Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday outlined changes that will be made to Russia’s nuclear doctrine as the US and NATO consider supporting long-range Ukrainian strikes inside Russia.
Putin said in a meeting with the Russian Security Council that under the new doctrine, an attack on Russia by a non-nuclear state that’s supported by a nuclear-armed power would be treated as a joint attack, a clear reference to Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory that use NATO weapons and intelligence.
Based on Putin’s comments, it’s unclear if that means such an attack would trigger a nuclear response. But the new doctrine will allow the use of nuclear weapons in response to a conventional attack that poses a “critical threat to Russian sovereignty.”
According to TASS, the doctrine will also allow the use of nuclear weapons in response to “aggression” against Russia and Belarus, and if Russia becomes aware of plans to launch massive airstrikes against its territory.

“Reliable information about a massive takeoff of strategic or tactical planes towards Russia, or the launch of cruise missiles, drones, hypersonic weapons towards its territory may be interpreted as a sufficient reason for a nuclear response by Moscow,” TASS reported.
The new language is more vague than Russia’s current nuclear doctrine, which allows the use of nuclear weapons “in response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and/or its allies, as well as in the event of aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is in jeopardy.”
The US has supported Ukraine’s attack on Kursk, which came a few months after President Biden gave Ukraine the greenlight to use US weapons on the Russian border region. But the Biden administration is still holding out on supporting long-range strikes.
Putin has said that if the US supports long-range Ukrainian strikes inside Russian territory, it would mean NATO is at war with Russia. Despite the clear warning and risk of nuclear war, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and many hawks in the US and Europe are pushing hard for the escalation.
Putin is still stunned by the fact that Ukraine shoots back at Russia. He is blames the West for his failure to understand the desire of Ukraine to be free from Russia rule. Sure the West weapons help Ukraine handle the Russians, but it the desire of the Ukrainians to be free that is the difference maker.
Indeed the Ukrainians want to be free, but many of them want to be part of Russia. They want freedom to speak their language and have their elected representatives not be overthrown in a western backed coup. If changing borders by force is such a no-no, tell that to Israel.
One may tell that also to those who bombed Serbia in 1999 and broke away a piece of Serbian land.
most of us do not want to be part of the rus 3ehyibrfivfeiuhfe don't sell us out for dumbasses americaN
we hate russia except for the traitorous scum inviting death to the front door of their homes
Ukraine was suckered into this war by the USA, you now have it, live with your decision.
BTW, Russia never had a desire to "rule" Ukraine, not then, not now. Get educated Timmy. 🙂
I'd love to find a topic I could lob to you as an easy wiffle-ball that would let you be right on a topic, for once. But I don't think you could.
The Israelis answer to your argument would be, "The Ukrainians LOST a War. That is why Eastern Ukraine is part of Russia now. Might makes Right."
The world should know that this is a great step forward in the future fight to save humanity from its own destruction. Russia has announced this without an exact time of reform which is a shame. Still this decision can finally encourage true deterrence against the west. Regardless of any critiques, this is the only real way to prevent more global suffering around the planet. Though unfortunately this can mean that the end of most or all life in the world might be near. Nevertheless. Support to you Russia for trying to stand up for yourself against these monsters!!!
xaxxa you support the rus
us people in eastern [former ussr] europe, we have a… like… built in sensor. to detect Russian BS being thrown at us… because we've been subjected to it for all of our lives, right [yeah]?
And right now the BS sensor is going crazy, cuz like, us eastern europeans, we aren't fvking dumbazzez, right? Yeah, we aren't
props to the guy who downvoted me 😀 /s
Are YOU fighting then, now, with the Ukraine army,,yes???
As a USA citizen I want no part of your war, No part, kill each other all you want, enjoy your ignorance.
9 and a half months
It’s just another bluff from the Russians. They won’t do s**t. (It’s a sign that they know they can’t win this “SMO”.)
The idiots in charge are salivating at the prospect of nuclear war because they believe it is "survivable." Pentagon in war-gaming three front nuclear war. In the California Bay Area, it took TEN years to fix a portion of freeway that collapsed in the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989. I know because I had to drive on/around it. The complacency and stupidity is beyond belief. Europe has ALWAYS had conflicts over territory. Does that mean the world should end? should the people in Africa, South America, Asia, and, yes, North America be wiped out because of this?
