President Trump on Thursday insisted Jordan and Egypt will take in Palestinian refugees from Gaza despite fierce objections from the two Arab nations.
Trump’s recent suggestion to “clean out” Gaza of its Palestinian population and send them to Jordan and Egypt raised fears that the US may support the ethnic cleansing of the territory, but his idea was met with quick rejection from Amman and Cairo and the wider Arab world.
When asked on Thursday about the Egyptian and Jordanian response to his proposal, Trump said, “They will do it. They will do it. They’re gonna do it, okay? We do a lot for them, and they’re gonna do it.”
Trump’s calls to remove Palestinians from Gaza were welcomed by the more hardline elements of the Israeli government who are openly in favor of ethnic cleansing and the establishment of Jewish settlements, including Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who said he’s working to make Trump’s vision a reality.
Smotrich and others frame their desire for ethnic cleansing as “voluntary migration,” but the Israeli military campaign has left most of Gaza uninhabitable. Some media reports have said the Trump administration is discussing the idea of “temporarily” relocating Gaza residents during reconstruction, but many would likely be hesitant to leave over fears Israel wouldn’t let them back.
Trump’s Middle East envoy, Steve Witkoff, said Thursday that there’s “almost nothing left” of Gaza, comments he made after visiting the Israeli-controlled Netzarim Corridor and observing the destruction from a helicopter.
“People are moving north to get back to their homes and see what happened and turn around and leave … there is no water and no electricity. It is stunning just how much damage occurred there,” Witkoff told Axios.
Witkoff, a real estate investor from New York, said he thinks the reconstruction of Gaza will take 10 to 15 years. “There has been this perception we can get to a solid plan for Gaza in five years. But its impossible. This is a 10 to 15-year rebuilding plan,” he said.
Witkoff added that the demolition and removal of the rubble alone would take five years. “There is nothing left standing. Many unexploded ordnances. It is not safe to walk there. It is very dangerous. I wouldn’t have known this without going there and inspecting,” he said.
"It is stunning just how much damage occurred there,” Witkoff told Axios.
Another way, a more truthful way of saying that would be "it's stunning how much destruction Israel created with our bombs" …
Ah c'mon man, it was just a natural disaster. /s
act of god … or so I've been told …
Very well put.
What's to be done, Wars? The next four years look to be a moral clusterF of incredible proportions. And this is AFTER all the BS of the past forty years. What can be done?
I have no clue. I'm just a hair on a gnat's ass.
123 years ago the same question was asked:
Full text (if you're interested in a deep reading):
No!, no act. Acts, "ethnic cleansing" and "genocide," by god's Chosen People.
The "will" … "ethnic cleansing" and "genocide," … of god.
dennis hsnna
Caliman was obviously sarcastic.
"a more truthful way of saying that would be 'it's stunning how much destruction Israel created with our bombs'"
there's another message imo, to witkoff's 'objective' description of the scale of destruction:
'palestinians should take this as a warning, and israel should take this as a win. and be thankful.'
that is:
'with US help, you engaged in genocidal collective punishment, destroyed not only homes but state infrastructure (hospitals & schools and mosques and power, etc)…
…'physically and emotionally immiserating gazans for what will be decades…
…'and you got away with it.
'play ball with us now – so the right looks good on the world stage, and to u.s. swing voters – because remember who enabled you, remember who covered for you.'
That's not what Witkoff said. He was obviously genuinely shocked by the destruction. If he wasn't he didn't have to say anything, he could just have repeated the Biden administration's established platitutes. He didn't even have to visit Gaza if he didn't choose to himself. The Biden admin certainly never did.
"I wouldn’t have known this without going there…"
So your guy is so stupid that he couldn't read what has been covered in the international press for over a year? He isn't even bright enough to look at the pictures?
Sounds like they got the right guy for the job.
"That's not what Witkoff said. He was obviously genuinely shocked by the destruction."
1/W's unknown feelings are irrelevant here. What's key is the unstated idea behind 'Gaza is uninhabitable':
the idea that W's boss – who also called Gaza a "demolition site" – is explicit about: Gaza's 'uninhabitable' – so 'the Gazans have to get out.'
