The Ukrainian Air Force said Thursday that its forces used a US-made GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb in a strike on a Russian platoon in Russia’s Kursk Oblast, Reuters reported.
The GBU-39 is a 250-pound bomb that’s typically fired from an aircraft. The US has also provided Ukraine with a land-based version that can be fired by the HIMARS rocket systems, known as the Ground Launched Small Diameter Bomb.
On Wednesday, the Ukrainian Special Operations Forces said its soldiers were using US-provided HIMARS systems to destroy pontoon bridges and engineering equipment inside Kursk.

While the US claims it was unaware of Ukraine’s plans to invade Kursk until the assault started on August 6, Washington is still strongly backing the operation by allowing the use of US-provided weapons. The US says it won’t support long-range strikes, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is pushing hard for all restrictions to be lifted.
The US is expected to announce a new weapons package for Ukraine on Friday amid the fighting in Kursk. US officials told AP that it would be worth $125 million and include munitions for the HIMARS systems, air defense missiles, artillery shells, Javelin anti-tank weapons, and other types of equipment.
Heavy fighting continued in Kursk on Thursday and also along the eastern front in Ukraine’s Donbas region, where Russian forces have been making steady gains. There’s no end in sight to the violence, as Russia has ruled out peace talks with Ukraine following the assault on Kursk.
The insanity is surreal, there is really nothing to say.
The headline is more about broadcasting that the USA attacked Russia indirectly. It is war mongering. Americans are less safe with this effort to expose the USA as providing more destructive weapons.
So you are saying that warmongering is not dropping bombs, it's writing about it?
If you read the article, the weapon has already been used. But the disclosure that America supplied the GBU-39 bomb is pulling the US into war with Russia. Now that is war mongering since there is effort to escalate the conflict and make the US prone to Russian retaliation.
Russia probably knew of its use.
Oh, Russia DEFINITELY knew of its use!
But the public betrayal is made by Ukraine, in an effort to make the USA responsible, as if Ukraine is third party player in the ongoing conflict.
Ukraine is the third party. Ukraine is the sacrificial lamb, offered on the altar of an attempt to effect regime change in Russia.
The US elite actually thought that they could make it happen fairly quickly with the two pronged strategy of sucking them in a war (see Rand Report "Extending Russia" of 2019) while crushing them economically with sanctions and expelling them from the international banking system.
That failed so disastrously and completely that now the US sees itself in the position that either they quit and admit defeat or they continue until either a miracle happens or Ukraine really has fought to the last Ukrianian. And miracles only happen in fiction.
"miracles" do happen, every day, you just don't hear about it. 🙂
ok albert
Or US politicians got lured and taken for fools into promises of oil revenues from an existing pipeline, after Germany and Russia decided to build an oil pipeline that bypasses Ukraine.
Russia probably knows they cant win against nato
That's the point, good to see you finally admit to it after stupidly and stubbornly denying it for so long. This is a NATO war (or read US war) in Ukraine, you're right. Everything but the actual dying, which is done by Ukrainians, is NATO and NATO is being defeated.
i never sakid that
I never said that
Im just literally saying.. Rusia cannot win against NATO and they know it
Want to bet? The "post industrial" NATO countries are not keeping up with Russia's weapons production.
Thats because Russia is a command economy where the president/dictator can just order things around. NATO shell production needs a year or 2, and by that time, Russian shell production will be going down as well
The US President has similar powers,
Not to such an extent
If the US were invaded, he would have greater powers than Putin has now.
hard to maatch
Zelensky is trying his best.
He’ll be up there one day
Pope Francis condemned Kiev’s legislative ban on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church on Sunday during his weekly prayers.
“Do not touch churches,” the pope said, one day after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky enacted the bill into the legislation on the country’s independence day from the Soviet Union.
“In thinking of the law recently adopted in Ukraine, I fear for the liberty of those who pray,” the Catholic Church leader added.
Oh darn thats not good
Russia will not be fighting alone, and if that happens all hell will break loose in Europe and USA like never seen before, all because of the DC GHOULS!
Yes, those 3rd world African nations will cause "all hell to break loose"
Racist pig war monger.
Go fq yourself.
just being realistic about Putin’s allies
The US is pulling the US into a war with Russia. It did so by starting a proxy war.
As I have said the USA has secret weapons related to back engineered crashed and recovered UFO's and are itching to use these weapon systems against Russia and China, then the USA will rule the world along with BiBi and the globalist Klan. No need for a Constitution or Bill Of Rights when that happens.
wtf are you talking about…. this is NOT a comedy forum. although itd be cool if it were
Your knowledge is truly limited, get educated.
Yours is more
It's both. If you watch British shows depicting their life in the 1930's, you notice how the sheep are herded into WWII. A nudge here, a nudge there, and WE'RE ALREADY AT WAR! All of the sudden, THE SHEEP TURN INTO WOLVES AGAINST YOU–the Antiwar Advocate!
Or in the US we provoke the foolish Japanese into attacking Hawaii. They won an enormous victory but at the cost of turning the US into a war machine focused on destroying the Axis.
Similarly, Germany turned the Soviets from grumbling serfs to anti-German soldiers. Germany also won a tremendous victory with its early attacks. Soviets were prepared for offence, not defence, it’s said.
They got wrecked, and Stalin turned to nationalism and religion to wreck Germany in response.
Hitler probably wouldn’t have lost if he’d just stopped expanding. Churchill and FDR (Japan) provoked the war, but they couldn’t have done it without the Axis playing the fool.
Are you like… how did churchill and FDR "provoke" a genocidal maniac to attack the whole of Europe?
How could you be Ukrainian? Hitler obviously didn’t want war with Britain or western Europe. Danzig was persecuted. Hitler went in. I don’t approve, but that was his motive. I don’t approve of his behaviour.
Gdańsk was not "persecuted." They were a free city under the Versailles treaty
There’s good reason why they wanted to join Germany. They were oppressed by Poland. They weren’t fully independent. And it obviously should have been German. Poland misbehaved, and Germany misbehaved.
If Poland hadn’t been promised military protection, it would have negotiated with Germany. It was intentional. However, that doesn’t make it OK. It’s like with Ukraine, Putin didn’t have to invade. It was a choice. Since Hitler lost, he made a mistake. Maybe Putin made a mistake. Regardless, Hitler was provoked, but that doesn’t make it OK.
In The West they think Putin made a mistake. In Russia they think Putin did it correct. In Donbass they think Putin did it too late; he should interfere in East Ukraine in 2014.
In the west, and in Russia, and in Donbas, “they” think various things.
Thomas that is why the USA needs to get it's damn nose out of other nations bizzness! So now we will pay dearly for what we have done since the end of WW-2. 🙁
Many think he should have acted in 2014. He attempted the minimum then with Crimea.
In 2014 it could be done much easier. That is obvious. On the other hand, not only The West but also the global south and former Soviet republics wouldn't approve this. He also believed it could be solved peacefully.
Actually Putin did have to invade in a very small way as he did. U speak of "choice", if a group of home invaders are crawling through your windows and kicking in your door and you wife and children are all upstairs sleeping and you have a firearm at what point do you decide to use it,,,tell us.
