On Monday, President-elect Donald Trump said he was the “best friend” Israel ever had and repeated the threat that there would be “hell to pay” if Hamas doesn’t release the hostages by the time he is inaugurated.
Trump made the comments when asked by radio host Hugh Hewitt if he would provide “uninterrupted” military aid to Israel.
“Well, I’m the best friend that Israel ever had. You look at what happened with all of the things that I’ve gotten, including Jerusalem being the capital, the embassy getting built,” Trump said.

The president-elect said that any “major event” that’s happened to Israel in recent years had “been given through” him, including the normalization deals with the UAE and Bahrain, known as the Abraham Accords.
Trump was then asked what he meant when he said there would be “hell to pay” if the hostages weren’t released, a threat he first made over a month ago. “If those hostages aren’t released by the time I get to office, there will be hell to pay. I don’t think I have to go into it anymore,” he told Hewitt.
In his original threat, Trump appeared to suggest the US might take direct action against Hamas. “Those responsible will be hit harder than anybody has been hit in the long and storied History of the United States of America. RELEASE THE HOSTAGES NOW!” he wrote on Truth Social on December 1.
Israel’s most hardline elements have celebrated Trump’s victory and view his next term as an opportunity to annex the West Bank. In a sign the Trump administration will likely support such a move, Trump has named former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, a staunch supporter of Israeli settlements, as the US ambassador to Israel.
During a visit to a West Bank settlement in 2017, Huckabee said, “I think Israel has title deed to Judea and Samaria. There are certain words I refuse to use. There is no such thing as a West Bank. It’s Judea and Samaria. There’s no such thing as a settlement. They’re communities, they’re neighborhoods, they’re cities. There’s no such thing as an occupation.”
We'll see how this goes in practice. Trump supports negotiations and cease fires, unlike Biden. That makes Israel uncomfortable, so it is pushing hard into Lebanon and Syria. My hunch is that Israel's aggression stops or slows down much this month.
Trump says he is everyone's good friend, for example the NK leader.
The GOP has discovered that extreme pro-life is a loser, unpopular.
Let’s hope it soon discovers that Zionism is a loser. Killing babies in a ritual sacrifice to summon some anti-Christ demon is not as popular as commonly believed.
" Killing babies in a ritual sacrifice to summon some anti-Christ demon is not as popular as commonly believed."
Yeah, but I hear there's s a lot of money in it };-)>
It’s interesting that Trump might use the military against the drug lords. Are they competitors to those supported by (parts of) the US or former allies now betrayed?
The whole thing might come crashing down under Trump, in a good way. He wants change.
Trump is not a trustworthy negotiator, he says a lot but he can't be believed, he is a liar and does not keep his word.
"Trump says he is everyone's good friend" Being a good friend to a known enemy is just stupid.
Trump's unconditional support of Zionism smells of Nazism. If he had any human feelings about thousands of killed Palestinian children, he would never talk like that.
Spot on!
Oh? Trump says Hamas will have "have Hell to pay". From where I sit and view, Hamas and the Palestinians and Syrians and Lebanese have ALREADY been through Hell! As if Israel has done NOTHING to be where they are right now, in the crosshairs of those people it has put through Hell!
Typical Trump Rants…!
Israel doesn't like it when its people are killed. Those who don't attack it, don't get attacked (such as Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, etc.)
Those that do attack it, get a response – Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, the Houthis.
However, Hamas kidnapped, raped, tortured, and killed American citizens. There are – or should be – consequences to that. The US should have wiped out Hamas long ago, like its spiritual cousins ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
Israeli has attacked and killed Palestinians for decades. There are-or should be- consequences to that.
Yes, there have been wars in the Middle East since the Bronze Age. Jerusalem has been destroyed twice, besieged 23 times, captured and recaptured 44 times, and attacked 52 times. But the question is what happens now.
Israel has made peace with those who want peace. Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and Iran do not want peace; they want war; so they get war.
The Palestinians and Arabs who support peace get peace – such as the Palestinian Authority, Jordan, and Egypt. The Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims who choose war get war. It's pretty simple.
No, it’s the opposite. The Zionist project of a reli-etnostate exists independently of that.
The Zionist do not want peace, they want to ethnically cleanse, and currently commit genocide.