2/ Ethnic cleansing is a crime, it is frequently called for in Israel – and now – after US complicity in genocide and ethnic cleansing under the Biden admin – Trump and co. are accessories in Israel's ethnic cleansing.
3/ And Witkoff – who raised money for Trump by protesting the Biden admin's temporary suspension of the most destructive bombs – is fully on board with that:
the US's concern now is that the most genocidal elements of Netanyahu's coalition stay in line – so T can claim credit for 'bringing peace' and getting hostages back, while supporting Israel's ethnic cleansing.
Cause and effect.
The United States is the "cause" of the ethnic cleansing and genocide" of the Palestinians.
The Zionist entity, a.k.a. Israel, is the "effect."
Again, again, my friend …
Israel is the United States.
The United States is Israel.
God’s Chosen People
United States:
American Exceptionalism*
The Earth’s Last Best Hope**
The Indispensable Nation***
The One Indispensable Nation****
A Colonial-settler land.
The Promised Land,
Manifest Destiny is our stand.
A land with no people for
A people with no land.
Indian Territory(ies)
Palestinian Territory(ies)
Occupied Palestinian Territory(ies)
Illegally Occupied Palestinian Territory(ies)
Indian Reservations
Palestinian Reservations
“Area C”, Palestine?, you pray.
“Bantustans,” you say.
Apartheid is the only way.
No!, genocide is here to stay.
Why? Because election year or not Israel's supporters pay United States government representatives to obey.
Wait, all social and economic leaders in America and the "Western World" take Israel's supporters money, it's the only winning game to play.
United States Indians
Israel, PalestinIndians
Different names for the same thing, ethnic cleansing and Genocide.
The truth you can’t hide.
One and the same.
The Principle of Identity,
A difference only in name.
dennis hanna
"I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only ask them to think”
Socrates, 470 – 399 B.C.E.
*The first reference to the concept by name, and possibly its origin, was by French writer Alexis de Tocqueville in his 1835/1840 work, Democracy in America:
“The position of the Americans is therefore quite exceptional, and it may be believed that no democratic people will ever be placed in a similar one. Their strictly Puritanical origin, their exclusively commercial habits, even the country they inhabit, which seems to divert their minds from the pursuit of science, literature, and the arts, the proximity of Europe, which allows them to neglect these pursuits without relapsing into barbarism, a thousand special causes, of which I have only been able to point out the most important, have singularly concurred to fix the mind of the American upon purely practical objects. His passions, his wants, his education, and everything about him seem to unite in drawing the native of the United States earthward; his religion alone bids him turn, from time to time, a transient and distracted glance to heaven. Let us cease, then, to view all democratic nations under the example of the American people.”
**President Abraham Lincoln
Annual Message to Congress — Concluding Remarks
Washington, D.C.
December 1, 1862
One month before signing the Emancipation Proclamation, President Lincoln sent a long message to Congress which was largely routine, but also proposed controversial measures such as voluntary colonization of slaves and compensated emancipation.
“… We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth. …”
***It is the threat of the use of force [against Iraq] and our line-up there that is going to put force behind the diplomacy. But if we have to use force, it is because we are America; we are the indispensable nation. We stand tall and we see further than other countries into the future, and we see the danger here to all of us.
Madeleinee K. Albright,
U.S. Secretary of State (1997–2001).
Stated on NBC's Today Show (February 19, 1998)
****"The United States is and will remain the one indispensable nation in the world. Now, sustaining our leadership, keeping America strong and secure means we have to use our power wisely," Obama said in his address to the American Legion in North Carolina. August 27, 2014 ( not the first or last time he uttered these words )
Please note, President Obama
clarified and specified “… the one indispensable nation …”
The President, thus, closed the rhetorical door on any other nation being “indispensable.”
In meaning and use, “the,” definite article, acts as a function word to indicate that a following noun or noun equivalent is a “unique” or “a” particular member” of its class; i.e. “the” President as compared to “a” president.
President Obama, of course, knew this being “ivory league” educated at Columbia University (B.A.) and Harvard University (J.D.)
ah, dennis? think we're on same side here…but ignore at your peril the fate of long posts…
I'm sick of this passive voice description of atrocities Israel and the US commit. "How much damage occurred", as though an earthquake or hurricane happened rather than the deliberate attempt at genocide and ethnic cleansing.
