The Israeli military said Tuesday that it launched 480 strikes in Syria over 48 hours following the overthrow of former Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, which Israeli media said marked the heaviest Israeli bombing of Syria in history.
The IDF said it struck “most of the strategic weapons stockpiles in Syria” and estimated it destroyed between 70% to 80% of the former government’s weapons. Israeli strikes hit targets across Syria, including the port of Latakia, which destroyed naval vessels.
The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the Israeli bombing campaign “destroyed the most important military sites in Syria, including Syrian airports and their warehouses, aircraft squadrons, radars, military signal stations, and many weapons and ammunition depots in various locations in most Syrian governorates.”
Israel has also seized territory inside Syria, a buffer zone separating the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights from the rest of Syria, and several areas beyond the zone. Sources told Reuters Israeli forces advanced 10 kilometers into Syrian territory and were only 25 kilometers away from Damascus.
Israeli sources denied that Israeli troops advanced that far into Syria but also announced they were creating a “sterile defense zone” in southern Syria, framing the occupation as temporary. The US has backed Israel’s land grab in Syria, also claiming it was a defensive move.
“Together with the prime minister, I have instructed the [military] to establish a sterile defense zone free of weapons and terrorist threats in southern Syria, without a permanent Israeli presence,” said Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday claimed Israel doesn’t seek to interfere in Syria’s “internal affairs” despite the massive bombing campaign and land grab. He also threatened that Israel would take more action if the new government aligned with Iran.
“If the new regime in Syria allows Iran to re-establish itself, or allows the transfer of Iranian weapons to Hezbollah – we will respond forcefully and we will exact a heavy price,” Netanyahu said.
The Israeli leader previously took credit for the overthrow of Assad by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, an offshoot of al-Qaeda, and celebrated the regime change. “The Assad regime is a central link in Iran’s axis of evil — this regime has fallen,” he said on Sunday.
Israel, meet your new next-door neighbors…
The hired help? They're accustomed to third class Arab hired help living close.
Maybe Israel can have them over for a barbecue.
The need for cheap labour undermines many societies. Few can resist. And if the Arabs are hired, they’ll be having children together. Unity, eventually.
Well in the West Bank there’s been plenty of apartheid labor for decades, and the only result has been gradually worsening conditions for Palestinians.
Something condign about this: a fundamentalist/barbaric Israel confronting an almost exactly congruent Islam.
The only good head-chopper is a Zionist head-chopper.
I’d argue the ZionNazis are insuperably anal cathected. … out of a notoriously matriarchal culture. And they must be sooo proud.
Is that why the IDF loves dancing around in women's underwear?
The great doctor of Jewery would generally observe that the ZioNazis in all their works & days signify a very sicko culture.
The radical Arabs aren’t as tied to the land. They call themselves nationalists, but they’re not rooted. It’s more individualistic like a European nation state.
I guess the Israelis are the same. It just irks me how the new group is more left wing in a way, more abstract and individualistic, centralised.
Aren’t all the national boundaries in the mid-East 20th century European fictions? An Arab can embrace the community of his ethnicity and Islamic tradition without saluting any flag. I don’t believe these folk to be radical individuals in the contemporary sense of the “buffered self”, perfectly free-floating agents seeking only to advance their personal power, wealth, sexual drive, ….
Were the Turks European? Don’t get me wrong, I’m wanting to defend community, ethnicity, tradition, faith, land, etc.
I’m wanting to criticise the European nation state, as it arose.
Nevertheless, I do praise the more secular (not fully secular) Arab nationalist movements, as I understand them. It’s natural to have degrees of attachment.
Unfortunately, Assad’s diversity suffered from corruption. Lebanon’s diversity seems to have led to ruin. A state is built for war, and to war with Israel we could see efficiency arise at the expense of MidEast heritage and beauty.
Everyone admires the human history of the MidEast. Only those living there look down on Arabs…
This is what Israel wants and always wanted. Total chaos on their borders.Nothing plays better in Hollywood-ized America than crazy, dark skinned, Islamist boogie men. Guarantees more US aid to Israel
A secular Assad who is a pediatric eye doctor wearing a suit and tie is just not acceptable…Fer god's sake, he looks too much like a European. Usher in a bearded fatigue wearing terrorist.
