On Thursday, Pope Francis offered more criticism of the Israeli bombing campaign and siege on the Gaza Strip, calling it “shameful” and saying the bombing of civilians is unacceptable.
“I renew my appeal for a ceasefire and the release of the Israeli hostages in Gaza, where there is a very serious and shameful humanitarian situation, and I ask that the Palestinian population receive all the aid it needs,” the Pope said in a yearly address to diplomats that was delivered by an aide.
“We cannot in any way accept the bombing of civilians or the attacking of infrastructures necessary for their survival. We cannot accept that children are freezing to death because hospitals have been destroyed or a country’s energy network has been hit,” the Pope added.

The Catholic Church teaches that attacks on civilians and military operations that destroy whole cities are a grave crime. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “Every act of war directed to the indiscriminate destruction of whole cities or vast areas with their inhabitants is a crime against God and man, which merits firm and unequivocal condemnation.”
Pope Francis also called for an end to the proliferation of destructive weapons. “This morning, I reiterate my appeal that ‘with the money spent on weapons and other military expenditures, let us establish a global fund that can finally put an end to hunger and favor development in the most impoverished countries so that their citizens will not resort to violent or illusory solutions, or have to leave their countries in order to seek a more dignified life,'” he said.
Pope Francis’ latest criticism of Israel comes a few weeks after he denounced Israel’s “cruelty” in Gaza, which prompted a strong backlash from the Israeli foreign ministry.
The Pope has kept in touch with the only Roman Catholic Church in Gaza, the Holy Family Parish in Gaza City. Back in December 2023, the church came under Israeli siege, and Israeli snipers killed two Palestinian Christian women, an incident Pope Francis condemned as “terrorism.”
Shame is the way of Israel.
Lack of shame is the way of Israel.
These guys don’t like wearing any fig leaves.
US to demand regime change in the Vatican
The list is long, far beyond the Vatican.
That seems unbelievable that Pope Francis is the only moral leader in the world today. All others are corrupt and devoid of any humanitarian principles. Such a moral vacuum bodes ill for the coming years.
Even Moses would have been opposed to the genocide…!
You're being sarcastic, right? It's hard to tell these days.
You would know when I am… without /s…!
Sad commentary on the times we live in that the humanitarian moral leader is 88 years old.
Just as sad as the US voters electing a felony for their President.
What was the penalty for this terrible felony? After all that time and millions of dollars spent on the Trump show trials what was his sentence?
Trump was simply let off because he was elected President by the moral midgets of America.
You are simply a low IQ leftist babbler.
You support the invasion of the USA, WW3 and a 30% increase in prices.
God bless democracy and the Republic of "We The People".
I'm not a Trump apologist or a supporter. The chargers were bs and the trial a sham. That being said, I agree with TK that ALL the POTUS are and have been criminals.
The charges were not a sham.
The Trial was not a sham.
As usual Trump was let off easy and now we have to suffer a Presidential dictatorship.
1. Doctrine of stare decisis….. No other individual has ever been prosecuted for multiple “felonies” under this statute.
2. Jurisdiction: The state of NY lacks jurisdiction in infractions of federal election law, ie inappropriate use of campaign funds. NY state has jurisdiction only for it’s state elections, not a national election.
3. Authority: Federal authority supersedes a states authority under Article VI clause 2.
4. 6th Amendment: Constitutional right to a fair trial. The NY statute was designed to be prosecuted as a misdemeanor. Since statute of limitation for a misdemeanor expired the prosecution reinvented the infraction as a felony. A felony has a longer time before the statute time is !limited. This subterfuge violated Trumps constitutional right to a speedy trial. Also, the venue being in a decidedly biased region violated Trumps constitutional right to a fair trial.
7. The gag order violated Trumps 1st Amendment right to free speech in detail.
8. Numerous errors, omissions and biased decisions by the Judge.
This case will be overturned on appeal. Unfortunately, the NY state judicial system has been seriously compromised.
“2. Jurisdiction: The state of NY lacks jurisdiction in infractions of federal election law, ie inappropriate use of campaign funds. NY state has jurisdiction only for it’s state elections, not a national election.”
