Israel’s outgoing ambassador to the US expects President Trump to supply Israel with a shipment of 2,000-pound bombs that President Biden paused, Axios reported on Monday.
Biden put a hold on a 2,000-pound bomb shipment and a 500-pound bomb shipment back in April as part of a public relations stunt to make it seem like he was putting pressure on Israel over its plans to invade the southern city of Rafah.
Israel ended up invading Rafah, capturing its border crossing with Egypt, and now the city lies in ruin. Other US weapons continued to flow to Israel, and the pause on the 500-pound bombs was lifted in July, but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used the pause on the 2,000-pound bombs to complain that Biden was restricting military aid.
Republicans in the US also claimed Biden was restricting military aid to Israel even though he supplied more weapons to Israel in a single year than any other president in history.
“We believe that Trump is going to release, at the beginning of his term, the munitions that haven’t been released until now by the Biden administration,” Israeli Ambassador Michael Herzog told Axios.
The release of the bombs is part of a series of agreements the Trump administration reached with Israel to get Netanyahu to agree to the hostage ceasefire deal.
“The Trump team played a major role. They were resolved to get a deal but were very cognizant of our security concerns,” Herzog said. “They got some things from the Israeli side that allowed the deal to go through, and they gave us some things and will give more going forward.”
Netanyahu has said he received assurances from Trump that he could resume military operations in Gaza if he chooses to do so, something Trump’s National Security Advisor Mike Waltz has confirmed. But there are signs the Trump administration will push for the deal to stick.
Herzog also said he expects Trump to take action against the International Criminal Court (ICC) for issuing arrest warrants for Netanyahu and former Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.
In order to destroy the remaining real property and infrastructure.
Trump may not supply the heavy bobms but he might do it differently to obtain Gaza. He was ruminating about Gaza yesterday while signing EO's , saying how beautiful Gaza is with its magnificent beaches, great weather and….you are free to envision for yourself how to take a vacation on Trump's real estate paradise in Gaza.
This shows how sadistic Zionists are…!
I just look forward to the deportations so the horrors will end. Maybe Palestinians will get an island in Indonesia.
Maybe Israel will stop expanding afterwards.
See map two posts down from yours.
The Saudis want to build one of their fancy cities in part of that territory. The Saudis act like they’re safe from Israel.
The Saudis are much more likely to be attacked by Iran and the Houthis. Israel has no reason to attack Saudi Arabia, another US ally, and early Zionists had contacts with the Saudis in the past.
Maybe maybe baby Israel will self destruct!!! Some say their war will destroy them and even that it has destroyed them already like Christopher Hedges & they are the walking dead already. Just what the Israeli publc needs a hot war with Iran & maybe Russia, China & North Korea too??
Don't they have the rest of Syria, Lebanon, and a chunk of Egypt to go yet? Assuming they don't need Jordan as well, to "reinstate" Eretz Israel?
Yes, and a whole lot more territory belonging to other people's countries, they believe it is their birthright. Others don't see it that way. See map here:
This map is actually funny.
First of all, Israel gave back the Sinai to Egypt, and Saudi Arabia would never give up any territory; the same with Jordan and Iraq. As for Syria, it is unlikely that the new militants who just took over the country would suddenly allow Israel to take it.
However, I certainly wouldn't have any problem with a US ally expanding into countries that consider the US as the enemy or "The Great Satan". But I guess you are rooting for US enemies.
Israel’s America’s No.1 WELFARE QUEEN, & not an ally in any way but claims!!!!! They have attacked our Navy
& killed our sailors. They have scammed us out of $Billions. We are $35 or $36 trillion in debt & the last thing in this life we need to do is be giving them bombs to do their genocide on the innocents of Gaza who are 70% women & children!!! We’ve fallen waay behind in war fighting tools & technology doing the Great War On Terror while Russia & China have leapt far ahead with Super Nukes and unstoppable Hypersonic missiles!! We do not need to give away our taxpayers money to abybody. It’s all needed here in America!!!!!!!!