"We prefer Barabbas "
At least Assad made it out alive, unlike Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein.
I would very much like to see Assad's story play out like Henry Hill's from 'Goodfellas' – his later years spent in exile, running a modestly-successful surgical practice in a major Russian city well out of any limelight, his years of leadership and strife far behind him.
Lol Uncle S.
He’ll probably go insane from grief watching videos of what’s being done to his supporters.
Plenty of ethnic and religious minorities aren’t making it out alive from Syria.
And that is a good thing? Assad is a terrible person, maybe even worst than Gaddafi and Hussein.
Possible? Pepe Escobar:
“ The NATO-Israeli-Turk Head-Chopping Army is now promising the Palestinians they are coming to liberate Gaza and Jerusalem.”
Since I posted the abovc I viewed Pepe on Nima's podcast (Dec 11) in which he said anyone believing the possibility of this aid to Hamas has an IQ at room temperature. But this discussion with Nima also reminded that Hamas congratulated the al-Juliana forces.
These "terrorists" are in Israel's pocket! The US/Israel/Turkey terrorist proxy war against Syria will come back to haunt! If anyone can't see the MONTROUS activities of USA/Israel in genocide they have to be totally BLIND! USA/Israeli "defense/security" outlays are astronomical while they go about molesting OTHER nations' security. Hypocrites-in-crime!!!
When have proxy wars ever come back to haunt a major power – except for all those times when exactly that happened ?
Did you notice how the US backed terrorists promised not to harm others and then promptly indulged in genocide as soon as they came to power?
Rules based order!
Just watching William Medhurst at the Jimmy Dore Show and he said that all the air force and navy of Syria have been destroyed… while Al Julani, who just conquered the country on a well armed troop of 100,000 mercenaries (alias "rebels") does what? Nothing at all!
Do the minority Christians in Syria have a future in an Islamist Caliphate now?
I never understood this "what about the Christians?" concern.
Is there a hierarchy of which and how lives are precious by what their religion is? How do the various Christians rate for mercy?
Say Baptists vs Catholics?
Where do atheists fit in? Agnostics?
Easy to answer.
For the US, Christians are THE most important. Judaism in close second. Anywhere those two are threatened (actually, or "existentially") then the US cares (particularly in a Responsibility 2 Protect sense).
Baptist v. Catholic really depends on if one is judging by an Evangelical or Catholic perspective. One sees the other as a cult; the other sees the first as a misguided or lacklustre doctrine.
Atheists are generally always misunderstood, distrusted, feared etc. Something like 8 states in the US still have laws on the books banning atheist politicians. Just after 9/11, "atheist" barely outranked "Muslim" at the bottom of the list of groups Americans trusted.
"Agnostic" is a weird one – it's a word mis-defined in common usage, most taking it to mean "Neutral" or "a different kind of Anglican". It's more an adjective modifying 'theist' or 'atheist' than a religion itself.
I consider myself an agnostic, meaning that I'm not taking a position for or against the existence of a supreme being, because I see no reason to believe either way, even though I have my doubts, like many other people. Some people, such as randians, say that agnostics are cowards because they refuse to take a position one way or another. To them I say that you are free to provide evidence for your position and I will take it under consideration, but if you decline then I will give you the same regard as I would give a fundamentalist Christian or Muslim.
Put it this way, I think most agnostics would caucus with the atheists. ;- )
I tried in the past, but I found most of them to be just as intolerable as the religious fanatics. Try being a libertarian around them. You'll be viciously attacked by an angry mob.
Here’s where we need to ask you:
Do you KNOW that a supreme bring exists, or do you NOT-KNOW ?
Do you BELIEVE the claim(s) that a supreme being exists, or do you NOT-BELIEVE the claim(s) ? The latter bring a rejection of the claim, not the acceptance of its opposite
I don't know. I see it as a choice between there's something that has always existed or something came from nothing. Neither one, to me, sounds plausible. But we're here. Existence exists. It's a real dilemma. I'm not going to denigrate anyone's claim to having personal experiences. But their personal experiences are not my personal experiences. So we're stuck.
In that we don’t know what happened before the first instant of Planck time of the Universe’s expansion at the ‘Big Bang’ (and we may never be able to determine so), an eternal Cosmos is not beyond theoretical physics.
