On Wednesday, Israel blew up thousands of two-way radios used by Hezbollah in Lebanon, killing at least 20 people and wounding 450.
Lebanon’s official news agency also reported that solar energy systems blew up in Beirut and in the south, wounding one girl.
The walkie-talkie attack came after Israel blew up Hezbollah pagers in Lebanon, killing at least 12, including two children and four healthcare workers. The pager attack also wounded around 2,800, and about two-thirds of them require surgery to their face, hands, or eyes, according to Lebanese Health Minister Firas Abiad.
At least one of the walkie-talkie blasts on Wednesday occurred during a funeral in Beirut organized by Hezbollah for a person who died the day before. An eyewitness told CNN that the man whose device blew up at the funeral was covered in blood and had his hands blown off.

A funeral was also held on Wednesday for Fatima Abdullah, a nine-year-old girl who was killed in the pager attack on Tuesday. Fatima’s aunt told The New York Times that she picked up her father’s pager as it beeped to bring it to him, but then it exploded, mangling the fourth grader’s face and covering the room in blood.
A security source told Reuters that the walkie-talkies that exploded on Wednesday were purchased by Hezbollah five months ago, around the same time as the pagers. Images of the exploded walkie-talkies show a label that says “ICOM,” a company based in Japan. Axios reported that the walkie-talkies were booby-trapped by Israeli intelligence before they reached Hezbollah.
The pagers that exploded on Tuesday were reportedly packed with explosives and a detonator before they reached Lebanon. US officials said the pagers were ordered from Gold Apollo, a company based in Taiwan. But Gold Apollo said they were manufactured by another company, BAC Consulting, which has a license to use the Gold Apollo brand and has an address in Hungary.
Only one name listed at BAC:
BAC is a consulting firm not a manufacturer…!
Yes, and her ties are intriguing.
She's a cut-out – intended to keep the Mi6 connection separate. Didn't work very well, almost everyone has tagged her as Mi6.
Mi6 supposedly was working with Mossad, but Mossad supposedly jumped the gun and triggered early. I have my doubts on that story – sounds like a way to confuse the issue.
In any event, it doesn't matter. What is obvious is that it was a provocation to get Hezbollah to react so the Middle East war can get started for real.
No condemnation of Israel’s terrorism from the US.
Imagine our surprise!
Yes, Donna. A complete shocker!
The US and its vassal states would not dare to speak the truth.
What we are witnessing is the birth of a new category of weapon with the potential of targeting almost all the highly vulnerable (digitized) organs of modern society, the "new nuke". They have been working developement in this area for around 5 yrs now; and while this iteration (very crude in that it relies for its kill capacity on old tech) is the roll-out. Still, the CIA/Mossad are likely congratulating themselves, very proud papas.
It’s not just that they’re digital but that we’re in an open, integrated global network.
The obvious adaptation is closed state machines and autarky. Nation states and religion states!
Not just return to old tech -throw out your cell phone for a land-line, etc., .?
Yes, but I’ve had neighbors record my conversations inside my house or inside an apartment when they’re outside.
It’s worse than 1984. I often just use a cell phone in the car. I just realise now the only privacy I have is what I post here, and this isn’t truly private.
I just put tape on the camera and live with it.
There are no such things as landlines anymore.
I’m in the belief that I have one, no??
No idea.
Old landlines didn’t require a power source. Now “landlines” are internet connected.
Thanks (I think), for exploding my fools paradise .
Vincent Lee @Rover829
BEIRUT (AP) – Lebanon's official news agency reports that home solar energy systems exploded in several areas of Beirut.
I read elsewhere also ATMs. Obviously Israeli terrorism.
Pure Israel terrorism is going international…!
it already was
ahem mossad
Yes. In Iran specifically.
Righteous self defense,killingoff some Jew-haters.
If this turns out to be true, it shows how fiendish Zionists have become in their quest to create a state for their own people at the expemse of others. And they think this will be accepted?
the real shame is they already have a state
No they don't. The Zionists never had a state. Israel has always been a multi-ethnic state. An apartheid state, a genocidal state. But the Zionists were never able to erase or brainwash the indigenous inhabitants.
How is killing terrorists who have been firing at your nation for 11 months not and act of self defense?
Who is the terrorist? Raiding a Palestinian home in the dead of night, then abducting young men to be taken to one of Israel's torture places is not terrorism? Killing 2300 Palestinian children during the years from 2000 up to 7Oct is not terrorism? Children,even toddlers being shot by IDF snipers is not terrorism? Restricting food, potable water, electricity, medicines is not a terrorism?
No sense trying, VIP. Major Burns, for his own undisclosed reasons & personal benefit, had decided that he supports the Apartheid State of Israel in ANYTHING and EVERYTHING they choose to do.
And he will, without trace of morality or shame or awareness of the embarrassment he brings upon himself, ever act the stalwart apologist for horrible, hideous things that the ASI does. Pretending as if they're "okay" or "justified".