Well, outside of Harvard classrooms, your claims are not supported by reality.
Israel has not pursued a policy of "ethnic cleansing." For example, it exists peacefully with its neighbor Jordan. In addition, it left the oil-rich Sinai, returning it Egypt, and left Gaza in 2006. After leaving Gaza, the territory was illegally occupied by a militant faction of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is dedicated to the destruction of the state of Israel. If Israel had behaved as you claim, then 1,200 of its citizens – men, women, children, and babies – would be alive today. But they are not, because they left Gaza and allowed billions of dollars to reach Hamas, with the naive belief that Hamas would use these vast resources to help their people. Instead, they invested it in warfare – in tunnels, guns, RPGs, military gear, IEDs, bullets, and other tools of destruction.
They did so because they hoped their brutal attack on Israeli, American, and other civilians would inspire other countries to join their war. It didn't, and now their are being systematically removed from Gaza.
It has been pursuing it – [continuative perfect] – i. e. it has been going on for decades and is still going on. It’s not finished. It was and is prudent to do it step by step, accelerating when the opportunity is there.
The International Court of Justice of the UN, in Legal consequence arising from the policies and practicies of Israel in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem (19 july 2024) does not use the term 'ethnic cleansing’, because it consists of components which are crimes, such as forced displacement, taking territory and apartheid.
1. Simply repeating the same phrases over and over is not an effective argument.
2. I presented evidence against what you claim; you have failed to refute of these facts.
3. The ICC is not viewed by everyone as objective, credible, or fair.
A member of Congress (Torres, D-NY) criticized the ICC for its “weaponization of international law,” arguing that the court has waged an ideological propaganda campaign against Israel and unfairly maligned Israeli leaders for “daring to defend” their country against terrorist groups."
"The ICC is not viewed by everyone as objective, credible, or fair."
Neither is the US Supreme Court, or my local traffic court. Does that mean those courts don't enjoy jurisdiction over the territories of their member polities and the subject matter those polities gave it when creating it?
Not trying to evade a serious discussion – but I don’t read any evidence? E. g.
Is that evidence against the judgment of 19 july 2024? I don’t see how.
That judgment is not by the International Criminal Court but by the International Court of Justice of the UN.
* * *
As for Hamas, some sources state Hamas is a creation of the Zionists (with help from Qatar) with the aim of dividing the Palestinians among themselves, which succeeded. Josep Borrell of the EU spoke of it .
We could turn that upside down: if Zionists had not done what they have done, those people could be alive today.
n. b. Of the 1175 people killed, 379 were soldiers. And a limited number of the people were killed by the Israeli army (see Hannibal directive).
Palestinians don’t like it when Zionist ethnically cleanse and genocide them.
Those are bumper stickers, not real world comments.
Actually, peaceful Palestinians do well. The Israeli Arabs have the longest life expectancy in the Arab world, and walls keep them out, not in.
(Some) Palestinians in Gaza declared war on Israel; things usually don't go well when you attack a much larger, stronger military.
Palestinians in Jordan (50% to 60% of the population) have not attacked Israel and are not at war with Israel.
As for "genocide" – no, there is a war going on and people die in wars. That's why most countries try to avoid – and not provoke – wars.
Meanwhile, Hamas hides behind women and children, and seeks – as their strategy for victory – the headlines that sway the weak minded. Yet, they could – and should – surrender immediately, but they won't even release the dead bodies they hold as hostages. These are sick people. If the Israelis are the terrible people you claim – then why give them the excuse to attack Gaza?
The Nakba. 1948. Palestinians killed, their homes and land simply taken without compensation!!!! Where else have we seen this happen?
In 1947-48, there was a war, which many Palestinians and Arabs supported.
The Arabs lost. When you lose a war, you lose a war.
Where else did this happen? Well, practically every war in human history.
In the United States, Americans killed American Indians and took their land. They invaded Mexico, killed Mexicans, and took their land (what we now call California, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, and Wyoming). The US invaded the Confederate states, killed people, and took over the entire territory. The US invaded Germany, killed their people, and removed the government, and divided the country in half. The House of Saud attacked Arabia, killed people, and took the entire nation; they continue to persecute non-Sunni (Shia) Muslims. In Gaza, the militant wing of the Muslim Brotherhood (Hamas) engaged in a violent coup, killing members of the legal government (PA), and taking over the territory. Jews were not allowed; even Jewish symbols from Gaza's long Jewish history (which dates back to Roman times) are destroyed. So it goes.
