The family of an American who was killed by Israeli forces in the Israeli-occupied West Bank on Friday is calling for President Biden to order an investigation into the shooting instead of relying on Israel to investigate itself.
Aysenur Eyzi Eygi, 26, was killed while protesting illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank village of Beita, a demonstration organized by the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). An autopsy report confirmed she was killed by an Israeli sniper bullet that hit her head. Eygi was taken to a hospital in the nearby city of Nablus, where she was pronounced dead.
“A US citizen, Aysenur was peacefully standing for justice when she was killed by a bullet that video shows came from an Israeli military shooter,” Eygi’s family said in a statement.
The White House said that it was “deeply disturbed” by Eygi’s killing but did not blame the shooting on Israeli forces and said it asked the Israeli government to investigate the incident.

“We welcome the White House’s statement of condolences, but given the circumstances of Aysenur’s killing, an Israeli investigation is not adequate,” Eygi’s family said. “We call on President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Secretary of State Blinken to order an independent investigation into the unlawful killing of a US citizen and to ensure full accountability for the guilty parties.”
The Israeli military admitted that it fired at the demonstrators, saying it “responded with fire toward a main instigator of violent activity who hurled rocks at the forces and posed a threat to them.” But eyewitnesses say Eygi and the other demonstrators posed no threat to Israeli troops.
“It was a direct shot to the head, it was not an accident. She was being extra safe out of all of the volunteers, she and her friends were standing the furthest back, in the safest spot that we thought,” Vivi, an American activist who was at the ISM protest, told Haaretz.
Eygi was born in Turkey and moved to the US with her family before she turned one. She recently graduated from the University of Washington, where she studied Psychology and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures.
“She was active on campus in student-led protests, advocating for human dignity, and calling for an end to the violence against the people of Palestine,” Eygi’s family said. “Aysenur felt compelled to travel to the West Bank to stand in solidarity with Palestinian civilians who continue to endure ongoing repressing and violence.”
Eygi was also a Turkish citizen, and the Turkish government released a statement calling her killing a “murder” carried out by the Israeli government.
“Yesterday, they (Israel) heinously murdered our young child, Aysenur Ezgi Eygi. To date, they have killed over 40,000 innocent civilians, including 17,000 children,” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday. “They attack barbarically and shed blood indiscriminately, whether it be children, women, youth, or the elderly.”
Earlier this year, two 17-year-old Palestinian American boys — Mohammad Khdour and Tawfic Abdel Jabbar — were shot and killed in the West Bank in two separate incidents. Evidence suggests Israeli settlers killed Khdour, and witnesses said Jabbar was shot by two Israelis — one a civilian and the other either a soldier or police officer.
In 2022, Israeli forces shot and killed Shireen Abu Akleh, a Palestinian American journalist for Al Jazeera. She was shot in the neck while wearing a bulletproof vest and helmet that were both clearly labeled “PRESS.”
They should call for arrests, not investigations.
Like the UN arrest for the crime minister…!? Calling for arrest and doing it are two different things…!
Yes. But they should demand it anyway. Because the DOJ just put out arrest warrants for Hamas killing a US citizen. Call them out on the hypocrisy.
There will be no (honest) probe or investigation.
Yes, they'll find it was a Palestinian terrorist or policeman who was then shot by an IDF soldier.
theyll find it was a palestinian dresed as an israeli soldier
Good luck with that. The State Department will hand it off to the Israelis for a :thorough investigation:" Because the State Department doesn't care how many US citizens – or any other civilians – get killed as long as US policies are preserved.
amerika won't do anything lets be realistic
guns for terrorisst!
"But eyewitnesses say Eygi and the other demonstrators posed no threat to Israeli troops." Except, one day she might have had babies and the Israeli troops didn't have their nuclear weapons to defend themselves.
No worries. They're on it, folks. But after they finish investigating The USS Liberty.
The USS liberty incident was vetted by a board inquiry of the US Navy. The now declassified results of the inquiry is available on line. Read it.
Read it.
Dean Rusk, U.S. Secretary of State at the time of the incident, wrote: "I was never satisfied with the Israeli explanation. Their sustained attack to disable and sink Liberty precluded an assault by accident or some trigger-happy local commander. Through diplomatic channels we refused to accept their explanations.”