No sense of scope, no sense of scale or severity, no nuance or empathy or humanity in his petulant, angry, flailing insistences…his demands that good, thoughtful, decent people like you, VIP, and others of these forums (not Sully), abandon your morality and conscience and BASIC HUMAN DECENCY and just agree with his "might makes right" fallacies and (Palestinians <> Human) worldview.
You keep regurgitating the same old worn out Israeli propaganda . Lebanese resistance came about as result of Israel invasion of Lebanon in 1982. Before that Hezbalah did not exist. The real terrorists in the region has always been Israel.
"You keep regurgitating the same old worn out Israeli propaganda" If I change the word Israeli to Palestinians I can say the same thing about you.
Funny how you zionist apologists ignore 75 years of brutal history and only focus on the last year. Before there was Oct 7, there were decades of killing, land theft, checkpoints, and jails. The only people with a right to self-defense are the true victims of apartheid Israel, the Palestinians.
Do you have a problem with the suicide bombing of buses in Tel Aviv? Do you think it has been a one street over the years? Do you think the Arab armies had a right to invade Israel 76 years ago?
Probably he does.
And decades of terrorist slaughter of Israeli innocents.
OK, let's review the history. It actually goes back 2,000 years.
But let's start with the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem in 635 AD. Too far back? How about 1947, when the UN proposed a partition of Mandatory Palestine into two separate nations – one Arab and one Jewish.
The Arabs refused and attacked. What would you suggest that the Jews do? Simply die?
No, they fought back and won. When you gamble on war, and you lose, you don't get to call the shots.
From that point forward, anyone that was peaceful to Israel had peace; anyone who attacked them had war – the same as any other nation.
As for "Apartheid" – that is a laughable term. Arab Israelis have more rights and the longest life expectancy in the Arab world. It's funny how you expect more from Israel than you do from Arab governments.
In fact, Israeli Arabs have a longer life expectancy than African Americans (77 vs. 76). Are you an American? The real Apartheid is practiced in your country, for your benefit. Perhaps you should look at yourself and your own people before throwing around meaningless words at others. What have you done to reduce the disparities in your own country? Nothing, I assume; you are too busy focusing on others. How convenient.
"Israel" and "the Jews" are two different things, with some overlap.
More Jews live outside the apartheid ethno-nationalist garrison state of Israel than in it (and I'm not even including the "settler" squatters living outside Israel's borders in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem).
"Israel" and "the Jews" are two different things, with some overlap.
More Jews live outside the apartheid ethno-nationalist garrison state of Israel than in it (and I'm not even including the "settler" squatters living outside Israel's borders in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem).
I'm not sure what your point is.
Israel has a population of 9.5 million.
7,208,000 are Jews.
2,080,000 are Arabs.
554,000 are "other".
There is an estimated world Jewish population of 15.7 million, so 46% of Jews live in Israel.
For centuries, the ethnic populations have been carefully controlled by ruling powers. Many empires – which controlled the area – would not allow Jews to move to what is now Israel, or allow Jews to buy land, by law. So, it's not like there was an even playing field that suddenly changed. It was only with the defeat of the Ottoman empire that Jewish immigration was tolerated by the British. This resulted in Mandatory Palestine being 1/3 Jewish by the time of the proposed partition of Mandatory Palestine.
As for Israel being an "Apartheid" state – every country is an Apartheid state, with a ruling group controlling a less empowered group. This is especially true for every country in the Middle East: Saudis oppress the Shia in their country, the Iranians oppress the Ba'hai, the Syrians are at war with the Sunnis, the Egyptian persecute the Copts, and the Shia Houthis are fighting the Sunni Saudis, and so forth. Lebanon has carefully designed laws defining the roles of each ethnic group.
And what rights do Jews enjoy in Gaza? They are killed at sight; even the slightest shred of evidence of Jewish history in Gaza – which dates back to Biblical times, but includes the Middle Ages – is erased from buildings, murals, and artifacts.
Meanwhile, you compare Israel to your fantasy of the U.S., a clear Apartheid state, with enormous disparities in wealth, housing, education and opportunity between Whites and Blacks. Life expectancy is lower among Blacks than Whites – even when they have the same income and insurance, the Black person gets inferior medical care.
In fact, an Israeli Arab has a longer life expectancy (79 years) than an African American in your country (76 years). Meanwhile, 800 mostly African American young men were killed in one American city, Chicago, last year, and the life expectancy in affluent White areas (Gold Coast) is 90 years, compared with 60 years in poor neighborhoods (West Side) – a 30 year disparity. So, what are you doing about Apartheid in your country?
By the way, the difference in life expectancy between Jews and Arabs in Israel is pretty small – 82 vs. 79. Yet, you want to tell Israelis how to manage a problem that is 10 times worse in your country? Sometimes, it's best to look within.
My point is that Israel is not "the Jews" and "the Jews" are not Israel.
Most Jews don't live in Israel.
Many Jews want nothing whatsoever to do with Israel.
Some Jews actively oppose the existence of Israel.
So trying to posture Israel as representative of "the Jews" is a lie. It's no more "the Jews" than the Ku Klux Klan is "the whites."
Again, what is your point? How is this relevant?