States are the primary regulators of Federal elections held in their states.
“3. Authority: Federal authority supersedes a states authority under Article VI clause 2.” States have the authority to regulate many aspects of Federal elections held in their States. So in this case there is no conflict between Federal and State Law.
[Where’d 5 & 6 go?]
4.” …The NY statute was designed to be prosecuted as a misdemeanor. Since statute of limitation for a misdemeanor expired the prosecution reinvented the infraction as a felony. A felony has a longer time before the statute time is !limited. This subterfuge violated Trumps constitutional right to a speedy trial.”
You use loaded language “reinvented the infraction as a felony”
“This subterfuge violated Trumps constitutional right to a speedy trial.” Whether it was subterfuge is the matter under debate. Your assumptions about the matter are irrelevant.
[Where’d 5 & 6 go?]
“7. The gag order violated Trumps 1st Amendment right to free speech in detail.” Highly debatable. The gaga order was basically a last chance compromise before the Judge rightfully held Trump in contempt.
Trump can be a really abusive asshole and he found out that doesn’t cut it with Judges who aren’t in the bag.
8. Numerous errors, omissions and biased decisions by the Judge.” Vague, not much of an an argument
BTW, your one arrogant (or more likely just stupid) MAGAT to bring up stare decisis, while Trump’s Fake Court has been tearing that doctrine to shreds.
Also, it’s not relevant to Trump being charged on multiple felonies. Stare decisis refers to precedence, i.e. , past decisions. There is no precedent that forbids charging multiple felonies under the statute.
Just another lawless MAGAT defending the lawlessness of the head MAGAT.
I guess you missed the fact that I’m not either a Trump voter or a supporter. Since you seem to be easily enraged ( and rather irrational), here’s one for you:
“Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.”. ….. And THAT’S what happens in authoritarian states. And that’s what happened here. The result of the political system you seem to favour.
"Since you seem to be easily enraged ( and rather irrational)"
Can't answer my rebuttal; so you resort to bullshit.
Your the most MAGATTY non-MAGAT I've ever encountered.
""Show me the man and I'll find you the crime.". ….. And THAT'S what happens in authoritarian states. And that's what happened here. The result of the political system you seem to favour."
Says the dude defending an authoritarian dictator-in-waiting.
Except I’m not defending Trump… You keep on missing the obvious.
Seems you would be perfectly happy to convict a serial killer of Jay walking on a fake charge. I’d want the serial tried and convicted on the real crimes.
As I said, enraged and irrational.
No need to continue this exchange. I do strongly advise you obtain psychiatric help.
“I do strongly advise you obtain psychiatric help.”
eat shit
The charges weren’t fake.
A biased judge.
A stacked jury.
A sham.
Blah blah blah.
Your argument is s sham MAGAT.
Verifiable facts.
Better do your homework.
Not verifiable facts. Just the usual right wing MAGAT bullshit.
You assholes are liars and idiots.
Better get an education, but maybe its too late for that.
It’s certainly too late for you.
Well yes, because I’m already well-educated. Phi Beta Kappa in fact, but I wouldn’t expect an ignorant MAGA bullshitter to know what that means.
I only speak American. Not gibberish.
LOL. IOW, you’re an ignorant bigot, as I assumed.
MAGATS pride themselves on their ignorance and bigotry.
MAGATs are deluded scumbags and/or evil greedy liars.
No hables el trasho.
Eres tarsh!
The charges were for a tiny fragment of the accounting flim-flammery the Rump organization has indulged in since its foundation. Of course it's a show trial, they've never bothered to enforce the laws against him before, why else start now?
To paraphrase Leona Helmsley, "Laws are for little people."
Just like Clinton, Bush and Obama. I'm only talking about those still living otherwise I could go back to 1955, the year I was born.
Even assuming they aren’t felons when they first become president, pretty much every president is a felon by the time he leaves office. All that’s missing is the official legal record.
In 1966 I decided that the President of the United States should be impeached and prosecuted for crimes against humanity. I have held that position ever since.