Axios is an Israeli outlet. Witkoff is surely a ultra-Zionist, i.e. a Nazi by another name.
… And Egypt and Jordan keep insisting their denial of such agreement from the freaking delusional…!
Well unfortunately I believe Trump is correct that they will take Palestinian refugees. Trump will do the same as he did to Columbia and is now doing to Mexico and Canada with tariffs. He will threaten them stop all aid to them and make another example of them caving.
Any more the way many portray Trump in pictures is him riding in on a white horse. In other pictures he is a Roman Caesar or a Christ like figure as world savior.
For me he reminds me of Attila the Hun.
They will not. No matter how much pressure is put on them, the rulers of those countries are not suicidal. If they accept Palestinians, they sign their own death warrants.
Not just that…! Palestinians won’t Leave…!
Israel can force them out, and will have to. It will take about 100,000 bus rides to remove all the Gaza Palestinians if you assume 20 per bus and another 20 armed guards on the bus. The distance is about 200 miles to Syria, so each bus can do 1 round trip per day. A fleet of 1000 busses can do it in about 100 days.
If Israel could, they would've done it by now…!
He is sending 30,000 migrants to Guantanamo Bay. But we shouldn't worry about torture or indefinite detention (/s) .
I don’t believe Guantanamo Bay is big enough for that many migrants…!
*Colombia with two "o"s.
I read a book on Attila the Hun many years ago. It was called the "Management secrets of Attila the Hun". After reading the book, I can assure you that Attila would not be so stupid as to start a trade war with his allies.
My recollection is that Attila mostly grew up in Rome, where he was a hostage to guarantee the good behavior of his father’s tribe — and that as effectively nobility and in custody of nobility, he was very well-educated while there.
T. "'Insists Egypt And Jordan Will Take Palestinians From Gaza'… And Egypt and Jordan keep insisting their denial of such agreement from the…delusional."
yea but what if the intended political publics of the 'campaign' are israel and the u.s. zionist right?
for those publics, does what egypt/jordan actually say matter so much as the clear support of israel's declared ethnic cleansing goals?
(because – as w/border rhetoric – 'they're a prob, a threat, they don't belong here – don't really have a right to be here')
so imagine:
'so egypt/jordan didn't go for it – but hey, calling for israel to "clean out" gaza? then telling egypt/jordan to take them?…
…'right after glorious mass murder and physical destruction to drive 'em out like those south o' the border rapists n' welfare moochers? – well shit, yeah, that's my kinda' prez!'
"raised fears that the US may support the ethnic cleansing of the territory" This has been one of the few consistent, well-funded national goals of the US government for decades. 'raising fears' about this might have appropriate phrasing when, 1966?
Israel never wanted there to be any place for the Palestinians to return to. In this way, they can pretend to be humanitarian by wanting to resettle (ethnically cleanse) the refugees elsewhere. All while Israelis and Americans salivate over the real estate prospects. It makes me sick.
Yes, I almost broke out in tears with this article. Brute force wins once again – at least it sure looks like it at the moment.
More and more Americans like what Trump is doing this time around. The reason for that is that the democrats messed up so greatly -probably on purpose – for a strong man to come in and fix it. Germany and Austria anyone after WWI and economic misery anyone? The H guy was widely supported in the beginning as well as he did fix stuff first, just like Trump is doing now. People don't think further into the future.
I agree, and I do not think Trump is an outsider or rebel, like many of his fans think. He will continue the status quo of lowering people's standards of living so that the military budget continues into the trillions and the super wealthy benefit.
"Escape from Freedom attempts to show, modern man still is anxious and tempted to surrender his freedom to dictators of all kinds, or to lose it by transforming himself into a small cog in the machine, well fed, and well clothed, yet not a free man but an automaton."
-Erich Fromm
Americans with their constant WWII references. Do you seriously not know any other part of history? Oh, if you're leftists you will also add Vietnam.
What the article shows is that the envoy of the new administration is genuinely shocked by the destruction, and that he wants to rebuild Gaza. He didn't have to visit Gaza and he didn't have to comment on the destruction, but he chose to.
He is also the one who swore at the Israelis when they wanted to wait with meeting him because of Sabbat, saying "I don't give a f*ck about the Sabbat, you will meet me now." Then he delivered Trump's demand that they stop the war right away.
