On Monday, the White House ruled out the idea of resuming negotiations related to Iran’s civilian nuclear program despite the election of a new president who seeks a revival of the Iran nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA, which the Trump administration tore up in 2018.
On the campaign trail, President-elect Masoud Pezeshkian, considered a reformist in Iranian politics, vowed to work toward Western sanctions relief and favors the idea of engaging directly with the US.
Trita Parsi, executive vice president of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, has noted that Iran seeking direct negotiations with the US in the context of another Trump presidency is a significant shift in Tehran’s policy. But it’s unlikely Pezeshkian will have a willing partner in negotiations since the White House has ruled out talks and a second Trump administration is not expected to soften its stance on Iran.
“We’re not in a position where we’re willing to get back to the negotiating table with Iran just based on the fact that they’ve elected a new president,” White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters.
Both Kirby and State Department spokesman Matt Miller have said they don’t expect a change in Iran’s policies as a result of the election. “We have no expectation that this election will lead to a fundamental change in Iran’s direction or its policies,” Miller said.
Amid regional escalations sparked by Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza, the US and Iran have held indirect talks in Oman to avoid direct war. But there’s no sign the US has any interest in pursuing negotiations that could lead to any kind of sanctions relief.
Genocide Joe – senile and hawkish at the same time – probably still thinks we're in the Cold War – a terrible and dangerous combination. And no, I haven't forgotten you campaign pledges to restart to Iran Nuclear Deal and end the trade war. Lifelong liar in chief.
(Sadly, I don't the Orange Liar is much better)
Genocide Joe – senile and hawkish at the same time – probably still thinks we're in the Cold War – a terrible and dangerous combination. And no, I haven't forgotten you campaign pledges to restart to Iran Nuclear Deal and end the trade war. Lifelong liar in chief.
(Sadly, I don't the Orange Liar is much better)
Of course not, America no longer has a diplomatic corp.
The US has the Department of Defense and the Department of War (AKA known as the State Department).
FJB and POS obama!
Here is the difference with Obama. Obama sought for agreements with opponents and even enemies. Biden is too whatever to follow Obama.
Obama presided over the machinations in Ukraine which led to a coup there. He's as guilty of carrying out the Hegemon's agenda as the rest of them.
Obama was a very loyal and successful Wall St. house-hand.
Silly Iranians….believing that USA wants anything but continued conflict.
Of course, it's an election year, and neither Trump nor Biden will want to be seen as being 'soft on Iran' even though diplomacy is our best shot at smoothing things over. I suppose it's just as well, though; most Americans seem to think that Iranian history started in 1979 with the US Embassy hostage crisis and they don't care to think past that one incident. I guarantee you, though, the Iranians haven't forgotten how the US has dealt with them in the past. Frankly, I'm surprised any of their leaders are open to deal negotiations of any kind with us.
I fully concur John, fully.
The most incompetent, ignorant, clueless executive branch I have had the displeasure to bear witness to in my 80 years on this planet – bar none.
If a third party/independent candidate is elected… there is a chance…!
A new President of Iran is irrelevant. The problem was never Iran.
The problem was AIPAC. It still is.
But Adm. Kirby and Matt Miller are both AIPAC spokesmen.
Of course they do… Biden never wanted to rejoin the JCPOA, that was nonsense from the get-go as I pointed out EVERY DAMN DAY those negotiations were ongoing back in 2020.
I suppose now we'll have to go through the same thing because Iran wants to reopen them. Sigh…
Hardly. They've got two wars to make requiring some pretense of consent manufacturing, fanciful (failed) planning and funding (charged to great-great grandchildren assuming they manage to leave a live 3rd planet from the sun, not to worry the MICIMATT get their gold up front) of insufficient to nonexistent resources and construction of a salable provocation with at best delusional minds of dubitable intellect and the exact same proximity to wisdom as DC, I mean Tel Aviv, to NGC 5011C.
