Israeli forces launched a major assault on the West Bank early Wednesday that appears to be the largest Israeli operation in the occupied territory since the Second Intifada in the early 2000s.
The assault focused on northern areas of the West Bank, including Jenin, Tulkarm, and Tubas, which were targeted by ground raids and airstrikes. So far, at least 10 Palestinians have been killed in the operation that the Israeli military has said will last several days.
When the attack started, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said the West Bank must be dealt with the same way as Gaza and called for evacuating Palestinians.
“We must deal with the threat just as we deal with the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza, including the temporary evacuation of Palestinian residents and whatever steps are required,” Katz wrote on X. “This is a war for all terms and purposes and we must win it.”

According to Haaretz, the Israeli military said it might allow residents of the areas it’s attacking to leave, signaling they could order evacuations.
The Palestinian Ministry of Health has said that Israeli forces have besieged medical facilities in Jenin and obstructed the movement of vehicles. A spokesman for the Palestinian Red Crescent Society told CNN that “getting to the hospital in Jenin is difficult.”
The Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, announced that its fighters were confronting Israeli forces with “heavy volleys of direct bullets” and claimed an Israeli drone was downed. So far, there have been no reports of Israeli casualties in the attack.
Amid Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza, violence in the West Bank has soared. Since October 7, over 650 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli military and settlers, including 150 children.
Some members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition are settlers themselves and have long pushed for the annexation of the West Bank, including Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who has another minister position in the Defense Ministry that puts him in charge of expanding settlements.
King Abdullah better get ready 'cause Nutandyahoo, and his posse of Israeli extremists are not going to stop with the West Bank. Amman is right next door, and it is going to get genocided next if Nutandyahoo is not otherwise stopped. Having quisling status is not going to give King Abdullah, and his country a pass.
Your lack of knowledge of the history between Israel and Jordan is on display.
Jordan is a US client state. Which by extention means exactly that it is subservient to Israel. Abdullah is a Quisling in the sense that there is a 1:1 match with what the word means.
The set of all people for who this is news could serve as a definition for the concept of zero.
And my toilet. …Don't look. It's very ugly right now.
I am still laughing and thank you! Nothing better than healthy cynicism!
I know. I almost hurt myself, delivering this one. I am glad I was able to share.
So you have a grasp of history but still support genocide.
You are truly immoral filth.
Your documented hate (like your chant "Death to Israel"} for Jewish people makes you the immoral filth.
“Israel” and “Jewish people” are as different as “members of Elks Lodge #BR-549” and “middle class caucusian people with nothing better to do.” Which is to say that they overlap, but have nothing inherently to do with each other (using an ethnicity as a basis for an ethno-nationalist terror movement is not a reflection on the ethnic group itself).
“Israel” and “Jewish people” are as different as “members of Elks Lodge #BR-549” and “middle class caucusian people with nothing better to do.” Which is to say that they overlap, but have nothing inherently to do with each other (using an ethnicity as a basis for an ethno-nationalist terror movement is not a reflection on the ethnic group itself).
“Israel” and “Jewish people” are as different as “members of Elks Lodge #BR-549” and “middle class caucusian people with nothing better to do.” Which is to say that they overlap, but have nothing inherently to do with each other (using an ethnicity as a basis for an ethno-nationalist terror movement is not a reflection on the ethnic group itself).
Educate us with your bountiful knowledge please.
Lol…. I think?!….
Also, I use to be a Smith, not kidding! Then married a Volatile. Got to keep the name in the divorce. Plus got a wonderful daughter as well! Then grandson, who is, I think about to make me the best looking great grandma! 😉
Not vanity either, lol. Just truth!
What do you feel is your purpose here and I say it with fondness, cause heaven help me, I believe there is help for all Zionists!
That is what Christ taught me!……………………………
Jordan is not a key player for the impending collapse of the Biden-Harris security hopes/wishes. The key players are the people of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, and Syria. The people, not their governments.
True. Israel doesn't want Palestinians next door any more than they want them inside Palestine.
Yes, the Moabites and Ammonites are fated to suffer the same tender sacred mercies as the Amalekites.
Abdullah is wisely avoiding stepping onto it.
Go fq yourself Nazi boy.
Deport all Zionists!
More hate talk by you.
Yes, I hate people who support genocide.
I hate Israel because it is an illegitimate settler colony that routinely murders and tortures.
So go Fq yourself, you hypocritical creep.
You’re a genocide supporter. You are immoral.
Cry all you like about “hate talk.” I could care less.
BTW jake says he supports modern day palmer raids against Israel’s opponent in the US. He is nazi filth. You’re getting very close to being nazi filth yourself, pig.
Watch out man, I’m on hold for my comment below.
Um, is there a prize for the amount hold time?….
The thing is Donna, on a multi-faith forum, attributing Israel’s atrocious behavior to it’s people’s failure to accept Jesus is in poor taste.
It also leaves a lot of exposure to accusations of being anti-semitic.
