The Trump administration has asked congressional leaders to approve a new $1 billion weapons transfer to Israel that will be funded by US military aid, The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday.
The deal includes 4,700 1,000-pound bombs worth more than $700 million and $300 million worth of armored bulldozers, which the Israeli military uses to demolish homes and infrastructure in Gaza and the West Bank.
The request for the new arms transfer comes as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in Washington and set to meet with President Trump at the White House on Tuesday. He’s expected to push for US support for Israel to restart its genocidal war in Gaza instead of fully implementing the ceasefire deal.

The Journal report said Netanyahu is also expecting Trump to push ahead with a massive $8 billion deal that President Biden notified congressional leaders about in early January. The report said some Democrats in Congress put a hold on the massive sale and that the Trump administration is now pushing congressional leaders to unblock it.
The $8 billion deal includes munitions for fighter jets and attack helicopters as well as artillery shells. The Trump administration also recently released a hold on a shipment of 2,000-pound bombs for Israel.
Israeli officials suggested that the increased military aid was part of a deal to get Netanyahu to agree to the Gaza ceasefire deal. Trump’s envoy for the Middle East, Steve Witkoff, has said he’s pushing for the full implementation of the agreement, but the ceasefire is very fragile as Netanyahu doesn’t want to implement the second phase.
Hear we go. Trump continues his full support for Israel. The "Arabs for Trump" group must be so proud of their decision to support trump.
Your illiteracy matches your leftist non-sensibility.
The zionists hate the cease fire deal Trump forced on them. That makes you, an obvious propagandist, incorrect.
You as a commie of course preferred the low IQ, leftist, do nothing, inebriated Harris for president. In that way, we would continue massive corruption in our government, and of course the massive invasion and theft of the USA.
Arabs correctly saw that the Biden-Harris policy was to let Israel do whatever they want, while rewarding them $28 billion extra. Biden never even attempted a cease fire from the Israeli genocide. You are unable to do basic logic.
Your inability to comprehend the stupidity of any Arab supporting trump is insane. Trump is proposing a massive ethnic cleaning in Gaza. Just how stupid does one have to be to think that that is a good move for the Palestinians?
Why do you assume that “Arab” equates to “pro-Palestinian?”
Thomas, so true!
Because the "Arabs for Trump" group said that they were. Are you saying there are Arabs that support Israel? Well that is interesting.
"the stupidity of any Arab supporting trump" – who is "proposing…ethnic cleaning in Gaza" – is "[not] a good move for the Palestinians"?
sick fucks – who cheer the US-enabled mass murder and starvation of Gaza – don't get to tell Arab Americans what's "good" for Palestinians
who is "proposing…ethnic cleaning in Gaza" That would be trump.
"who is "proposing…ethnic cleaning in Gaza" That would be tru-"
yr fine with ethnic cleansing gazans-
just bummed yr outright murder and starvation method is on hold.
The fact that you think Trump, based on his last term and who he’s staffed his State Dept with this time around, is going to be anything but a complete Zionist sellout is staggering to me. Even worse than Biden and his absolute catastrophe of a term, if that’s possible. I would love to be proven wrong on this, but people like you have a different kind of TDS.
Biden, Kamalala were all those things you rightly claim of Trump but WORSE. We had 2 rotten choices, this is just a blaring example of just how far the USA has fallen, and it is on all of us. 🙁
No one can be worse than Biden. He may be equaled but that would take some doing. But that's the problem. Improving from Biden isn't anything to be bragging about but that seems to be the only go to comments the Trump loyalists have to offer.
"Trump continues his full support for Israel. The 'Arabs for Trump' group must be so proud of their decision to support [him]."
Nah, Republican psyops are "proud":
mass phoned a recording of this finger wagging genocidal Dem to Arab Americans – the sociopath scold was so fucking irritating, lot of' 'em went red.
I'm much against it.
You are against something that trump is doing? LOL
man has the right to change his mind…!
Why 1000 pounders? Low inventory on 2000 pounds bombs, perhaps? As for the armored bulldozers, are they replacing the ones damaged in the war and/or worn out from use or do they need more bulldozers for the nest phase? At estimate cost of 2million that is around 150 new armored bulldozers.
They only have rubble left to bomb, turning rubble into sand 1000 pounders should do. At least Trump is economic and counts pennies.
Trump will be giving BB Oral Pleasure in the Oval Office, whatever BB wants, BB gets. Israel first, USA second. When Trump is through "pleasing" BB, Senator Cotton will be waiting for his Private time so he can "please" fellow Zionist, BB. Three genocidal maniacs taking care of bizzness.
C'mon Jay, the visuals are hard to unsee once read. So, well done. 😉
I agree. The visuals are bad. But do you hear the loud thumping pounding music bouncing all over inside my head?
Trump is executing several moves that many Americans have long waited to see…demonstrating sanity on Ukraine, closing the border, deporting unlawful migrants, getting tough on trade, investigating government waste…and actual effectiveness is becoming quickly evident.
