President-elect Donald Trump announced on Tuesday that he nominated former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, a proponent of Israeli annexation of the West Bank, to be the US ambassador to Israel.
“I am pleased to announce that the Highly Respected former Governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee, has been nominated to be The United States Ambassador to Israel,” Trump said in a statement.
“Mike has been a great public servant, Governor, and Leader in Faith for many years. He loves Israel, and the people of Israel, and likewise, the people of Israel love him. Mike will work tirelessly to bring about Peace in the Middle East!” Trump added.
Huckabee, an Evangelical Christian who believes God gave historic Palestine to the modern state of Israel, is an outspoken proponent of Israel’s expansion in the occupied West Bank, which he calls Judea and Samaria.
While visiting an Israeli settlement in the West Bank in 2017, Huckabee claimed the territory was not under Israeli occupation. “I think Israel has title deed to Judea and Samaria,” Huckabee told CNN. “There are certain words I refuse to use. There is no such thing as a West Bank. It’s Judea and Samaria. There’s no such thing as a settlement. They’re communities, they’re neighborhoods, they’re cities. There’s no such thing as an occupation.”
Back in 2008, during his presidential campaign, Huckabee said there was “really no such thing as a Palestinian.”
During the previous Trump administration, Huckabee said that he hoped the White House would support Israeli annexation of the West Bank and said he had conversations with Trump about the issue. According to Haaretz, Huckabee has long had close relations with Israeli settler groups.
Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir, leader of the Jewish Power party who wants West Bank annexation and Jewish settlements in Gaza, celebrated Huckabee’s nomination by tweeting out his name along with a heart emoji, an American flag, and an Israeli flag.
David Friedman, Trump’s former ambassador to Israel, congratulated Huckabee. “I am thrilled by President Trump’s nomination of Governor Mike Huckabee as the next Ambassador to Israel. He is a dear friend and he will have my full support. Congrats Mike on getting the best job in the world,” he said.
Freidman also favors Israeli annexation of the West Bank and recently published a book calling for the US to fund it to the tune of $1 billion. Friedman was rumored to be in the running to fill the ambassador position again before Huckabee was chosen.
So far, so good. /s
No surprise. As I predicted, under Trump Israel will annexed more of the West Bank, if not all of it.
Can you predict how it will end? One irrational conman replacing another demented corrupt old man. Scorched earth is all the accomplishment they and the ones before them have to show. A dying hegemon empire.
No I can not predict how it will end. Neither can you. But, I can predict that more of West Bank will become part of Israel under Trump.
Maybe, we don't know if there will be an Israel left after Trump and Netanyahu and company.
I thought you might know.
I be willing to bet a large sum of money that after Trump and Netanyahu are gone, who knows when that will be, there will still be Israel.
An Israel accepting the rules of international laws and human rights of others would be the only way for peaceful ME.
And the Palestinians must also accept certain conditions such as giving up on their desire to move back into lands that their grandfathers and great grandfathers lost in a war 76 years ago. Not mention the Palestinians need to accept the fact that Israel exists. And Palestinians need to end the terror attacks. It take two sides to make peace.
Palestinian land never belonged to the Zionists 76 years ago. The Palestinians need to keep resisting and be smart about ruining Israel to the point where the Zionists leave the ME. It will happen. The world is on the side of the Palestinians. Israel is in a death spiral with its economy and THINKING the US will save it when the US can barely save itself…
What about the human rights and rights of homeland of the Palestinian people?
Israelis need to accept the fact to be a member nation in the international community the have to behave like it, they can’t just practice crimes, including genocide with impunity, they ignore all moral and human decency. They are brutal monsters.
What rights do the Palestinian people have? They are human beings, MENSCHEN, or not?
guess what, the Israelis should give up their desire to move back on land they never owned, not even their great grandparents more than hundreds of generations ago owned Palestine.
The ISRAELIS started the terror, Palestinians are victims and are defending their human rights.
The Palestinians did not lose their land fighting a war, they had no Army, it was like the Anglo Saxons killed the defenseless Indians, they owned bows and arrows, good for hunting but not fighting guns and bullets. Now the Palestinians have to fight two ruthless brutal and viscous nuclear powers.
And people like you should end their double standards, Palestinians are the victims and the Israelis are ruthless killers of an innocent civilian population, women and children, toddlers, and babies and new born included. I don’t recall that kind of brutality in history, yes wars are brutal but the Israeli beat them all in their genocide brutality, and the lying s**t in Washington claim there is no evidence of genocide. How stupid does one have to be to believe that. Even MSM can’t hide it, it is for all to see except our S**theads in DC. They see, and hear and know nothing.
As if it's not already Is. Trump just will put US stamp of approval on what already is. The so called Palestinian authority doesn't control anything and not able to stop anything Israel and the criminal terrorist settlers from are doing in the west bank.
Exactly, Trump will stamp Israel's annexation of the land and that will be that.
The rest of the world will unite to further isolate and destroy any commerce with the Zionist state. If you think that in 2025 that the WB will be thieved in full you are kidding yourself. Unbridled evil will be checked…that is a fact.