It was a choice. He could have allowed Ukraine to grow strong, to join the EU and NATO, to maybe even launch attacks on Russia. Maybe he chose correctly; maybe not.
You may add to the list accomplishing the ethnic cleansing of Donbass which by itself is unacceptable for Russia.
If Kiev wouldn't start the ethnic cleansing campaign, Putin could wait longer, he had to consider the attitude of China, India and other important independent friendly countries because it was obvious that after Russian intervention into Ukraine, The West would start a full scale economic war.
As it happened, thanks to the global south, the life of Russian people after the sanctions didn't deteriorated, and Russian economy is doing well. For Putin, it was a priority.
Russia might (future) or might have (past) ethnically cleansed or colonised some areas. If they didn’t, then during Soviet times they might have relocated in some unfair manner.
There’s often complexity to these issues, which is why I stay out. I obviously shouldn’t be involved in such a matter. The US very much didn’t seem to understand Iraq. I doubt the US well understands Ukraine.
Russian colonization was different from western colonization. Some regions (Armenia, Georgia) themselves applied for incorporation into Russian Empire. Baltic region, where now we have Baltic states, was bought from Sweden. Eastern regions are inherited from Great Tartary. There were no ethnic cleansings (only in time of WW II some people were relocated further to the east because Stalin thought they are potentially pro-German). All ethnic republics in Russia have their own state languages and education in their own languages, not much different as Soviet Republics. Eastern regions of Russia were always poor populated, many people from European part moved over there. In some ethnic republics Russians are majority. Yakutia, for example, which is 4 times larger than Texas, has population less than one million.
Stalin utilized poison pills to thwart secession attempts. I don’t know the history or what’s “fair.” Usually people just fight to determine what’s right.
Some people had to choose between Hitler Germany and Stalin Russia. As we know, Stalin regime treated Germans much better than Hitler regime treated Russians. Communist ideology, though it is full of lies, is much more human than Nazi ideology, which is also full of lies.
Germans were mistreated. I don’t know the history, because I don’t really trust it. The ideology came from the US. It valued Nordics, and I can definitely see how Slavs could be harmed as “mixed.” So, it sounds possible that he mistreated Russians badly.
Stalin created an independent East German state. Hitler didn't allowed even western Ukrainians who were absolutely pro-German, to create their own state. In occupied Russian lands, many millions of women and children were exterminated. It was a genocide. Russians never did anything like that.
that is all a lie
hitler made Reichskommateriat Ukraine. And the RUssians didn't allow us to create our own state. Ukrainian nationalism goes further back than USA has been a nation.
Germans were killed and raped in large number. As I said, I don’t know the history of what happened in Russia. I only know pieces of the history. I don’t really trust any of the sides. If Germans truly wanted an empire that enslaved or removed Slavs, I obviously don’t support that.
I knew an ethnically Russian Jew who didn’t trust historical stories, and I think that’s normal. He didn’t believe me that Jews were heavily in the leadership; his family had told him that’s false.
Massive rapes of German women is an anti-Russian fake. In reality, in Red Army, when something like that happened, the culprit was executed. For U.S. it was important to create as much as possible hostile feeling among Germans toward Russia. A lot of anti-Russian fakes were fabricated for this purpose.
I want to say Solzhenitsyn admitted to rape, but maybe not. I doubt it’s fake, but I don’t really know.
I think bad things are part of politics, part of war. Reality is rarely pretty. If you’re Russian, and millions are dying under difficult circumstances, rape might be a means of motivation.
Germany had to win. The USSR had to win. Neither could lose; so, I expect both used extreme means. I don’t admire Hitler, but I would like to see open debate on the war. Usually we’re told this is the truth; don’t question it. Truth isn’t found that way.
Solzhenitsyn is an honest writer (I have read most of what he written), however he often relied on stories which other people told to him and statistics which other people provided for him.
Our generation, who are around 70 now, had opportunity to learn the truth about WW II from our parents and other participants of the war who were still alive when we were students. At least, we know about their own experience.
Germany is associated with nationalism. I’m northwest European, Nordic, in a sense. I’m of British descent, mostly.
So, it’s in my interests to reduce Germany’s crimes. I always hope they were less than what we’re told. Similarly, I hate seeing Ukraine or Israel misbehave.
I don't think German nationalism is greater than nationalism of any German neighbors.
Nazism and fascism appeared in 1920th as reaction to Bolshevik threat. European socialists joined their forces with the capitalists and Church in effort to defend their nations. Though the aristocracy didn't sympathized with socialists, still for them also the fascism and Nazism (Germans called it National-Socialism) were much more preferable than Bolshevism.
Amusingly, I just talked to a couple who love Tim Walz. They’re liberal independents. They liked what I had to say.
I just think it’s funny how political views can overlap.
It is remarkable that I can see your last comment on an another device but not on my laptop.
Anti-Russian propaganda in The West is massive.
Well, anti-communist. I’ve never really thought ill of Russia.
The old US developed the ideology Hitler followed. It didn’t work in Europe. If Hitler really mistreated Russians, that was foolish. As I said though, I don’t know the history. If a defender of Hitler argued with a defender of Stalin, I’d be interested in seeing the debate.
I’ll probably read Solzhenitsyn on what happened. I trust him.
at least our propoganda is true
to be very honest the nazis treated us better than the soviets
So you're one of the Ukrainian NAZI lovers.
says the trumper MAGA capital insurrectionist
they did though!
trumper? ROFL.
Russian strike on Kramatorsk: 4 Reuters employees injured, another journalist remains under rubble
this is laguably a block of lies; Stalin genocided 6 million of my ukrainian brothers because he didn't like them and they have tried to eliminate any hint of non conformity in their constituent republics.
Ukrainians died but not because Stalin had a particular animosity towards them. The Soviet Union had a tragic coincidence of collectivization combined with a serious drought that produced a famine that affected the whole country. There were deaths across all of the grain producing regions of the Soviet Union from Ukraine though the Kuban, the lower Volga and into Kazakhstan. In fact, Kazakhstan lost more people proportional to its population than any other region, about a third.
All of these deaths were tragic and probably avoidable, but the notion of a Ukrainian genocide is a fantasy created by Ukrainian nationalist propaganda.
If Russians hated Ukrainians so much why was Kaganovich given such great power in the Soviet system? Trotsky was from Ukraine. Brezhnev was Ukrainian. So was Chernenko.
Your Ukrainian nationalism is wholly negative. It is not about what Ukrainainism IS but what it is NOT, which is mostly NOT Russian.
And what kind of country is it that requires laws to FORCE people to speak the "national" language, as is the case in Ukraine?
Your type of Ukrainian (there are decent people in Ukraine, but they are currently repressed) needs to grow up. You and your brothers are turning Ukraine into a grave yard.
come to Ukraine and spill this sh*t, lil bro
Go to Maidan Square and tell everyone how Stalin didn’t genocide them, it was just a “tragic coincidence”
Guess you and your ilk have a problem with the truth. Threats? Its all you and you kind are good at.
