Updated at 9:16 pm EST on July 30, 2024
An Israeli airstrike targeted the southern suburbs of the Lebanese capital of Beirut on Tuesday, a step that could escalate the Israel-Hezbollah conflict into a full-blown war.
Israel said that it targeted a senior Hezbollah commander, Fuad Shukr. A Lebanese government official told CNN that Shukr survived the strike, while Israel is claiming he was killed. Lebanon’s Health Ministry is reporting that three civilians, including two children, were killed in the attack and 74 others have been wounded.

The Israeli military claimed Shukr was responsible for the rocket that killed 12 Druze children in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights on Saturday. Hezbollah denied responsibility for the killing of the children and has said they were hit by an Israeli air defense rocket.
After the strike, the US expressed strong support for Israel against Hezbollah. “Our commitment to Israel’s security is ironclad and unwavering against all Iran-backed threats, including Lebanese Hezbollah,” said National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson.
According to Al Jazeera, Hezbollah has warned that if Israel launched a strike deep into Lebanese territory, it would mean “all rules of war” are off. The last time Israel bombed Beirut was on January 2, when the Israeli military launched a drone strike that targeted a senior Hamas official.
Media reports said the US was warning Israel against targeting Beirut, but the US is still providing unconditional military aid and not using any of its leverage to rein in Israel. The US has also previously ensured it would back Israel in a full-blown war in Lebanon.
Since October 7, Israel and Hezbollah have been trading strikes across the border almost every day. According to an AFP tally, Israeli attacks on southern Lebanon have killed at least 527 people, including 104 children. On the Israeli side, 18 soldiers and 24 civilians have been killed, a total that includes the 12 Druze children.
Israel as a state has become an international disease in every sense of the word, financed by Israel's serfs in the good old USA.
This is all designed to draw in Iran, so Israel can then demand that the US puppets come to their aid. Cue WW III
All for what? To defend the zionist war criminals right to commit genocide? It's like ww2 in reverse, this time America has decided the 4th reich is their ally, siding with a facist ethnostate. Dispicable.
Mr. Trump uttered the words, "5th Reich".
Rigged elections have consequences. Does anyone even know at this point who is actually making the decisions that a functioning US President ordinarily would make?
You can't be that stupid to think the last election was rigged.
I suppose you think we had a “normal” election in Covid emergency 2020? We always send out voter ballots to everybody in the country whether requested or not, right?
… and the Hunter Biden laptop was Putin disinformation.
Boy MTG sure got her hots off the pics.
I got one. I voted at the same polling place we have been going to for 20 years. I could have dropped in the drop box in front of the library. So what is the f*cking big deal of voter ballots being mailed out? You still have to have your name match the list.
The big deal is the increased risk of "ballot harvesting."
The election was not rigged. 70 failed law suits proved that Biden one.
Yep. Just like Venezuela’s Maduro “won”.
Those two statements are not mutually inclusive, rigged does not mean something was illegal and 70 law suits prove no illegalities were found by those suits to prevent Biden from taking office. That election is history now, a part of history that will always have a stink about, just like the 2000.
"rigged does not mean something was illegal" OK. So we had a legal election and guy who lost, a convicted felony, was calling it rigged. So there was no cheating or violating of the law, just a loser who could not accept that he lost.
I didn’t say either, I merely said the 70 suits found no illegalities and rigging is not illegal. Lots of illegalities were once legal and even a few vice versa.
It all depends on what your definition of "rigged" is. Was there a secret back-door electronic pathway to remotely change bits on a digital counter? Probably not. Was there massive false narratives and suppressed news? Specifically and targeted changes to election laws?
Don’t forget the 70 indictments of Trump, all by coincidence in the year he was running for President.
It was rigged.
My gosh you may be right. People voted. That sounds like rigging to me./s
Signatures can’t be matched well, for one thing; and you’d have people filling out ballots for others.
The great problem with the election is when Trump went to make his case, he asked for help from the crazy Kraken lady. She, erm, “released” her Kraken, and it was ridiculous.
