US Warns Dual Citizens Will Be Stuck in Ukraine Under Mobilization Law

Ukrainian men ages 18-60 with American citizenship cannot leave

On Tuesday, the US Embassy in Ukraine issued a warning to US-Ukrainian dual citizens that they may no longer be able to leave Ukraine under the country’s new mobilization law.

Under martial law that was imposed in February 2022, Ukrainian males ages 18 to 60 cannot leave the country. Before the new mobilization law took effect, there were exceptions for dual US-Ukrainian nationals, but now they can be forced to stay.

“The US Embassy in Kyiv understands that, effective June 1, Ukraine has eliminated a ‘residence abroad’ exception that previously allowed certain Ukrainian males aged 18 to 60 to depart the country. After this change, US-Ukrainian dual citizens, including those who live in the United States, may no longer be able to depart the country,” the US Embassy said.

The Embassy said it was “limited in our ability to influence Ukrainian law, including the application of martial law and the mobilization law to Ukrainian citizens” and advised any dual US-Ukrainian nationals that are in the country to “shelter in place and obey all local orders.”

The Embassy continued, “If you are not currently in Ukraine, we strongly recommend against all travel to Ukraine by US citizen males aged 18 to 60 who also have Ukrainian citizenship or a claim to Ukrainian citizenship and who do not wish to stay in Ukraine indefinitely. There is an extremely high risk you will not be allowed to depart, even with a US passport.”

Ukraine is facing significant manpower shortages and is taking extreme measures to fill its ranks, including pressuring Ukrainian men living abroad to come back by cutting consular services. Ukraine’s parliament also recently passed a bill that allows prisoners, including murderers, to volunteer to join the military.

Author: Dave DeCamp

Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.