Ukraine is a failed state. A once prosperous part of the Soviet Union and the Ukrainians have wrecked it. The oligarchs have looted Ukraine since its independence. The post-Maidan nationalists have continued the looting to the present moment, but have added murder and dictatorship to the mix. Ukraine has been hemorrhaging people since 1991 and its only gotten worse (7 million ran for the exits the first week of the war). Ukrainians don’t like what you and your nationalists have been serving up to them. Like I said previously – its a fake country with a shallow and phony identity that has to force Ukrainians to speak Ukrainian under penalty of law. Further proof of how superficial your Ukrainian identity is: I’ve seen many videos where Ukrainian soldiers at the front are speaking Ukrainian but when the shit hits the fan they immediately start speaking Russian. When its life or death these “Ukrainians” go straight to their Mother Russian tongue.
But you prefer fantasy. which is all your Ukraine is. Enjoy.
And how many russians have “ran for the exits” when Putin invaded Ukraine? Ukrainians do like what I’m saying, as it is the truth. will not tell you the truth because they aren’t truthful. Ukraine is not a fake country – ukrainian is a REAL LANGUAGE, not a f**kin dialect of Russian. We have a language and a culture. Ukrainian nationalism has been around since before USA was a nation. Russians are free to speak russian, they won’t be punished. Mother Russia is not our mother, and if they were, they are an abusive and psycopathic one.
You are a beyond repulsive human being and I hope if you served in the Russian army, you “meet” Hitler or Stalin. If Stalin heard what you are spilling, he’d think the USSR was still around. Leftists like you make me ashamed and disgusted to be a socialist. Your source is “trust me bro.” And denying the Holodomor is genocide denial. Speaking of genocide denial, you are probably familiar to that considering the actual Holocaust or Armenian genocide.
You have no idea what a Ukrainian actually is because “wal-mart russian.” Come and see for yourself, I invite you. Believe it or not, I used to be a Putin apologist for about a week. Before I was pro-Ukraine to nato and after i was pro-Ukraine to NATO.
Slava Ukraine
Lang Lieve Ukraine
Lang Leve Oekraïne
Heerlijkheit Oekraïne
the donbass was never ethnicallycleansed bot
I blame it ALL in the USA GHOULS!!
The British (and others) were aware of Germany's intentions to launch a war – certainly after Hitler became president and took over the country.
And most in England ignored the threat posed by Germany; it was outsiders like Churchill that pushed for being prepared. He was right.
Germany had a fake economy – like Russia – so war is a common way of covering up a failing nation, as Saddam Hussein did with the Gulf War. Remember, the Russian economy has shrunk so much that it was smaller than California's before the war. Now it uses smoke and mirrors to cover the fact that Putin has mortgaged Russia's future.
"Putin has mortgaged Russia's future" – if you don't have enough brains to compare Russian debt with American one, I can help: Russian national debt is about $300 billions, American one is more than hundred times greater.
There are several sad flaws in your statements.
1. Clearly Putin's pointless war has hurt Russia financially and will continue to do so in the future. They are losing Western investment and Western technology, and many of their brightest people are fleeing the oppressive dictatorship under Putin; I know some of them who are very happy to be in the United States.
2. The reality is that Russia's economy keeps getting smaller; it is now #8 in the world, and smaller than one US state (California). It has become a wartime economy, where wealth is poured into bombs, which are blown up. Also, the loss of so many men in combat is depleting Russia's manpower.
3. Debt is higher in the US but also in many other successful countries, such as Japan and Italy. It is not a measure of anything.
4. Russia has become very dependent on China, which will be hard to change in the future.
5. No one wants to lend money to Russia.
"Clearly Putin's pointless war" – I didn't bothered to read further. Sorry but you are writing nonsense.
If I was writing nonsense, you could refute my points. But you can't.
It is surreal. I still don't agree with Putin's decision to invade Ukraine's sovereignty. From a Russkiy perspective it just pushes more countries into NATO's arms. I'm ready for a permanent ceasefire on this one. What Nancy?
Red flag #6 appears to be smoking gun proof the US and Israel (both Zionist and both Globalist) were the primary culprits behind the 9/11 attacks. The term Zionism should be permanently cleaved from Judaism:
The US (and NATO) is made MORE safe by demonstrating what Western weapons are capable of versus what Russian weapons are capable of.
Also, to show that irony is not dead, on this anniversary of the Battle of Kursk (WWII), there are German weapons killing Russians on Russian soil. Damn! SLAVA UKRANI!
Do you really think Russians have no capability to retaliate? Such show off will only lead to a war nobody wins. That was the problem in Vietnam. America had high hopes with the advent of satellite gps, remote sensing, helicopters and superior guns and ammo, even chemical weapons. But it was defeated.
Nobody is safe from technology of mass destruction. It will indiscriminately eliminate population centers and poison the environment that supports life. Nato countries and Americans are gambling and for sure will fall into the bottomless pit the blind guides are leading them all to fall for.
Even if you offer history, you need to tell us the end game of WW2 German aggression. Germany lost. Its pre war territory was shrunk in half. The German capital was divided literally as spoils by the victors. What you are reporting as an anniversary of a major milestone failed to pay off. There was no profit in it.
I think your analogy is off.
“That was the problem in Vietnam. America had high hopes with the advent of satellite gps, remote sensing, helicopters and superior guns and ammo, even chemical weapons. But it was defeated.”
Then, most of our technology was NOT proven. Now, most of it IS proven in war. So, it probably does scare everyone except our allies. Good. It might act as a deterrent. (I see you China…) That could possibly SAVE lives in the future.
At the end-of-the-day, the Germans lost because they kept their pact with Japan to declare war on the US.
Yes. The decision to invade Russia was a LOGISTICAL mistake. But if the Japanese hadn’t attacked the US, the US might not have entered into the war directly. That would’ve meant no European invasion. Therefore, no “Western Front”
Germany wanted Japan to crush Russia from the other side and make the German assault less harder. Germany was losing as soon as it moved against Russia and the brilliant officers who conquered Western Europe were among the casualties of Climate Change, that prolonged the winter season. Hitler himself is propped up by propaganda psy-war that his officers are not buying. Multiple assassination attempts failed to remove Hitler.
However the Nazi propaganda was quite strong. It was able to convince the Japanese that Germany was winning and that it possesses technology far more superior than the enemy. Since the propaganda prevailed, the Japanese saw the superior race effort of Hitler as a threat and decided to match the Third Reich in size by expansion across the Pacific. Pearl Harbor was immobilized to clear the way for the Japanese navy to take over the Pacific.
Do you think that the Russians have forgotten? Don't for a second believe it, they still teach history in Russia. Nor should you think that they have forgotten that it was the Banderites, the Ukrainians who fought on the side of Germany (and provided guards for the death camps) whose rallying cry was 'Slava Ukrani'.
Russian culture is not Western culture, and the average Russian will feel personally attacked by this incursion into "Mother Russia" (yes, that's a real concept there). This was a serious mistake on the part of Kiev, I've read that military recruitment is up since they intruded into Kursk (no idea if it's true or not, but it is believable).