How many signatures do you have? I've got at least 3; problem arises when I can't remember which I used for what 🙂
Regardless, voting should be in-person, ideally with paper ballots. I didn’t see any indication of faulty electronic voting other than in Arizona.
Cheating in elections is an American tradition, but it should be difficult to achieve. There’s probably cheating in most every election.
The crazy Knapp mod seems to think crypto could help with anonymous secure voting. I think decred and probably many others can do that. So, maybe that’s an option. You could maybe even allow voting from home with votes checkable by the voters and maybe some system to check that the same is seen on the other end.
Rigged doesn't mean it was illegal. Don't forget the "Democracy Fortifiers" 🙂
Well, unlike Trump, at lease you understand the election was legal.
Bush v. Gore, Bush v. Kerry, Obama v. McCain all rigged ad nauseam. Once they deployed hackable electronic voting machines all bets were off.
In your fantasy world, who controls who wins? Wait, wait, I know it is Israel. LOL
The capitalists who own the country. Are you daft?
Obama vs. McCain? I doubt that. Candidate Obama was impressive. President Obama was horrible. I think he won fair and square.
Secretary of State I assume, but Biden has so much dirt. Anyone with dirt owns him.
Mr. Trump is squeaky clean?
No blackmail.
LOL. Good one.
What would be different?
Not much. Remember when Trump publicly ordered U.S. troops out of Syria and the deep state basically told him to pound sand.
The Israeli military was investigating why its renowned missile defense system called Iron Dome did not intercept the rocket.
While Iron Dome’s radar detected the launch, it did not release an interceptor missile to knock down the rocket, an Israeli military official told the AP, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the matter.
Obviously a lie.
… obviously, coz Iron Dome launched it.
"a total that includes the 12 Druze children." – which should not be included since they were killed by an errant Iron Dome missile, NOT Hezbollah. And ANY "civilians" killed in northern Israel are undoubtedly current or former Israeli IDF. EVERYONE in Israel except a certain religious class (and under-aged children) serves in the IDF, therefore EVERYONE in Israel is a legitimate target.
And once again, we get told this "the US is warning Israel" bullshit. No, the "US" is NOT "warning Israel". Some random flunkies in the Pentagon may be doing so, but the official US position from the President on down and the people behind the President is that the US wants Israel to attack Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Iran – and probably throw in Iraq and Saudi Arabia for good measure – so the US and Israel can eliminate its enemies in the Middle East before turning on China.
I keep telling you people this full-fledged Middle East war is the PLAN and always has been. The only hangup is how to do it without being blamed by the moronic US electorate for it – which is why Druze kids had to die, to provide an excuse to escalate once again.
I can't wait for Nasrallah to finally decide to take out Israel once and for all.
Iran and HB would be foolish to start anything big. Iz is falling apart all by itself. No great war is needed.
As for the Pentagon flunkies you refer to, haven't we learned that the opinions of the Pentagon professional deep state is far more indicative of US direction that any amount of bloviating from Bidey, Blinky, or any random Congressional warmonger?
Hezbollah cannot just roll over.
You sound like a true radical vlp1730!
Hezbollah immediately denied involvement. I believe them more than I can believe what comes out of Tel Aviv.
Sure. They were firing rockets at Israel, all except this one. Come on how could you buy that argument? I can accept an argument that kids were not the target and rocket misfired, but they fired it.
I don’t want anyone taken out. I was just a bit angry when I upped ya!
The sh-t show is about to start! God’s chosen ones are effing it up again!
Yeh, … just keep on holding my breath.
Ya know what thought Robert?….. Everyone here loves everyone every where!
And, my husband is Jewish too! He puts up with my radical peace stuff, poor guy! ;-}
He is a Vietnam war vet.
Wow! Israel vs. Iran! Russia vs. Ukraine! Will the US be overstretched now?
