The UN’s child relief agency, UNICEF, said Tuesday that more than 200 children had been killed by Israeli attacks on Lebanon since Israel escalated its bombing campaign in the country in September.
“Despite more than 200 children killed in Lebanon in less than two months, a disconcerting pattern has emerged: their deaths are met with inertia from those able to stop this violence,” said UNICEF spokesman James Elder.
Elder detailed some recent strikes that killed children, including an attack that slaughtered an entire displaced family. “On Sunday, 10 November: Seven children were killed from the same extended family. The family of 27 – all killed – was seeking shelter in Mount Lebanon after fleeing violence in the south,” he said.

Elder said that over the past two months, an average of about three children have been killed per day by Israel’s bombing campaign. “Many, many more have been injured and traumatized,” he said.
He also noted that hundreds of thousands of Lebanese children have become homeless as Israel’s airstrikes and invasion of southern Lebanon have displaced an estimated 1.2 million people.
Lebanon’s Health Ministry said Tuesday that the latest Israeli attacks have brought the death toll since October 2023 to 3,544 and the number of wounded to 15,036. The majority of the casualties have happened since September 23, the day Israel massively escalated its bombing campaign.
Got to be more than that. Lots of folks are buried and I suppose uncounted
Lancet says 118,000 total dead.
Ninety-nine doctors and other medical professions who wrote and open letter to Biden put the number of total dead at over 200,000.
Amos Goldberg calls it genocide.
Gideon Levy as well.
The claims that it isn't "a genocide" would continue until only one Palestinian was left alive. When the last was killed, it would be: "Oh, guess it really was a genocide, Oh wel…"
Stopping genocide right away HAS to be the goal.
In case those videos were not mentioned yet, here are two – very well worth to listen and to file away – one is by Matt Hoh with Judge Nap today – Hoh is reporting his visit in Israel and being 600 meters from Gaza border, witnessing Israeli school children cheering and pumping fists in Gaza direction, and another is Owen Jones about Israel using gangs and possible 'employment' of ISIS in Gaza. Both reports are chilling and hard to comprehend the evil, perfidy, cynicism, impunity of the Likud
here is Matt Hoh
and here Owen Jones
I saw it.
I cannot imagine a society so sick that they would have a group of Israeli children, students, look upon Gaza and act as they did.
According to Hoh, some of the kids flipped the middle finger in the direction of Gaza.
Norman Finkelstein is right. Israeli society is very sick.
Perhaps misguided, terribly?…!
Trump to his new Lebanese son in law: I wish they finish it faster.
How many US tax dollars helped to pave this disastrous way?…
One dollar is too many.
This isn't news, this is just a daily footnote. The luciferian worshipers have been doing this for thousands of years.
Soon we will be celebrating Christmas in the U.S.
Falling on a Pagan holiday, why is the birth of Jesus alleged to have been on that day?
Evil, Vile Dirtbags, every one.
From 2000 until 7Oct, Israel killed 2300 Palestinian children.
How many more must die and WHY?!
War crimes?….. Potentially?….”Children live what they learn”….
200 Lebanese kids killed in two months is monstrous.
But consider Gaza. Only two million people and over 1,000 kids killed every month.