Just STFU.
Triggered war bot?
Nope. Just get tired of the same old BS.
U want to cancel him because of his, her, speech and thought, don't go there please. 🙁
No, Trumper. I just want him to talk truth.
U mean YOUR truth?
No. THE truth.
I know. You MAGA types struggle with the truth. Still think your Orange Messiah won in 2020?
Not a very "rational" comment.
Russian history is the stupidest most inane retelling if history you will ever hear. I know because when i was in middle school I did student exchange between Ukraine and Russia.
Yes, Russian culture is not Western culture. It is the opposite. If the West was anti-gay and trans, then instead of the USSR, Russian Empire, and Russian federation flags, it would be the gay, pride, and trans flag. Russia is the complete opposite from the west, and not in a good way. In Russia, it is legal to beat your wife so long as "no serious injury" is done. You are right; Russia is different, and pathetically so.
Many DC Ghouls and citizens want war with Russia because they are not bowing before the altar of Gay and Trans activity and are a religious nation, be it Muslim or Christian or Jew. Russia also does not have open borders and protects it culture, many in the "radical liberal west" despise that and want war against Russia, of course they want other young people to fight it, not them.
No, in actuality they don’t. “Human Rights” of any sort, gay, women, civilians etc. is always the pretext, not the actual reason.
Ukraine has its own instances of the far right harassing or harming groups considered outliers:
you really have fallen int othe propoganda rabbit hole… the rest of Russia hates muslims because of the Chechen wars and the former Soviets lead pogroms agaisnt jews comparable to what Nazi Germany or Romania did.
if you mention "dc ghouls" 1 more time i will lose it
and the russians hate muslims cuz of chechnya and they are really not a religious nation.,. franc is more religous than russia
then again, russia just does everything opposite of the west like the backwards parasite they are
I coined that phrase I now see Tucker is using it. 🙂 Vila, if you are going to use it be kind and get it right!! "DC Ghouls"!
U really know nothing about Russia, do U. 🙁
I am Ukrainian, so i certainly know more about it than you. You are probbaly white american in Texas who didn’t know Ukraine exited before february 24 2022.
No offense meant
U are VERY mistaken Vila. “certainly”, LOL!
Yes, after Kursk offensive, the number of volunteers to Russian army increased sharply.
Слава Украине!
Глоря Хероям!
You mean like the supersonic missiles that Russia has in droves that NATO doesn't have enough to matter?
Sure they do.
ah the supersonic missiles Ukraine shot down,……….. because they have to slow down before impact because its going too fast for radio commjnication to identify the target?
I hear they are making them as fast as they lose them
The only insanity is Putin invading in the 1st place and then people being surprised when Ukraine defends themselves
Defending your country is "insane"? Not.
Who attacked your country? USA/NATO used Ukraine, a de facto NATO member, to attack Russia. This is Biden’s war, a madman. Did you see and listen to his speech at the democratic convention? That was a madman speaking.
Russia attacked Ukraine. It was clearly illegal under all international rules, which is why every nation in the world – except for a few, like North Korea and Syria – voted against this war of aggression in the UN or abstained.
You can repeat Putin's lies – because you live in a dictatorship and have no choice – but you are only destroying your future. Putin has set back Russia 50 years and killed 100,000 young people for no reason.
The US and NATO have no interest in attacking Russia; they would rather just ignore it.
Russia did not attack it is a preventive war which was provoked by Biden and all the previous American rulers starting with Clinton breaking unilateral agreements to not expand NATO to Russia. The US, starting with the regime change by Obama/Biden in 2014 made Ukraine a de facto NATO member. They funded, armed and trained Ukrainians to NATO standards. NATO and Ukraine had regular military exercises in UKRAINE, rotating NATO troops because it was illegal to station NATO in Ukraine. For 2022 some 10 exercises were scheduled, per Army Times. Ukraine had the option to be neutral and prosper, Biden said no way.
We are ruled by madmen, yes, they are liars and irrational, they are leading the blind over the cliff.
You are uninformed.
BTW, Biden said Putin must go and Lloyd Austin said Russia must be weakened. Sanctions did not destabilize Russia and the regime change failed, poor Navalny died. This is Biden’s war, not Putin’s. Biden is a known liar as are all in his administration and the Zionist-Israelis in Tel Aviv. Biden, Netanyahu, and Zelinsky are all MAD. A bunch of war criminals. When Biden spoke in Chicago he looked and sounded like the MAD man he really is.
What nonsense and double-talk.
1. Yes, Russia did attack Ukraine – not matter what excuses you give. That is why 141 nations supported UN Resolution ES-11/1, which deplored Russia's invasion of Ukraine and demanded a full withdrawal of Russian forces. No mention of Biden in the resolution.
2. No matter how much you repeat lies, 2014 was not "regime change". There was political turmoil in the country that ended with the Ukrainian parliament voting to remove pro-Russian politician Yanukovych from office by 328 to 0. Then Russian armed traitors who conducted a coup in pro-Russian parts of Ukraine. So, nothing that occurred justified the actions of Russia, illegal under international law.
So, the only madman I see is Putin, who is the worst Russian dictator since Stalin. The Russia people are dying by the thousands in a pointless war, while he and a few oligarchs profit.
As for Zionists in Israel – what does this have to do with Ukraine? You are just babbling.
It is not irrational for the US to form allies and stand up for US interests. You however are just babbling.
If the Israelis or the US does it, it is called preventive, what is the Russian difference? I know, it is Putin and Russian interests, what else could it be. Ukraine is a USA/NATO proxy, actually Ukrainian cannonfodder, it started with W. Bush, all part of PNAC AND THE 2014 REGIME CHANGE to place a handpicked US vassal government, the US even picked American ministers and Biden put his son on the board of Burisma the Ukrainian energy company when then VP Biden was investigating corruption in the comp. All pretty well known.
In 2014 Ukraine was robbed of its sovereignty by the USA. Ask Nuland-Kagan.
By western standards Russia acted preventive against NATO aggression, against the expansion of NATO and universally breaking every agreement. In short, it is also called self-defense.
But only NATO and Israel are allowed to act in self-defense, war crimes included.
False. It is not "Western standards"; it is international law, and Russia clearly violated it, which is recognized by the UN vote where nearly every country in the world told Russia to leave Ukraine immediately. Do you deny that?
I don't support certain US, NATO, and Israeli actions, and none of them justify Russia being in violation of international law. If my neighbor breaks the law, that doesn't justify me robbing another neighbor. If you are saying that the US and NATO were wrong, then that means Russia is wrong too. And nations around the world have hostile neighbors without bombing civilians and children's hospitals – such as North and South Korea, India/Pakistan, and others.
You make no sense. Russia is acting in self-defense, take it or leave it.
Aggressive war is never justified; that is the basis for civilization. The Russians are not civilized.