I don't know exactly what's in their minds – assuming, perhaps erroneously, something intelligible, let alone intellectual is going on inside there at all – but they, the West, are showing signs of desperation and have become so divorced from reality that maybe they do seek for a way to provoke a nuclear war, confident that they have their submarines ready on call to preempt Russian retaliatory strikes. Because that works exactly like in the movies. Hero seems in impossible conundrum gets bruised, then does something daring that works out brilliantly, defeats the villain, saves the girl, girl falls in love with hero, meanwhile villain is served just punishment, fade out and credits.
Or else, as I have said before, USA has back engineered crashed Alien technology and has now weaponized it and wants to use it before Russia and China developes the same. All USA needs is the spark to start the fire, and is desperate for that spark to give the USA justification to destroy all these nations and their people. 🙁
I think the RF and DPRC, perhaps others (UK for sure; Rendelsham Forest wasn't helicopters on maneuver) already have exo-tech.
But nobody can openly use it because all are under strict treaty to keep it quiet (because all parties to the treaty need to keep it under wraps or they lose hegemony over the Common People).
The North American militarists are the greatest danger to the world at the moment. European jackals are following North American lion.
I understand your thoughts and emotions, I am with you. But it appears that the USA and Israel, NATO, have given in to a great evil and darkness. God help us to snuff this evil out, once and for all.
The evil is not confined to just one political party in the U.S..
It is far worse in one of the two major parties, for sure and for certain.
Ten years to fix earthquake damage. Earthquakes aren't radioactive, and it seems calculations by different State actors seem to forget that radioactive material is exceedingly long-lived, mobile by natural processes over great distances, and dangerous at distance.
People thought 6' separation kept you safe from COVID ? (It didn't; and the six-foot rule was made up by the CDC because 25' would have been optimal but 6' was a "good number"). Good luck "social distancing" from f**king gamma-emitting isotopes you can't sani-wipe away.
The idiots in D.C. need to check out what we did to the Bikini Atoll.
At…at least the swimwear style survived. Glad the Aboveground test ban went into effect before they wrecked Thong Shoals
Pentagon war-gaming three-front nuclear war. This isn't survivable. Look at a map showing blast range in your country and town. Annihilation for political and $$ advantage.
This is a nothing burger. The key words are "massive" and "critical threat". In other words, Putin is not going to order a nuclear attack on the US or NATO if a few Storm Shadow or other non-nuclear weapons cross Russia's border.
This makes hash of Scott Ritter's "we were all gonna die on Saturday" nonsense.
It does suggest that Russia might consider taking out those Aegis Ashore installations in Poland and Romania as part of any Russian retaliation against a joint US/Ukraine attack. That would be a smart move.
I agree. Russia may use non-nuclear weapons to destroy a NATO base first in retaliation for a massive attack on Russia. We will then quickly (hours) find out if nukes will be exchanged. However, I can see another plausible scenario playing out. Russia may decide FU@K IT! We'll use it before we lose it. Regardless, I think we are all in danger.
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
We enjoy your ironic sense of humor.
I would like to add, if the sh-t goes down, I will be drinking, a fine Russian Vodka!
if šit goes down my sorority is having an or*y
then each man for himself
Russia threatens to use nukes = Russia is losing.
I fear far more than that, I think Russia will bring hell to Britain and the USA and Germany, hitting only military installations first.
fun fact of the day;
the moskal military is weak and pathetic
But their level of competence and strength is enough to lever the Ukrainians out of Ugledar. How is that possible, unless the Ukrainian military is even more weak and pathetic.
what the heck is an ugledar please speak english for the love of god
oh wait
xaxa ok
just checking
we aren’t even pushed out yet! It is one of the most fortified cities on all of the front!
Remember all those other times they failed taking it?
Unless they had an epiphany NOTHING is changing
Trying to avoid addressing my point. The Ukrainian army, like Ukraine, is dying at the hands of a country you claim is weak and incapable. IF you join the Ukrainian military in 9 and half months you will be arriving in time to bury the remnants and join the columns of defeated Ukrainians trudging off to the newly renamed city of Lwow. Start studying Polish.
"if a few" Storm Shadows, which may be nuclear-capable, attack the RF, the RF would be idiots to assume long-range inbound ballistics are NOT nuclear.
ALL nuclear deterrence works on the assumption that inbound attack is the worst-case scenario.
Both times in history that the Soviets had what appeared to be perfect just-cause to launch against what seemed like the onset of nuclear war, THEY CHOSE NOT TO, despite the clear evidence (the evidence turning out to be wrong). We will NOT get that lucky a third time, so let's not f**king try.