1. Israel is not a "Welfare Queen"; they are an American ally. The US has spent hundreds of billions of dollars on supporting and defending various allies, such as Germany, the UK, Japan, and South Korea. Look at the billions we spend with NATO, or the $175 billion sent to Ukraine.
Israel is a nuclear-armed nation, so that provides vital support to the United States in case of a war. Also, Israel provides state-of-the-art military technology, software, and medical research. These help America have the most advanced weapons, and China or Russia would be happy to have access to this information, which could tip the balance in their favor.
None of this is a "scam".
As for the USS Liberty, that was a tragic event that occurred 57 years ago during a war. In wars, people die. However, it obviously has no significance today. Same with Pearl Harbor.
2. Yes, the US has a massive debt, but $3 billion will have virtually no effect on $36 trillion in debt.
3. Wrong. We need to help our allies defend themselves. Hamas is an organization with one clearly stated purpose – the destruction of Israel, as commanded by their "God". They openly state they don't believe in compromise or "peace conferences" – only violence. Israel is using the same tactics the US used when faced with an implacable enemy that hides behind its women and children, and doesn't come out and fight like men.
Israel left Gaza alone but that was seen as weakness by Hamas, which resulted in the deaths of more than 1,000 Israelis, and the capture of 250 hostages. So, leaving them alone only results in more dead Israelis. That is quite clear.
If Israel doesn't fight Hamas in Gaza, what is the alternative? Just complain to the UN? Write a letter to the NY Times? Or just forget about the slaughter of their men, women, children, and babies? Let's hear your solution.
As for "genocide," there are 14 million Palestinians, and 43,000 dead reported by Hamas. If about half of those are military/Hamas deaths, then that means Palestinians deaths equal 0.01% of the population, which is extremely low for a war. In the invasion of France after D-Day, 20,000 civilians died. Plus, Palestinians living in Israel actually have more rights and a longer lifespan than those in any Arab country. So, the claims of "genocide" are false and absurd.
Most of these countries are arbitrary creations of European map makers.
Israel left Gaza in 2006, because that would lead to "peace". Despite centuries of Jewish history in Gaza, they were forbidden to live there. Even cultural artifacts of Jewish history – going back to Roman times – were destroyed.
It seems that you can only have peace with people who want peace. The Hamas charter tells you what they want. They are quite open about it.
Sure, if you call treating it like a giant, open air concentration camp. Not to mention most of the people who live there are descended from those who were driven out of their homes by your favorite land grabbers. And interesting that you use the line implying that a people who MAY have had a kingdom in the Levant about 2500 or 3000 years ago automatically have a "right" to "come back" in the 20th Century CE and boot out people who were currently living there. Who else would even TRY to get away with that kind of specious logic?
Your comment is so lacking in accuracy that it's astonishing.
1. Israel left Gaza in 2006. It was not a "concentration camp". Concentration camps don't have luxury high-rises, late model cars, beaches, universities, and million-dollar MRI and CT machines in state-of-the-art hospitals. They also don't get billions of dollars in aid.
Unfortunately, Gaza was taken over by Hamas in a violent coup against the Palestinian Authority. Hamas – part of the Nazi-inspired Muslim Brotherhood – has a charter that says the violent destruction of Israel – as demanded by God – is their unwavering goal, and peace conferences are pointless. So, naturally Israel will keep a border with a group dedicated to their destruction.
2. Many of the people in Gaza are descended from Egyptians, as was Yasser Arafat's father. As for refugees from the British Mandate, most are no longer alive, and whether they left voluntarily or by force is unknown; further, all wars have refugees. The Palestinians are given a unique status, unlike the refugees from WWII, the Indian-Pakistan war, or any other war.
3. In 1947, after decades of conflict in British Mandatory Palestine, the British and the UN attempted to separate Jews and Arabs, based on current populations. The Arabs declined this plan and said the owners of the land would be settled by war. It was. that is not "land grabbing."
Also, after the war, Jordan claimed the West Bank and Egypt claimed Gaza. Both countries gave up their claims.
However, Hamas did grab Gaza in a violent coup. They were not elected.