That's not just my opinion. Here are the countries that supported UN ES-11/1, against Russia's illegal invasion:
Afghanistan, Albania, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Cape Verde, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Comoros, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Myanmar, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Norway, Oman, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, South Korea, Romania, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, São Tomé and Príncipe, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Spain, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Tuvalu, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Yemen, Zambia.
And who agrees with you? These voted against the UN resolution condemning Russia: Belarus, Eritrea, North Korea, and Syria.
If North Korea is your only friend – you are in serious trouble.
“The Russians” are not the same thing as “the Russian regime.”
That is true for any government. However, polls of Russians show wide support for their government.
75% support the "special military operation" in Ukraine. A majority of Russians appear to believe that the West is a threat (militarily and culturally) and that Ukraine is part of Russia, not a separate nation.
Of course, such polls are impossible to verify. However, the Russians I chat with online say the same thing. The war was caused by the US and NATO; it is purely defensive; the Ukrainians are US puppets or NATO cannon fodder; the Ukrainian government are gangsters who deposed a democratically elected president in a CIA coup; and the US/NATO are hypocrites, because they launch similar wars – it's only a problem when Russia does it. Russia is the victim here.
I can't speak for an entire people, but I never encounter any Russians who say they do not support the Russia war against Ukraine or expresses regret, or who feel sorry for the suffering and death of Ukrainians men, women, and children. But that is obviously not a comprehensive sample.
Trump said that once he is president, he will end the war in 24 hours.
Not all Russians support the Russian regime.
Not all Americans support the US regime.
Not all Israelis support the Israeli regime.
Not all Palestinians support Hamas.
Words mean things.
Yes, words do mean things. I agree.
"Russia has ruled out peace talks with Ukraine following the assault on Kursk" – from the beginning of Russian invasion into Ukraine, Russia is under pressure from China, India and other friends who don't like the idea of changing the borders of independent countries. They have their own problems with the borders and with the separatists. China tried to organize peace negotiations. Now Indian PM Modi arrived in Kiev with the same idea. There is a disagreement between Russia and Russian friends which Putin can't ignore. On one hand, Putin can't dismiss the pressure from China and India, on the other hand, he can't dismiss the pressure from Russian society which consider any peace talks with Kiev regime as betrayal. It makes one to think that Kursk offensive is not only good news for Kremlin but Kremlin did lured NATO into this trap on purpose. When Kursk offensive happened, Chinese leadership was furious. It is difficult now to push Russia to any kind of negotiations.
Some other newsworthy events are happening in those days: Russia moved some troops from Kaliningrad to Kursk exposing Kaliningrad to a possible offensive from Poland. It looks like Russia is inviting NATO to further escalation. Response to any NATO offensive in Kaliningrad could be nuclear against targets in Poland, and it will be well justified in eyes of the global south.
Now that NATO has invaded Russia, it seems to me that protests about changing borders are no longer valid.
I don’t know. They are at war. The primary issue seems to be that Ukraine should have sought neutrality. For that, it probably couldn’t be a democracy. Democracy is too easy to influence.
When Ukraine declared it's independence, the neutral status was included in the declaration. The independence of Ukraine was recognized by Russia based upon this declaration. So, when in 2004, president Yushchenko, who, by the way, also got to the power in breach of Constitution, declared about intention of Ukraine to join NATO, Russia had all rights to denounce the recognition of the independence as well as denounce the existing border between Ukraine and Russia. However in real politics it doesn't work like that. U.S. was strong and Russia was weak and struggling to get rid of oligarchs inherited from Yeltsin's time.
US Neocons love those oligarchs. They want to punish Putin for turning on them.
However, Putin is no saint. I don’t know him; so, I can’t judge him. But he sometimes seems to be less than perfect in morality. But maybe he’s the best leader Russia could have. I like that he resists the US. I don’t know him or what the alternative would be. I can’t judge him.
The folks that I worked with in Moscow said of Putin, "We don't like him much, but all of the alternatives are an order of magnitude worse so we'll vote for him again."
Well, he’s not a nationalist. I understand their criticisms of him. I wouldn’t understand others’.
I’ve heard he undermines his competition, and he seems to trust few people. I generally like Putin, but I probably disagree with him. Others say the same of him.
My primary fear of Putin is that he might not be against Washington. He might only be pretending to some degree. However, I don’t really understand the overall power situation. I don’t understand many things. I do understand the US, mostly.
By your own story telling you spent less than two weeks in Moscow years ago. That's a massive amount of working with folks in Moscow, at least in story land, but maybe not enough that anyone was telling you their thoughts on internal Russian politics.
So you’ve never sat around shooting the shit with coworkers? Somehow I’m not surprised.
I surely have.
That’s not what your claim is though, is it? Taking about internal national politics to a random foreigner who is only going to be there a few days isn’t shooting the shit.
Let’s be real. You were going for a bog standard appeal to authority. After all, you had coworkers in Moscow that you discussed this with, so you are an authority on the subject.
Brian, don’t get drawn into deceptive strawman arguments.
Yeah, I hadn’t noticed who I was replying to at first. He used to be a regular stalker, but hadn’t seen him in a while. I suspect that for the convention period he’s been using a different sock puppet account.
I don't know, saying their choices sucked sounds like every country on the planet. No big revelation about "internal Russian politics" and something that isn't really that hard to imagine even if he was only there for two weeks.
Which makes Brian an expert on the political thinking of the average Russian citizen, right?
I would suggest to you that if it is just the bog standard complaints of average people the world over and something not hard to imagine being said, then it was imagined.
But you can ignore the appeal to authority framing that sets him up as an expert because he was there. He spoke to some unknown number of Russians, at some unknown point in the past, doing some kind of job that sent him to Russia to train the Russians, for two whole weeks straight (but only on coffee breaks). None of you did that. Just him. He's the expert.
I'll just consider the whole story as the obvious lie it is.
You do you though.
I didn't say he was an expert on the political thinking of the average Russian citizen. And neither did he. It's just you trying to read something into what he said that wasn't there. I think he gave an opinion, and I agreed with him. It's that simple.
He’s only been telling the same lie for over two years about how he’s definitely been to Moscow and spoke with definitely real Russians so he knows what they think and how they think.
He even uses the same cut and paste quote he made up to prove it.
But it’s not an appeal to authority. Certainly not that at all. It’s just his opinion. Not a glaring fallacy. Can’t be a fallacy if you agree with it I guess.
Weak defense. Try again?
I agree with his premise. Why is what he said so farfetched to you? And it wasn't a "defense".
Why is it farfetched? Because he’s a liar. He’s also using one of the most basic logical fallacies: appeal to authority.
Even your weak defense boils down to, “well it’s the kind of thing anyone, anywhere would probably say”. So, is he telling the truth? Is he the expert because of his personal knowledge of things or is he just dropping prosaic crap that doesn’t even come across as a profound insight?
If it’s not a defense of him, quit making excuses for him, which is in fact a defense of him.
This is his comment:
The folks that I worked with in Moscow said of Putin, "We don't like him much, but all of the alternatives are an order of magnitude worse so we'll vote for him again."
I think that applies to every country that holds elections. The lesser of evils. So I wasn't DEFENDING HIM. But I get it, it's far fetched because you think he's a liar. Brilliant.