Yes, Israel is a nation, and not synonymous with the Jewish people, although 2/3rd of the nation identify as Jewish.
I wouldn't say that "most Jews" don't live in Israel, as 46% of Jews live in Israel, which is nearly half of all Jews.
Yes, Many Jews do not support Israel, for whatever reason. Some withhold support for religious reasons, others for political reasons. Again, it's not clear what this statement is meant to address.
Some Jews like pistachio ice cream. Some do not.
But much of the Middle East is clearly divided by ethnic/religious groups. When the Ottoman refused to sell land to Jews in their Palestine province, they didn't ask if they were religious or secular; they didn't enquire if they supported Zionism or not; they made decisions based on their ethnic identity. And when Hamas attacked Israeli on Oct. 7, they didn't ask the Israelis they viewpoints or what they thought about Noam Chomsky or Edward Said; they simply exterminated them for being Israeli Jews. That's how the world works.
"How is this relevant?"
You previously wrote:
"What would you suggest that the Jews do? Simply die? No, they fought back and won."
To which I reply:
"The Jews" did no such thing.
A particular ethno-nationalist group (Zionists), which falsely claims to represent "the Jews," managed to establish a state which, even to this day, neither provides a residence for, nor commands the support of, anything close to all Jews.
When you conflate Israel with "the Jews," it's no different than a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party conflating his party's interests with those of "the Aryans" or a klansman pretending to represent "the whites," or whatever.
And again with the math:
"I wouldn't say that 'most Jews' don't live in Israel, as 46% of Jews live in Israel, which is nearly half of all Jews."
"Most" means, at an absolute minimum, more than half.
I see…so, you object to the phrasing, which you find to be imprecise. It appears to me that it is implied that the Jews fighting in the 1947-48 war were not all Jews in the world, but if you don't see that, I would rephrase the question this way:
"Following the announcement of the UN partition plan for Mandatory Palestine into two population territories – one Arab, and one Jewish – some (not all) Arabs did not support the plan, and some (not all) members of the Arab League voted to attack the newly declared nation. So, being under attack, what should the people dwelling within the newly declared state of Israel who self-identified as Jewish have done?"
I hope that clarifies the issue.
I don’t object to the “phrasing.”
I object to the notion that ethno-nationalist/ethno-supremacist movements like Zionism, Nazism, etc. actually represent the ethnic groups they use as props to legitimize themselves.
If you mean the Zionists, or the Israelis, or whatever, truth in advertising would mean using those words instead of tarring “the Jews” with the actions of some Jews.
Describing Zionism as a supremist movement – "like Nazism" – is a false statement.
Zionism is defined as a movement that seeks a homeland for Jewish people.
Zionist and Israeli are not synonymous, so you have to decide which you are speaking about. Not all Zionists are Israelis, and not all Israelis are Zionists.
If you are talking about specific Israeli policies, they may have nothing to do with Zionism.
As for "tarring" the Jews – the implies something to "tar" them with; but you haven't presented anything, other your unsubstantiated, vague claims, which lack examples, evidence, or sources to support them.
Further, if your concern is with supremacy, surely you will add to your list Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Pakistan, Gaza, the West Bank, etc.
Iran is an openly supremacist nation that discriminates against many groups. The Ba'hai of Iran, for example, are not allowed to attend college. The Ba'hai have found freedom in other country. By a strange coincidence, the Ba'hai have their world center in another country – Israel. But that's odd, because you told me that Israel is a supremacist nation – "like the Nazis". Why would the Ba'hai feel free to practice their faith in Israel, but not in their homeland of Iran?
And Hamas, in Gaza – which Iran supports – is part of the Muslim Brotherhood, which supported the actual Nazis in the 1930s and 1940s and translated Mein Kampf into Arabic. Hamas has unkind things to say about a certain group in general, repeating verbatim the unkind things Hitler said about this particular group of individuals…well, it's probably all just an misunderstanding, as you have pointed out who the real supremacists are.
Yes, Zionism is a movement that seeks a homeland for Jewish people.
Just like Nazism sought a homeland for German people.
Both including ever more expansive “lebensraum” demands for the favored ethnic group.
Israel is an expansionist apartheid ethno-nationalist garrison state that tries to sell itself as representative of a particular ethnic group.
It’s not the first, it won’t be the last, and it’s been more successful than some … at least so far.
But it is what it is, not something else. If you choose to defend an expansionist apartheid ethno-nationalist garrison state, you’re occasionally going to have it noticed that the claim that it is actually representative of the ethnic group it claims to be representative of is false.
Yes, Zionism is a movement that seeks a homeland for Jewish people.
Just like Nazism sought a homeland for German people.
Both including ever more expansive “lebensraum” demands for the favored ethnic group.
Israel is an expansionist apartheid ethno-nationalist garrison state that tries to sell itself as representative of a particular ethnic group.
It’s not the first, it won’t be the last, and it’s been more successful than some … at least so far.
But it is what it is, not something else. If you choose to defend an expansionist apartheid ethno-nationalist garrison state, you’re occasionally going to have it noticed that the claim that it is actually representative of the ethnic group it claims to be representative of is false.