I’m the first to say that the Jews I’ve known have been humane, caring, charitable and often quite talented people.
The few bigoted bad apples I’ve known were all right wing Zionists and racists, but they were a smaller minority at my very Jewish State University.
Of my three closest Jewish loved ones, 2 were anti-Zionist and one was very liberal Zionist, and for a ceasefire and using a halt in aid to achieve that.
Finally Jews have been crucial supporters of the protest against Gaza.
The protest I went to was mostly liberal Jews. with some liberal Arabs, plus the usual suburban lefty peacenik contingent.
Lastly, I’m 1/8 Jewish on my mother’s side.
It’s not the Judaism. It’s the Zionism that’s the problem.
Hi Tim.
Listen friend, where is your head at?!
Try smoking some weed and chill!
Zionism is defeating Judaism!
Before folks get their asses in a fit, I am
married to a Jew and a damn fine man!
Any person of the faith who has a last name that means a ‘thing’, has been or has family who has suffered…
My husband’s last name Cortina and it means Curtain in Spanish.
And I can provide details on how such names were i.e. match or name change?…
My husband is Sephardic and puts up with me well, though, he’s not too big on faith, having done the Nam twice, having also lost his own country twice. First Cuba, followed by Nicaragua!
He puts up with me cause I’m cute, an excellent cook and enjoys my writing. 🙂
I had my own bistro and ran a bar too! In a small New Mexican village!!! The action was non stop and I kept a gun behind the bar!
I prefer Satanyahoo!…
Is anyone surprised? This genocide is about genociding ALL the Palestinians (except maybe a few left around to do hard labor for their Zionist masters), not just those in Gaza.
It's more proof that the Israelis and the US neocons have decided to go for broke, destroy all of the US and Israel's enemies from Palestinians to Hezbollah to Syria, Yemen and Iran. Never mind that they can't do it. They will try. Anyone who is analyzing this stupidity from the point of view of "rational capabilities" just doesn't get it. Anyone who thinks the Axis of Resistance not "wanting a war" means the Axis isn't ready for that war also doesn't get it.
It really does feel like the Israeli government sees no better opportunity than now, for a Bottom-Line Resolution ("Final Solution" was trademarked by someone similar) to the Palestinian "problem". Cannot imagine when the could ever have more compliant "allies" in the future.
Well said Uncle S.
Frame of reference: THE END TIMES!!!
The Knowing for some has been sent to oblivion!!!
The Knowing for some, has been sent to oblivion!!!
”Let there be Peace On Earth and let it begin with me! With every step I take, a Peace for eternity! With God as the father, Christ as the son! Mary as the mother! There will be Peace on Earth For Everyone of US!”
Donna, the mad dogs of Tel Aviv, Washington, Kiev, London and Paris are on the lose. They condemn Putin's self-defense action, have an arrest warrant out against him, and call Hamas terrorists and what do they call their own actions in Gaza and the WB?
They are as mad as one can imagine, they are RABID DOGS, and that includes Kamala and Walz and the joy she brings to the table.
Wise Words Lysistrata! Yes, indeed!
Donna, I cry with you.
Now that is a blessed thing and truly a gift from on high!
Forcing people to live under a stifling military occupation IS terrorism! Being a victim of the occupation and trying to fight it is NOT terrorism, it is RESISTANCE! The USA was founded on RESISTANCE to the dictates of the English Crown, and now it acts just like Great Britain towards the colonists! The government of the USA has been coopted by the war criminal state of Israel!
Very well said and expressed! Good words to hear, ALL of US!
My guess, most of us here are secularists but all of us will sign the bottom line of your prayers for peace, we can't be wrong.
Terrorism that has been since 1948.
And somehow you think is was just one sided. It was not. Both sides did terrible thinks in the 1948 war. The war which the Arabs started when they invaded Israel and Palestine.
Hi Tim:
Listen, my friend… Zionism does not equal Judaism.
In my summer vacations of 1936 and 1937 I visited a large farm in The Netherlands where Zionists were trained for agricultural work in the then still British Mandate. The overwhelming majority of them were atheists. Socialists and communists.
Sounds about right good Dieter! ;-}
Good fighters too, ahem.
Wrong Timmy. The Zionists started the 1948 war.
Before the Arab armies invaded, Israel began massacring Palestinians and driving them put of their homes using military methods.
The Arab invasion was a failed attempt to protect Palestinians.
The Jewish terrorist organizations started attacking and ethnic cleansing many Palestinian villages even before so called declaration of independence. The Arabs did not move beyond the partition areas .
And before there is the Balfour agreement and the Zionists/Irgun terrorists. Israel is the result of British colonial hubris.
The Z word for the Z people!
Kidnapping people, holding death bodies, blowing up buses, killing Olympic athletes, firing rocket at cities is not resistance. It is terrorists.
But all the crimes the terrorists commit against Israel the holding of bodies is one of the worst. Just disgusting.