Your cheap and irrelevant smear exposes you again as the leftist propagandist you are.
I am a leftist, so called but never a propagandist!…
How do you elect a "felony"?
Jesus was a felon too y’know
Not to mention St George Floyd.
Please don’t.
Francis is an awful person, a fake pope, and a globalist communist.
Who are you to judge?
Don't know about that, … but he is the head of an institution of global reach … and hundreds of millions who will be troubled by his comments.
anyone i dont like is a communist
The pope is fake, period. But this one should be lauded for at least speaking out about Israel's genocide.
Wars I understand that Francis is elderly and in poor health. But if he were actually serious, wouldn’t he GO to Gaza? Would the Ziopaths take him out and incur the wrath of the entire practicing Catholic population?
He couldn't go very far in his wheelchair given Gaza is reduced to rubble.
I don't think that him going there is necessary to prove that he is serious. Or anyone else for that matter. I just wish his criticism was more nonstop and more widespread amongst his cult.
The Vatican Bank in the past, maybe even the present has taken loans from the Rothschild's which came with strings attached. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rothschild_loans_to_the_Holy_See
The Vatican Bank has a long history of financial shenanigans, including helping to launder the US Dept. of Agriculture funds used to buy German equipment for Iraq's chemical weapons program.
It’s all about the bottom line, isn’t it?
How is the Dalai Llama doing?
I don't get your meaning.
Has the Dalai spoken out on the mass murders in Gaza and called for an immediate ceasefire?
I don't know and I don't see what that has to do with the pope.
Real good, just sucking more little boy's tongues and having them return the favor.
"Francis is an awful person, a fake pope"
bam! nailed it! what kind of decent person or genuine religious figure would say bombing civilians is bad?
Ireland and the Pope. Anti-Semites of a feather!
Eat shit & die Warren.
Here's some kleenex you slimeball. Have a good cry on the 20th.
Blocked for pro-semitism sentiment and support of war crimes.
Here’s a kick in the nuts with my pointy-toed cowgirl boot, Warren.
Oh wait… what nuts?
I was going to say the ones in your mouth but I won't go there.
Ask my husband how he likes it 😁
"Ireland and the Pope. Anti-Semites!"
daaah…BECUZ WARREN SEZ SO!!!!…daaaah…
Relax, it was meant as sarcasm.
"Relax, it was meant as sarcasm."
1/ "Sarcasm"? O how o how ever did the sarcastic wit escape me?
"Israeli foreign minister calls Ireland's premier 'antisemitic'" (BBC, 16 December 2024)
2/ Now, w/the Pope, Israel's gotta be content w/scumbag insinuations that stop 'bout an inch short of overtly smearing him antisemitic:
"With genocide comments…pope sows doubts about commitment to Jews…Francis…has had an increasingly patchy record on statements relating to Jews and Israel" (Times of Israel, 12/10/24)
Call it the Holocaust that it is.
Jesus is Palestinian! ✝️🇵🇸✝️
Yep. Just like 70% of Israeli Jews today.
The rest Europeans.
The 30% of Israeli Jews who are not native Palestinians are immigrants. Some from Europe, yes. Others from other places.
The Pope could excommunicate Genocide Joe. That would send a message.
You mean over his support of abortion?
That too. But primarily over his support and enablement of Genocide. Tha too is a sin that qualifies one for excommunication.
Isn’t there this little commandment stating Thou Shalt Not Kill?
According to both the Talmud and Torah, that only applies to killing other Hebrews, the rest of humanity is considered unclean.
Does anybody really think the Pope's opinion will do any good to stop the atrocities and genocide? Israel is on a roll and most Israeli's stand behind the ongoing policy of destroying and annexing the lands Israel wants, with Wash.'s blessing to institute the greater Israel project.
It is easy for the Pope to empathise with his catholic church in Gaza as he can do this from a distance. Why has he not visited his flock in Gaza to date and why has he not excommunicated Joe Biden as well as all the catholics sitting or who will be sitting in the US house of reps and senate? The pope needs to retire as he has failed his flock.