Of course Trump had to send a Jewish envoy to do this, otherwise he would be accused of "anti-Semitism" for daring to demand anything from the hallowed Israelis.
"the envoy of the new admin…wants to rebuild Gaza."
the envoy's boss says out with gazans. so 'rebuild' for who?
So president Trump is as bad as president Blinken was.
No, Blinken.
Blinken as well Biden are not worth to be called President…!
True. But between the two of them, who do you think made the decisions?
Blinken made more foreign policy decisions but I don’t think Biden wasn’t aware of them…!
Well, let's just say he was as aware as he could be. 😉
But… does it matter who did worst…?! Yes, it does…! Biden has immunity, but Blinken does not and he can be prosecuted for war crimes…!
Then it doesn't really matter. We both know the Blinken types never pay for their crimes.
Would Biden be immune if it were an international war crimes tribunal controlled by the victor as was Nuernberg?
Blinken de facto made the decision and the demented de jure president signed on the bottom line.
Blinken was the de facto president, too bad it ended so fast.
I said it first. 🙂
what happend to Herr Musk?
He is pulling the strings behind the stage and is testing how it feels to sit on a throne enjoying the mob's jubilation.
musk ‘s been flushed
Maybe even worse. He knows he is God Almighty, the sovereign ruler of the blue planet.
Egyptians and Jordanians should know and do as told, the same goes for the Palestinians, he decides where they will live.
Donald Trump thinks that he has been named dictator of the world.
We should remember what happened in the 1920s-1930s when some countries elected demented politicians who declared themselves dictators.
Not only should a doctor be assigned to the White House, but also a psychiatrist.
psychiatrist in the WH now would not do any good. he has too much support at present because of the left's total insanity and mess up on all fronts.
Over 50% like what he is doing now and that won't change by some shrink saying he is crazy.
That is likely to change soon if they continue on this way.
That is likely to change soon if they continue on this way.
russia reference?
The WH would make a nice asylum.
There is no way Egypt or Jordan will take Palestinians. The rulers of those countries are not suicidal. Israel now has a place to deport them to – Syria.
If it's really, really stupid. Less than 30,000 Hamas and Islamic Jihad members with smuggled in second hand small arms, only about a third of them trained in combat tactics, have managed to hold off a force of 300,000 armed with the latest Western weapons. Drop them in Syria where a serious Islamic force which (despite their official proclamations) is full of people who hate Israel, is lavishly armed, and which has next to no moral qualms about massacring civilians by the hundreds, and you're inviting an invasion.
Instead of 'rules based order'(ie; King of the Hill syndrome) let us strive for an actual RULES OF LAW for one and all?
What we now have is a global society ruled by gangs, nothing more noble than that,nothing but selfish,law-breaking gangs of selfish groups of humans…
Witkoff added that the demolition and removal of the rubble alone would take five years. “There is nothing left standing. Many unexploded ordnances. It is not safe to walk there. It is very dangerous. I wouldn’t have known this without going there and inspecting,” he said.
Really now? 80,000 tons of bombs didn't give him a clue? But what truly is disgusting is that he met the men responsible for that devastation and shook their hands.
"80,000 tons of bombs didn't give [Witkoff] a clue?"
Unlimited bombs which Witkoff pushed for:
"Witkoff…raised a vast amount of money for Mr. Trump’s campaign…after the Biden administration stopped shipping some bombs to Israel."
(Trump’s Middle East Picks Signal Staunch Pro-Israel Policy, NYT, 11/13/24)
Gaza is not Israeli land.
It will be if trump gets his way and all the Palestinians are removed from Gaza. I wonder what Israel will rename Gaza? Maybe the new name of Gaza will be the Trump district.
Well, they won't. They can't. Their governments would be overthrown if they tried, and the resulting mess would be even worse for Israel/US.
Trump had best stop this bloviating, and come up with a real plan.
"Trump had best stop…bloviating, and come up with a real plan."
As I commented earlier: in terms of key publics and Israel, politically I don't think he has to:
So ME govts don't take Gazans? Then with US aid and political cover, Israel has inflicted a criminal collective punishment on Gaza with impunity, and Republicans 'brought peace and got the hostages back.'
Weapons to Israel because 'relationship' and 'security'? No problem.
