On Thursday, President Trump delivered a virtual address to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, and said he wanted to discuss the idea of “denuclearization” with Russia and China.
The president claimed that during his last term in office, he discussed the idea of denuclearization with Russian President Vladimir Putin, although the previous Trump administration withdrew from arms control treaties with Russia, including the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.
“We were talking about denuclearization of our two countries, and China would have come along. China right now has a much smaller nuclear armament than us, or field, than us, but they’re going to be catching [up] at some point,” Trump said.
“I will tell you that President Putin really liked the idea of cutting back on nuclear, and I think the rest of the world, we would have gotten them to follow, and China would have come along too. China also liked it. Tremendous amounts of money are being spent on nuclear, and the destructive capability is something that we don’t even want to talk about. It’s too depressing,” he added.
Today, only one nuclear arms control treaty remains between the US and Russia, the New START, which limits the number of nuclear warheads and launchers that each country can have deployed. Under President Biden, New START was suspended, but both the US and Russia have continued to comply with the limits set by the treaty, which expires in 2026.
In his address, Trump also called for an end to the war in Ukraine and said that efforts to secure a peace deal were now “hopefully” underway. “It’s so important to get that done. That is an absolute killing field. Millions of soldiers are being killed. Nobody has seen anything like it since World War II,” he said.
This is very positive talk at least. Even though indeed several subsequent American administrations including Trump's until now have been entirely in the opposite direction and Biden's stood out as singularly insane in bringing the world to the brink of nuclear annihilation, talk about nuclear disarmament is very welcome. So now let us see the actions.
If he wants denuclearization, he should start it with Israel.
Starting with the nations with the most weapons makes sense.
Do you wish the same about Iran?
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10736700.2023.2215583 The evolution and future of Israeli nuclear ambiguity
https://www.energyintel.com/0000018b-c8be-dac7-a7ab-ddfe44520000 Israel’s Nuclear Weapons in the Spotlight
Iran allowed IAEA to it's nuclear sites. Israel didn't.
Are you Zionist apologizer?
Israel never cooperates.
In case you haven't noticed, I reject state authority.
Iran has nuclear weapons?
Please check the messages of the following internet links:
https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF12106 Iran and Nuclear Weapons Production
https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-9870/ What is the status of Iran’s nuclear programme and the JCPOA?
https://www.nti.org/countries/iran/ Nuclear Threat Initiative
So no, would be the answer.
http://kremlin.ru/supplement/6258 Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran, January 17, 2025
Articles 5-7, 10
Article 23
The Contracting Parties shall promote the development long-term and mutually beneficial relations in order to implement joint projects in the field of peaceful uses of nuclear energy, including the construction of facilities nuclear energy.
By "denuclearization" they mean that instead of having enough weapons to destroy the Earth 100x over, they will decrease to having 20x enough.
It is a start, but it will never go to zero
I applaud this.
trump aint gonna win this one and its the one thing he should
Of course Putin wants to go along. Half of his nuclear missles haven't been properly maintained and are opererationally questionable.
I would say the same on US not Russia…!
So, the other 3,000 are? That just warms the heart.
Yeah, yeah those stupid, sloppy, lazy Russians, always too drunk to know what they're doing. And then they dance silly too. They don't really have nuclear weapons, their missiles are actually dressed up shovels with some random electronics from stripped washingmachines taped to them.
More like they are so corrupt they stole whatever money was allocated it and spent it on whores and vodka.
Stereotype much?
I do.
Sheeeit…. Putin has missile so bad assed it doen’t even need a payload it hits with the force of a mighty comet!
Look out below!
Russian freak!
Make a deal and revoke it the following year… That kind of deal…?!
Highly likely he is planning exactly that. Ukrainian army badly needs a break. So, Trump suddenly started to worry about killed people. He never worried about that when he escalated Ukrainian conflict some years ago by sending arms to Kiev regime. Neither he ever worried about killed Palestinians. Obviously his worrying is caused by the looming defeat of NATO in Ukraine, not by any humanitarian reasons.