Storm Shadows are not nuclear-capable. They have space in the warhead for a nuke but that has not been developed.
Previous Soviet nuclear doctrine was to not retaliate until a nuclear device detonated on Soviet soil. I believe Putin modified this earlier to be more of a confirmed missile attack, i.e., one that was definitely going to hit Russia. That was closer to "use it or lose it", but that, too, would depend on how many missiles are inbound.
One or a handful of missiles which are not known to be nuclear-capable is unlikely to cause Russia to launch a full-scale nuclear strike.
Interesting! Tho it also presumes
a) UK or France + US didn’t start developing a nuclear warhead for the Storm Shadow (codenamed Snake Eyes or Destro or Major Bludd or Baroness) the instant the US walked from the IMF treaty,
b) the RF knows or can verify that nuclear warheads can’t fit currently deployed S.Shadows,
c) the RF can discriminate accurately between inbound missiles, as in, determine the composition of a volley / swarm as to homogenous or not.
You don’t understand the concept of hyperbole to illustrate worst case scenario, which is a possibility. JFC.
The US zombies have no fear of nuclear war. They believe it is winnable.
This is not hyperbolic:
The First 20 Minutes of a Nuclear Attack Looks Like THIS… | Nuclear War Expert Annie Jacobsen
We have a good chance to see it in a near future
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me!…
I hope not.
Hyperbole of the sort Ritter uses is not valuable as it distorts information, especially when directed at the public who are already ignorant of the situation.
On the other side, stirring up panic is not useful, either, especially when the public is incapable of doing anything about it because they don't control the actions of the government.
It's going to come down to the actions of those in the government who are aware of the risk whether we end up in WWIII or not.
I would rather trust the Russians to behave responsibly than the US government, especially since the Russians have done so in the past. Which means the Russians will retaliate in a controlled manner while informing the US exactly what will happen if the US goes further – which is precisely what the Russians did in this current situation.
It’s valuable because the public has been stupified
Our ass will be grass and bye=bye.
Have we reached the point of no return?
Short but not sweet.
Um hum.
"Have we reached the point of no return?" – not yet. Pentagon is definitely against this crazy idea of attacking Russia directly.
Maybe they should organize a coup? Why not? Anyway there are no democracy in U.S.
Cynical my friend and entirely appropriate…
Poopin is at it again!
Unfortunately Anglo-Saxon imperialists understand only the language of force.
east europeans we look anglo saxon at least
And Russian imperialists think like Anglo Saxon imperialists
Protect your own people is not imperialism. Imperialism is when you go to people who have nothing to do with you culturally and force your military presence upon them like U.S. is doing it in Syria, Iraq and other countries. By the way, at the moment, American imperialists are stealing Syrian oil.
Hitler said the same thing.
R2P (responsibility to protect) is an idea promoted by U.S. not by Hitler. This idea was accepted by UN about 30 years ago. Now it is an international law. U.S. cynically abused this rule attacking countries under false pretexts.
Russia used this rule in full compliance with international law for protecting Russian people in independent republics of Donbass from installed by U.S. neo-Nazi Kiev regime.
Because you yourself are sympathizing with Nazis, you can't see the truth as it is.
You have skewered R2P to justify Russian imperialism. Pillar 2 of R2P justifies intervention by the ***INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY*** when a state manifestly cannot protect its own people. Nothing in R2P or anywhere else in internationl law justifies unilateral invasion of another country.
The alleged persecution of ethnic Russians in Donbas is an internal Ukrainian matter. If Ukraine wont protect ethnic Russians, then it is a matter for the international community, i.e., the Security Council. the General Assembly, the ICJ and the ICC Russia has no right to invade Ukraine. That is why China, while opposing sanctions, never supported the Russian invasion or recognized any of Putin's annexations.
Likewise, under R2P, the USA has no right to invade Mexico to protect American citizens being killed or kidnapped by cartels that the Mexican government can't or won't control.
Here is the official position of the UN on R2P. It does not justify Putin's invasion.
Like Russia is doing in Ukraine? Forgot that example.
You are a glass house Diva.
Oh,,so ONLY, "Anglo-Saxon",?,,,,that is total B.S.
Who else has hundreds of military bases all over the world? China? Russia? Or maybe India? All the rest are the minor players. Why you are so terribly brainwashed that unable to see the obvious?
I am looking at the Big Picture of history, you are looking at a very Small picture of history.