4. I never said anyone has a right to anything; wars and treaties decide land ownership. However, Jews have a long history in Gaza, which is well-established, even if you want to erase a people from their history.
Those who believe in a territorial birthright having a metaphysical basis, won't be accepted and agreed upon by those who's homes and livelihoods reside now live there. Maybe if those who believe in entitlement which includes stealing from others actually behaved themselves, they wouldn't be considered pariahs by the rest of the world.
What a confused load of garbage.
1. Most people (including you) believe they are entitled to where they live. Assuming that you are in the US, do you feel entitled to live there, or do you feel that the Native Americans – who lived there for thousands of years – are the rightful owners? Are you planning to move back to Europe?
2. Israelis (and Palestinians) are free to "think" whatever they want, but the control of the land is settled by wars and treaties, as with your country.
In fact, Israel, the UN, and much of the world community at first offered to create two nations – Israel and Palestine – but the Palestinians, the Arab League, and Arab nations said, no – this issue will be settled by war, which they started. But they lost the war; so, they can't say, "Oh, never mind! We changed our minds!"
3. "Behave themselves"? Actually, Israel left Gaza in 2006, being told it would "bring peace". Hamas then illegally occupied Gaza in a violent coup. When not attacked, Israel left Gaza alone, and even naively thought Hamas was becoming moderate. The result was the mass slaughter of their citizens. Clearly, "behaving" as you suggest doesn't work.
Read the Hamas charter. It explains that they exist to destroy Israel – "every inch". There is no compromise with that.
I feel sorry for the peaceful Israelis as much as I do the peaceful Palestinians. But, Israel has gone totally genocidal with their current policies. Most people are against it, just as many Americans were against the American Westward expansion. If Israel behaved itself, it would do a lot to stop the rise of anti-Semitism around the world.
Most Israelis felt – after the Oct 7 attacks – that peace is impossible with Hamas.
Hamas is very clear on who they are. They exist to destroy Israel and kill Jews.
Hamas proved – like Al-Qaeda and others – that what they said is what they are.
So, Israel has only one choice: Destroy Hamas, or die. That's it. There is no middle ground.
You can call it whatever you want, but Israel will destroy Hamas, rather than die.
War is a nasty business. That's why Hamas should have chosen peace. They didn't, and they won't.
So, war continues. If you're in a war, you need bombs. The US dropped a lot of bombs in their wars. No difference.
The problem is, is that “peace” to Israel looks like 2.3 million people blockaded in an open air prison, deprived of food, water, and medical and necessities, subjected to periodic massacres in assassinations of medical workers and journalists. No wonder Israel is by many accounts the most hated nation on earth.
The difference is US taxpayers have no say in how their money is being used by Wash., even if it's used for genocide and ethnic cleansing where Americans have no interests, just those people in finance and Wall St. who make money off war, destructing, death and misery: i.e. the MIC and AIPAC are at the top of the list.
There's a lot of confused nonsense to unpack here.
First of all, Israel is an American ally. By law, it is a "major non-NATO ally," so the US has certain obligations to help it protect itself. Second, Israel is a nuclear-armed nation; if you think having an ally with nuclear bombs isn't helpful, then you don't understand how the world works. Other countries understand this.
Also, the claim of "genocide" is overblown; people die in wars, as they did in American wars. More than 20,000 civilians died in France after the D-Day invasion, and 100,000 civilians died in Tokyo in one raid during WWII. Do Americans feel that was genocide?
As for "ethnic cleansing," you have it backwards. Israel left Gaza in 2006; Hamas illegally occupied it soon afterwards. Despite a long Jewish history in Gaza – which dates back to Alexander the Great – it is Jews who were ethnically cleansed from Gaza. In fact, any trace of Jewish history in Gaza was destroyed by Hamas.
Hamas, by the way, is part of the Muslim Brotherhood, which got its start with the help of Nazi Germany. The Hamas charter today includes anti-Semitic sources, such as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and statements that God wants them to destroy Israel and take back every inch of "Muslim land".
Read it for yourself.