This will distract from and excuse his vision of Greater Isreal and Western dominance in the region. He may not see it as the right thing to do, but he might well see it as the only thing he can do.
pResidents have always had a gun to their heads. If they don't comply with the desires of the people that poop paper and call it money, then they could wind up dealing with the consequences of a pulled trigger.
One the one hand, he has found the power to get things done that wasn't there in his first term. On the other hand, he is powerless against the ancient brood of the money changers.
Netanyahu is coming to confirm Trump's shared guilt in the murderous actions against Palestinian civilians. Netanyahu should well be arrested, but Trump could never, ever allow that. They will instead revel in their plans to remove all Palestinians and exploit the sunny beaches and newly discovered gas deposits.
This is the final solution. It is what the god wants. So sayeth Western capitalism.
You left out Evangelical Zionist Nut Jobs!! But good thoughts non the less. 🙂
World leaders are by their very nature sociopathic.
Hmmm, thousand pound bombs and armored dozers … creating and clearing rubble with efficiency …
What is the punishment for aiding and abetting an ethnic cleansing again?
None that I have witnessed.
Punishment? The global elites and billionaires will love to spend time at the new Gazan Riviera.
Without fentanyl Americans will have to face reality unprotected.
Trump is an utter disgrace..if anyone had any hope that he would make America great again he will not. Like Biden he is a puppet and blowhard for the deep state. What a shame.
We went from Shameless to Disgraceless.
Trump is likely to be a member of the deep state.
He is a superb con-artist. How else can one explain his re-election?
Kamala was too much of a lose cannon for the deep state, plus also dangerous because she is not too smart.
Trump too is ignorant and very dangerous and as you call it, a lose cannon. Both are unfit and stand for nothing. But maybe he made it because he is one of them?
Well that wasn't surprising. I'm actually more surprised he held that long before returning from peace and love trope to warmongering instead
Peace is a great selling point and Trump is the ultra (con) salesman. I parted with him after his "peace propaganda" that was not true even in his first term. Sure he did not actually start wars he just fired missiles, killed generals.
He promised withdrawal from Afghanistan, Syria – he didn't.
The murder of General Qasem Soleimani was "starting" a war, an act of war, by the United States an Iranian general who was not his home country, but in third country, Iraq, which the United States was also not at war. General Soleimani was on a peace mission.
General Soleimani was delivering a letter to
Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi with respect to letter of peace, good will and cooperation offered by Saudi Arabia.
Sanctions are an act of war and are a way of waging war, as recognized under International law, reason, logic and common sense.
Consequently, if you were to wish to continue a certain line of "thinking," President Trump didn't "start a new war," he merely continued, indeed escalated, an ongoing war.
How many countries did the United States sanction and murder their citizens before Donald J. Trump became president?
How many countries did first term President Trump sanction and murder their citizens?
dennis hanna
"Genocide Joe" replaced by "Genocide Don"…ain't America great!
How is 'The Prisoner" holding up?
I'm wating for his eventual mental collapse
It'll happen before Summer, thats all I will say
It all comes down to this – Without US Israel Is Nothing…!
Why ASK congress, just to make it look like they follow the constitution? Who cares, that is water under the bridge.
Will anyone ever understand and learn …
Israel is the United States.
The United States is Israel.
God’s Chosen People
United States:
American Exceptionalism*
The Earth’s Last Best Hope**
The Indispensable Nation***
The One Indispensable Nation****
A Colonial-settler land.
The Promised Land,
Manifest Destiny is our stand.
A land with no people for
A people with no land.
Indian Territory(ies)
Palestinian Territory(ies)
Occupied Palestinian Territory(ies)
Illegally Occupied Palestinian Territory(ies)
Indian Reservations
Palestinian Reservations
“Area C”, Palestine?, you pray.
“Bantustans,” you say.
Apartheid is the only way.
No!, genocide is here to stay.
Why? Because election year or not Israel's supporters pay United States government representatives to obey.
Wait, all social and economic leaders in America and the "Western World" take Israel's supporters money, it's the only winning game to play.
United States Indians
Israel, PalestinIndians
Different names for the same thing, ethnic cleansing and Genocide.
The truth you can’t hide.
One and the same.
The Principle of Identity,
A difference only in name.
dennis hanna
p.s. "I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only ask them to think”
Socrates, 470 – 399 B.C.E.
*The first reference to the concept by name, and possibly its origin, was by French writer Alexis de Tocqueville in his 1835/1840 work, Democracy in America:
“The position of the Americans is therefore quite exceptional, and it may be believed that no democratic people will ever be placed in a similar one. Their strictly Puritanical origin, their exclusively commercial habits, even the country they inhabit, which seems to divert their minds from the pursuit of science, literature, and the arts, the proximity of Europe, which allows them to neglect these pursuits without relapsing into barbarism, a thousand special causes, of which I have only been able to point out the most important, have singularly concurred to fix the mind of the American upon purely practical objects. His passions, his wants, his education, and everything about him seem to unite in drawing the native of the United States earthward; his religion alone bids him turn, from time to time, a transient and distracted glance to heaven. Let us cease, then, to view all democratic nations under the example of the American people.”