Yes, you are defending him. You’re on day two of explaining how story really does make him an expert.
You keep on doing you though.
And you're on day two of reading something into what I said that isn't there. I didn't say he was an expert, I said what he said applies everywhere elections are held. Now, why you think he's lying about being in Moscow I haven't a clue. It must be because it doesn't fit into your narrative.
He claims to be the expert. With his vast experience. You’re defending him and his claimed expertise.
Why I think he’s lying is because he lies about damn near everything.
I agreed with his premise because it was something that isn't hard to believe. He didn't claim to be an expert. That's just something you imagined.
I've read his comments before and find no reason to think he's lying. What he said about Russians talking about Putin basically being the lesser of evils applies to the country I live in, and many others, so I didn't see any reason to doubt what he said. I haven't even seen you comment before, so I don't know why you came to the conclusion that you did about him being a liar.
You really need to look up what an appeal to authority fallacy is. Get back to me when you understand that.
It doesn't apply no matter how many times you repeat yourself.
Run along
Right back at ya. And we can do this until the cows come home. I don't let trolls get in the last word.
So sad for you.
Don’t know what a logical fallacy is. Don’t know what a troll is.
Cope and seeth.
Nice try.
Just checking to make sure you’re OK. You seemed kind of mad with all the coping and seething.
It’s just this commenter attempting to assert their own opinion as that of authority without a scintilla of demonstration, and projecting the charge onto Brian.
I’ve seen one of them elsewhere. Strawman arguments rule with personal attacks on commenters so they can have the argument they’d rather have instead of the comment at hand. Then the “attacked” commenter has to defend themselves personally.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Sounds familiar.
oh bot… we meet again…
All lies
No one can blame Ukraine for invading Russia because Russia invaded Ukraine already. However, as current Kiev regime was installed by foreign powers in breach of Ukrainian constitution, and as it openly demonstrated it's neo-Nazi nature, neither India nor China could blame Russia for the intervention. They never openly approved reincorporation of Crimea into Russia, still they never protested about that. The point is: how much Russia is going to take. Some people think, it could be the whole Ukraine. Particular India is very much uneasy about that. Modi doesn't want spoil relations with U.S.
No, it would leave a rump state that lacks ocean access. That’s the maximalist position.
We can only guess.
It’s too hard to hold Ukraine, and Putin risks losing people to emigration from Russia into western Europe if he does anything extreme. He could expel nationalists in the areas he takes, but west Ukraine would have few friends.
He should really consider building a border wall, iron curtain II, to symbolically divide the two empires. It wouldn’t need to be complete, just partial, symbolic.
Kaliningrad is unusual. I rather think it shouldn’t be Russian, but Russians are like Americans, imperial. I want stable borders that work well.
I do agree that West Ukraine shouldn't belong to Russia. Probably, Putin would agree with you too. Not a long time ago, he told that he wouldn't mind if West Ukraine is divided between Poland and Hungary. On the other hand, we don't know how far this conflict would escalate. So far it is not a real war. Even now Russia is transporting gas through Kursk oblast to Ukraine and further to EU. Still, as the invasion into Russia came from Sumy oblast, Russia, most likely, will take it too in addition to Odessa, Nikolaev, Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov about which they talked already.
The migration is depending on the level of quality of life. Better is life, less people go out and more people move in. If living standards in Russia will be better than in EU, even western Ukrainians may prefer to stay in Russia.
I happened to meet a lady a few days ago who said she’s Russian. She seemed to expect the war to end soon. She wasn’t following events. The US pays better currently, but the US is destroying its economy.
Russia needs to develop opportunity to attract and retain young, productive workers.
This military conflict could be finished two years ago or, even better, if The West respected Minsk Agreements, it would never start. So, it depends upon circumstances.
Russia could have respected the Budapest Accord. But I guess they didn't want to.
Budapest memorandum was just a memorandum. As I have written above, after 2004, when Yushchenko declared his intention to join NATO, Russia had right to cancel the recognition of the independence of Ukraine by Russia. Just learn a bit and think a bit.
Budapest was a security assurance, not just a memo.
Nowhere in the accords is any mention of joining NATO being forbidden. Or joining the Russia Federation if it came to that.
So why should Minsk Agreements, Minsk I which the Russians continually violated until it fell apart or Minsk II which Ukraine signed essentially at gunpoint be followed if Russia keeps violating the other agreements it’s signed, including Minsk I and II?
You should probably try to read and understand what you’re going to attempt to school someone on before you just start making shit up and looking like a fool.
So will you take your own advice to learn a bit and think a bit? You probably should.
Learn a bit about the facts. No point to discuss anything with a person who ignores the facts.
Run away when confronted by the facts then. What color is the sky in your world?
Says you
russia coulda held up every agreement with the west ever
russoa broke minsk and budapest, but hey, why would they if Ukraine could have done it?
I would not be surprised if Russia decides now to declare war on Ukraine. But I would be surprised if Russia were to annex all of Ukraine at the end of that war. It would be better to leave western Ukraine as a weak rump state for Europe to deal with.
Declare war? What do you imagine has been going on for the last few years?
it's not a war of imperialism because Putin said it's a special military operation and that's not a war at all?
Good luck annexing all of Ukraine when after two and half years of active war Russia can't annex the land they claimed they already controlled.
Don't lie, Russia never claimed those four regions are under Russian control. Most of their population are under Russian control. That's why it was possible to organize the referendum.
Cool cool.
So in your world, not only is Russia not at war with Ukraine, Russia didn’t control the territory it annexed by invasion, it controlled the people.
Well that makes perfect sense.
I look forward to your support of whatever referendum Kyiv announces in regards to Kursk and Russia abiding by those results. Since that’s how it works.
Neither Russia nor Ukraine declared the war. Russian transit gas is moving through Ukraine as usual.
If NATO could capture Kursk region before the evacuation of majority of Kursk citizens, maybe they also would organize a referendum, though, of course, unlike the referendums in East Ukraine, NATO referendum would be a fake.
By the way, Donbass had the referendum in 2014 though Putin at the time tried to persuade them not to do it.
So you won’t accept a referendum to annex Russian territory by Ukraine because it would be fake, but the Russian referendum to annex Ukrainian territory is real.
Circular logic is circular.
I’m not even going to bother with NATO on the ground in Kursk. Color revolution conspiracy lunacy and propaganda from the Russian MOD to excuse why they haven’t finished invading the territory they claimed to already control are just that and not worthy of yet another debunking
Of course one can't organize a referendum when most of the population is absent.
One shouldn’t organize a referendum at gunpoint either. That didn’t stop Russia though.
Since Ukraine will be looking out for the interests of Ukranian speakers in Kursk, they should set the rules, yes?
Or maybe, just maybe, the Russian referendums in Ukraine aren’t valid either.
But you have propaganda to push so I get it.
I thought you were running away.