Israel is America’s worst ally, if you want to still use that word. Remember the USS Liberty, the Pollard spies, bogus intelligence re. Iraqi WMD, AIPAC bribes to Wash., need I go on? And, here’s the testimony of those who were attacked on the USS Liberty, I’ll believe them, not the fake ‘fog of war’ BS.
Those are very cherry picked and meaningless examples.
1. Israel provides advanced military technology to the US. Also, intelligence (spying) and computer software.
You also ignore the fact that Israel is, by law, a "major non-NATO ally", and that many Palestinian leaders join forces with America's enemies.
In WWII, although Nazi Germany declared war on the United States, many Palestinian leaders (such as Grand Mufti al-Husseini) actively supported the Nazis and met with Hitler personally.
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was pro-Soviet and pro-Cuban and anti-American; and Palestinians supported Saddam Hussein vs. the US in the Gulf War.
The USS Liberty was a tragic event in the middle of a war 57 years ago; it has no bearing on US-Israeli relations today. Israel apologized and paid the families of people caught in the crossfire. AIPAC operates within the law, as do hundreds of other lobbying groups. So – all of your examples are pointless and have no significance. Spying? All countries spy on each other. Again, these are cherry picked and ignore the advantages of US-Israel relationship. Israel even provided warnings bout 9/11 (which were ignored).
You also ignore that Israel is a nuclear-armed nation. In a dangerous world, you want to have such nations on your side.
You also ignore the consequences of having Israel aligned with other nations, such as Russia or China. Would you prefer the advanced technology of Israel to go to Russia, instead? Or the position of Israel in the Middle East being used to help Russia or China's designs on the world's oil? A Russia in control of the Middle East would cripple the US economy, causing massive unemployment and financial collapse.
Like with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan, they are not ideal societies, but they would be a lot worse working with China or Russia. If we lost the Middle East to US influence, that's "game over, man".
But that's what you want.
These are not trustworthy sources. Did Israel pay for those bombs?
Why give 2000 pound bombs to a nation with a history of hitting civilians?
To hit more civilians?
Other US weapons continued to flow to Israel, and the pause on the 500-pound bombs was lifted in July
I'm confused here. If the pause was lifted in July, why would Trump have to "restart" their shipment?
2000lb bombs?
Ah, my bad.
I dunno. Just thinking it could be. Headline.
According to the article, 2000 pounds are still on hold.
I quoted this article.
I misquoted this article.
“The Trump team played a major role. They were resolved to get a deal but were very cognizant of our security concerns,” Herzog said. “They got some things from the Israeli side that allowed the deal to go through, and they gave us some things and will give more going forward.”
We should expect a denial to be forthcoming from the new administration. Right?
“Their war”…with our money, bombs and approval.
Trump on Gaza:
"I'm not confident that the ceasefire will last. That's not our war. It's their war
… Gaza is interesting. It's a
phenomenal location”.
It is just a matter of time before Israel starts to make their own bombs.
"Put pressure on Netanyahu … " my ass. Just another very dirty deal made by our master of the art . These two have got to be the absolute zero of the species.
Bibi Assures Israelis That the Genocide Will Resume After 42 Days
by Mike Whitney | Jan 21, 2025
"Trump knows what is expected of him and he will undoubtedly comply. Otherwise, Bibi’s allies on Capitol Hill will launch a third impeachment that will either terminate his presidency or derail his ambitious political agenda. In any event, it will be very hard to prevent the resumption of hostilities in Gaza mainly because key players in the current government are fully committed to the eradication of the native population. For example, Israeli Minister of finance Bezalel Smotrich stated the following on Army Radio: "I will bring down the government if it does not return to fighting in a way that [leads to us] taking over the entire Gaza Strip and governing it…. Israel “must occupy Gaza and create a temporary military government because there is no other way to defeat Hamas.”….If I were the prime minister, I would tell the chief of staff, ‘This is my policy; if you don’t execute it, go home,’” Smotrich says. Times of Israel.
Read entire article here:
After 15 months they have nothing left in Gaza to blow up.