Particularly since the instant after the BB is when Time began, so saying “before Time” is a meaningless statement anyhow.
God is unknowable. Everyone is an agnostic. Most just won't admit it. Hedging their bets.
Well, “agnostic” is more of a self-referential term than a global one.
Gnostic theist : “I know that god X exists, so I believe in god X.”
Agnostic theist : “I don’t know that god X exists, but I believe in god X.”
Gnostic atheist (“hard” atheist) : “I know god X doesn’t exist, and I don’t believe the claim that god X is real.”
Agnostic atheist (“soft” atheist) : “I don’t know if god X exists, and I don’t believe the claim that god X is real.”
Agnostic / gnostic is a KNOWLEDGE position regarding a claim. Atheist / theist is a BELIEF position regarding a claim.
I only go by three.
1. There is a god
2 God is unknowable
3. There is no god
And I'm only talking about the "traditional" god. The one my mother told me I'd go to hell as punishment for saying "fuck". If mom only knew.
No. For the US, Christians are hated and despised. Look at US foreign policy: Only Israel matters.
Saddam, Assad, Armenia, Palestine, Slavic Europe, etc.: Christians are despised.
I expect Ethiopia, Nigeria, and other parts of Africa will show a similar trend.
Evangelicals are only partly to blame.
Christianity is the overwhelming religion of government officials and the quiet reason behind policy and laws. Only the Constitution has thus far kept it from becoming the official State religion of America.
US foreign policy is indisputably anti-Christian or at least hostile to them due to their getting in the way of other objectives, especially Israeli.
If a Christian serves Israel, Christ isn’t there. That might be his interpretation, but actual Christians are losing.
The State of Israel are useful idiots to the Evangelicalism infested in American DNA like an endogenous retrovirus. They serve only as a pathway to Christ-come-back-pleez “prophecy” that requires them to do certain things.
Really, if the country of Israel was run
by & populated with Christians, NONE of the past 60+ years of fawning over (extant) Israeli whims and excesses would have happened. Israelis would be an even more obscure diaspora than Kurds or Armenians, to the West.
The Schofield Reference Bible was important in promoting Zionism, and I want to say it was funded by Jewish money.
You wanting to say it was funded by Jewish money isn’t the same thing as it being funded by Jewish money.
Here’s it’s actual history:
You wanting to say it was funded by Jewish money isn’t the same thing as it being funded by Jewish money.
Here’s it’s actual history:
I’ll try to find the article I once read on it…
Untermeyer, a NY lawyer and powerful Zionist, might have funded Scofield.
And why would a guy who died in 1940 have funded Scofield, who died in 1921 and already had plenty of funding, for the purpose of publishing copies of the King James Bible with wild-ass Zionism-friendly footnotes that mostly (according to the source you link) didn’t appear in the Scofield Reference Bible until decades after both were dead?
The whole idea of a secret Jewish conspiracy to create an entirely new form of Christianity is silly even in the variants that DON’T require either prophetic abilities or time travel to work. The variants that DO feature such requirements just make their promoters look stupid.
Apparently, Scofield didn’t have plenty of money at one point.
And the added footnotes are a separate point.
I think Chuck Baldwin is the original source I was looking for, but I couldn’t find the article.
I did discover that one theory is that Jews can achieve salvation without Christ as a dual covenant. Descent from someone seems key there which raises the question of just who is Jewish.
The man behind Scofield.
There’s a few odd versions out there, of the hundred(s) of versions of the bible. I am amused that so many fringe sects like the King James version because it’s Public Domain and they can edit it as they please.
I “understand” religious tribalism… I just don’t agree with it…. but now that I think about it, atheists should be saved ahead of all others…. ’cause they don’t believe they going to get an afterlife. All the others look froward to “pie in the sky”
I mean, some might believe that. Atheism is just one answer to one question; you can still have atheists who believe in ghosts, souls, reincarnation, simulation theory… The only tenet is agreement with the statement, “I do not believe the claims that a god(s) exist.”
Yes. There is a hierarchy from a Christian perspective.
From a US perspective, Christians are despised and hated except where useful. Most everything is done to eliminate traditional Christians in the world by the US.