I don’t object to the “phrasing.”
I object to the notion that ethno-nationalist/ethno-supremacist movements like Zionism, Nazism, etc. actually represent the ethnic groups they use as props to legitimize themselves.
If you mean the Zionists, or the Israelis, or whatever, truth in advertising would mean using those words instead of tarring “the Jews” with the actions of some Jews.
I don’t object to the “phrasing.”
I object to the notion that ethno-nationalist/ethno-supremacist movements like Zionism, Nazism, etc. actually represent the ethnic groups they use as props to legitimize themselves.
If you mean the Zionists, or the Israelis, or whatever, truth in advertising would mean using those words instead of tarring “the Jews” with the actions of some Jews.
Don't expect any logic here. You won't find it.
I'll copy and paste my reply that I said the last time you uttered that nonsense.
Yes. Israel has been leveled. Over 40,000 have been butchered (0ver 700 under the age of one) and 100,000 injured. 90% of their population has been displaced and their country has become near uninhabitable. Hamas has created a man-made famine and disease is running rampant. Meanwhile, Hamas just met with Blinken and said Israel is the detriment holding the cease fire back. Blinken agreed and promised to send billions more to Hamas so they can defend themselves. And here I had it ass backwards.
Hamas sacrificed thepeople of Gaza,for money or for propaganda benefits. They knew a harsh and just response would follow.
The response was terrorism on steroids. And you're an idiot who can't comment with anything but pithy hasbara like talking points. I say "hasbara like" because no one would pay for your garbage.
I've heard reports of "dancing Israelis".
Rumi said dance.Nothing wrong with it.
Fiendsih if they don't want to submit to abuse any longer.
Two lessons here.
Number 1: If you are not a client of the empire, don't buy from the empire.
Number 2: You should regard anyone waving an Israeli flag the same as someone waving a Swastika.
Don't slander the swastika
nazi in the wild?
He’s probably Hindu or Buddhist… or an actual Aryan.
nuh uh
95% israelis aren't nazis
thats collective punishment/assumptions, which is no better than saying all palestinians are Hamas or all lebanese people are Hezbollah
Just like 95% of Palestinians aren't Hamas
That’s certainly true. Elites run the world. But if Germany had to pay reparations, then…
You've got to look at the polling numbers. There are pluralities and majorities that are all in on what their government is doing to the Palestinians. So, they are edging closer.
I’m in the US. You can be 100% sure anyone in America waiving an Israeli flag is a 100% piece of shit.
thats generalisation
It’s also true
nuh uh
Number 3. When Israel defends itself the people who hate Israel will call them Nazis.
Defense is killing 200,000 Palestinians? The 41,000 is an under count. The other day the names of 710 babies killed by Israeli bombs were released. Babies!!!
No defense is killing the Hamas fighters. Now if Hamas fighters would not hide behind civilians, civilians would not die. All those babies that you feej sorry for died because of Hamas decision. No Oct 7, no counter attack, no dead babies. You want war to stop, get Hamas to surrender. But Hamas will not. They will trade dead babies to win the PR war.
Israel made their own decisions. They decided to disregard innocent human life and willingly killed anyone in their way. You can spin it any way you like but that is what they decided to do. The tonnage of bombs dropped on such a small area and one so densely populated is just something you continue to ignore. "Good guys" don't do that.
Like you have been over there and counted.
Ironically, closed nation states, which might be similar to the swastika, are the adaptation. Syria and Iran will adapt. Russia and China will adapt.
Israel seems to be inviting its eventual demise sooner than later. Who has any empathy for these people? I mean the military and those responsible for the carnage/genocide in Gaza and the West Bank, and now Lebanon…
Will we see illegal settlements targeted for destruction? especially since the fiends who occupy these lands are constantly terrorizing, murdering and then stealing the land of Palestinians…
Good Israeli people should leave before hell falls upon their doorsteps…
The "fiends" are those Hezz that fire missiles at peaceful villages.
going by your logic
we are the aggressors in the russkie-ukrainian war because we are firing missiles in self defense
Who is this "we"?
i'm ukrainian
Which fellow Ukrainians are more important, those in Kiev who have joined in spirit with the Azov Brigade,or those in Donbas who have been under attack since 2014?
the ones in Azov
Oh, dude, PLEASE don't ally yourself with neo-Nazis.
So speak for yourself.
the 2014 color revolution made "us" the aggressors
Hezbollah is moving the Zionist colonists away from the Lebanese border. You have not seen anything yet…Settlers are nothing more than expendable vermin…
Hezollqh came into existence after Israel invaded and occupied Lebanon and caused deaths and destruction.
That is true. It also true that once Israel defeated the PLO hiding in Lebanon, Israel left Lebanon. Now the question is why did Hezbollah open fire on Israel after Hamas attacked Israel on Oct 7?
So, time began on 7Oct? No Nakbah? No Deir Yassin and other atrocities in 1948? No apartheid for 75 years? No murders of Palestinians for 75 years? No restrictions of food, potable water, medicines for 75 years? Ehud Barak called Gaza a concentration camp.