None of that makes it right. They should have given part of Germany to the Jews. The Palestinians had nothing to do with it and should never have been violently pushed off their land. I wouldn't do it, would you?
And before that war came the nakba and Zionists seizing palestinian land.
No use whatsoever Zionists trying to overshout that.
You really need to learn some history before embarrassing yourself.
What the Palestinians call the Nakba was after the war.
And the Arabs/Muslims took the land from Christians. They then blocked Jews from buying land; only Muslims could own land.
Once the British took over, Jews could move there again, but they didn't "seizing" anything. They bought land and set up communities.
The result was violence and murder by Arabs, such as from the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (an active supporter of of Adolf Hitler).
Violence escalated sharply in december 1947, including killing and driving out palestinian Arabs and destroying their villages.
The Arab-Israeli war broke out in the second half of may 1948.
Yes, when the Arab League organized Arab nations to attack Israel, things became violent.
However, violence didn't just start then; the area has been violent for 2,000 years.
The Arabs conquered the area in 635 AD; the Crusaders got it back, then the Arabs re-conquered it. The Ottoman (Turks) conquered Jerusalem and Syria 1516, then the British took over in 1917.
The Arabs started attacking Jews after this period, such as the 1929 Palestine riots.
There was also the 1936-39 Arab violence ("Arab Revolt"), among others.
“the area has been violent for 2,000 years”
A lot longer than that. Probably dating back to long before the violent conquest of it and, if the Bible is to be believed, near-complete genocide of its inhabitants, by the Israelites 3,000+ years ago.
Yes, "peaceful co-existence" does not appear to be a feature of the Ancient world. Carthage – once an equal to Rome – was completely erased from the earth – "no stone left on another," and ancient conquerors – when not piling human skulls into giant piles – took women and children as slaves and concubines.
Eventually, some ancient societies realized it was more profitable forming allies with defeated enemies. I don't know who was the first to discover this. Maybe the ancient Egyptians?
The Zionists had their project of a reli-etno state. That was and is the basis of what has been going on for 100 years.
The Zionists killed and expulsed palestinian Arabs by the tens of thousands and destroyed their villages. It escalated sharply from december 1947.
They seized much more land than had been alloted to them.
After that, in the second half of may 1948, (weak) armed forces of several arab countries gathered and attacked.
The chronological order refutes your representation.
Your example of the 1929 riots turns against you. Because the Shaw Commission in 1929 issued a report on the riots, which was damning for the Zionist project (and also for the British and their protectorate).
That report is mentioned in the wiki-source you refer to! I possess the report itself. See especially chapters XIII, XIV and XV.
The Shaw Commission did what most state actors now refuse: consider the context.
Here is just one paragraph:
“In less than ten years three serious attacks have been made by Arabs on Jews. For eighty years before the first of these attacks there is no recorded instance of any similar incidents. It is obvious then that the relations between the two races during the past decade must have differed in some material respect from those which previously obtained. Of this we found ample evidence.”
Trump will pay in Hell };-)>
People like Trump have no humanity, words like human rights and remorse are Latin to them. In their eyes only they have rights
Hamas is holding US citizens are hostages, under horrible conditions.
The US military should have gone in and cleaned up Gaza a long time ago.
Not sure the US military would do any better job than IDF.
Depends what you mean by a "good job".
Trump would be crazy enough to throw a nuke if Lindsey Graham and maybe Musk tell him that is the only way.
Trump would never do that unless Putin gave him permission.
Those hostages who have been released said they were treated well. Israel won't agree to a ceasefire which would get the hostages released. It's unbelievable.
No hostages ever said they were "treated well." Many report sexual abuse, beatings, constant threats of execution, starvation, and extreme deprivation. And of course many were killed outright.
Wrong. I saw footage of the opposite, even hugging their captors when saying goodbye. I’m sure Israel has tried to repress it. Of course they are not all held by one person, but it is Israel’s fault that they haven’t agreed to a ceasefire. It’s crystal clear that they want that land and more and they want the rightful owners exterminated once and for all.