Oh we get it, blah blah blah all Trump's fault blah blah blah. Trump wants to blow up the world because his enemies in the deep state failed in Ukraine. That's some illogic.
Trump is escalating Ukraine by wanting a cease fire. Your inversions are obvious. Obviously you want Trump to fail, so you make up stories.
Your hero, the non-bloodthirsty Crook Biden, never negotiated, because he wants to save people.
"Your hero, the non-bloodthirsty Crook Biden"
Both Trump and Biden are crooks. They are both American imperialists devoted to MIC. Your desperate wish to see a light in the end of the tunnel is understandable. I also would like to see some positive changes in American leadership, but unfortunately, Trump is not an adequate head of state. He is a liar. For example, he said that Zelensky is ready for negotiations. It is a lie. Zelensky, when he was the president, issued a decree forbidding himself any negotiations with Putin. The decree is still valid. He lied about the state of Russian economy the same as Biden and Obama did before him. He lied about hypersonic technology. He lied about the numbers of killed both in Ukrainian war and in WW II. He lied a lot more than that; no need to repeat here all his lies. His idea about bringing peace to Ukraine, actually, is boiling down to defeat of Russia, which is impossible. But he is not bright enough to understand this. So, he is carrying on with escalation. More weapons to Ukraine and more anti-Russian sanctions, that is his peace strategy. Also he said that he would like to bring down the price of oil in order to damage Russian economy. I don't think he can do it but sure be would if he can. Plus this his silly bla-bla about denuclearization.
I can tell you what serious man in his position could do. He could just organize a conversation with Putin and Xi about current situation in the world, not just in Ukraine, and try to understand what is preventing a peaceful coexistence. Then he could talk to other leaders who are influencing the geopolitics and seek a way out from current crisis. All that should be done behind closed doors and without silly chatting on every corner about what he is going to do. When some understanding found, they could talk to the world community together about their plan to improve the situation and make the world safer.
You tend to bring such statements at the end of your arguments as if every anti Trump on this forum is a Democrat or Biden supporter…!
Any decent and reasonable leader wants what Trump wants to do. Your response is the usual ridicule and sarcasm. It appears you are against the initiatie, why not say so.
My response is based on what Trump has done thus far…!
He sure is initiative starter…But, not finisher…!
Sounds good but it is Trump. He changes his mind on a dime and is very good in selling the new versions to his followers.
He also said over and over again that he wants to increase and make stronger the US military. sure increase the US military and tell China and Russia to decrease theirs.
If North Korea would not have some nukes it would already be under US control.
Your posts read bad, but after all, it is you, a troll here to smear Trump. Your distortions are so obvious. Any good leader wants the USA to defend itself, and also to avoid war. Your propaganda is as if the 2 things are incompatible. but decent people know better.
Irrelevance is your way. Oh sure, NK with its huge military, would have been taken over. It sounds like you are a fan of the oppressive regime which would gladly sacrifice millions of its own lives to preserve the monarchy. Your leftism is severe.
your rightism is severe
trump is a bitchy grifter who is only used to getting things on a silver platter
Peace is an admirable goal. Trump had a relatively peaceful first term. Crook Biden had 2 major conflicts.
This guy is so full of it the Russians will play him like pile of pig shit he is.
Jumping the gun…! Make a peace with Russia over Ukraine first…!
President Trump was informed of Ukrainian casualties and military status on January 20.
The Empire will die in Ukraine, Israel, NATO headquarters, the NYSE, and the Eccles Building in different economic and military proportions, though 'unnaturally' coordinated by hours to days.
President Trump is humbled by mass depopulation issues through global economic devastation. Another matter is whether he's seriously considered nuclear conflagration to solve the WEF's ills.
The Empire is dead, Mr. President.
The RCB and CCB may be compelled to implement a gold standard to mitigate the chaos, but I've digressed.