It’s officially a death camp, now.
Burnsie either doesn't know about any of that; doesn't care about any of that; or dismisses it as "Antisemitic propaganda from Israel Haters".
If Timothy is religious, I might also suggest it's cognitive dissonance, of the variety particular to the Very Faithful. The ability to know what is True but stubbornly hold to the Opposite. Hold a position for no reason, against all Reason.
He apparently doesn't know that playing the Anti (fill in the blank) card is the lowest form of debate. Designed to stifle any further discussion.
I think he thinks that “debate” is where he asserts an opinion he thinks is absolutely objectively correct, then doesn’t engage in any meaningful discussion or defend his position with anything but fallacies.
Tho, now as I read what I just wrote, I see it’s basically exactly what you said.
LOL. Well there are allot of those people on this board. Too funny.
Well, if you’re talking about being “anti” a certain government’s genocidal policies, and those policies are clearly defined, that’s not the same, of course. You’re either ok with them, or you’re not. If you are, well….
Because Israel's response was genocide. Same with the Houthis. Same with Iran. They couldn't have been more explicit.
Why you ask? Israel still illegally occupies the Sheeba Farms territory, and they are acting against the unbridled Israeli terror machine…as they should.
Israel will be taught a brutal lesson…do not think that they will get away with theft, mass murder, terrorism, and their petty propaganda bs. Not this time.
You left out the part about Hezbollah chasing the Israel army out of Lebanon in I believe 2006. They didn't quite leave willingly but were forced to leave.
You are confusing two wars.
Hamas came into existence from refugee camps. It has a political arm that won the election in 2006 (for which it was punished by Israel and the U.S.), and a military arm. In both instances the common element is the brutality of Israeli Zionists in the administration. Israel was founded by terrorists. Ben-Gurion admitted that Israel stole lands from Palestinians in 1948.
It’s supposedly “fair” for Israel to steal lands and unfair for Russia to do the same.
Hamas was also boistered by the Israeli government, who saw young upstart Hamas as a malleable counter to the P.L.O.
Most of came Jaffa, and Haifa.
Most of came Jaffa, and Haifa.
There is nothing peaceful about Israel. It is a genocidal Apartheid state founded on the racist principle of Jewish supremacism, a tragic historical abomination and an affront to humanity that should have never been and absolutely proved itself to not belong in this world and needs to be ended. You may try to add to this realization with your helplessly impotent trolling and remain forever clueless about the futility of those attempts.
Another Israel hater wishing for the destruction of Israel. And of course anyone who supports Israel must be a troll.
Again you display a (wanton ?) lack of capacity to understand those whose views oppose the you rigid doctrine you have bought into.
There is a difference between wishing for the destruction of (or "hating") the STATE of Israel (which is my position, perhaps that of others) and the same for the PEOPLE of Israel (which is ABSOLUTELY NOT what I desire).
The STATE of Israel, its government and State policies and axioms, is racist, authoritarian, sociopathic, dishonest, hateful, cruel, and greedy. "The Apartheid State of Israel delenda est."
The PEOPLE of Israel, fully human, fully important, possessed of the same empathy, caring, humour, wisdom, needs and fears and foibles of all the same rest of us, DESERVE BETTER. They are for whom I would see their tyrant leaders and corrupt institutions obliterated, such that THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL, be they Arab or Semitic; young or old; secular or Orthodox; gay, straight, or Australian, may flourish out from under a stereotype THEIR OWN LEADERS cast upon them.
Sorry, C. Montgomery Burns, if I used words and concepts completely alien to you.
OMG. You are trying to justified the destruction of Israel by claiming the Israelis will better off without a nation. 2000 years of history says that you are wrong. And the last 76 years history will tell what the Palestinians will do to the Israelis without State of Israel. Just look what they did when they had a few hours of advantage over Israel on Oct 7.
That fact is that the wishing for the destruction of Israel and hating on Israelis are one in the same. You just don't have the courage to admit that.
PLEASE TRY READING, Timothy. If you did you would frustrate all of us a whole lot less.
The (Nation) of Israel is the collective social and cultural conglomeration of its citizens. As I CLEARLY stated, I recognize them as completely Human and entirely deserving of peace, security, freedom, and happiness.
The (Country) of Israel is its physical borders, what is on maps and identifies where the (Nation) of Israel is primarily located.
The (State) of Israel is its government, leadership, laws and rules, its foreign and domestic policies – the will and actions of Those In Charge. When people talk of the American “Deep State” they don’t mean “Deep Country” or “Deep Nation” – they mean the powers that influence the lesser powers that command the STATE.
THAT is what must be destroyed. The apparatus running the COUNTRY of Israel that is ruining the NATION of Israel.
Good Hells, Timothy, if you actually read & understood what we SAY instead of hearing inside your head what you want to try to attack us with, you MIGHT step forward on a path to Understanding.
No. Hezbollah and Hamas fire rockets where the IDF live. In Israel. They're using the same rules of engagement that Israel is using in Gaza. The entire strip is fair game because Hamas lives there.
The demise of Israel has been predicted by Israel's haters for 76 years.