What delusional nonsense. No hostage ever hugged Hamas captors. Show me the video.
Israel – despite millennia of Jewish history in Gaza – left the territory in 2006. You don't leave a territory you want.
Rightful owners? Hardly. Hamas is has illegally occupied Gaza since they staged a violent coup and kicked the Palestinian Authority out.
And if Israel wanted to kill all 2 million Palestinians in Gaza, it would do so. It is fighting a war, and when your enemy hides in civilian populations, it gets messy.
You are living in a fantasy world.
Supporting your allies is what all countries do; it has nothing to do with "Nazism".
Most people want a peaceful in the Middle East, and various Middle Eastern countries (Jordan, Egypt) have signed peace treaties with Israel. Trump helped two other Arab nations (UAE and Bahrain) sign peace treaties. Even the PLO agreed to a peace deal.
There was peace in Gaza until Hamas – a militant group – staged a violent coup and took Gaza from the Palestinian Authority.
The only people who want war are the ones that say they want war. They are the ones shooting rockets and missiles at Israel. These include Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and Iran.
If you detect the stink of Nazism, it may be from the fact that Hamas is part of the Muslim Brotherhood, which worked with and received support from Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. https://english.alarabiya.net/features/2018/06/27/ANALYSIS-The-Nazi-roots-of-Muslim-Brotherhood
This has been responded to many times before.
Yes, but never effectively.
“Constantly demanding, indignant welfare client state” is not really the same thing as “ally.”
Well, as the Dude would say, "That's just like, your opinion, man."
Legally, Israel is a MNNA – "major non-NATO ally" (Title 10 of the US Code).
As with other MNNAs, the US provides support to countries like Japan, South Korea, Australia, and Egypt.
The US has more than 80,000 troops deployed in Japan and South Korea, which cost $20.9 billion in Japan and $13.4 billion in South Korea (2016-2019). And neither of these countries were or are under attack as Israel was and is (Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, and the Houthis are all at war with Israel).
"Welfare" implies someone who receives charity or aid with no benefit to the welfare provider, but Israel provides advanced military and computer technology, medical research, and intelligence (information) to the US, as well as actively countering regimes hostile to US economic and geopolitical interests (Iran, Syria, Russia, Hezbollah, and Hamas). Israel also has about 300 nuclear weapons, which are good to have on your side in certain situations.
It smells of Zionism. That's bad enough.
Zionism means the desire of a people for a homeland. That is true for all people, including you.
The Palestinians could have had a homeland in 1947, but most Arab and Palestinians leaders turned down an international effort to partition the British Mandate territory, and decided to settle the issue by war. Well, it was settled.
Nazism is based on the insane views of Adolf Hitler, who concluded that the world was based on the conflict of different "races", and that the superior race (Aryans) were entitled to use any means necessary (including extermination) to defeat and enslave "inferior" races.
Zionism – the movement to establish a homeland for a displaced people, the Jews – is not based on the genetic superiority of Jews. In the only country based on Zionism – Israel – people of different races and religions live together, unlike the vast majority of other countries. In fact, Arab Israelis have more rights than Arabs in any Arab countries. Shia are persecuted in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan; Ba'hai are persecuted in Iran; and Christians suffer persecution in many countries, including Nigeria, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. It is in Syria – not Israel – that the Christians and Alawite (Shia) minorities are living in fear.
Do you care about any of these people? Of course not.
Most Israelis think they're better than anyone and the rest of us are just their puppets.
I see…and you know this because you've talked with most Israelis?
Israelis seem to appreciate Americans and American support.
No Israelis consider the US as "puppets," because they are not. The US has certain allies, and Israel is one of them. They serve various useful functions to American geopolitical aims; if not, the US would not bother with them. The US only is interested in US power and wealth, and as long as Israel is useful, they will be an ally. If not useful, they would be quickly dropped.
They own our politicians through AIPAC etc. We give them an insane amount of money. They just use it to kill and expand their absurd vision of a greater Israel. They want us to pay for their wars. They have healthcare. We don’t. It’s all lies and evil and I don’t give a fuck if you want to defend their fiendish country.
Biased nonsense. Israel doesn't "own" anyone, and the aid to Israel is in line (or less) then we give/spend on other allies, such as Germany, Japan, and South Korea, where we maintain actual bases and station US troops.
