Trump Signs Executive Order To Target Pro-Palestine Activists in the Name of ‘Combatting Antisemitism’

The order could lead to the deportation of foreign students who participate in protests on college campuses

On Wednesday, President Trump signed an executive order designed to crack down on pro-Palestinian activism in the US in the name of “combatting antisemitism” that could lead to the deportation of foreign students involved in protests.

Pro-Israel politicians have labeled protests against Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza that have taken place at college campuses as “antisemitic,” even though many Jewish students have participated in the demonstrations.

Trump’s order directs US government agencies to identify “all civil and criminal authorities or actions” that could be used to “curb or combat antisemitism” and refers to incidents on college campuses.

The order says the Attorney General shall submit a report analyzing court cases “against or involving institutions of higher education alleging civil-rights violations related to or arising from post-October 7, 2023 campus antisemitism” and indicate whether or not the AG will take action over any of the cases.

The section of the order that could result in deportations directs US agencies to come up with recommendations to familiarize colleges with grounds for foreigners with vias to be deemed inadmissible, which means they would not be permitted by law to remain in the US.

The order says colleges should “monitor for and report activities by alien students and staff relevant to those grounds and for ensuring that such reports about aliens lead, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, to investigations and if warranted, actions to remove such aliens.”

On the campaign trail, Trump vowed to deport pro-Palestinian protesters. “If you come here from another country and try to bring jihadism or anti-Americanism or antisemitism to our campuses, we will immediately deport you, you’ll be out of that school,” he said in May 2024.

Author: Dave DeCamp

Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.