The Biden administration made clear on Tuesday that the Israeli bombing of a tent camp in Rafah that killed 45 displaced Palestinians, including many women and children, would not change US support for Israel.
Both the White House and the State Department claimed Israeli operations in Rafah are not the “full-scale” assault that the US claims it would oppose even as Israeli tanks push further into the city, and the UN says around one million Palestinians have fled Rafah.
“We still don’t believe that a major ground operation in Rafah is warranted. We still don’t want to see the Israelis, as we say, smash into Rafah with large units over large pieces of territory. We still believe that, and we haven’t seen that at this point,” White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said. “As a result of this strike on Sunday, I have no policy changes to speak to.”
Brutal scenes from the Sunday night massacre surfaced online, outraging the world, including video of a headless child and charred bodies being pulled out of the fire caused by the Israeli strike. When asked how many charred corpses would be enough to make President Biden change his policy, Kirby said he was offended by the question.
“We don’t want to see a single more innocent life taken,” Kirby claimed. “And I kind of take a little offense at the question.”
Israel claimed it didn’t mean to kill civilians in the strike and called it a “tragic mistake,” but the Israeli announcement has been met with much skepticism since the Israeli military has been slaughtering civilians throughout the past seven months.
In an analysis for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, author Amira Hass said the Israeli announcement could only be issued to “consumers of the same [Israeli] media that for seven months has been hiding the unbearably difficult figures and photographs of toddlers who were killed or injured in every Israeli strike on the Gaza Strip.”
The US has backed Israel’s claims about the strike, including the claim that it killed two Hamas officials responsible for activity in the West Bank. On Monday, the White House said Israel had the “right” to target Hamas in Rafah, a direct repudiation of the International Court of Justice’s ruling that Israel must halt its assault on the city.
Sad how biden totally supports genocide. At this point, its not just the Israelis genocide anymore, clearly this is also America’s genocide. The 2 nations are now almost indistinguishable from each other. 23,ooo u.s. citizens in the idf, congress is considering giving them u.s. millitary benifits. The majority of weapons are American, they say exactly the same lies. Biden is taking away the freedom of protests and beating up students to protect israeli/American lies. America allows israel to starve Palestinians too. So many war crimes committed, the red line got crossed 6 months ago. Millionaire Nutcases ruining the world, killing with no consequences, won’t be long and we’ll be next, living real life hand maids tale.
Agreed – at some point, US officials will be indicted for war crimes. (Supporting Genocide with weapons etc.)It might take a decade, but the trials will certainly happen.
One might also consider Universities supporting genocide might eventually have their endowments seized.
I have my doubts, Shrub and Darth Cheney are still walking free, flying around the world charging six figures for making public speeches.
I had to think for a moment whom “Shrub” is.
I had to think for a moment whom “Shrub” is.
Not with “no consequences.” Some folks are taking matters into their own hands and discovering that the occupation forces are weak against bullets. . .
The hapless Nahals got throughly thrashed yesterday in an booby trapped house.
They don’t do so well against people who shoot back
No but they are damn good at bombing tent cities.
The Rethugs reelected a blatant war criminal 20 years ago, now the Democrats want their turn to do the same thing.
Our democracy is broken.
Obama was also.
No number of bodies will change the mind of Genocide Joe, a walking cadaver himself.
Nor a decapitated baby.
The reason the West “accepts” these horrors is they can do nothing about them. The perpetrators can get away with it. Most people condemn Hamas understanding that Hamas is a resistance organization. Hatred and desire for revenge builds up in the hearts of observers. When this explodes people like Blinken and Biden will play the victim.
“They can do nothing about them”? How about not supplying the bombs and money?
They’re not going to do that. I did the math already.
There is no universe in which US politicians would do that. And yes, I took a lot of medications to do the math.
Of course they are not going to do that. Biden and the security state is/are invested in the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestinians. It’s the devious plan of imperialistic expansion in the middle east.
Hamas was supported by Israel. So, it’s not entirely organic.
“US Says Rafah Massacre Won’t Change Its Support for Israel” Sorry, I disagree. It’s going to increase our support. I don’t know why you ignore me when I tell you that we really don’t care. (Yes. That’s the truth–not sarcasm. And yes, the truth hurts.)
Right on cue, after the ICJ ruling and demand that Israel stop the carnage, Israel steps up the pace and drops 2,000 pound bombs on people sleeping in tents. The Zionists in Israel are telling the world, “f*ck you, we are doing what we want and you cannot stop us, so, ha, ha.”
