut-and-yahoo, along with Katz, plan to get a voluntary response from the Palestinians. My guess is a lot more IDF will bite the big one before that happens. Meanwhile, more civilians get to die for an amorphous Zionist goal that has no hope of succeeding without complete ethnic cleansing/destruction of both the West Bank and Gaza. By that time, Israel and the US will be total pariahs with no connections left to the world at large. Is that what they mean by "statesmanlike thinking?"