Gaza’s Health Ministry has released a 649-page document that lists the names of 34,344 Palestinians who have been killed by Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip.
The document lists 11,355 children, including 710 infants under the age of one, as Palestinian babies have been killed throughout the genocidal campaign. The infants are listed on the first 14 pages of the document.
Last month, after three-day-old twins were killed by Israeli forces, the Health Ministry said the number of newborns killed since October 7 reached 115. Newborn babies have also starved to death, and Israeli troops left four premature babies to die at the al-Nasr hospital last year.

Gaza’s Media Office says more than 16,700 children have been killed by Israeli forces in Gaza. The list released by the Health Ministry includes the names of only those who have been fully identified. The ministry is working to identify the remaining over 7,000 bodies it has counted and said Monday that the death toll is currently at 41,226.

Out of the 34,344 people who have been identified, 60% are children, women, and elderly. The remaining 40% are men ranging in age from 18 to 59.
The numbers from Gaza’s Health Ministry are considered an undercount since it doesn’t include the Palestinians who are missing and presumed dead under the rubble, which was previously estimated to be 10,000 people. It’s also unclear how many indirect deaths have been caused by the US-backed Israeli siege.
A letter written by a group of experts recently published in the British medical journal The Lancet estimated the total number of deaths in Gaza, including those killed by the Israeli military and indirect causes, could reach 186,000. They reached the numbers by using the death toll from the end of June, which was 37,396.
100% proof of genocide, yet again and again. What i find most unbelievable isn't that Israel is committing mass murder, that's what they do, it's the turning a blind eye by many of our world leaders. It seems they are fine with the extermination and displacement of people based on their successful propaganda campaigns, on a false notion of zionist supremacy… There is no justification for genocide, Israel needs to be stopped and justice applied by international courts.
There should be arrest warrants out for American officials, President Biden should be the first on the list.
Antony Blinken Second…!
Biden should be mentioned 10 times in the top 10 firsts on the list.
Sure blame Biden for Hamas attack on Oct 7. If you think Biden was bad for the Palestinians just wait for Trump.
Biden is responsible for enabling and supporting Israel's genocide on the Palestinians in Gaza. It's quite simple. But so are you.
Open your eyes to see and open your ears to hear.
Not possible.
Lloyd Austin Third…!
Hamas shares a very large measure of responsibility,for firing missiles into Israel before the war,launching the Oct 7 genocide,and continuing to hold hostages.
… and doubtless those 710 were terrorists, Hamas commanders, Amalekites under death sentence from God for living on land promised to Israel, no?
Their god is REALLY fond of collective punishment.
…and stealing, … more like a ‘godfather’ than a god.
Gee, let's just forget all about the 75 years of brutal Israeli Occupation, which forced the rise of resistance movements like Hamas and others. You zionists always want to start history with some pin-prick attack on Israel, and forget about the mass slaughter and land theft by Israel since 1947.
Yes there is history on both sides. This war started on Oct 7 by Hamas. These new deaths are on Hamas.
Might as well just keep repeating yourself since you can't justify Israel's response. Genocide is NEVER justified.
Take care with setting precedent, Major Burns. Lest the likely nuclear attack on Washington DC by the Russian Federation, provoked by the USA, and all its deaths, end up "justly" blamed "on the Americans/ Biden".
You can't have it both ways.
Oh look, its Jakie from State Farm, back with the same old tired talking points. How come Netanyahu and friends do not want a ceasefire? They keep sabotaging any chances of a ceasefire by placing more and more conditions on it.
Could it be that they want this to continue? 80% of Gaza has been destroyed. Thats exactly what Israel wanted.
"the same old tired talking points" How is Jake's talking points any different than Israel stole the land in 1947 or Israel committing genocide?
"Article 2 of the convention defines genocide as
any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."
Because the Hamas attack was NOT an attempt at genocide and Israel DID steal Palestinian land and Israel IS conducting a genocide on the Palestinians in Gaza. So, one set of talking points are bullshit and one set of talking points are fact.
That's what I said !
Sully's "talking points" are propagandist, apologist horses**t meant to excuse a genocide he (to a great extent) and you (to a mildly lesser degree) seem entirely OK with as it removes a population of humans neither of you care about even a fraction as much as Your Chosen People.
Of course Hamas is fault for starting the war, building their forts underground and using these people as shields.
Israel is (at) fault for their genocidal response. I guess you think if you keep repeating the same thing over and over again that somehow Israel will no longer be responsible for what Israel does.
