An investigation conducted by The Washington Post refutes Israel’s account of the Israeli military shooting of Aysenur Eyzi Eygi, a 26-year-old American activist who was killed in the occupied West Bank on September 6.
Eygi was shot in the head by an Israeli sniper bullet during a protest against illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank village of Beita organized by the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). The Israeli military said it was “highly likely” one of its soldiers shot Eygi but claimed the headshot was “unintentional” and that the real target was the “key instigator” of a riot that was taking place.
But the Post’s investigation, which was based on videos, photos, and eyewitness accounts, found that Eygi was shot more than a half-hour after Israeli soldiers confronted the protesters and 20 minutes after the protesters moved down the road and were more than 200 yards away from Israeli forces, a distance where they could pose no threat.
The shooting occurred near a Jewish settlement, known as the Evyatar outpost, that was first built in 2021 and was recently given approval by the Israeli government. Palestinian residents in the area meet near the outpost on Fridays for weekly prayers as an act of protest.
Hisham Dweikat, a local resident and member of the Palestinian National Council, told the Post that the Israeli military began coming to the area to break up the prayers. “They suppress us with tear gas and bullets, but the activities continued,” Dweikat.
On September 6, the day Eygi was shot, the Israeli military confronted the Palestinian residents and used tear gas and live ammunition, according to eyewitnesses. The Post said photos showed some of the protesters throwing stones at the Israeli occupation forces.

Eygi, who was attending her first protest in the West Bank, immediately ran for cover in an olive grove when the violence began. She was shot after 20 minutes of calm, during which the Israeli soldiers were over 200 yards away from the protesters. A Palestinian teenager, who was about 20 yards away from Eygi, was wounded by the Israeli gunfire.
The Post said the Israeli military did not respond to questions about the incident. When Israel first said that its forces “unintentionally” shot Eygi, President Biden backed the claim. “Apparently, it was an accident — it ricocheted off the ground, and she got hit by accident. I’m working that out now,” he said.
Biden later released a statement saying he was “outraged” over Eygi’s killing but still repeated the Israeli claim and gave no indication the US would launch its own investigation.
“Israel has acknowledged its responsibility for Aysenur’s death, and a preliminary investigation has indicated that it was the result of a tragic error resulting from an unnecessary escalation,” Biden said. “The US government has had full access to Israel’s preliminary investigation, and expects continued access as the investigation continues, so that we can have confidence in the result.”
First, I’m kind of shocked that WaPo decided to be in the business of actual investigative journalism, and second it is expected, not shocking, that Israel lies, murders with impunity, and that the US government is an accomplice.
I’m sorry for the loss of their family member, who was obviously courageous and righteous in her acts.
It is refreshing that the editor allowed the investigation. The buck stops with the editor, as Chris Hedges found out.
The fact that you believe what WaPo published means their PR worked. Trust us Bro!
I read corroborating stories from independent journalism that spoke with witnesses, bro.
Why would anyone believe a nation whose motto is "by deception thou shalt wage wars"?
Where is that quote from, tom?
Israel has no official motto. Its unofficial motto is “If you will it, it is no dream.”
What you’re quoting is Mossad’s former motto. That has changed to “Where no wise direction is, the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.”
What a waste of a young life. What was she thinking? I guess she thought was helping by joining the protest.
The blame should be put on the murderous sniper not the victim.
More like on the murderous Zionist cult & it''s leaders. Death penalty for these Zionist war criminals at the Hague
First there is no proof that a sniper target her. She put her self in harms way and bad things can happen when one does that.
Try and open your eyes and, indeed, your mind.
Donna, that is a lost cause.
It's his lack of compassion that's the problem.
He's a truly heartless Zionist.
Another comment with glaring errors. Learn how to write. And again, would it have mattered if a lowly IDF grunt shot her in the head instead of a sniper? But I guess when you have nothing else, you have to grasp at straws.
Eat shit & die Timmy
hey we don't agree with his stance on Israel but no bullying people
Well Tim, without opposition, this vile entity known as Zionism will proceed unchecked. She was far braver than you’ll ever be.
It is people like him, continuously ripping off the mask of civilization of Israel, the state, the society and it's supporters, who do probably more to deligitimize the Apartheid state and prove it does not belong in the civilized world than most critics. They simply can't help themselves. They show by demonstration why Israel shouldn't exist and why they should neither.
"Israel shouldn't exist' Another person wanting to destroy Israel. That is been going on for 76 yeas. Too bad for you the USA and Israel nuclear weapons will not let that happen.
Israel as defined as the Jewish state, an Apartheid state therefore, should not exist no. It does not fit into any world order compatible with the universality of human rights.
The point that the likes of you would rather destroy the land of Israel or Palestine – I don't care what you call it – with nuclear weapons than to share the land with Palestinians as equals should tell you to who the land actually belongs.