**President Abraham Lincoln
Annual Message to Congress — Concluding Remarks
Washington, D.C.
December 1, 1862
One month before signing the Emancipation Proclamation, President Lincoln sent a long message to Congress which was largely routine, but also proposed controversial measures such as voluntary colonization of slaves and compensated emancipation.
“… We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth. …”
***It is the threat of the use of force [against Iraq] and our line-up there that is going to put force behind the diplomacy. But if we have to use force, it is because we are America; we are the indispensable nation. We stand tall and we see further than other countries into the future, and we see the danger here to all of us.
Madeleinee K. Albright,
U.S. Secretary of State (1997–2001).
Stated on NBC's Today Show (February 19, 1998)
****"The United States is and will remain the one indispensable nation in the world. Now, sustaining our leadership, keeping America strong and secure means we have to use our power wisely," Obama said in his address to the American Legion in North Carolina. August 27, 2014 ( not the first or last time he uttered these words )
Please note, President Obama
clarified and specified “… the one indispensable nation …”
The President, thus, closed the rhetorical door on any other nation being “indispensable.”
In meaning and use, “the,” definite article, acts as a function word to indicate that a following noun or noun equivalent is a “unique” or “a” particular member” of its class; i.e. “the” President as compared to “a” president.
President Obama, of course, knew this being “ivory league” educated at Columbia University (B.A.) and Harvard University (J.D.)
I thought it was all supposed to be about "America first"…
How is supporting Israel an "America First" act? Actually, it is just the OPPOSITE! Any support that the USA gives to Israel is COUNTER PRODUCTIVE to USA interests. Giving material and moral support to a war criminal entity can NEVER be in a nation's "best interests"! The MAJORITY on this planet that condemn genocide on the part of Israel will not forget USA support for it, that's for SURE!!!
Trump has informed the Europeans that he will not deal with the EU. NATO is breaking apart, this is the time to end it, it is useless and very expensive, high time for the Europeans to send the Americans packing and go home taking your nuclear weapons and military basis like AFB RAMSTEIN WITH THEM. Germany would finally become a sovereign state again after 80 years of occupation.
An election is coming up in Germany in about 3 weeks, the result will be interesting.
Our eternal TV POTUS pleasing his sponsor.
Trump always talks out of both sides of his mouth, that is why the compulsive liar has trouble remembering his tons of lies.
He does not have to. He is such a good con artist salesman that he can produce 3 lies in a day, flip them as ultra truth adn people will believe the last version he presents.
(Guy Debord, Society of the Spectacle). Except it’s not a “lie”, it’s a TV character. Razzle-dazzle (Witkoff, Musk, Tulsi, RFK, …) for the suckers. Real money for the Sponsors … less 10% for the Big Guy of course. Hard to believe sophisticated types (like Alistair Crooke) fall for this cheesey sleeze.
Have you mentioned that book here before? I don’t remember where I heard about it, but I bought it a year or so ago and found it quite interesting.
Probably, … long part of my sociology. Glad to hear you’ve profited too. I doubt Trump has read it (or anything else), but he’s sure dishing us a Mussolini-esque spectacle, the strongman leader, getting things done, … trouble is it’s all illegal, will never actually happen.
While an immigrant by the name of musk has just raided the personal info of every american and usaid is deleted?
[Its Universe 25 in 2025 for those who see]
Nothing much new here.
What is interesting is that this is an Anti-War site and most of all the introductory articles are about Trump because at the moment Trump is everywhere as the sword wielding global emperor.
Colombia caved, Mexico caved, Canada caved, according to Trump even Panama caved and he says soon the EU and Greenland will cave too. And he was 100% sure that Egypt and Jordan will take Palestinians after he gets through talking (threatening) them. He even said that China caved with Panama.
Biden's name was also prevalent during his 4 years. It comes with the territory when you have your nose in everybody's business.
But no-one publicly questioned his mental health condition and here we go again.
I still think when a bullet scratched Donald's ear it was a hoax and he had ketchup where there should have been blood. I know it is crazy but two deranged old men, one after the other, is even more crazy. Maybe Biden will try for his second term after Trump. They do have much in common.
Trump has mental health issues, he is a basket case, he is a compulsive liar and lives in his very own reality. He is convinced he is the all powerful God Almighty.
What is wrong with the American leading elite, the public? He talks nonsense and acts crazy on stage, look at his face?
Two deranged presidents in a row, how crazy can it get?
Asks congress for 1B.
Congress calls Trump a piker and gives 10B
Cutting from domestic funds to pay for Israel genocide…!