I obviously don’t care who wins, but I hope for peace. US troops will be a target in Iraq and Syria…
The Israeli state lost complete control of its destiny and moral compass way before October 7th. Hezbollah must now show this genocidal state what damage really means. No mercy…
Prior to 7Oct, Israel knew the plans by Hamas for the young fighters to breakout and attack bases. It is now known that on 5Oct the rave was given authorization to move basically on the path that the Hamas had designated to take to the base it wanted to attack. Why? It is known that the revelers consisted of current IDF at the time or former IDF. Nearly all Israelis over the age of 18 must serve in the Israeli military. That attack consisted of live fire between Hamas fighters and IDF, with IDF bringing in tanks and made use of Apache helicopters. In the mad rush to flee, the road out was clogged with cars. Not being picky, Apache helicopter pilots lit them up, killing Hamas fighters and Israeli citizens. Max Blumenthal of the Gray Zone wrote of this,but was criticised by media. And so, after killing what Lancet estimates will be 186,000 +, it comes down to this attacks, with attemped expansion into Lebanon and then Jordan. Hezbollah may have something to say about it. I don't think that the IDF ground forces want to tangle with them.
The last time they tried a ground invasion, circa 2006 I think, it didn't go so well. Hezbollah, if it is smart, will refrain from escalating as the Israelis are desperate for any excuse to drag America into another war in the Middle East.
Well at least we know what side you are on. Just don't start yelling genocide when Israel pounds Lebanon.
Genocide! Genocide! Genocide!
People will be yelling genocide if the "pounding" includes the deliberate killing of anything that moves like Israel is doing in Gaza. You're trying to make it sound like people are exaggerating their claim of genocide in Gaza so if Israel, once again, completely disregards innocent civilian life in Lebanon, you can do the same thing.
Are you like Rq6800 rooting for war? As I said, if war comes like Rq6800 wants don't complain about the costs. War is hell, not a game. People die in war, so don't start one.
My comment wasn't close to being about anything having to do with "rooting for war". But somehow you had to deflect from what I actually said. I get that. My comment obviously said that if Israel acts like genocidal monsters as they have in Gaza, then I, and others, will indeed scream genocide because that's what it will be. There is no justification for the complete disregard for innocent life no matter how hard you try to shift the responsibility of Israel's barbarism onto someone else.
Someone on Twitter claimed that guys get paid for interactions they get from people like us. I don’t know if true. But I fail to see what he could be getting out of those interactions otherwise?
”Common on people now! Love one another! Everybody get together, try to love one another right now!”
We are all strangers in a strange land.
Yesterday Reuters reported a US "rush push" to stop Israel from bombing Beirut according to 5 unnamed sources "involved in the conversations or briefed on them." The DoS told Reuters it wouldn't comment on diplomatic specifics, that it was seeking a "durable solution," and "Our support for Israel's security is ironclad and unwavering against all Iran-backed threats, including Hezbollah."
Winning once again is ironclad unwavering support, aka a blank check.
I've not heard one report, outside the US and Israel, believing the Golan attack was Hezbollah; both US and Arab analysts site the facts the druze are Arabs who continue to consider themselves Syrians having refused Israeli citizenship, that Hezbollah has never struck the Golan, doesn't target civilians, and when it makes a mistake it publicly takes responsiblity. While on the other hand the consesus is Israel lies, targets civilians, and never owns it's mistakes.
Does the fact American Leaders are bought and paid for Zionists mean we're all Israelis now? Or just that we're Occupied by Israel?
I think there's over 20,000 u.s. citizens fighting innthe idf! Americans might just be israeli and haven't been told yet.
Well our leaders are talking about reinstituting the draft; maybe Americans will be told then.
Prove your "Jewishness" and voila' you are a dual citizen. If you are an Ethipiotan Jew you may have a little difficulty.
Nope ! TLK Doctrine states that everything and everyone is Jewish if they either are or aren't. It's a great system that renders the description completely worthless.
As opposed to Uncle Sapien Doctrine of pretending that the definitions of words include only the parts he wants, with the parts he doesn't want magically disappearing … but only disappearing to him, not to the other eight billion people on the planet.
Cogs in the Israeli machine. All in all we’re just bricks in the wall.
Gotta upvote Pink Floyd.