There is a tale about a certain king Solomon in Jewish religious tradition, proclaimed to be very wise, who equally decided matters of rightful heritage in a similar dramatic way.
I'd like to see it on the trash heap of History, but I'll settle for ending US aid to Israel.
Wanting to destroy Israel is like wanting to destroy apartheid South Africa.
Get used to it. More and more, people feel that way about that evil, mass murdering POS nation.
I'm not stupid enough to go a demonstrations where there is a good chance of live rounds being fired. A NATO 5.56 round can travel over a 1000 meters.
This is what I mean. People like you can't help themselves. It simply doesn't occur to you.
Even the Israeli, the entity engaging in genocide and priding themselves on, as the moral rot has completely blackened all but the most enlightened souls in their society, are trying their best to deny this despicable crime. Even Biden, as demented as he might be, as sick as he is sickening, would not descend to that depth of moral depravity as to shift to the blame to that brave and compassionate young woman martyred for the very principles that define the concept of humaneness.
But to you it comes naturally, automatically, because you have internalized Apartheid as a natural state, Palestinians as less than human or not at all, whether you are explicit or implicit about it does not matter.
But you're stupid enough to just admit that the real terrorists wear IDF uniforms. Unarmed people shouldn't fear being shot unless there are monsters on the other side doing the shooting and the IDF certainly qualifies as monstrous.
You really have no shame or empathy. If you can not justify the actions of the criminals you blame the victim. Shame on you.
My toilet feels more shame than he does.
An inestimable loss to our community, to the idea of a world of moral worth. … there had better be a God to reward her and punish the cowardly scum that shot her …
She chose to be there. She is not from that area. What the H was she doing there?
Oye vey!
So, she deserved to die? You are unbelievable. And you know god damned well what she was doing there.
Get cancer, you evil lying apologist for murder.
Transcendental meditation, is essential to overall well being. Look online for learning how to do it Tim.
Free your soul! Free your mind!
Spiritual growth is essential to our well being…
Maybe try teaching TM to Israelis… See how far that gets you.
Already know TM: To Murder (anyone who does not believe in their brand of Zionism, even Americans).
Trolls out in droves I see…!!!!!! Mayhemyaho slaughters tens of thousands of young totally innocent Palestinian kids but Timmy Bow wonders why the victim was at the demonstration!
I'll tell you Tim: She loved & cared for the victims of this GENOCID KLEPTO STATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good one.
I bet that comment took a while to write. It must have been hard to figure out how to be a fucking heartless asshole even when a young innocent woman is needlessly murdered. But, lo and behold, you were up to the task.
"I bet that comment took a while to write." I disagree. It doesn't take him much time at all. When they are evil enough, evil oozes out on its own.
I see your back to not having the ability to write without the f word. Again showing your lack of education.
It seems to me, people with the least intellect, resort to such tired and cliched remarks.
FYI, the f-word, quite often fits the bill.
I can write without using the "f word". I choose not to. And you should stop talking about lack of education until you have mastered the English language you fucking moron.
I wouldn't know what his education level is. He does put quite some effort into making it convincingly unimpressive, but that is certainly not his greatest shortcoming as a human being. And when dealing with such abysmally vile people who volunteer their apologetics for genocide and summary executions of protesters against genocide, land theft, and all the evil that results from Apartheid and unadulterated racism, the use of strong language is entirely appropriate. In fact the language to condemn the evil committed in the name of Zionism with sufficient force has not been invented. It would probably instantly rupture eardrums for all within hearing distance.
He sunk to the task. As we have seen repeatedly there is no low that is too low for Zionists to go.
In a sane world, there’s no reason a person far removed from military activities should fear for their life. But this isn’t a normal world. This is Israel, where unarmed protesters, paramedics, journalists, and toddlers are “an existential threat” to Israel and must be disposed of.
" far removed from military activities" ?? 200 yards is not "far removed". She chose to be there and she got hit by unlucky bounce of a live round. It was here choice to be there.
It wasn’t even 200 yards “removed.” The entire West Bank is a war zone and will remain one as long as it is occupied by invading foreign troops.
And you reflexively believe the fairy tale that the round miraculously found its way to her head by bouncing off the ground. You defend Israel even when they kill Americans and yet you claim others hate the USA.
A political protest is part of a war theater?
WTF is wrong with you?
Really, you are a disgusting excuse for a human being.
Of course, protest is not helpful, not helpful in the cause of partheid, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. We need to concentrate on what is really important here.
Biden: " I'm outraged at the killing of Eygi."
Netanyahu: " Running low on ammo. Send more."
Biden: "OK."
Sorry, Sambor. I noticed another typo. Netanyahu: "Running low on ammo. We had to use a 'ricocheting bullet' to kill your American. Send more."