Humans have a tendency to be evil, and governments, leaders, elected or not elected, given the opportunity, will always succumb to doing those things you condemn and become VERY evil. But you have let your racism against the "Anglo-Saxon" show, this is your personal weakness.
What is particularly racist in pointing to obvious and undeniable facts?
That is what other countries get for having their borders to close to our military bases.
Agreed and it's also how they live or die…
From reading all of these comments… it's obvious that there are still those who do not understand the "game" that is being played by the ruling satanic monsters who have Foxtrot Uniformed & Over the people of this planet forever.
Mankind still has a long way to go if it wants to survive… unfortunately it possesses the tools to end life on the planet.
WTFU people ‼️
”How I learned to stop living and learned to start loving the bomb!”
Dr. Strangelove
Threatening nuclear war is Putin's way of admitting that Russia lost the battle for the hearts and minds of the Ukrainian people. So he is throwing a tantrum. Again.
Some of us are old enough to remember Nixon's "madman" act during the Vietnam War negotiations. Tricky Dick attempted to scare the Soviets and the North Vietnamese by flying a squadron of nuclear armed B-52's over the North Pole into the Soviet defense grid. The Soviets called his bluff. Looks like Putin is throwing a similar tantrum.
Cooler heads will prevail at the Kremlin.
Your first paragraph must be a joke! Get real.
Putin is the essence of a cool hand and head, USA NeoCons are the RATZ in this deadly situation and you and your family and loved ones may die a horrible death because of THEM.
Good call. Shmi's first mistake was assuming Putin cares what the Ukrainians west of Donbas think of him. He doesn't. He wants the Russian and Ukrainian people, whom he views as cousins after a fashion, to have a workable future so he's looked to avoid civilian casualties as possible.
Shmi also quietly assumes the RF plans to conquer all of Ukraine. It doesn't intend to and NEVER DID.
Putin hates us and he wants us Ukrainians dead
False. He hates Nazis and liars. You’re neither.
thanks. Thats the most support i’ll get besides a Ukraine supporter 😀
It's all you can expect from these Russian bloggers.
Pure dishonesty.
Putin is proud
but just for the record if he wants nazis dead then he’d have to kill most of the state duma of russia
and potentially himself depending on where the bar is
That’s projection based off propaganda.
It is an established fact that the Azov Battalion (rebranded however it has been) IS the ONLY openly neo-Nazi official (!!!!) regiment in ANY military in the entire world.
If you can precisely name an official regiment, battalion, platoon, division, in ANY other military on Earth that so brazenly displays Nazi symbology and professes neo-Nazi ideals, PLEASE DO SO.
And not some “Oh, two dudes in the 175th Field Artillery Militia of the Serbian Army have ’88’ tattooed on their necks”, I mean a formal unit of a country’s military that professes Aryan supremacy, ideology, and symbols like Azov DID and DOES.
<IS the ONLY openly neo-Nazi official>
This is false and you know it.
Show proof.
The only open Neo Nazis are in Russia and I can show you some examples but you already know this.
German journalists were among the first to expose Azov’s blatant use of Nazi imagery and symbols. Other journalists, including some American MSM outlets AND articles on this very site have confirmed this beyond reasonable doubt.
Do your own homework; I haven’t time for rando’s that are the perfect admixture of “lazy” and “ignorant”.
I don’t need to demonstrate the evident truth of my statements. Your claim to “know” what I know, and your classic chiche Old White Person screeching of “Communist” as if it were accurate, insulting, or not an embarrassment to you in 2024, tells me for certain that you are LYING.
As only I know the contents of my own mind, and as I report them honestly as in contradiction to your claims ABOUT the content of my mind, you made the fatal error of proving to me you are dishonest and, yep, a liar unworthy of taking seriously.
I cannot prove my degree of certainty to others – but assuredly you’ll f**k up again and everyone else will figure you out just as quick as I did.
Friendly tip – limit yourself to facts in evidence, not what you wish & want to be true.
He hates the Neo NAZIs in Kiev.
if putin is a cool hand and head then donald trump is hitler and biden is stalin during the purges
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Ласкаво просимо
You pretend that this threat happened in a vacuum. It happened in response to Blinken’s idea for the US/NATO to directly attack Russia. It doesn’t have jack to do with “hearts and minds”. It has to do with lunatics and missiles.
"Putin said in a meeting with the Russian Security Council that under the new doctrine, an attack on Russia by a non-nuclear state that’s supported by a nuclear-armed power would be treated as a joint attack, a clear reference to Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory that use NATO weapons and intelligence."