Is this satire or sarcasm?
Yes, I suppose the Jewish resistance in the Warsaw ghetto were likewise at fault for starting a war against their Nazi occupiers, using other Jews in the ghetto as human shields. Their fault for picking a fight in such a densely populated area as that fenced off part of Warsaw.
Those Nazi's would have been so nice if only those dastardly Jewish terrorists wouldn't have taken up arms instead of relying on peaceful protests and negotiations. But as Himmler liked to say "you can't negotiate with terrorists" so I suppose the Nazi's were just defending themselves too. The Holocaust musea over the world would need to rewrite large parts of history if they like to keep with Zionist logic.
Israel is guilty of stealing Palestinian lands and refuse to accept the 2 state solution based on 66 border. Every one of leaders sabotaged it. The only solution is to send u all packing. If u guys r given the option to fight to the end or flee we all know u will run as ur people have done throughout millenia without fail.
And Hamas refused to attend the Oslo talks-you don't have to love someone to talk to them-they hate Israel more than they love their own people. By the way-there is no 66 border.
Hamas was sponsored by israel. By the time hamas win the election they accepted 2 state solution. It is u who refuse let Palestinian any right to an inch of Palestine. Which ever border was there prior to 6 day war is the border don’t engage in bull…
The genocide was launched after the Hamas attack. Israel is responsible for that. No one else.
Try educating yourself on a bit of history, Israel’s whole basis for existence is a lie, it’s democracy, its morality and iits legality.. all llies. Remind me why Israel has the right to exist? There actually isn’t 1 reason they need an ethnostate, they are the problem, not the arab world.
Educate yourself.The good old days when Jews will allow themselves to be slaughtered and not respond is over.Israel has a right to exist cause the Islamic world kicked out their own Jews,so they had to come to Israel.If you don't like it-go to Israel and tell them.
Sully ! Just when conversations on this site a were nearing a record number of days without a dumbs**t victim-blaming anti-Palestinian screed, you appear from under a layer of pond scum and reset the counter to "0 Days Since Last Hateful Nonsense".
At least with you here, nobody else holds claim to Grand Nitwit Champ 2024. Your streak remains unbeaten.
You know that is propaganda. The Zionists Terrorists are responsible going back many years. Just a reminder, remember Sabra and Shatila in 1982.
The Sabra and Shatila massacre was the 16–18 September 1982 killing of between 1,300 and 3,500 civilians—mostly Palestinians and Lebanese Shias—in the city of Beirut during the Lebanese Civil War. It was perpetrated by the Lebanese Forces, one of the main Christian militias in Lebanon, and supported by the Israel Defense Forces that had surrounded Beirut's Sabra neighbourhood and the adjacent Shatila refugee camp.
Not to mention many other such incidents like the intifada and mowing the lawn. Israelis are devilish hateful monsters. Are the settlers nice people or just scum?
Inhumanity. Morality?…?….?
The “Chosen Ones” are lost, entirely and completely.
Peace is the only answer.
There are no "chosen ones."
I am sure you observed “ “ marks.
We'll be told that Hamas was hiding behind those children, so Israel had no choice.
Biden's "ricocheting bullets" is in fashion right now.
When Hamas fighter is firing at you from a building and Israel bombs the building. And you blame Israel for people in that building?
Right. Israel called in bombing raids to protect their brave soldiers being fired upon. Never mind that they dropped 25,000 tons of bombs on a 141 square miles packed with a majority of women and children before they did their ground invasion. But let's pretend that this a real war where the weaponry is reasonably the same amongst the combatants and Israel's rules of engagement don't include completely disregarding the safety of innocent non-combatants.
Do you really believe all the BS you post? There is no evidence of Hamas shooting out of undamaged buildings, there is no credible evidence of Hamas using tunnels under hospitals, killing the unarmed population, women and children toddlers and infants included, that is all collateral damage the IDF TRIES TO AVOID? And they use Palestinians as human shields too. Is there anything the IDF does you condemn? Like rolling a tank over a car to kill a little girl they knew was inside with dead family members, killing one hundred people trying to get some food from an aid truck? I could go on, but it is upsetting me.
Why are you (Israeli) there what business do you have there near the building? It is not your home.
its OK bc these dead Palestinian babies were involved in taking hostages on 10/07, even the ones who were in utero.
Israel killed 700 Palestinian infants? The immediate reaction of my fellow average Americans is GOOD. Send Israel more weapons. You think I'm kidding? Ask your neighbors right now.