Israel has created its haters..it has never been a fair and just society, especially to those whom it illegally occupies. The worldwide dislike for Israel is based purely on Israel's criminal, and sociopathic behavior. October 7th was the vehicle to Israel's eventual ruin. There is no coming back now…
Good Israeli people should leave before hell falls upon their doorsteps
Yes, the 43% that said sticking electrified steel rods up Palestinian's asses was WRONG. But not the 47% who said it was RIGHT.
Touché ole!
The Hezz charter calls for the destruction of the free state of Israel. Israel is to be applauded for these brilliant,target,defensive moves.
and russia is to be applauded for trying to wipe my country off of the earth
Quite the contrary.The people of the Ukraine are being used and sacrificed.
ah THERE'S the post-soviet why'd they die cope
If even Jake can see that, you better listen.
Russia has resources the hegemon in Washington wants. Russian mineral resources and power is what Biden, a war criminal, wants. Ukraine and Europe can go to hell, and the EU and NATO will go to hell, we can be sure.
Christian, the Americans, an ally of Germany, sabotaged the pipelines, a declaration of war against an ally, do you think they care about Ukraine? They threw Ukraine under the bus a long time ago, they will not hesitate to do it to you too.
you guys have everything u need to become a superpower
1st and foremost oil
And stell
You guys just mismanage it on the fascist right and the fascist left
Did your country open fire on Russia before Russia invaded? No, they did not. Two different cases.
You do know what provocation really is. The de facto NATO membership since the regime change in 2014 and NATO ARMED AND TRAINED Ukrainian/NATO military exercises provoked Russia.
The provocation was the USA/NATO aggression. It is a NATO aggression against Russia, Ukraine is nothing but a proxy serving US interests. It is Biden's war, he, the USA, alone opposed Ukrainian neutrality, not Zelensky. And the demented old man keeps more Ukrainians dying to help Harris to get elected.
All the Eastern European nations that join NATO chose to do such. Who fault is that those nations choose NATO over Russia?
They did not choose, they were threatened and blackmailed and plaid against each other and manipulated by corrupt politicians. The CIA meddled in their elections too. Biden, the Bully threatened with sanctions and military actions, he sabotaged the pipeline, destroying the German and EU economy and NATO by using NATO to serve American interests. going back to Clinton we had shitty governments one after the other, now we pay for it, the great choice is Trump v. Harris. WFU World we live in.
They did not, EU membership was the carrot. Many oppose the Biden war, Hungary is just one, Turkey is another one, and there are little countries not big enough to speak up while Germany is still an occupied nation with limited sovereignty. France is shaky too and the UK is Washington's poodle. Italy and Spain are pretty silent, that says a lot.
They wanted peace and neutrality… Switzerland.
Or Austria, peace and prosperity they and Europe could have had for the taking.
I sure as hell would not want to be Israel!
Would you prefer Gaza?
There will be no peace as long as there is an Israel in the ME.
That is too funny. The Iraq-Iran war, the Iraq-Kuwaiti war and Saudis vs Houthis tell a different story.
The USA was deeply involved in all of them. When Trump broke the Iran treaty he was clearing the road for Israel’s war against Iran. President Trump or Harris will continue the policy. The mad USA/Israel are the real global threat, not Russia or China, the USA/Israel are the real threat. What business does the USA have in the ME and Asia and Europe? It is greed and power for our ruling megalomaniacs. What did Russia and China do to the freedom loving USA? Did the ruling criminals in DC ever tell the people why exactly are USA involved in Ukraine, going back to W. Bush in 2008? With the mad rulers of the universal USA hegemon the world is close facing nuclear war.
When Trump unilaterally broke the multilateral treaty with Iran he reopened the gate for the Iran war Israel wants with USA/NATO SUPPORT.
Without the USA there would not have been an 8 year brutal war Iraq-Iran war and Iraq-Kuwait and Saudis and Houthis.
Why is the US involved in the oil rich region?
It is not to bring peace and prosperity to that part of the world, or any other part, but death, blood and tears and total destruction.
A war with Iran could bring us A NUCLEAR WW III. Is that what you want?
Nothing is going to happen. Hezbollah will just shoot some missiles that will be intercepted and say they got their revenge.
Not quite. Hezbollah has been very measured as to the response to Israeli actions. Things can get worse for Israel. Much worse.
You do remember the video shared by Hezbollah of the recon done by Hezbollah drones? The video was just a snippet of the sites that Hezbollah viewed.
Israel's US CC is getting close to the limit, the Hezbollah does not want to waste weapons by trying to get even too early. They are level headed waiting for the most opportune time.
Israeli terrorism is nothing new although this particular method is clever.
for better or worse
Four first aid workers and two children were killed. A 8 year old child and and 11 year old child. Innocent victims were maimed. The Zionists knew that not just members of Hezbollah would be murdered or maimed. Terrorism.
It’s not quite terrorism. But it violates the rules of war.
There is no war with rules, just terrorism, bombing and massacres' starving and bombing of infrastructure and civilian institutions like health care, schools and churches and of unarmed civilians mostly women and children and resistance fighters.