Of course not, we're going to war with Iran. I get confused, I don't remember which Zionist God of War flipped a coin with which other Zionist God of War to determine whether Don Netty or Brain-Dead Biden were to start the war, but it's definitely on before the fall elections get rollin'
But then as I said I do get confused, maybe they flipped a coin to determine if Tel Aviv was dropping a nuke on Tehran or DC a nuke on Moscow. Smh or vice versa ???
So Many War Opportunities, So Many Billionaires to Be Made
These United States of Israel is a warfare state, its raison d'etre.
You got that right, let's chant it together …
The past 30 years’ indoctrination's been the essential dehumanizing, demoralizing, and deconstructing required of healthy human minds and bodies diminished to the physical, mental and emotional dimensions required of permanent residence in the USI-Atlantic/Pacific Occupation Bloc. Winners All! Not rags expelled to the 21st century’s irreversible greyscape of crumbling melting concrete and tar jungles and ravaging post-human mongrels.
Be-spectacled old Benji's looking down from the wherever-be-the-hereafter shaking his thin-haired old noggin & muttering to himself "They didn’t just Not Keep It – they Threw It All Away …. Purposefully …. Threw It All-l-l Away …. All Away .. Away .. away”
And we did. Believing by every wanton, flashy, excessive-compulsive act of plastic-island-building, land-filling, keeping-up-with-the-Joneses useless & needless consumption we’d proven Individualized Americans. Thereby assured if sans scruples, morality, and conscience with a little good luck and enough bad acts to rise-by-wits to the elite-by-birth {fill-in-the-blank}-Supremacist, Militaristic, Bridge-Moving, Carbon-Exchanging, Fingers-Stilled, Piggi-archist rank endowed by the Great Capitalist Gods entitled to Rule the World.
Yes you’ve captured it, Jill, except ni Franklin ni Am. Independance deserve your regard. The former was whoring for the elite in his lying representations to Whitehall re the American contribution to British wealth, and Jeffeerson’s Declaration was a shyster’s specious bill of grievances against the Crown, again at the behest of the Virginia ‘Patriot’ elite.
Lol, trying to crush are you the last vestiges of pride and love an old woman’s managed to hold, in an a ever weakening grasp, of her country? Impossible, I sing the same tune, but mine has a verse where our founding fathers, with all their failings, forever remain on short pedestals, many that came after can burn in hellfire and for the late moderns and postmoderns were I to pray it would be for that entirely for them, not near a just reward but beyond my indelible disgust and distain all I can offer.
Our founders changed the world, they made it a promise if only in imaginings if little reality, a promise, and a challenge, of equality and justice for all. Our founders will always have those that accepted that promise and it’s challenge. They will always have some free-thinking Americans and they will always have Ho Chi Minh and all the oppressed who’s revolutionaries admired and were inspired by our founders and bettered the world of their people.
On September 2, 1945, Ho Chi Minh proclaimed the independent Democratic Republic of Vietnam in Hanoi’s Ba Dinh square; his Declaration began thusly:
“All men are created equal. They are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among them are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."
This immortal statement was made in the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America in 1776. In a broader sense, this means: All the peoples on the earth are equal from birth, all the peoples have a right to live, to be happy and free.
The Declaration of the French Revolution made in 1791 on the Rights of Man and the Citizen also states: “All men are born free and with equal rights, and must always remain free and have equal rights.”
Those are undeniable truths.”
He cribbed it from Rousseau without attribution … not bothering to think of his own slaves’ inalienable rights, and even including among the grievances the effort of the Crown to block the further importation of slaves..
Both Kirby and State Department spokesman Matt Miller have said they don’t expect a change in Iran’s policies as a result of the election. “We have no expectation that this election will lead to a fundamental change in Iran’s direction or its policies,” Miller said.
Whereas we will continue to support the direction and policies of the apartheid practicing Israeli's who are presently in the process of carrying out genocide/ethnic cleansing/collective punishment on the Palestinians in Gaza and to a lesser degree in the West Bank. Plus we are willing to get in bed with the Saudis who make Iran look like a model of Jeffersonian democracy.
That would be a waste of time since Wash. has plans to attack Iran to keep those AIPAC goodies coming. And, I'm sure Bibi 'just said no' and Wash. obeys its master.