I rather feel, as a citizen and tax payer, I should have a right to say how our tax dollars are spent and that will definitely influence me, in terms of how I vote in our next elections. I will not support anyone, who supports Israel’s barbarous war crimes, or rather… Potential crimes against humanity, which makes things a tad ironic, given what Jews have suffered. I say this simply because my husband is a Jew and a truly good man,who would never support any country committing such crimes. He believes in peace, especially as a Vet. from Vietnam….
When Trump wins, the horses asses will finally realize being a slightly less rabid Zionist is no path to victory. It’s the only way to get meaningful choices.
I see no reason to believe that Trump will be “slightly less rabid.” He never allows himself to be topped when it comes to Teh Krazy. He’ll almost certainly be like “Joe — hold my beer.”
Doesn’t matter. Throw out the bum in office, and keep throwing out the bums in office. It is the only choice we are given.
I am afraid this will NOT work. We will wake up in an Argentina-like nightmare. And there will be no way to fix anything by voting. Trump is getting more bizzare by the day. He just anounced that he will bomb Moscow and Beijing. If Russia takes over Ukraine and China takes over Taiwan. Lovely! It nevet occured to him and his intoxicated cult that those are the countries that can make bombs rain on our cities.
I think an AI animated un-dead like Biden may be preferred under circimumstances.
It is very tempting to throw out everything, and baby with the bathwater — but it may cause serious problems.
I thought he was very good as a wrecking ball — but he is turning into a meteor that can extingguish life on earth.
He may be pushed into war. And this seems to be Israel’s plan. Once a global war starts, nobody will care about Palestinians and Gaza.
Insightful. Yes Trump says some really crazy and frightening stuff, but he is also an isolationist. Biden rattles the sabre more soberly with Russia and China, but means it. We may be a banana Republic after 4 more years of Trump. We may all be dead after 1 more year of Biden. Our empire must fall as all eventually do. The sooner the better.
Trump is becoming crazier, but he has been calmer in the past. Trump might be closer to senility and more easily influenced than before.
I really am sick after his latest comments on bombing Russia and China. I guess it’s Trumpian, but I don’t like it. I mean, maybe it fits in somehow with an application that is more cautious; but someone needs to tell him about Calvin Coolidge.
Trump claimed he has a spot for Nikki Haley in his administration. She thought it was cute to sign bombs with “finish them” and her signature.
And BTW, the bomb used to kill people, women, children and the elderly, in a “safe zone” in tents, was made in the US. Remnants reveal this.
The only path to peace is to lay a good portion of blame on Hamas and its supporters,release all hostages,and then let Israel leave Gaze.
For 75 years or more. Palestinians have been blamed for everything non-stop due the overwhelming, deliberate and highly successful misinformation, disinformation, omission and commission campaign by Israel and its supporters . There thousands of Palestinians held hostages in Israeli detention centers and prisons some for years. Israel will never leave Gaza willingly. The Plan to take over Gaza was put in long before the seventh of October 2023. Israel is a genocidal apartheid expansionist state.
Netanyahu was a supporter of Hamas until October 7th.
The only path to peace is to…release all hostages,and then let Israel leave Gaze.”
1/ The Israel govt cares nothing about hostages:
Why true hostage supporters are demonstrating;
and why Israel rejects an exchange of hostages for permanent ceasefire.
2/ Israel’s main declared goal is ‘destroy Hamas.’
As it says constantly.
And as has been pointed out to you:
“Israel will complete the elimination of Hamas’ brigades, including in…Rafah, and nothing will prevent this…Netanyahu said….” (Reuters 4/9)
3/ So “Path to peace” is return of hostages? Making up crap as usual, gross Trump asslick.
The basic method of “throw the bums out” is meant to keep throwing them out until finally a decent choice becomes possible.
The argument that the other guy is worse is just to stop us from throwing a bum out. We mustn’t give in, no matter who the new bum might be. Keep throwing them out.
Same for the next one, until finally a good one is offered.
Vote Cthulhu. Why vote for the lesser evil? Worse is better if it creates a reaction.
I have a Cthulhu 2024 t-shirt.
You need to read a few of the articles today over at Consortium News.
ok, I did. This one made my point better than I did:
The oppressed have become the oppressors.
Orwell is not merely rolling in his grave; he’s spinning like a top at the speed of light ☠️.
Saying, “I warned you”, while weeping………………….
Someone should hook up a generator to him, he could probably power all of London.
I wonder how much makeup it takes to conceal the brown stain on Kirby’s lips.