This should set off a giant OH SH*T across every NATO member nation.
"“Reliable information about a massive takeoff of strategic or tactical planes towards Russia, or the launch of cruise missiles, drones, hypersonic weapons towards its territory may be interpreted as a sufficient reason for a nuclear response by Moscow,” TASS reported."
This is what I said before – the Russian Federation HAS TO treat every nuclear-capable missile as if it is one, because nobody's nuclear doctrine is "wait & see" if a potential nuclear attack is "only conventional".
me when red lines:
One can only imagine the response in America, were a Russian-made missile with conventional explosives to land anywhere inside US borders. People would be screaming for a nuclear response, and it would probably happen.
The cool-headed responses in Russia to US-fueled Ukrainian missile attacks have been remarkable. Historians will write about it, if we are fortunate enough to see history continue.
With luck, the historians will be writing about the once powerful — now extinct — Russian Empire.
Rally to Revive Anti-Nuclear War Movement
Saturday in Kingston, New York an impassioned plea to mobilize an anti-nuclear war and pro-peace movement will be launched with Scott Ritter, Max Blumenthal and Judge Andrew Napolitano among the speakers.
Watch the Live Stream
If you can’t join us in person, don’t worry! The rally will be live streamed on , , and , so you can still experience this momentous event from anywhere.
Roger Waters maybe there too…!
A rally of those that are sane.
We have entered a danger zone and it now becomes a case of who blinks first?
“Angry red, drips from the sky and through the putrid haze emerges, the hideous, grotesque, shape of man, standing naked, the nature of our beginning…”
A Doctrine Nuclear and Conventional means that even if President Putin is removed and or the top of the Russian government military technicians will follow instructions on launching strategic and tactical weapons.
The insanity of even allowing Zelensky near the White House with his demands to start an extinction level event like World War III is irresponsible.
"Screw Around and Find Out" – FAFO!
Just to be clear, just as America has a doctrine for use of nuclear weapons so does Russia. Both sides have ratcheted and loosened up their terms for use of nuclear weapons.
Here is the new Russian doctrine if Ukraine is allowed to attack Russia with any weapons supplied by NATO or targeting is provided by America.
Dmitry Medvedev writes:
The event that was expected
The Russian President outlined approaches to the new edition of the Fundamentals of State Policy in the Sphere of Nuclear Deterrence. The main changes are as follows.
1. Aggression against Russia by a state that does not possess nuclear weapons, but with the support or participation of a country with nuclear weapons, will be considered a joint attack. Everyone understands which countries we are talking about.
2. Equivalent nuclear protection will be established for Belarus as our closest ally. To the "delight" of Poland and numerous NATO pygmies.
3. A massive launch and crossing of our border by enemy air and space weapons, including aircraft, missiles and UAVs, under certain conditions may become grounds for the use of nuclear weapons.
A reason to think not only for the rotten neo-Nazi regime, but also for all of Russia's enemies who are pushing the world toward a nuclear catastrophe.
It is clear that each situation that gives grounds to resort to nuclear protection must be assessed in conjunction with other factors, and the decision to use nuclear weapons will be made by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.
However, the very change in the regulatory conditions for the use of the nuclear component by our country can cool the ardor of those opponents who have not yet lost their sense of self-preservation.
Well, for the thick-headed, only the Roman maxim will remain: caelo tonantem credidimus Jovem Regnare …( "Because Jupitor thunders in heaven we have always believed that he is king there").
dmitry medvedev is putins obese dumb pitbul
hes performing that task quite well
p.s. Nice job voting yourself an up arrow. Typical criminal or at least unethical behavior on your part.
Like you are ethical.
I more ethical than Al Capone and his NEOCON court jesters.
Biden was visibly upset at meeting with Starmer. Austin may have apprised Biden that any stupid move could mean chaos.
Putin just to change the policy very little – as the policy before was also allowed the use of nuclear weapons if the sovereignty of the Russian state was seriously threatened.
I.e. the changes were mainly limited to that Belarus was now explicitly covered. Everything else remains about as by the old policy that is unless you believe that the Russians would allow any NATO backed country(ies) to disarm and disband Russia – which I seriously doubt that anyone in the west believed.
The other pertinent point to make is that Ukraine using ATTACMS or Storm shadow/Scalp/Taurus missiles inside Russia is very unlikely to amount to a serious threat to Russian sovereignty or the continued existence of Russia.