"referendum at gunpoint" – why are you repeating all this nonsense over and over again? Referendums in Donbass for their independence from Ukraine happened in the spring 2014. As I said before, Putin tried to persuade the new authorities of Donbass not to do it, and the next 8 years he tried very hard to squeeze Donbass back into Ukraine. In other East Ukraine regions people are not much different. It is obvious if one bother to look how they voted in 2010 and 2004. The vast majority of people in Donbass and Novorossiya was always pro-Russian.
If you want to see a fact adverse person, you might look in the mirror.
Putin didn’t want the referendum? Show your work. Legitimate cites only. Putin tried to make Donbas stay in Ukraine. Show your work.
The vast majority in the claimed Russian territory voted for Zelenskyy. Of course you’ll cite your numbers wont you?
you are impossible to argue with
Nuh uh, theyll be walking into Kyiv ahem… KIEV by the time im in my cold, dead grave, and i'm still in my teens
Oh, now we’re gonna declare an actual war?!?
Hey, kid! This IS a war and only an ignorant child wouldn’t be able to see that.
Also, things aren’t going so well for your “team”!
At the end of this “war”, you might not even see Russia exist as it currently does!
i had my hopes up then the "whatever" bomb was dropped
As usual, you make great points. I agree. Putin is between a rock and a hard place. You should be glad, and maybe I should be too, that I'm not Putin. If I were Putin facing this level of escalation, the BIG FU@KING RED BUTTON ON TOP OF HIS DESK would be NUCLEAR DUST ALONG WITH THE ENTIRE WORLD!
Putin takes it quietly. He is always ready to explain all his decisions to the nation. At least a couple times in a year he has press conferences up to five hours each where he answers all questions including those of western media journalists. He is honest and people trust him. Besides, his decisions are almost always wise. I don't remember when he did something what could be estimated as obviously wrong.
He definitely made a mistake going into Ukraine unprepared. It was an obvious trap. He definitely wants what is best for Russia, but he is too romantically attached to Europe. The European leaders are Demons who don’t care about Europe and can’t be trusted.
If he wouldn't interfere in February 2022, by April 2022 Donbass could be ethnically cleansed the same as Srbska Krajina. Kiev regime never made any secret of it's intentions.
Exactly. The US laid a trap that left Russia with a choice: (1) Allow ethnic cleansing of Russian-speakers and placement of NATO weapons in Ukraine, or (2) Invade Ukraine and engage in proxy war with US/NATO. Neither option is attractive, but one must be selected. Russia chose wisely and selected #2.
he………….. wants……………. whats………………………… best………………………….. for……………………………….. rusia???????????????????????????????????
Yes. Suicide is always an option…
He walks a fine line, he has to consistently under-react to Western provocations that are designed to give NATO a causus belli for a full attack. The Russian public will want a response to this attack on "Mother Russia", and nationalist that he is he'll have to.
for being anti war you sure are a war hawk
Russia was the only thing preventing peace talks
Its like I am recieving the daily brief from the Kremlin
If Ukraine had just allowed Crimea to be Russian and not cut water or bothered the huge bridge, Russia wouldn’t have sought a land bridge there.
Similarly, they should have left minorities alone there.
If you know so little about the conflict as to be ignorant of the civil war in the Donbas the Russians fermented (by their own admission!) then perhaps you could think so, only you would also have to ignore that this was not the justification Putin gave for the SMO.
Also allowed the Crimea to be Russians is a 'special' way to refer to the coup/occupation that took place:
Note that I'm using a pro war pro Russia source for this.
It is Ukrainian media. It is false as usual. His group wasn't "elite Russian commandos" They were volunteers, mostly from Russia and Ukraine, including from western Ukraine.
He didn't "started the war", he organized military resistance to neo-Nazi invaders from west Ukraine in Donbass.
It is on Ukrainian media – he said what he said – he is now in Russian prison for being too pro war – so do not expect Russian media reporting his views any more. He is a Russian and many of his acolytes were Russian too. As he has stated in interviews without his intervention things in the Donbas would have ended like it did in Kharkiv and Odessa.
If this was a CIA operative saying the same about the Maidan – you would (with some right) claim that you had your smoking gun – only we have it and it is a Russian gun.
Maybe Donbass resistance would be crashed. Would it be good for Donbass people? About 300 000 in 2014-15 migrated from Odessa city to other countries. Mostly to Russia. How many were killed, no one outside of Kiev regime knows exactly. Many were burnt alive. In Kharkov also many thousand people disappeared. I think, few people in Donbass say anything bad about Strelkov.
No in the words of Igor Strelkov it would never have taken off and just petered out like it did elsewhere.
My father housed a couple of Russians who migrated from Odessa – and no there were not stories of thousands of them dying – thousands of Donbas Russian speakers have died in Putin's war though.
Any source for the thousands claim – just asking because there have been very few stories reported numbering that many and we do have international bodies reporting from the Donbas.
Here you are just wrong and that according to the Russians themselves:
"Russian themselves" – Yanina Sokolovskaya is Ukrainian (her father is of the same ethnos as Netanyahu). She lives and works in Kiev. At least until recently she did. She is Ukrainian radical nationalist. Obviously it is an old video. Now, I think, they don't invite Ukrainian nationalists to Russian TV. Even to NTV. Unlike EU TV, Russian TV until recently was much more tolerant to different opinions. Some channels were openly pro-American. It looks, after 2022 the situation changed. Anyway, I don't watch much of it. Can't say exactly.
Is it your claim that the Ukrainians dictate what is shown on RT?????
This is a recent video as in significantly after the start of the SMO and she is not the only one saying that 80% of them are thinking this.
It is not RT, it is NTV. No one dictates there who should say what. They just invite people with different opinions. Two of them say 80%, others say it is much less. Anyway it is impossible to know how many people are supporting the regime. Most of those who are against Kiev regime in Ukraine, wouldn't say what they think on camera if asked. The terrorist regime is installed in Ukraine 10 years ago. People just try to survive. Those who can, leave the country. More than 10 millions did it. In 2022 Russian army captured Kherson city, after few months it retreated to the left bank of Dnepr. Most citizens of Kherson went together with Russian army. No one forced them. Who chose to stay home, stayed but they were minority. So we can tell for sure, at least in Kherson, majority doesn't support Kiev regime.
None of the people there challenges the 80%, they have on other occasions debated the lack of support they have in the local population – these are Russian pundits and the hosts have previously ‘guided’ the debate quite actively – they do not here because the absence of support is very clear.
The source is not people willing to go on camera and they have large parts of Ukraine occupied so there they would have had an easy time to prove that local support was much better – they have not because it is not!
If there was a regime installed by the Maidan then why did that Regime hold a democratic election, and more importantly why did they hold the next democratic election, where the far right lost all (or all but one) seats in parliament and a Russian speaking person got elected on a platform of lowering tensions wit the Russians.
If the support for the Kyiv government were not as strong as it (probably) is how do you explain that the Ukrainians keep fighting a much stronger ad better organized enemy than the Afghans did in 2021 noting that the Afghans had better training and better support from the US which had held the country occupied for 20 years at that point.
Finally do you have any sources for the claim that most of the citizens of Kherson went with the Russians or that those that did, did so voluntarily?