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Lord Bebo
🇮🇱 Israel released a list of risky countries for Jewish people:
👊 Physical attacks on Jewish people:
🇬🇧🇫🇷🇩🇪 Very high risk
🇧🇪🇮🇪 High risk
🇪🇸🇮🇹🇳🇱🇨🇭🇸🇪 Medium risk
💻 Online antisemitic attack risk:
🇬🇧🇫🇷 Very high risk
🇩🇪 🇪🇸🇮🇹🇧🇪🇳🇱 High Risk
🇨🇭🇸🇪 🇮🇪 Medium risk
8:26 AM · Nov 12, 2024
Trump was going to be diffrent they said.
It is the same old Trump, just a little more demented, he is at the point Biden was when he was inaugurated. Consecutive decades, a series of failed presidencies.
The only person who could be more damaging to American interests in the Mideast as ambassador to Israel, besides a virulent hard core Jewish Zionist is …. a virulent hard core Evangelical. Congratulations Trump, putting Israel first. Again.
Hypocrisy much, heir Trump?!
More irrationality and more obfuscation, should be easy, even Trump does not know what he said and means.
Everyone knows Baron is the hair apparent
Freidman also favors Israeli annexation of the West Bank and recently published a book calling for the US to fund it to the tune of $1 billion.
As usual they demand the US to bankroll every Israeli crime.
AIPAC quid pro quo.
USA will pay for Zionists to rebuild and settle Gaza.
Same for the W Bank.
And little Batista boy Marco Rubio to become Secretary of State tells us what to expect from Trump and his neocons and Zionists. I thought Biden was at the bottom, it looks like Trump can beat Biden and dig an even deeper hole.
Rubio gave up his Senate seat to be Secretary of State. Given the past history of trump's leadership, the chance of Rubio being secretary of state for 4 years is near zero.
He would get replaced with some other person in the family tree or related family tree. The leading elite is inter connected with positions of family members of other family trees, they share the same lawyers attend the same schools and are connected with marriages and divorces and remarriages and kissing cousins in all branches of government, Academia, legal partnerships and banking and other corporate CEOs, much like royalties in the past.
The rotating membership of this "Satanic philosophical club" offers a distinct advantage: its name and identity are constantly changing. This means that the group’s crimes are easily forgotten or disassociated from one another. Each crime is viewed as isolated, disconnected from the past or the future, and the cycle continues without suspicion. People fail to see that these acts are linked—each new crime adds a more vicious or elaborate element than the last, but the mask of a different name keeps the true nature of the group hidden.
This constant shifting of identities, represented by different names and faces, obscures the underlying tribal allegiance and obedience to Satanism. The crimes are not just random; they are part of a continuous, escalating series of actions. By hiding behind ever-changing masks, the group’s true face—its deeper, darker motives—remains concealed, allowing them to operate without ever being fully recognized for what they truly are.
The clear message here is that this ever-changing façade prevents the public from seeing the crimes for what they are: an ongoing, deliberate, and increasingly malevolent series of actions driven by a hidden ideology. The masks hide the face, and in doing so, they allow the crimes to continue unchecked.
The master picks his men, and
Like the master, so the men.
Trump PICKS HIS PEOPLE as expected.
But can he pick his nose or the hairs on his fat lazy, wealthy ass?!
Most likely he will find some girl or woman to do it for him, he can pay for it if he has to.
Yeah, right. Trump's sure going to "rein in" Netanyahu with this guy as Ambassador.
What a circus!
The fellow slated to head DoD, Pete something or other, is a real piece of work:
As a platoon leader. ran torture chambers at Guantanamo.
Then as a company commander. he moved on to organizing Iraqi death squads and Abu Ghraib style torture dungeons.
Then a roughly six year blank period in his bio which must be especially odious.
at age 30, he returned to his love of torture and blood lust, where he helped TRAIN American death squads in Afghanistan. Apparently, he got so good at torture and killing women and children that he was picked to train his fellow fighters.
Pete is best described as a unindicted war criminal
Yup. I posted the Wikipedia entry over at the Paul thread.
Imagine wanting your first gig as a young officer to lead Guantanamo Torture Dungeons ?
The guy is a sick sadist.
I didn't vote for these horrendous warmongering racist "cabinet picks"! Here we go again! So, this is the "catch"- vote for Trump to "Make America Great Again" by allowing him to pick a cabinet that has no qualms about supporting an apartheid mass-murdering nation? The only way to be fair in the Middle East is to include the history, not just the present-day situation, of Israel's aggressions since its inception. This HAS to be included as ALL present confrontations between Israel and its "enemies" spawns from this! What we get, I'm sure' is the continued labelling of ALL Israel's critics/enemies as "antisemitic" or "terrorist"!
So much for choosing America first true and real believers.
I agree it did not belong Israel more than 76 years ago. But today it does. And Israel economy is not in a death spiral. And if Palestinians don't make peace Israel they will lose. 76 years of war with Israel resulted in the Palestinians dependent on hands outs of the UN to exist.
The Zionists never belonged in Palestine and never should know that. They came to destroy thieve and kill…the proof of this is in the historical record since the Zionists arrived . Tell me about Irgun and Stern….
Stopped with the dreaming. Most of the "rest of the world" does not care about the Palestinians. The Arabs don't even care of the Palestinians.
No dreaming here, but your master of being myopic is very telling. Israel is done…face the music. The Palestinian cause is far stronger than the need to keep Israel in the Middle East. The US will not throw itself into the fire for the sake of saving Israel.
Whose job it is to bring about Armageddon.
AIPAC seems to be doing the selecting.