It is not a video game it is war. Civilians get killed in large numbers in a war. They always have they always will. Hamas shoots as the IDF and the IDF shoots as Hamas. And civilians get in the way. And as usual the data never shows how many were Hamas fighters.
And as usual you ignore the unspeakable amount of death and destruction one side is experiencing as compared to the other.
And all for resources power and more money, but people are brainwashed to believe it is fighting and dying for FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY.
The IDF is not fighting an army they massacre unarmed civilians and call it war, without any limitation of brutality, including starving and denying medical help, they even destroy and kill ambulances, hospitals and care givers. Even in the second WW the Red Cross on the roof of a school or hospital was respected. The Israeli killers don't even respect the Red Cross. Face it Tim, that is what is happening in Gaza, mass-killings of women and children, call it what it really is. And you are making excuses for the mass-killers of helpless children. Bombing tents with 2000 pound bombs and you excuse it?
Seven hundred and ten of Israelis responsible should be arrested, prosecuted and go to prison for this horrible toddler massacre…!
Why are children inGaza any more orless precious than children inIsrael.
“Bless the beasts and the children…”
I leave it to you to figure it out Jake.
Then search your own soul, to find your own humanity…
Yes, … What about the 40 beheaded babies?
Show me 710 Israeli children slaughtered by Hamas…and then you can talk. Or, should I say "propagandize."
Donnas are lovely people of Peace because we are true ladies of peace!
Authorities have yet to provide an official breakdownon the victims. But the Walla news site has published data by age and gender for 756 of the murdered civilians for which information is available.
One of them was a baby under the age of one year — 10-month-old Mila Cohen, killed with her father and grandmother.
How many Israeli infants have been killed?
Your obvious double standard is despicable.
and that is only a fraction of it. They are not even toddlers, one year old or younger, just infants.
Imagine being one of those ghouls in the US congress that was filmed for posterity smiling and cheering on Bibi (Mileikowsky) Netanyahoo with 58 standing ovations. Not even Bloody Herod slaughtered that many babies in his day.
And Trump bitching about Harris NOT being one of them.
Maybe her invitation is on its way, maybe a little subdued because he claims to like Trump, when it really does not matter, they are two of a kind.
Trump was bitching because he knew it was a SMART political move on her part not to be filmed jumping up and down applauding Bibi . But then Kamala goes and refuses to let a single Palestinian-American speak at the Democrat convention and made it clear to Arab and Muslim American voters where they actually stand with “Momala”.
Then why didn't he just say that?
It would have sounded much better than this:
"How a Jewish person can vote for a Democrat. But specifically someone like Kamala. She wouldn't even meet with Bibi," the former U.S. President told Fox News.
And I don't even remotely support Harris or her party, so I really don't know how it's relevant that the democrats didn't allow a single Palestinian -American to speak at their convention.
Imagine being one of those ghouls who travels all the way to Jerusalem to kiss Netanyahu’s ass.
There are no words to say about such slimy performance of two evil people.
This video is from over 7 YEARS AGO when Trump was first elected. You’re trying to mislead.
You’re right — it’s from before he moved the US embassy to occupied Jerusalem, stopped honoring the Iran nuclear deal, assassinated Soleimani, and started pressing Arab regimes to make nice with Israel.
As Trump would say, “Wouldn’t it be NICE if the Arabs and Israelis could make a DEAL for PEACE?”
And then sends his assclown son in law to insult the Arabs.
Not Jerusalem but ass kissing nonetheless. The man is a butcher and Trump welcomed him with open arms.
Trump warmly greets Netanyahu, wife at Mar-a-Lago, shows bullet wound
One must assume the hypersonic missile was provided by either Russia, China, or Iran.
How would the Pentagon operate a three-front conventional war escalation–even though they fail the logistics and manpower equation? The US industrial base is considered inadequate for rapid, large-scale weapons production.
Will they go with the tried and true proxy military strategy? Many seasoned Russian military analysts suspect that within two months, Washington will select the nuclear option.
As a civilian all I know the only strategy the US/NATO knows is to bomb the hell out of the people without regard of age and gender. Bombing is all they know, 2000 pound bombs, cluster bombs and mines and such to kill is all they know.
The sadistic IDF cowards even bomb the tents of refugees and really are outraged because Hamas dares to use underground tunnels because they don't have tanks and helicopters and armored personnel carriers, and how dare they fight back.
I'm beginning to seriously entertain the notion that there cannot possibly be a god that any sane person would revere or pray to.