Wowowowowowowowowowowowo…. Odessa……………………………… is mostly Ukrainian. The population of Odessa is 900k… so unless Odessa went on a population bulk, then that is a complete falsehood. And KharkIv is also a majority Ukrainian city – 10% of its population did "not disappear"
Im sorry?
Russia has been forcing dissappearances of Crimean Tatar's ever since the illegal annexation. And in Luhansk and Donetsk, most of the "pro russian unrest" was just… "russian unrest" because Russia has admitted they sent their own army in and dressed them in civillian clothes. The opinion against that is an opinion no sane person would argue, which is why i called Mikhalovic a bot.
They should have allowed Ukraine to trade with both Russia and the EU, and not have made it an ultimatum of choosing trade allies.
Hmmm…no articles about Scott Ritter’s home being raided by the FBI for suspicion of being a Russian agent?
Is that not news, Dave?
I'm not a Ritter fan as I found that he sensationalizes most of his topics of discussion and his hyperbole is a little too much to stomach.
However, it does not make sense that someone that much in the public eye, and his general demeanor, would be an agent. Doesn't quite fit the profile IMHO.
Taken under advisement.
He did a valiant thing back when he was an inspector though. I don’t watch or follow him either.
No it doesn't. That's just idiotic. Scott Ritter from where I am sitting is a hyper patriotic constitutional purist American, shaped to a large degree by his military past. It would be far more easy to turn the entire American regime and Congress into Russian agents (instead of Israeli ones) before having any chance to force him to be dishonest about his political opinions.
You'd probably surgically have to replace his brain with someone else's before you'd see any sign of that happening.
There was a mention of it here. I don’t remember where. I guess it could have been a news link only.
From August 7th. And from Dave himself.
FBI Raids Home of Former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter
Want some more?
Nope. That’ll do it. Thanks.
some anti-war for you. . .
TECHNET AUGUSTA 2024 — It might be expected for a technical conference attended by a host of US military officials, industry heavyweights and other experts to be the target of some sort of cyber attack or espionage gambit, but organizers here said a “criminal investigation” has been opened amid speculation that someone tried to disrupt the annual TechNet conference in Augusta, Ga. using another potent ploy: a foul smell.
As attendees piled into the conference’s main ballroom Tuesday morning, they were met with a pungent odor, prompting polite whispers of an odiferous interference. Some said it must be a sewage leak while others blamed the stench on the carpets being cleaned the night before and left to dry overnight.
Russians and in particular President Putin have shown remarkable patents and maturity in the face of unprovoked aggression by the WASP elites in America and Britan.
Over and beyond Russophobia power elites especially in America salivate over the vast riches of the largest sovereign nation on earth.
Nefarious men behind the curtain will continue to push war with Russia in hopes of stealing the natural resources of this great empire.
Less intelligent people in the West from politicians to the MIC just want to provoke conflict for short term profits or demagoguery.
Let's hope that President Putin can remain patent, mature, and less angry as Russia wins and stabilizes their part of the world.
It's a mystery to me why western "thought leaders" are consistently positive that Russians are always on the verge of throwing Putin out and embracing another Yeltsin. The DC talking heads were claiming that this incursion would "terminally embarrass Putin", that Russians would rise up and remove him to install a western-friendly regime. The most bizarre thing to me is that they actually seem to believe this drivel, even though every similar prediction in the past 20+ years has been wrong.
Name the talking heads Brian. Surely you can name at least some of them. Or is anyone just supposed to trust you about what some unknown "they" said just because you claimed it?
Very patient.
What needs to happen now is the Ukrainians should hold a referendum in Kursk to see what the people want to do and the Russian need to abide by the results the Ukrainians announce.
All in the name of peace.
'Russians and in particular President Putin have shown remarkable patents and maturity in the face of unprovoked aggression by the WASP elites in America and Britan.'
Ah yes, because Putin has shown no unprovoked aggression either
'Over and beyond Russophobia power elites especially in America salivate over the vast riches of the largest sovereign nation on earth.'
Russia deserves to be hated. They hate us. They are thr scum of the earth
'Nefarious men behind the curtain will continue to push war with Russia in hopes of stealing the natural resources of this great empire.'
Russia is not great, or an empire, so you are doubly wrong.
'Let's hope that President Putin can remain patent, mature, and less angry as Russia wins and stabilizes their part of the world.'
Russia is not winning, and if they are, then we can expect a final victory by the year 2058.
The only reason why the US has any say in where the HIMARS and such are used is because it requires US troops to aim them. The US also provides all long distance intel used for targeting, so if they were using US supplied distance weapons then we knew where they were going even if not what they intended to do.
Still just lying about everything you can? US troops are needed to aim HIMARS systems? That's amazing Brian. What's more amazing is you are literally the only person in the world who knows that assuredly true fact.
You might want to show your work on this claim.
you're funny
Not really. Brian lies. A lot. About everything he can. His primary source is “trust me, bro”.
well the response is funny
HIMARS doesn't need usa troops to aim them lol
Oh no, Ukrainians are fighting back in a defensive war! Oh, the humanity!!!
And now they will lose it all.
The name and the logo says it all
As a Ukrainian living in Lviv, I abject
Do U back NATO membership for Ukraine?
If you are Ukrainian, why then you don't know Ukrainian language?
No Ukrainian can ever say "Глоря Хероям". There is no such word in Ukrainian language.
ur right
i was using a russian keyboard by accident
i actually was using a russian keyboard when i wrote that oh my
i was switching from ukrainian to english and back so it as on accident
i have a bunch of keyboards on my computer
i only now looked at it and realised how stupid it sounded… “hloryam.” haha
When Russian bombs hit the USA and there is no more Starbucks to drink coffee at maybe then USA citizens will wake up, maybe. How about when Russian bombs hit USA city's and mass looting and murder, carnage erupt, "American Exceptionalism" on full display.
Somehow I just don't see Russian bombs falling on American cities. Or even Starbucks.
Pretty bloodthirsty fantasy on a site called antiwar
It’ll happen soon, my friend. Patience.
And no more Ukraine. We will not even let them keep Lviv. Not after their PR stunt in Kurk.
They will pay a heavy price for that provocation. How dare those nazis attacking our people and cities.
ok Stalinuchk. You are clearly one of the less propoganzised russians out there i'm sure.
My ukrainian brothers-in-arms will not let Putins regime continue. And we aren't even Nazis. A dubious statement nonetheless because of Putin and some of Putin's army men affiliations.
your so flat brained
U are so childish. I have a number of Ukrainian friends, unlike U they have class and intelligence.
those Ukrainian friends probably don’t support being taken over by the Russkie
Ukraine loves to brag using US weapons on Russia…! As if the Russian weapons in their possession are inferior to the US ones…!
They have not Russian weapons, they have NATO weapons and a bit of old Soviet.
I meant Soviet weapons…!
usa weapons are far far far superiour to russian ones
For sure…!
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حب جولي فان "رشه" جوردي?
Хеб йуллие ван Русич" гехоорде?
Heb jullie van "Rusich" gehoorde?