“At the time of the attack, the U.S.S Liberty was flying the American flag and its identification was clearly indicated in large white letters and numerals on its hull. It was broad daylight and the weather conditions were excellent. Experience demonstrates that both the flag and the identification number of the vessel were readily visible from the air. At 1450 hours local time3 on June 8, 1967, two Israeli aircraft circled the U.S.S.Liberty three times, with the evident purpose of identifying the vessel. Accordingly there is every reason to believe that the U.S.S Liberty was identified, or at least her nationality determined, by Israeli aircraft approximately one hour before the attack. In these circumstances, the later military attack by Israeli aircraft on the U.S.S.Liberty is quite literally incomprehensible. As a minimum, the attack must be condemned as an act of military recklessness reflecting wanton disregard for human life.
The subsequent attack by Israeli torpedo boats, substantially after the vessel was or should have been identified by Israeli military forces, manifests the same reckless disregard for human life. The silhouette and conduct of the U.S.S Liberty readily distinguished it from any vessel that could have been considered as hostile. The U.S.S.Liberty was peacefully engaged, posed no threat whatsoever to the torpedo boats, and obviously carried no armament affording it a combat capability. It could and should have been scrutinized visually."
The board of inquiry of the US was total whitewash like many other. There was cover up going up to Johnson.
The inquiry was headed by Rear Admiral Isaac C. Kidd. Kidd didn’t have a free hand. He’d been instructed by Vice-Admiral McCain to limit the damage to the Pentagon and to protect the reputation of Israel.
Similarly, the Court of Inquiry deep-sixed testimony and affidavits regarding the flag-Ennes had ordered a crisp new one deployed early on the morning of the attack. The investigators buried intercepts of conversations between IDF pilots identifying the ship as flying an American flag.
It also refused to accept evidence about the IDF’s use of napalm during the attacks and choose not to hear testimony regarding the duration of the attacks and the fact that the US Navy failed to send planes to defend the ship.
“No one came to help us,” said Dr. Richard F. Kiepfer, the Liberty’s physician. “We were promised help, but no help came. The Russians arrived before our own ships did. We asked for an escort before we ever came to the war zone and we were turned down.”
None of this made its way into the 700-page Court of Inquiry report, which was completed within a couple of weeks and sent to Admiral McCain in London for review.
McCain approved the report over the objections of Captain Merlin Staring, the Navy legal officer assigned to the inquiry, who found the report to be flawed, incomplete and contrary to the evidence.
Staring sent a letter to the Judge Advocate General of the Navy disavowing himself from the report. The JAG seemed to take Staring’s objections to heart. It prepared a summary for the Chief of Naval Operations that almost completely ignored the Kidd/McCain report. Instead, it concluded:
that the Liberty was easily recognizable as an American naval vessel; that it’s flag was fully deployed and flying in a moderate breeze; that Israeli planes made at least eight reconnaissance flights at close range; the ship came under a prolonged attack from Israeli fighter jets and torpedo boats."
More proof came to light from the Israeli side. A few years after Attack on the Liberty was originally published, Ennes got a call from Evan Toni, an Israeli pilot. Toni told Ennes that he had just read his book and wanted to tell him his story. Toni said that he was the pilot in the first Israeli Mirage fighter to reach the Liberty. He immediately recognized the ship to be a US Navy vessel. He radioed Israeli air command with this information and asked for instructions. Toni said he was ordered to “attack.” He refused and flew back to the air base at Ashdod. When he arrived he was summarily arrested for disobeying orders.:
“She was active on campus in student-led protests, advocating for human dignity, and calling for an end to the violence against the people of Palestine,” Eygi’s family said. “Aysenur felt compelled to travel to the West Bank to stand in solidarity with Palestinian civilians who continue to endure ongoing repressing and violence.”
So, she's a terrorist supporter. Isn't that what they call people here doing what she was doing? Tom Cotton would have thrown her off a bridge and Donald Trump would have her deported.
Nancy Pelosi would have the FBI harass her.
Yes. I was trying to think of something equally vile that some democrats said but they are always trying to pretend they care about the Palestinians, so their comments aren't as blatant as Cotton's or Trump's. Believe me, I think she, and many other democrats, agree wholeheartedly with Cotton and Trump.
They are worse. Wolves in sheep’s clothing.
I consider them to be equals in every sense of the word.
I disagree, having been a Democratic party voter in the past. As Glen Ford and Chris Hedges later remarked, they are the more effective evil.
If Donald Trump had been a coconspirator in genocide, it wouldn’t be simply a policy decision to ignore, because crocodile tears wouldn’t be shed as a fig leaf of “good intent” that maybe will (hope and) change.