The reason we don't have good health care in the US is not because of the $3 billion we send to Israel. The US spends $4.9 trillion on health care, so Israel is not the problem. Israeli companies (like Teva) make genetic medicines that lower health care costs, and Israeli research on cancer and other diseases supports saving American lives.
Israel had a problem with hepatitis A, so they did a mass vaccination program and eliminated hepatitis A from the country. In the US, we elected a new president who wants to put a vaccine skeptic in charge of the Department of Health and Human Services (FDA, CDC). That is our doing, not Israel's, and failing to support an important US ally isn't going to help our nation's health.
However, Israel has a growing economy that is $509 billion, so US aid isn't really a major factor to them. But if the US didn't want Israel as an ally, Russia would be happy to support them – economically and militarily – because they have nuclear weapons and advanced military technology, and because of their position in the Middle East. The same is true for China, India, and even Turkey.
So, if you want to get rid of a US ally, gain no benefit for the US, and help countries opposed to US interests, then you can do that.
Genocide, funded with our billions. It’s horrifying. Stealing land and killing its rightful owners is wrong. You’re so well-versed in the Hasbara. Talk about biased nonsense. The US has to stop controlling the world with slaughter meanwhile boosting vast profits for the weapons industry.
These are bumper stickers, not coherent statements or arguments.
There is a war going on in Gaza, which Hamas started and continues. Why doesn't Hamas just agree to stop attacking Israel? Jordan (which is 60% Palestinian) did this. Even Yasser Arafat and the PLO agreed to peace.
But people die in wars. About the same number of people died in France around D-Day as died in Gaza in more than a year of war; more died in Tokyo from one bombing. War is terrible, which is why Hamas should seek peace.
Clearly Israel does not seek to exterminate Palestinians; Israel Arabs do well, and they have peace with the Palestinians in Jordan.
The only groups that Israel is fighting are those who are trying to kill their people: Hamas; Hezbollah; the Houthis; and Iranian military.
If you are concerned about the people of Gaza, then tell Hamas to stop fighting and release all hostages (alive and dead). If they had taken a peaceful approach, the Gaza would be a peaceful, thriving community. But Yahya "the stick" Al-Sinwar chose to put millions of dollars into war.
So, tell me – what should the Israelis have done, after Hamas butchered more than 1,000 of their people? Maybe write a stern letter to the NY Times, expressing their disappointment in Hamas? Or maybe file a complaint with the UN, asking an apology for burning people alive and slaughtering toddlers and babies? Or, would you consider what Hamas did a declaration of war? If you fight a war, it's to win, and that appears to be the strategy.
'Hasbara' is a cinch to beat.
Just let the ideology and its practice speak for itself.
No, it's a pathetic ad hominem argument, used by people with nothing else.
If any of the facts I presented were wrong, then facts would disprove them. But nothing has been refuted, so that's when people have nothing but labeling and personal comments – because yes the facts do speak for themselves.
Now, this discussion turns into a meta-discussion on the reasoning.
You have made statements that you present as facts. And I assume that some of your statements are indeed facts.
However, that doesn't change or refute other facts, that others have put forward.
Briefly, let's say you have stated facts (i. e. which have not been refuted, because then they would not be facts); but I have also stated facts (that you have not refuted, because &c.)
Then the question becomes: which facts are relevant, or most relevant, or decisive, for a judgment.
I state that the decisive facts are:
1. The nature of zionist ideology: nationalist, colonialist, aimed at what today is called 'ethnic cleansing' (a century and more ago euphemistically called 'transferring' people).
2. The facts on the ground of violent ethnic cleansing and territorial expansion.
3. Recently, judgments by International Court of Justice of the UN, which confirm facts.
You may mention other facts, and those may not have been refuted as you state, but they don't have to be, because they don't change 1, 2 and 3.
These comments are vague to the point of being meaningless.
To your "points":
1. Not a fact, but an opinion, without sources to back it. Further, claiming that the Jews colonized Israel is absurd; the Jews were expelled from the area prior to it being conquered by Muslim armies. You cannot "colonize" your own territory. Meanwhile, some Palestinian leaders were not even from this area. Yasser Arafat was an Egyptian, born in Cairo, to an Egyptian family.
