The General Assembly voted in favor of a resolution that says Palestine is qualified to join the UN. The US and a handful of allies were the only nations to object to the measure. To receive full membership status, Palestine must get approval from the UN Security Council, where Washington’s veto has prevented Ramallah from passing the vote.
On Friday, the General Assembly voted 143-9-25 in favor of Palestine becoming a full member. As only the UN Security Council can grant membership, Friday’s vote determined that Palestine was qualified to become a member and recommended that the UNSC take that step.
The UNSC is dominated by its five permanent members, the US, UK, France, China, and Russia. Any of those states can veto any resolution. Last month, Washington vetoed a motion that would have granted membership to Palestine.
An earlier draft of the resolution granted Palestine “the rights and privileges necessary to ensure its full and effective participation,” including the right to vote. Additionally, it would have placed Ramallah “on equal footing with member states.” However, that language was removed before the vote because of objections from the US, Russia, and China.
The final resolution that passed does allow Palestine to speak on all issues, the right to propose agenda items and reply in debates, the right to be elected as officers in the assembly’s main committees, and it gives the Palestinians the right to involvement at UN conferences.
A US diplomat said Washington would not support Palestinian membership until Israel gives its approval. US Deputy Ambassador to the UN Robert Wood said before the vote, “We have said from the beginning the best way to ensure Palestinian full membership in the UN is to do that through negotiations with Israel. That remains our position.”
Wood said that the vast majority of the UN General Assembly supporting Palestinian membership will not alter Washington’s position. “This resolution does not resolve the concerns about the Palestinian membership application raised in April in the Security Council.” He added, “Should the Security Council take up the Palestinian membership application as a result of this resolution, there will be a similar outcome.”
In a fiery speech before the vote, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan compared the Palestinians to Hitler and Nazis, then fed a copy of the UN Charter through a paper shredder. “You have opened up the United Nations to modern-day Naziism. It makes me sick,” he said.
Kyle Anzalone is the opinion editor of, news editor of the Libertarian Institute, and co-host of Conflicts of Interest.
“ It makes me sick,” he said.
“GOOD!” says I.
Deathly ill would be best.
Zionism is a disease!
Zionists are a bunch of self righteous supporters of serial killers and mass murderers.
Not to mention stealers of whole countries e.g. Palestine & they have their clepto eyes on Lebanon, Syria, Iraq & Jordan soon to become part of Israel.
Plus another chunk of Syria.
Plus the US Congress.
The Likudnik version of ‘From the River to the Sea’ are the headwaters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and the Red Sea, the phantasmagorical Empire of King Solomon (for whom no archeological evidence has **ever** been found, in the most intensely excavated area on Earth).
Zionists are contaminated pieces of spineless, brainless turd. All western so-called democratic governments are just that.
142 countries already recognize the State of Palestine
Question? Where do these 142 countries put their Palestine Embassies?
In buildings, For example, the Palestinian embassy in Egypt is at 24 Al Nahda Street in Cairo, and the one in Mexico is at Avenida Paseo de la Reforma 2621 in Mexico City. And so on and so forth.
Without getting bombed by the occupying power ?
The. UN is rigged to give Israel a (U.S.) veto and all the IAEA NUCLEAR MEMBERS. What the non-nuclear bomb World Wants be damned. Probably the best way to peacefully break this Zionist logjam is at the IAEA. If they declare a Israel a rogue nuclear state it will bring lots of pressure to cut off the illegal U.S. funding & jolt the BDS movement toward great leap forward. Time to end the ambiguity scam and bring honesty into the IAEA and related U.N. bodies!!!
The IAEA is not a UN body. It does report on matters to the UN but is governed by its own charter.
Why are people antisemitic…..Duh…???? Perhaps. 30,000 dead, 70% women & children is a turn off for some people. I myself refuse to become anti semitic because too many Jews became Zionists. Just as I refuse to as I refuse to become anti-German because too many Germans became Nazis. Both the Germans and the. Jews took a lot of abuse prior to their embrace of those hateful ideologies. Still, there is no excuse, justification, or forgiveness for murder of the innocent and Genocide. Those instrumental in such crimes need to be tried and punished as was done to the Nazis at Nuremberg.
Duh, Hamas started this waro n Oct 7,committing numerous war crimes. These criminals are being hunted down.
Duh, Hamas started this waro n Oct 7,committing numerous war crimes. These criminals are being hunted down.
And Israel made those war crimes look timid in comparison to what war crimes Israel has committed over the last 7 months.
Well at least you finally understand that what Hamas did was a crime.
There are war crimes in every war. I didn’t finally understand anything. And I understand fully who has committed the vast majority of them in this war and it isn’t Hamas.