The US might hate another group more, but Christians are near the top of the list of most hated and most persecuted, by the US.
Nope, and no one will save them. Maybe Russia…
The complete impunity of the Western Minority World's ME Terrorist state. The single biggest destroyer of the remnants of the WMWs moral authority.
Hey Joe! Where is all the outrage over the unprovoked invasion of Syria that you laid on us with Ukraine?
The whole world sees your duplicity.
Netanyahu: Don't blame me. Blame Assad!
The West: No worries. Of course we will!
1. Commit atrocity
2. Find a patsy to blame.
Our government has stated that it is elated that Syria has rid itself of Assad. Almost immediately, Israel responds with another F-you at Biden, by bombing the people who chased Assad to Moscow. How much more insult is our masochist-president willing to take?
Yes, the US government is elated that Assad has been deposed. But do you actually think Biden didn't know Israel would act this way? This isn't a F-you, it's a thank you.
How can you remain so gullible as to believe the Biden administration isn’t a coconspirator?
The US has been bombing Syria with Israel.
They are insuring that any new government will remain defenseless.
Israel does not really have an air force. What looks like it is the US Air Force with Israeli pilots.
Israel has launched 480 strikes in Syria over 48 hours!
Why? Did Syria attack Israel? No.
There is no self defense here, only a deliberate war of agression against a country that has suffered for years while being the target of the United States, al-Qaeda terrorists and other islamist groups and Turkey.
And the MSM celebrate!
The goal is to turn Syria into a failed state, like Iraq, Libya and Lebanon. Part of that project requires destruction of any means for the state to defend itself.
And as a plus, destruction of one set of weapons creates a market for the purchase of new weapons. Just what the MICIMATT complex ordered.
"The goal is to turn Syria into a failed state, like Iraq, Libya and Lebanon. Part of that project requires destruction of any means for the state to defend itself."
Yes – moonofalabama lays out the geopolitical big pic briefly, super-clearly:
"Syria – Winners And Losers Or Both"
MOA is always a valuable resource.
A failed effort at divide and conquer…
Is Israel violating the 1974 disengagement agreement between Israel and Syria? Syrian-Israeli Disengagement Agreement Israel-Syria Disengagement Agreement (1974)
Israel’s Crime Minister!….
There is a new genocide in Syria! Is anyone surprised?
What happened to the “bloodless revolution”?
The world scene today is payed for by borrow and spend US. We will soon learn how much and for how long can can the next US president borrow and spend on war and destruction.
I personally believe that they will borrow and spend until they have to default or the money printing causes hyperinflation and the whole thing comes crumbling down. That is, unless the voting public awakens from its slumber and hangs some of them from light poles. I'm not optimistic.
Proud of Killing, Mass Murdering, Slaughter, Genocide and Daylight Destructions…!
Israel is breaking its own records…! It takes a lot of jet fuel to do 480 strikes and US happily provided…!
Once total blood lust of murdering and slaughtering people has infected a whole country and society there is no stopping it from within. The United States could stop one aspect tomorrow by no longer sending any weapons or money. The world could contribute by no longer buying anything from Israel.
At the moment Israel and the USA are on a rapid march to destroy anything in its path both in the Middle East, Russia with side trips to other countries and islands.
After the dust is settled… That's a good possibility…! So Watch Out bibi…!
I doubt it. The Iranians and their proxy Shiite militias and Hezbollah helped keep Assad in power and abetted his slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Sunnis.
And those "hundreds of thousands" of Sunnis Assad "slaughtered" didn't include any types of groups like HTS that will now be vying for power in Syria? You know, groups on the US terrorist list. And compared to your butcher, Netanyahu, Assad looks good.
There you go again spouting nonsense. Old faithful
Tell me those Sunnis slaughtered by Assad were all Syrian nationals and they weren't funded by those seeking regime change. And please tell me Netanyahu isn't more of a butcher than Assad. I need a good laugh.
I don't think that Iran would align with groups that it has in the recent past labored to wipe out. It's not like they are the United States.
At this point in its history, all Israel wants is to kill, kill, kill, destroy, destroy, destroy.
Anyone, any place.
Even an ally's ship (U.S.S. Liberty).
Both U.S. political parties support this. Both are full of cowards.