Further, Jews have been a majority in many cities in the region for centuries. Jerusalem – the major city in the area – has had a Jewish majority since the 1860s.
2. More opinions; basically, bumper stickers. No sources.
3. Which ICJ judgements confirmed which facts? These statements have zero sources or proof.
False representation. I've read it before; apparently it is standard zionist propaganda (or 'hasbara'). Even wikipedia – geopolitical information of which is under some control of collective West propagandists – doesn't define it so .
Both the ideology and practice of zionism include more than that;
– briefly: violent ethnic cleansing.
Once again, you are simply misinformed. Zionism is a movement that seeks a homeland for the Jews. That's the definition. Read the forming documents of Zionism, when you get tired of knowing nothing.
What is a jewish state?
For who is it?
Each nation decides who it "is for".
Saudi Arabia is "for" the Saudi family and Muslims. Russia is for Russians, China is for the Chinese, Iran is for Shia Muslims, Pakistan is for Sunni Muslims, and so on.
The United States was designed as a nation for white, Christian males, but it has evolved a bit over the years. However, Christian males still hold most positions of power and control the vast majority of land and wealth in the US.
“A nation designed for males¨? That could only exist for one generation. Strange design.
My question is:
"What is a jewish state?
For who is it?"
Your answer:
That’s not an answer to my question!
Firstly, it’s not about a nation but about a state.
An answer can be: a jewish state is a state for jews.
Next question. How can that state be created in inhabited land?
That question goes for both the zionist project and your ‘design for white males’. Your comparison is apt: see
Ace Thelin – Settler colonialism
(Consortium News 28 october 2023)
Best friend Israel ever had, not to mention Mr. Epstein, they were pretty damn good friends as well.
There was a suit filed about an attack at Epstein's house, but it was dropped, so it never went to trial.
"Well, I’m the best friend that Israel ever had. You look at what happened with all of the things that I’ve gotten, including Jerusalem being the capital, the embassy getting built,”Trump said.
“If those hostages aren’t released by the time I get to office, there will be hell to pay. I don’t think I have to go into it anymore,”he told Hewitt.
“Those responsible will be hit harder than anybody has been hit in the long and storied History of the United States of America. RELEASE THE HOSTAGES NOW!”he wrote on Truth Social on December 1.
I'll wait for the interpretations.
So speaks the Peace candidate? The man is even crazier then the present one in office, and he is crazy alright. What a chaos.
How is it possible that all G-7 Democracies are governed by IDIOTS?
It's more like Genocide-7…!
And useless idiots at that – not even useful.
It's a lot worse than that. Not just G-7 Democracies – almost all the Wests democracies.
Please check out this one, you may find it interesting:
Motie van het lid Dekker over het inschakelen van onafhankelijke deskundigen om de bedoelingen van Rusland met het conflict in Oekraïne te doorgronden (21 november 2024)
"De Kamer,
gehoord de beraadslaging,
constaterende dat Nederlandse en andere westerse regeringen, media en denktanks feitelijk functioneren als spreekbuis van de NAVO en men voor onafhankelijke analyses veelal is aangewezen op de socialemediakanalen van vrijdenkers;
constaterende dat het Westen hiermee geen enkele serieuze poging deed of doet om de bedoelingen van Rusland met het conflict in Oekraïne te doorgronden;
overwegende dat dit een onwenselijke houding is die een oplossing van het conflict verkleint, zo niet onmogelijk maakt;
roept de regering op zich serieus in te spannen om de overwegingen en bedoelingen van Rusland te doorgronden en hierbij onafhankelijke deskundigen in te schakelen,
en gaat over tot de orde van de dag.
I leave it to you to machine translate it. Makes sense, no?
Then, on the website scroll down a little bit and check the vote: of the 150 members of parliament, 147 voted against and only the three members of Dekkers party voted in favour.
machine translation
Motion by Member Dekker on the use of independent experts to understand Russia's intentions with the conflict in Ukraine (21 November 2024)
The Chamber,
having heard the deliberations,
noting that Dutch and other Western governments, media and think tanks in fact function as a mouthpiece for NATO and that independent analyses are often dependent on the social media channels of freethinkers;
noting that the West has not made or is making any serious attempt to understand Russia's intentions with the conflict in Ukraine;
considering that this is an undesirable attitude that reduces, if not makes impossible, a solution to the conflict;
calls on the government to make a serious effort to understand Russia's considerations and intentions and to use independent experts in this regard,
and proceeds to the agenda.