Gazan suffering? Rebuilding? 'Not our problem.'
"Trump had best stop this bloviating, and come up with a real plan" Instead he started a trade war with Canada.
The plan all along. We have to believe what the wicked Apartheid regime has said all along. They wanted to make Gaza uninhabitable. Goal achieved. Next up, the West Bank.
I don’t know if there’s a god and an afterlife. If there is one and there’s a heaven and hell, I think I know where these faux Jews and Christians in Israel, the US and Europe will end up.
Consider the perversity that the country which committed the worst genocide of the 20th century, Germany, has supplied the weapons and diplomatic cover for Israel to commit the worst genocide or—more accurately—Holocaust of the 21st century.
A sick sick world run by psychopaths.
How does one differentiate between a Nazi-oriented VSU soldier and an Israeli weJ?
It was U.S. bombs that destroyed Gaza, and it is the U.S. that should absorb the remaining Palestinians, not Jordan or Egypt.
Let me rephrase your inconceivable proposition with one of my own…: It was US bombs that destroyed Gaza, and it is the US that should rebuild Gaza for Gazans…!
It will take five years clear out the rubble in Gaza according to Steve Witkoff. The Isaelis are never going to let a two state solution come to pass. Sure, we can pay for the reconstruction of Gaza for the Palestinians, but it won’t be long and it will be turned to rubble again.
Unless the people of Gaza can come up with a real and lasting peace with Israel, rebuilding Gaza is just a waste of money.
Sure, it's on the people that have absolutely no power to be the ones to come up with a peace plan. And with people that are openly insisting that they "voluntarily emigrate". Could you be more oblivious?
Yes, is up to the Palestinians to come to the table work to make a peace plan. As long as the Palestinians continue to hold on to the idea they will retake land that their grandfathers lost in a war, their will be no peace. Each time they attack Israel, Israel like any other nation, hardens their position.
Yes, is up to the Palestinians to come to the table work to make a peace plan.
If I could understand that gibberish, I might be able to reply. But you're the one with the "education". Meanwhile, the land their grandfathers DIDN'T lose in a war keeps getting smaller and smaller. And once more, the Palestinians are OCCUPIED. It isn't the other way around. They have NO power to propose any peace plan that wouldn't include them losing even more land because the real terrorists, Israel, wants them gone or dead.
You are correct you don't understand why it is important for Palestinians to work for a peace plan that realizes that Israel exists. As long as the Palestinians believe they can undo the results of 1948 war there will be no peace. The Arabs attempted and failed to wipe out the nation of Israel in 1948. The Arabs even attempted to starve the Israelis living in Jerusalem in 1948. Now 76 years later the grand children of those losers think that destroy Israel.
First of all, what I didn't understand was that gibberish you wrote. Here it is once more:
Yes, is up to the Palestinians to come to the table work to make a peace plan.
Learn how to construct a sentence.
And secondly, 1948 doesn't have shit to do with the Palestinians in Gaza having the power to "negotiate" a peace treaty today no matter how many times you repeat it. Just another feeble attempt by you to place the blame on someone other than Israel for what Israel did. You're grasping.
How does one issue thoughtful and respectful comments about the sewerage that has poured out and continues to pour out of the White House and it's appendages in the congress, the CIA, the deep state, etc, etc, since the year marking the PEACE DIVIDEND?
That's been the terrorist-genocidal plan since his first mandate:
More of a myth… MBS is free to make governmental decisions on his own already…! He doesn't have to be an official king to do so…!
Having a crown or a ministerial office is not the real power, controlling the wealth is. Have you even heard of the great Saudi purge, which happened in October 2017? >…
In fact, now that I review the article, it's a good list of many of those purged but doesn't even cover the most notorious event of those days: the kidnapping of Lebanese President Hariri (who doubled as quasi-Saudi oligarch via a close friend and associate who was apparently killed). It doesn't even mention the also notorious participation of the famous AI talking head Sofia, who once proclaimed, maybe trying to joke, "kill all humans", and was used as bait to corral all or most of these Saudi oligarchs in a single event they could not escape (and later given honorary Saudi citizenship, whatever that means).
The purge, assassinations and seizure of dissident wealth have already accomplished MBS supremacy… The idea of US making MBS the official king of Saudi Arabia is laughable…!