Kiby doesn’t want ONE more innocent death but as long as Israel doesn’t scorch more than 45 innocents to death at any particular time, they can carry on. And he says that shit out loud. Talk about hopeless.
I’m sure you also caught the “I kind of take a little offense at the question” … what a f-ing piece of work this fool is.
I noticed the words “kind of” and a “little” (offense). Now if someone asked me something that I actually took offense to, I wouldn’t have used those words. Makes it seem as though he knew he was full of shit when he said it and didn’t want to sound too adamant about it actually offending him. In reality, he can’t possibly believe the shit that pours out of his mouth.
The entire Biden administration and its companions in the legislative branch are a dark stain on America.
We are not merely sliding into the abyss. We are far beyond that point. The opening to the abyss is out of sight far above us.
When murdering children is acceptable – if only to enhance one’s chances for reelection – we are lost with no prospect of redemption.
This country has been going down the drain since Reagan wa elected. It just is taking a little longer then it will despite some really bad decisions in Congress and SCOTUS as well as a series of ignorant Presidents.
You seem to imply that Biden is doing this to gain a few votes. How about he is helpless and Israel controls his advisors?
He should’ve said, “I resemble that remark”.
The esteemed spokesperson doesn’t like seeing even one death but his boss is apparently powerless to stop the killing.
Well, Dan Berrigan said this about agency in mass murder during an even bloodier imperial colonist war in Vietnam:
“Can any of you place before you a single child, smiling squirming in your arms; and say the death of this child is a fact of modern war; I accede to that death. I regret it of course; but what can one do? We have to destroy in order to save; villages, women, children. The system traps us all . . .
The system; horrible word! Can the system trap the conscience of a free man? Traps are for animals; freedom is for men. I cannot speak for you but I will not wait upon Caesar to instruct me in God’s word. I am a man. I can read:
If a man will save his life, let him lose it.
If a man will save his life, let him lose it.
I say to you, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.
Whatever you do to the least of these my brothers, you do to me.”
The ugly American is reincarnated.
Anyone who claims Biden isn’t a liar is themselves a liar.
Listen to this Rabbi in South Africa.
Chief Rabbi in South Africa speaks: A religious man (?) alleging that the ICJ ruling goes against Israel having the right to “defend itself”. Switching to Kirby now, it is laughable that he takes offense at the reporter’s question to him about the concern for the “charred bodies” left in the wake of the “tragic mistake” of the inferno of the Rafah refugee tent city, in which 45 died, more than 200 injured, a decapitated baby one of the victims.
Someone might inform the Rabbi:
Genocide isn’t self-defense
Holocaust bad but…. Massacres are okay with old Joey B.?……
True, but Trump is no better.
US Americans who support the Jewish state of Israel are as barbaric as Israelis.
Some of them don’t understand what’s going on.
Propaganda is very effective, we humans are what we are.
Duh. Again, zero surprise. In fact, I'm getting bored. Until the Axis of Resistance decides to move decisively, every day is just going to be more of the same: Israelis slaughter Palestinians, the US and the EU go along, everyone else bitches and moans but does nothing because they can do nothing. Because they have zero control over their governments – which is the nature of the state.
And almost no one can think out of the box. So get used to this. This is going to be a long war. By the end, another million or so people throughout the Middle East will die. But at the end, Israel will no longer exist and the US will be gone from the Middle East.
Joe Biden, a professed Zionist, fits perfectly the Washington DC definition of an “honest politician“, i.e. “a politician who once bought, stays bought“.
Israel claimed it didn’t mean to kill civilians in the strike and called it a “tragic mistake,”….
Yeah, a tragic mistake just like the bombing of the U.S S. Liberty.
“Reporter: How many more charred corpses does he have to see before he considers a change in policy
Kirby: I take offense at the question.”
Well, I take offense at the charred bodies.
The Resistance Generation has already been set Worldwide… No matter what US says…!
It is abundantly clear that Biden has no control over Israel. Israel controls the actions in Gaza and Biden makes excuses why it does not cross his latest red line. Not even with Russians have I seen such helplessness.
If Israel would not be controlling the situation, Biden would at least do something, just to show who is the boss.
Israel is controlling our government.
All he can do is feign offense. He has no shame to finance the charring.
That’s why I believe Israel has leg room to murder 500 thousands more people and still get away with it.
“Reporter: How many more charred corpses does [Biden] have to see before he considers a change in policy
Kirby: I take offense at the question.”
‘Ewwwwww…You beastly man! “Charred corpses“?…I avert my nose at the mere repugnant idea! Next question…’