You beat me to it. Thanks a lot.
They now held an antiwar demonstration:
(subtitles in english)
It is like a dialect, trying to understand a Bavarian, a Schwab or someone from Hamburg or Koeln.
But from all I know, the Dutch have a problem government like the Germans have and almost all EU members as you pointed out. Germany has two impressive women, Alice and Sarah. They would support Orban, Europe needs more like them to tell the Americans and the British to get lost.
It does make sense, the same problem.
Sevim Dağdelen impresses me too.
One of her positions is, briefly, Yankee go home .
Hell to Pay…. Or Pay to Hell…!
Both, Trump and Musk, are convinced of their omnipotence and infallibility.
Trump, Netanyahu, Biden, Zelensky, all are criminal trash.
Not one of them has the character and integrity one expects of honorable heads of state.
They all should be imprisoned…!
I think they should ha*ng from the tallest tree. They are despicable people.
If you are normal you cry.
By whom? The World Police?
Typical Trump language. He also told us that he is "the least racist person that you'll ever meet".
And in 2015 or 2016 his doctor assured us that he is "the healthiest president you ever had"; I wonder who told the doctor to write that.
I believe the first statement, as he clearly has no interest in the Palestinians.
As for being racist, there is no evidence of that, which would suggest he has any deeply held beliefs. He doesn't.
As for being healthy, that is doubtful. When he talks now, he seems tired and burnt out.
"As for being racist, there is no evidence of that" He was sued in NY for not renting to blacks. And than there is the "good people on both sides" remark. I could dig up more, but I'm not going to waste my time.
Well, the lawsuit was against his father, and the "both sides" comment – when you read the whole thing – was a bit distorted.
I don't say that because I am defending him – I'm not – but it's just a question of what the record says.
He clearly encouraged white supremacists to support him, but that's politics. I simply think he doesn't have any deeply held beliefs, other than his own fragile ego.
It would be a far better use of your time than defending war crimes.
He and his father were charged by the government for refusing to rent apartments to black people.They lost.
Well, a young Trump was in the company when it received Federal charges, but it was his father who was running the company and making policy.
I don't think he had any objections to racial discrimination in the renting of their properties, but whether that was about money or race I can't say.
He took out an ad in the Times saying the six black boys charged with rape should be executed. Turns out they were innocent. Many have reported he uses the n word.
Yes, he did pay for an ad in the NY Times. The Central Park Six were not all black. They were later exonerated.
He also questioned Obama's citizenship.
He also told us that "his" vaccines (meaning warp adn speed) saved millions and millions of lives.
But he has some MAGA people so bamboozled that one commenter corrected me saying that the "warp speed" vaccines did save lives because they were the good vaccines adn then Biden produced the bad vaccines that made people sick and many died.
President-elect Trump posted this informative video of Jeffrey Sachs on his Truth Social platform this evening. Note the reference to Netanyahu. Trump knows what's going on:
He repeated the "hell to pay" again today at a press conference at Mar-a-Lago. He was in his element. Did not even rule out to use the military to get the Panama Canal back and Greenland if Denmark refuses. The Gulf of Mexico is no more. He will rename it the Gulf of America.
Some peace president – yet MAGA still believes it. Wasn't it JFK who said something like peace to threaten with bombs and guns is not real peace. And that's what Trump does all the time. Do as i say or else all hell will break lose.
He is not doing anything by that except perhaps to piss off Mexico…! America is a continent consists of North, Central and South… Not just United States…! The United States are not a continent…!
It could be named Gulf of the Americas, but Dump has been looking at a globe and is envisioning an imperial Dump legacy that the sun never sets upon.
" There are certain words I refuse to use. There is no such thing as a West Bank. It’s Judea and Samaria. There’s no such thing as a settlement. They’re communities, they’re neighborhoods, they’re cities. There’s no such thing as an occupation.”
"There is no such thing as truth."
"You will believe what the imperialists masters tell you.
"Terrorists are only terrorists when we say they are."
-a friendly message from your Uncle Sammy };-)>