Spoken by one who condones Isreali terrorism such raining missiles on populated areas, bombing schools and hospitals, shooting at ambulances, cutting water,food , and medicines. And this is happening now. And the list goes on and on.
Israel routinely holds the bodies of Palestinians it has killed.
That's disgusting.
Except for the Olympics part, Israel has committed all the crimes that you accuse Palestinians of committing, but you're okay with that, you homicidal hypocrite,
I give up. Go ahead. Give Netanyahu the war he wants. You know you want to, right? Why do you resist? …No. I will not forgive you. But the good news is none of us is gonna be around for long.
We totally dig your words of wisdom!!!
"Since October 7, over 650 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli military and settlers, including 150 children." Shame on Israel. I know they could do better than that. …No, please. …Don't Gaza me.
“Don’t Gaza Me”!!!
You have inspired me to write and I thank you!
Evacuation??? EXTERMINATION!!!
Well said, well said! Better living than dead!
Evacuation, where to? It can't get any crazier than it already is. The so-called Democracies are experiencing a rabies pandemic, their so-called leaders are rabid dogs and that is fatal.
Baby Israel is getting on my tits!!!
Palestinians are soon starving!!! If not already dead, from the carnage!……………………..,.,.,…..,…….,…………………….……………..
The Mad Dogs in Tel Aviv and Washington and London are on the lose.
The WB makes the cup run over. It is a contagious and fatal disease if not treated early.
It looks like we are very late maybe too late to stop it.
Touché Ole!
Truth! Is the way to Peace!
The desert is an ocean without water….!
The nation of liars, thieves, torturers and murderers commits another round of war crimes while Uncle Sammy looks on with glee.
Death to Israel!
Israel is now just begging for anyone to put them out of their misery. What a sad state of existence when you define your life thru suffering and pain.
It's called Malignant Narcissism.
Better and honest headline: "US government supplied weapons used to attack residents in Occupied West Bank of the Jordan river. Innocent people killed and maimed."
They needed to have a weak compliant puppet in the White House in order to do all this and bring the planet to the brink of World War III. Hence the rigged 2020 election.
The 2020 elections were not rigged. That idea is just stupid. Trump lost and he was not man enough to admit it so he started the lie.
Where is Joe?
The already rickety security arrangements of Biden-Harris in the region are about to fully collapse and Harris has not the foggiest notion about the potential unintended consequences of that collapse for her political aspirations. In this case, silence is not golden but rotten.
Donna, they are the shame of humanity.
You are very wise good Lysistrata ( I love your name!)
I might add though, it is not really their fault. This is the time of prophecy coming to light!
Thanks Donna, I picked it from the classic creek comedy ” Lysistrata”
Lol… Greek?!….;-)
Donna, they know what they are doing. By “they” I mean the nation’s elite, the so-called leaders. They know what they are doing is evil, they are not stupid, not even demented genocide Joe. He was always a warmonger. The party elite knew it when they picked him for president. He is one of them.
Correct conclusion.
Incorrect premises.
It's not their religion that's the problem.
”Children Live What They Learn”….. ….. …..
Christ was the first Hippy!
“When all you have is
a hammergenocide, everything looks like anailPalestinian."It is becoming more and more obvious that the real objective of the Israeli government of B. Netanyahu is either to exterminate completely the Palestinian people, or at the very least, to expel them from their lands.
If the world tolerates such a flagrant violation of human rights, it will have to live in shame for centuries to come.
The world already tolerated way too much, and we may end up not to live long enough to feel shame.
Yeah, it's all Iran's fault! Not the IDF and Jewish extremist settlers who are killing Palestinians in the West Bank. Iran is trying to topple the King of Jordan and his rule. It's not Israel trying to destabilize the situation in order to push the Palestinians in the West Bank into Jordan and out of Israel. Just so they can annex a portion of Jordan as a buffer zone. No not at all. NUTS
Interesting. Somehow Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Mileikowsky wouldn't sound right in the Middle East:
Benzion Netanyahu was born Benzion Mileikowsky (March 25, 1910 – April 30, 2012) in Poland. He became an Israeli encyclopedist, historian, and medievalist. He served as a professor of history at Cornell University. A scholar of Judaic history, he was also an activist in the Revisionist Zionism movement, who lobbied in the United States to support the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. His field of expertise was the history of the Jews in Spain. He was an editor of the Hebrew Encyclopedia and assistant to Benjamin Azkin, Ze'ev Jabotinsky's personal secretary.
Netanyahu was the father of current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; Yonatan Netanyahu, who was KIA while leading the Entebbe hostage raid in Uganda; and Iddo Netanyahu, a physician, author, and playwright.
Benzion Mileikowsky (later Netanyahu) was born in Warsaw in partitioned Poland, which was under Russian control, to Sarah (Lurie) and the writer and Zionist activist Nathan Mileikowsky. Nathan was a rabbi who toured Europe and the United States, making speeches supporting Zionism. In 1920 the Mileikowsky family immigrated to Mandatory Palestine and changed their surname to Netanyahu.