I don't see anyone "pretending." If you listen to their words carefully, they're not pretending to care about the Palestinians any longer. The only difference is they use platitudes as smoke, while they $hit moral superiority on our face. …Oh, I forgot. While they also send more weapons for genocide.
Sure they are. Harris' speech proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt. She pretended that is was a natural disaster that was killing Palestinians instead of Israeli's brutality. They might not be very good at it, but they're still doing it.
I see your point. There is “pretending,” but not like the other “pretending.”. Since she was reading an already written speech, I qualified that as “not bothering at pretending.”. As usual, your version is more accurate.
"It was a direct shot to the head, it was not an accident" Just because a bullet hit her head does not mean a sniper aimed at her head. Sniper fire at center mass. The most likely event was she was hit by a stay round and not a specific target.
Absolutely Tim. And just like injuries described by Dr Perlmutter, the US surgeon volunteering in Gaza, describing case after case of children with two high velocity rifle rounds in the center of the chest. Definitely stray rounds, happens all the time.
"Sniper fire at center mass."
Snipers fire where the situation and the objective dictate. If the head is the part that's visible and that doesn't have something the sniper doesn't want to hit in front of or behind it, they fire at the head.
Jewish American doctor returns from Gaza, says Israel “shredded” Palestinian children
Definitively. I have two children that I have photographs of that were shot so perfectly in the chest, I couldn’t put my stethoscope over their heart more accurately, and directly on the side of the head, in the same child. No toddler gets shot twice by mistake by the ‘world’s best sniper.’ And they’re dead-center shots.
They love what they do…killing is their business and business is good…
You're trying very hard to excuse the unexcusabe, justify the totally unjustifiable and deny the undeniable.
The IDF thrive on committing premeditated murder. This is a vice that brings the Zionists together, and gives them meaning. They are never held accountable because Israel is not held accountable for its constant horrors.
Turkey's President complaining about Israel tactics should look at how Turkey over the years have bombed the Kurds. Also he should look at how his country's treatment of Syrian refugees.
Similar to Israel calling Hamas terrorists.
Turkey has not killed over 45000 in Less than one year. There are millions of Syrian still in Turkey.
"Ethiopian Jews Sterilised In Israel
Discussion 🗣
Aside from Palestinians, Ethiopian Jews have faced their own form of ethnic cleansing in the Zionist state. For decades, Israel hustled to bring Ethiopian Jews to Israel. However, since they arrived in the country, they have suffered rampant racism and have frequently complained of being treated like second-class citizens. Then, from 2003 to 2013, the community experienced a 50 per cent decline in its birthrate. Israel admitted in 2013 that it had been injecting Ethiopian Jewish women—without their knowledge—with the contraceptive drug Depo-Provera, which can prevent pregnancy for months at a time.
"The racism faced by Ethiopian Jews reveals Israel's true nature not as a state for all Jews, but as one built on white supremacy,
writes Richard Sudan."
So, tell me, how is the Rachel Corrie murder investigations going? Hmmm?
War is Hell because there are victims, at every turn…
The US government will do nothing at all and will let Israel get away with murder once again too many
Elon Musk
I keep forgetting that Biden is still technically in charge of the country 😂
9:26 PM · Sep 8, 2024
In 2021, the Biden administration altered the Leahy law for Israel, which hands investigations over to Israel for its own crimes. The same country that insists that rape of prisoners is justified.
There is no justice for victims of Israel’s crimes.
Abandon Harris @Abandonbiden24
Abandon Harris Condemns the Biden-Harris
Administration's Silence on the Murder of American Citizen by Israeli Military
"How dare this administration remain silent as one of their own citizens is gunned down by a foreign military?"
Because the US citizen is this case is of Non Caucasian ethnicity…! The millionth case of Double Standard…!
If the Israeli regime dropped paratroopers into the absolute average American town to identify, locate, and murder the absolute average caucasian American family, half the politicians in Washington would claim that the family members had all been terrorists and most of the other half would urge us to trust the Israeli regime to “investigate” itself on the matter.
If you throw rocks we will kill you…! How many Israeli soldiers died of ROCKS…!?
If it weren't for the media, such as it is, the Israelis would be doing things worse than the Nazis.
Yes, I'm sure the Netanyahoo regime is just terrified of CNN, FOX and the BBC. 😆
They're terrified of public opinion.
Yes, we can tell.
They’re already doing things worse than Nazi Germany…!