High Hopes is one of my favourite songs. It’s leftist, but it strives for some higher cause which might be impossible.
Agreed. I also gotta upvote Wars' Equation: 2+2 = Israel.
"Hey you, White House,
Ha, ha, charade you are."
My suggestion is for candidate Stein to call all the other candidates for President, personally, explain exactly how you all can be winners. There are needed in a three way race 270*electoral votes to win, by receiving 38 electoral votes the election is thrown into the House of Representatives. Agree to choose the candidate who’s name is on the most State ballots, that’s your President, the second most that’s your VP, the remaining all receive cabinet posts including there VP’s. You can call it straight up the middle. The big shots already know this will work, that’s why this artificial enthusiasm for our current VP, so as to kill this winning move. I emailed Tim Scott when he announced his run for POTUS , I told him he should be running for VP on Trumps ticket, he sent me a angry email response, we all saw him end up trying to be VP. * Mr Knapp corrected me on the undiluted 270 electoral votes to win out right.
Jill Stein and Cornel West should be included in the debates. Same for RFK, Jr, although I don't care for him.
RFK, Jr. and Cornel West will not be allowed to debate either establishment candidate as that would lead to the big con being exposed for all to see.
That's not gonna happen. According to Tucker tonight Obama told Kamala if she couldn't build a base she'd be out too. At the rate the dems are tossing candidates there may be no time for debates 🙂
"There are needed in a three way race 194 electoral votes to win" What? That not how it works. If no one receives 270 electoral vote the election is decided by the US Congress. It does not matter how many persons are in the race. In fact, with just two, it could end in a 269 to 269 tie and be sent to Congress.
It takes 270 electoral votes to win, no matter how many candidates are in the race.
Appreciate your correction, how ever “ What happens if no candidate wins the majority of electoral votes?
If no candidate receives the majority of electoral votes, the vote goes to the House of Representatives.
This has happened twice. The first time was following the 1800 presidential election, when the House chose Thomas Jefferson. And following the 1824 presidential election, the House selected John Quincy Adams as president.“ I admit it’s a long shot. However its a start.
Yes, if no candidate receives 270 electoral votes, the House decides the election, and it does so by state delegation, not by individual votes. That is, each state delegation votes within itself and casts one vote per state. My recollection, which may be incorrect, is that the Republican Party has the most state majorities.
My recollection, which may be incorrect, is that the Republican Party has the most state majorities.
It did in 2020. Trump claimed that was one of the ways he would win.
270 to win. 589 to Reagan The Sh*t Outta That Thing.
Yes to both questions.
This may or may not have got Fuad Shukr, but Ismail Haniyeh was taken out today. One by one, the Hamas leaders who started this war are being taken down.
And? It's not like there isn't someone to replace them. Biden got taken out too and you won't see a damn thing change policy wise. And if there is any justice, those who responded to Oct 7th with genocide/ethnic cleansing/collective punishment (take your pick) should be "taken down" too.
Sure, Hamas leaders will be replaced. Hopefully, the new leaders will have some common sense and worry about their people instead of wasting resources for a one day killing spree against Israel.. In the meantime, Sinwar days are numbered. Just one mistake by him or someone inside Hamas turns on him and he is history. Like Osama bin Laden, it just a matter of time.
Nice slide into a bunch of gibberish. Are there just certain things you have to repeat regardless of if it fits into the conversation?
everybody is a terrorist including school-children and ambulance drivers
freakin terrorists
all you have to say is WHAT
yall boys need to man up
stupid leftys are freakin stupid and
stupid rightys are even more stupid.
welcome to the New American Centurary
Check out Drudge Report! The sh-t is about to hit the fan, in the entire M.E.!
Iran is about to go ballistic against ISRAHELL!
Trita P:
Following Netanyahu's DC trip, we've seen:
– US resumes attacks against Iraqi militias
– US moves ships to the Med
– Israel assassinates Hezbollah's #2, Hamas's political leader, and IRGC commander in Syria within 24h
This is why regional leaders believe Biden is in on this.