It is state legalized government terrorism, not even a war.
A most barbaric killing orgy and wallowing in the blood of Palestinians.
The pagers etc exploding isn’t quite terrorism like Snowden said. Russia should trade Snowden for Assange. Assange is better. And I get that Assamge is where he wants to be.
Clever? Blocked.
A glorious day of freedom.
A glorious day and path to Israel's ultimate demise. There is no coming back from what the Zionist colony has perpetuated since October 7th. Freedom you say? Please…satire at best.
the freedom to have your walkie talkies/pagers/other daily devices explode!
Feel the bliss of glorious Freedom!
Peace is Freedom and Zionists are not free at all.
Lasting peace only comes about when we’re enslaved under empire. Bow to Bill Kristol! Or to Xi.
Have you not reached rock bottom yet?
Netanyahu is pushing hard for the US to go to war with Iran, Hezbollah, Yemen, Hamas and the Iraqi resistance.
We’d lose. What would the Saudis, Egyptians, Turks, etc do?
Our madmen would not think about what the others would do, they are the invincible, they can't lose.
No one will do anything about. So let’s have them detonate the rubber duckies next.
If they use rubber duckies to attack, Israel good idea.
Yeah, babies playing with them in the bath-tub? A great Idea, who would have thought?
Is there perhaps some cosmological law of necessity that says the methodologies applied by state terror actors cannot be applied by non-state terror actors? From now on in a perhaps not too distant future anywhere on Earth if you carry a smartphone on you, intelligence agencies spying on you may be the least of your problems. You may die answering a call.
It is chilling when you think about how all our information is collected from our cellphones, computers, etc.
Social media has people recording conversations, making videos, posting pictures. All around us are linked up cameras and microphones. Hackers get in, but even without hacking there’s little privacy.
Little Brother is already a vastly greater concern than Big Brother. Even if the Feds are after you, it’s little people who mess with you.
THIS is "the most moral army in the world"?
He who goes lowest, wins. He who wins writes the history.
It is stupid to buy such things from countries controlled by enemies. Even if there would be no explosives, the spying systems would be there definitely.
Well terrorists like all criminals are not that smart.
the terrorists know what they are doing, the aim was lots of collateral damage, the timing speaks for it, to noncombatants in order to provoke Hezbollah to escalate to a war and use the USA/NATO as Israel's proxy.
They shouldn’t have purchased it on the Hezbollah credit card.
The US buys from China…
They could easily send one of their man to China and buy everything what they need on spot. Or do it through their friends in Iran.
I guess this is how we learn.
The other point is that this is obviously straight-up state terrorism. It shows Netanyahu doesn't care how Israel is perceived any more as long as the US has his back and he can achieve with US help the destruction of the Palestinians, Hezbollah, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran. It also shows that Netanyahu has no fear of the US NOT supporting this plan or the terrorism that goes along with it.
Not that he or the US can actually do that – but that is the plan, as the Brooking Institute 2009 (PDF download) paper clearly shows.
Israeli's better have an exit plan, or depose Bibi ASAP. The weaponry now possessed by Yemen, Iran, Hezbollah and a host of other countries will be used regardless of what Uncle Sam think's it can do. Israel is and never will be a rational state actor, thus it is a danger to all countries.
But the US hegemon is just as irrational. They are like kids playing with nuclear toys like the kids with matches in the barn.
this just makes no sense anymore
israel needs to stop
Slawa Palestiney!
Slawa Ukraijini!
Maybe someone should send Nutty Yahoo a cake for all his "success" in "defending" Israel!
Nasrallah is speaking now, with English translation, on Press TV.
Main thrust: All red lines have been crossed. Retaliation eminent.
Declaration of war by enemies.
The Zionists in Tel Aviv and DC will not rest until they get their war. We are governed by criminal madmen on the lose, who broke the gates of the asylum. Think the madmen in charge, are Netanyahu, Biden and the clown Zelensky in Kiev. Can anyone think of a worse combination?
Trump or Harris, no improvement in sight. What is there to vote for?
When the Houthis fired a hypersonic missile into Israel, it was a military act, they hit military targets, and no civilians were hurt. When Israel unleashed explosive devices, it was an act of terrorism that killed and injured scores of civilians. So, who is the real terrorist? The criminal, apartheid, terrorist state of Israel is a cancer in the Middle East.
Here we have the second day in a row of Israeli state terror and the 5,000th day in a row of possibly compensated hasbara support in the comments. I would therefore like to revisit yesterday's discussion of removing said comments as a policy as the counterarguments against that are found lacking.
First off I've been reading Antiwar for over 20 years and it has consistently been policy to remove comments promoting hatred and terror and violence. Most of these removed comments to my observation through context etc have targeted Jews as opposed to the IDF or Israelis as a group. So we're not talking about "censorship" vs "not having censorship," a moving of the goalposts, rather simply what is being "censored" (why I put that word in quotes upcoming.) I would like to live in a world in which genocide or terror against Muslims or Arabs for those reasons is considered on a plane with same against Jews. Neither in mainstream media nor the comments policy does this appear to be the case.