Tragedy upon tragedy, continues to escalate. Everyone, it seems, is fair game. What does Israel think or do they think at all about their heinous actions…
U.S.S. Liberty. Machine gunning American sailors when they were in the lifeboats or in the sea. Attacks by fighter jets, torpedo boats. Americans dead: 34. Americans wounded: 171. Home base confirmed the ship as being American. Pilots told to attack anyway. The coward Lyndon Johnson called back the American fighter jets that were on their way to intercept the Zionist fighter jets, because he did not want to "embarrass an ally".
Some things never change. Biden is Johnson incarnate. Actually, every President since Johnson is. President Kennedy was taken out by a coup. Israel can be included on the list of entities that wanted to see Kennedy dead. He did not want Israel to develop the bomb, exchanging terse letters with Ben-Gurion. Not that Israel was involved, but they were correct about Johnson being malleable.
"U.S.S. Liberty. Machine gunning American sailors when they were in the lifeboats or in the sea" That never happen. Read the reports. The ships was not sinking the sailors never abandon ship.
Look at Timmy shillin' for Israel even when That evil nation kills Americans.
They were machine gunned while still on board. Not a relevant difference.
Death to Israel!
I agree – the only surprise here is that WaPo decided to actually act like journalists instead of a propaganda machine.
More mayhem from the murder maniak Nayhemyahu. This time an American Woman!!!
But nobody cares…For them the Israeli project is sacrosailt & human life & decency have becum obsticles…!!!!!
Nailed it!
From the Israeli SOP: # 261: Never worry about Americans blaming us for killing Americans. They would rather cover it up.
# 262: If it cannot be covered up, never worry. Americans don't care because they are stupidly in love with us.
# 263: If Americans find out we are genociding Palestinians, never worry. They love genociding other people.
The record speaks for itself.
WAPO: Israel intentionally killed that American woman.
Americans: She was Turkish.
WAPO: Israel intentionally killed that American woman.
Israel: Her fault. She was Turkish.
The Israelis don't give a flying frog about the ethnicity of the victim. She was politically inconvenient.
Therefore, she had to die.
What Biden meant to say: With a bullet from 200 yards, Israel shoots an American. The bullet 'ricocheted off the ground.' Please join me in congratulating Israel on a perfect headshot.
Ні ні ні!!
Israeli soldier was kidnapped by Palestinian soldier who went on a destructive raid across Israel for the sole purpose of making Israel seem bad
High, high, high!
Hi! 😉
Israel is a bit naughty and not too nice!
Palestinians: How about the other Palestinian teenager?
Biden: If I don't give a $hit about the American, do you think I give a $hit about a Palestinian?
Who's taking bets on the WAPO reporter getting fired for doing their job?
Whats a WAPO?
Washington Post.
Wahington Post, a newspaper.
Sullivan: Sir, I don't think we can get away with the "it ricocheted off the ground" narrative.
Biden: I'M "OUTRAGED!"
Sullivan: Good. We'll go with that.
Sorry guys. My old fingers cannot catch up with all of Biden's material. You already know what I'm going to say, don't you?
Sullivan: The "it ricocheted off the ground" narrative is not working. Biden: Oh, okay. How about if I say that it was a smart bullet?
You are nothing, if not prolific!
The bullet travelled in a circular motion….!
The bullet traveled out of Biden's *ss, across several continents, hit a rock, then hit Eygi in the head. makes perfect sense, right?
Reflect that the Likud’s defense is we meant to kill a different unarmed civilian.
Send some triple-digit more M$$ for sniper training and solve the world's most moral army's “unintentional” headshot problem. While at it, kick in a few M$$ more for eye-glasses & end the of course “unintentional” heart-head double-tap of children int'l volunteer doctors have been reporting for months.
I guess there's no limit to our government's loyalty toward murderers – as long as they're our murderers. Even American citizens are fair game.
Reporters do investigative reporting?
Condolences to the family of Aysenur Eyzi Eygi…!
But, the main question is why WaPo out of the blue did this investigation…?!
I see this "wonderful" American is being buried in Turkey. If she was a true American why would they bury her in Turkey? Because she is an American in name only.
That seems a tad rough Tim. Need to know the full details…
She moved here when she was one. Raised in Seattle. Graduated from University of Washington. Timmy decided to play asshole again.
He's not playin'
He really is an asshole to the core.
Hope you're buried soon, you filthy racist POS.
Empathy towards the victim in one comment, scorn in another.
You really are a filthy, immoral and deceitful POS.
IOW a Zionist.
Death to Israel!
You speak as Ben Givr would speak. Premeditated murder against any civilian is an Israeli right, and should never be questioned, but this already leading to the downfall of Israel. Period.
She was born in Turkey and moved here when she was less than ONE. Raised in Seattle and graduated from the University of Washington. And you use quotation marks around wonderful to dehumanize her. Could you possibly be more of a fucking asshole? I'll answer that for you. NO.
The demise of Israel is the only way forward for humanity. The populace, or at least most of it seem to embrace terror, torture, and mass murder as a divine right. If Zionism is not evil then what is it? Would any real God show any mercy for such inhumane ideals…