You misunderstood me or maybe you misunderstood Bin Farhan, who (check the date) was speaking in 2017 (the date of the article was, I have it branded in my brain somehow: June 24 2017.
A few days later Egypt ceded the Tiran islands to Saudi Arabia (which did not claim them), making the access to the Gulf of Aqaba international waters (it was rather a gift to Israel). Months later Bin Salman made his purge and also the Qatar crisis happened, with Saudi Arabia threatening an invasion of Qatar but Turkey landing troops and preventing it. This last may have been the reason why the Gaza Genocide was not executed right away in 2018.
But it is still in the menu…
If you want to read something sickening, read an article in The American Conservative praising Trump's plan for ethnically cleansing the Palestinians. The writer compares it to Noah's Ark. Really.
There is an irony, here. Trump is fanatically anti-immigrant and yet insists that other nations that have a smaller economy than we do take in millions of immigrants.
Under the guise of words ,the author seesm to hide his true thoughts – its a pipe dreams that square well with Trump's other pie dreams. In the process ,he takes a dig at Bibilical examples ( of Noah )being the guiding one .
"CNN quoted an Israeli analyst saying that Trump’s words were “not a slip of the tongue but part of a much broader move than it seems, coordinated with Israel.” We know how that turned out to be when a similar plan for the ME and for history were drawn by Karl Rove ,Rice,and OSP office of Sharon.
usa taxes doing mission work us taxes
We should refrain from paying federal income taxes going to mic to cause mass murdering, genocide, massacre and misery for ordinary human beings, specially Children…!
collective sin collective responsibility collective accountability that reaches the abyss..ripples
Why don't you get that a try. It will take two to three years for IRS to come after you, but they will.
"Hesitant to leave over FEAR the Israelis won't let them back…" How about CERTAINTY the Israelis won't let them back.
The Israelis ruined Gaza; it is Israel's responsibility now to care for, feed and house the millions of refugees it has created. EVERY single US dollar that goes to those nazis, for any purpose, should be redirected to Gaza until Gaza is at least as prosperous as Tel Aviv.
1. You are right Israel will not let them back. 2. It is not Israel responsibility to take care of Gaza. The war was started by Gaza on Oct 7. 3. No USA money should not be used to Gaza. Gaza has been getting hand outs for 76 years and the only Gaza can produce is more babies for the UN to feed.
The war was started by Israel when they seized Gaza in 1967; although that was not the first time they seized Gaza, they did it before in 1956, but the USA at least had the good sense then to make them give it back. Unfortunately, no one had the courage or the integrity to make Israel give Gaza and the West Bank back after 1967, when they illegally stole it, along with the Golan and Sinai, in a premeditated, unprovoked war. So the Palestinians, as a conquered, occupied state, have every right to resist. Israel can simply get out of the occupied territories and let them live in peace, and that includes the monstrous and odious rabble known as the “settlers” in the west bank. The Israelis created this mess, and are ultimately responsible for every single death on either side.
There's that insinuation again that the occupied Palestinians are just a bunch of welfare whores. God you are disgusting.
Most Palestinians are on UN welfare. That is a fact. At the end of WW2 there were a very large numbers of refugees in many countries. And yet only the Palestinians remain on welfare from that period. And now they expect someone else to rebuild their houses which they just tossed away foolishly in a war they started for a one day killing spree.
Last time I heard, the Israeli regime wasn’t returning any of its US welfare checks uncashed.
What fucking choice do they have?
And now they expect someone else to rebuild their houses which they just tossed away foolishly in a war they started for a one day killing spree.
And their one day killing spree was answered with a 16 month killing spree. See, no matter how hard you try to make Hamas to be the bad guy, you always got those nasty Israeli's making them look like peaceniks. I've said it many times, Hamas is irrelevant. No matter how heinous you want to make them out to be, that doesn't justify what Israel did.
Out goes one international bully, in comes another.
Today in Cairo not only Jordan and Egypt but also UAE, Saudis, Qatar, PA and Arab League rejected Trump trash proposal…!
The "peace maker" Trump just entered into a trade war with Canada, Mexico and to less extend China. As this trade war heats up, trump will lose interests in clearing out Gaza for a take over by Israel.