The US had to give the Kurdish-led SDF an ultimatum to withdraw from the northern Syrian city of Manbij and cede it to the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA), Al-Monitor reported on Wednesday.
According to the report, the US brokered a ceasefire deal between the SDF and the SNA that involved the Kurds withdrawing to areas east of the Euphrates River. The SDF was violating the agreement by maintaining a hold on Manbij and was encircled by SNA fighters who were backed by Turkish air power. SNA fighters were also advancing east of the Euphrates.

The report said US officials were “exasperated” by the SDF’s refusal to head to the east of the river. The US threatened that the US military would no longer protect the SDF if it didn’t comply, prompting the Kurdish force to withdraw and cede the city to the SNA, which is mainly comprised of Sunni Muslim groups.
A US official said that during the battle on Monday, the SDF shot down a US MQ-9 Reaper drone after mistaking it for a Turkish drone.
Turkey has stepped up strikes on the US-backed Kurds in northern Syria following the ouster of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Ankara played a key role in the regime change as it reportedly gave the green light for the offensive launched by the al-Qaeda offshoot Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which has taken Damascus.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken is headed to Ankara on Friday as the US is looking to limit the Turkish-backed offensive against the Kurds. The US has about 900 troops occupying Kurdish-controlled areas of eastern Syria, which have provided support to the SDF in recent fighting against the now-deposed government.
Turkey has always been unhappy about the US support for the SDF since it considers the group a wing of the PKK, a Kurdish militant group both Turkey and the US have labeled a terrorist organization. James Jeffrey, who served as a US special envoy to Syria, acknowledged the SDF was the Syrian wing of the PKK in an interview with PBS in 2018.
Jeffrey made the comments in the context of Turkish officials complaining about the US support for the SDF, saying that he would argue the US could complain about Turkey’s support for the al-Qaeda-linked HTS. “I used this example the last time I was talking to very senior Turks, when they were bitching about this relationship we have with the SDF, which we renamed from the YPG [Kurdish People’s Protection Unit], which is a Syrian wing of the PKK,” he said.
Jeffrey continued, “I said, ‘It’s just like you in Idlib. We want you to be in Idlib, but you can’t be in Idlib without having a platform, and that platform is largely HTS. Now, unlike the SDF, HTS is a UN-designated official terrorist organization. Have I ever or has any American official ever complained to you about what you’re doing there with HTS? No.'”
Once again, Kurds get played. They just don’t learn from their mistakes.
The Syrian "Democratic" Forces (SDF), which works for Israel and the US, are defeated by the "Syrian" National Army (SNA), which works for Turkey? …No. …It's not really complicated. If I can follow, you can too!. Believe me.
You nailed it NA, nailed it!
What a mess…!
Indeed, it is not too complicated! Just to add another precursor— FSA. Free Syrian Army. First built and vetted by Pentagon, then abandoned as US switched to mobilizing Syrian Democratic Forces. (SDF). It had few Syrians at first, but they fled. so the PKK affikiated YPG Kurds became staple of current SDF.
Subsequenty., hundreds of suddenly unemployed FSA groops took a generous offer by Turkiye. Behold, SNA.
Well said, Bianca!
The cynicism of it all is without bounds: "Have I ever or has any American official ever complained to you about what you’re doing there with
al QaidauhJabhat al-Nusrauh HTS? No.'” – James Jeffrey, US special envoy and Trump's Special Presidential Envoy (all capitalized, so you know it is really important) for the 'global coalition' against ISIS – also an al Qaida offshoot and at the very least a de facto US creation. Trump went a bit farther and famously identified Obama as their founder.In any case the US is now siding with Turkey and al Qaida against the Kurds. I trust we will now become quickly aware through our trusted media how the Kurds are the terrorists and have always been the terrorists and in stark contrast to
al Qaidauh HTS, our newest faultless besties, are and have always been the worst – well maybe the second worst -people in the world.
Also in contrast to Israel.
Nice Map Dave…!
Yes, sending Blinken anywhere is always a successful diplomatic venture. /s
WTF! Of what U.S. national security risk are the Kurds, thousands of miles away?????????????
Who are we to threaten any country? Well, we are the bully of the world, that is who we are.
It is well known why the destruction of the Ottoman Empire by Great Britain and France still causes troubles and murder more than one century later. As long as that destruction remains in place, murder will continue.
Not sure whether to to pity the Kurds or have contempt…Used again. Don't they have that saying "Fool me once…"
Hey, Blinkey! You do realize that you (not specifically, but the administration you front for) created this mess through your malfeasance, don't you.
Also, the Kurds are learning fast that being an ally of the U.S. is fatal. As Kissinger said.
What a pack of nonsense. Anyone following Idlib saga knows that HTS and Turkiye had continuous run ins. First, when Turkey achievved an agreement with Idlib authorirlties about deblicking a highway, HTS showed uo and blicked it. Turkey attacked them forcing to withdraw. HTS threatenec Turkey that it will creearte chaos in Idlib and force oer million people from Idlib to flee into Tuurkiye. HTS tried everything to prevent Tutkiye to recruit various militants, especially tge abandined Free Syrian Army groups. Hundreds. HTS actually called in US to help — targetting groups that signed up with Turkiye. HTS wanted alm grouo dependent on its funding and food aid. In fact, ine ca find in Wikipedia an instance of Idlib protests against HTS in May 24. The current interrim prime minister, Mohammed Al-Bashir — was in his job of managing Idlib when this happened, and did issue amnesty of jailed protestors . There is a LONG list of run ins between Turkiye and HTS, HRS is day to day managed by British from Cypress. US must be footing the bill. One of trhe main readons for Turkiye operatiion in Afrn was to oust YPG from the area. as YPG was facilitsting weapons smuggling into Idlib.
Turkiye has relations with Idlib lical governments, which undermines HTS control over the area.