If what's happening is somehow not considered genocide and terror, if these are open to interpretation by reasonable actors, one of yesterday's arguments, why even have Antiwar? Just post cat memes or start a Max Boot fanboy site.
I'm over 50, I'm well aware of the evils of actual censorship. Government censorship and mainstream quasi-monopoly social media censorship is not remotely the same as a small independent alternative news source having even its meager resources used by (possibly government compensated) pro-war, pro-apartheid, pro-genocide, pro-terrorist trash.
There is no equating not platforming pro-war comments on a site called Antiwar with ending Facebook accounts for pointing out that a solider funded by the American taxpayer is wearing SS devices. These are not equal, neither in kind nor degree.
As far as 'trolling' I'm old enough to recall the actual definition of that. Trolls leave probably one comment they likely don't even believe in with the intent to create chaos, then stop commenting and watch the spectacle "for the LULZ" as the now-40-year-old "kids" [used to] say. Antiwar and sites like it don't get many actual trolls. The site gets daily visits from, again, possibly government-compensated coordinated propaganda actors who sustain their pro-war, pro-genocide, pro-terror arguments. That is not trolling.
Thank you for reading.
What a whiner. If you don't like what people say hit the ignore button. Don't asked antiwar to exclude people's views that you don't agree with.
i presume your a rightist?
Who even knows what rightist means now? Is Argentina’s ancap President right wing?
Argentina's ancap president gave up being an ancap before the election even happened, in order to get elected.
DDon't Forget the newest version of the online troll, the a.i. bot. Designed to argue tirelessly for its creator and to spread misinformation. I have no idea how discus filters bots or if it does at all, but many platforms like fb and x are overrun with a.i. bots. When there is no truth left, then lies can rule.
“I’ve been reading Antiwar for over 20 years and it has never been policy to remove comments promoting hatred and terror and violence.”
Fixed, no charge.
I’ve been reading Antiwar.com since its beginning.
I’ve been Antiwar.com’s primary comment moderator for 15 years (because the site was going to eliminate commenting altogether if it couldn’t find someone willing to moderate comments; there are other people who CAN do so, but I’m the only one committed to doing so on a daily basis).
When I became the comment moderator, there was one glaring omission in the site’s comment guidelines: It didn’t have any. I was given a few very general instructions (open racism, true threats, etc.), but there was nothing in writing and I was always bringing situations to my bosses for instruction. So I agitated for written guidelines, and this is what came out of that agitation:
Stuff Up With Which We Will Not Put:
SPAM — Our comment spaces are reserved for reader discussion of Antiwar.com’s articles and the issues they relate to. This is not the place to advertise penis enlargement pills, work from home opportunities, essay writing services, etc. That does NOT mean you can’t link to a relevant/topical book, video, article, etc., but not repetitively and not if the primary purpose of your commenting is to sell stuff.
HATE SPEECH — You’re entitled to your opinion. You’re not entitled to use Antiwar.com’s facilities to publish slurs or supremacist claims based on race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation or gender identity, or to link to sites promoting such material. We don’t want that stuff here.
ILLEGAL/ILLICIT MATERIAL — We do not tolerate posting of threats of violence against people or groups; plagiarism, i.e unattributed or falsely self-attributed lengthy postings of material created by other people; or pornographic material no matter the format.
ATTACKS ON ANTIWAR.COM ITSELF — Attempts to hack or otherwise technically damage the site are obviously forbidden, as are non-technical attempts to damage our ability to operate (including our ability to raise funds) and personal abuse of Antiwar.com’s writers and staff. If you don’t want to support Antiwar.com, don’t support Antiwar.com. If you want to ask others to not support Antiwar.com, ask them somewhere else. Our willingness to host reader discussions is not a suicide pact.
The gap to bridge next is how support an apartheid state that uses violence and terror to the point of mass starvation, double tap strikes on medics and hospitals, sniping head shots of non-violent protestors, the spread of cholera and polio – on down the line, you read your site daily, you know – against other people solely because of their genetics and religion is not "slurs or supremacist claims based on race, ethnicity, nationality, religion."
go cope some more
Words mean things.
Gap bridged.
You’re welcome.
That is the simple black and white moral question and the big divide.
The gap was closed by the sheer lust for revenge exhibited daily by the Israeli "leadership" – and a substantial fraction of the Israeli "citizenry".
can i say russkie but not the "o" word?
Tom, thanks for being a moderator. You do a good job.
We should not forget, common sense and a moral compass goes a long way the guiding light in cases of honest disagreements.
I was able to complain and did receive reply from you.
There is always room to disagree and it is the reason why we bother to post, to analyze our thinking.
My empathy for Israeli citizens has been completely flushed down the toilet. They're bringing all of this on themselves, as a direct result of their unabated hatred of Palestinians, fueled by their so-called leadership. They are truly sick – and my government supports their every obscenity with our tax dollars.
A truly brilliant move by Israel.
When in your book, is killing a mass of innocent people, including women and children, a war crime? Where are your limits, do you have any limits?