It is absurd for the current nuclear states to deny the right of other countries to go nuclear. Why is Pakistan,let us say more entitled than Israel? Who is to say that Japan should not do the same?
Wow. Coming from you? How about Iran?
In 1948 Israeli got the world’s sympathy including the Soviet Union & a United Nations vote. The as$a$sination of Yitzhak Rabin took place on November 4, 1995, following a mass peace rally in Tel Aviv. You all tell me about Religion — Today: “You Reap what you sow. I am in a mood, I read an article of a 1968 radical who was in the J3wish Voice For Peace who is telling the Columbia University kids they are making some of same mistakes his generation did
Like what?
An icon of the counterculture movement in the ’60s and ’70s, former fugitive Mark Rudd has been avidly watching the Gaza encampments and pro-Palestinian activists on U.S. campuses, and is worried about their ‘moral purity’ and ‘blurred line between violence and nonviolence’
Most of the violence was instigated by counter protesters or police.
And WTF is “moral purity”?
Agreeing with the bourgeoisie and its ideological and repressive state apparatuses.
I mean…you know, we can’t be too outraged with Jeffrey Dahmer because Charles Manson also murdered people, he’s not uniquely evil. What kind of rationale is that?
Is there right and wrong? Does it matter?
Defense is not slaughtering all of your neighbors.
Did the apartheid regime have “a right to defend” itself? Hitler’s Germany?
Chris Hedges compared the Hamas attack to the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
Yes, I saw that.
Nelson Mandela was considered a terrorist by the US until 2008.
Mandela on Palestine
Nelson Mandela Speaking on Palestine
These debates on violence on the left don’t lend themselves to soundbites and are centuries old (Marat, Robespierre, Russian populism, Blanqui, Sorel, Cesaire, Fanon, Gandhi, Che, Ho, Mao, the Black liberation movement here, etc etc etc). Most of the current discussion IMO are superficial, puerile and/or empire-derived BS, though Finkelstein’s got a serious approach (Nat Turner e.g.).
Gabor Mate is excellent too. He has a gentler, but very direct, approach.
Adding: He is also a survivor of the Holocaust as a baby. And Finkelstein’s parents were survivors as well.
Not at all.Universities have a right to make the rules at their campuses. Taking over buildings,denying others free speech,or denying others the right to walk on the campus, forcing them into a corner cannot and should not be tolerated.
Israel was born out of violence and has continued to use violence to achieve its objectives. The powerful always lectured the powerless, the oppressors always demanded the oppressed , the occupiers always told the occupied to give up their struggle for independence and renounce violence while they have always maintained and used violence to control and dominate those under their control.
The country was born of violence because it was invaded by 5 neighboring countries. The Gaza war is going on because of the Hamas pogrom.
I just read what he said. The protests have been nonviolent but he disagrees in a sense that Hamas had a right to attack Israel, which protesters may believe, as they are occupied. But in the next breath he states they aren’t Hamas supporters. So?
He wants them to feel sorry for Israel because it’s not uniquely evil. He’s all over the place.
Peaceful protests in Israel never got Palestinians anywhere except randomly shot.
BTW, Yitzhak Rabin’s wife blamed Netanyahu for his murder. He did not want peace or any negotiations.
The Daily Beast or other link?
Haaretz- do you have a sub? I don’t but from the sub-head he said something vy diff to the Daily Beast, for example, “These protesters are more careful not to blur the line between violence and non-violence. As far as I know, they are completely non-violent.”
He’s all over the place.
The Haaretz article I linked is on msn, and in English, not paywalled.
Ask the young woman beaten unconscious o the UCLA campus. Agitators will provoke violence,and then whine and cry.
Mark has always been ambiguous about this issue. But he is just one voice among the militants of that era. He is certainly not an “icon” of them. This take is very Todd Gitlinesque. If you want to have some fun and laughs, look back over Alex Cockburn’s running commentaries on Gitlin.
A previous article featuring him, quoted him as saying the kids are smarter than they were.
I don’t think it’s a matter of who’s being smarter. It’s a matter of who is being more revolutionary.
I just was illustrating his vacillations. One minute they are making the same mistakes, another they are smarter.
100% agree.
I’d like to read that article about the mistakes the 60’s Antiwar movement made, is there a link?
When there was a peace movement with Arafat agreeing to recognize Israel with Rabin, Netanyahu was pushing against the terms and sided with the hard right calling for Rabin’s death:
They knew what they were getting. The zionist state is a product of social engineering having gone very, very wrong.
The indoctrination is one of generational trauma passed down. I can’t recommend this talk with Dr Mate enough:
Gaza Besieged, Jews Divided, & a World in Pain: Gabor, Aaron, & Daniel Maté in Conversation
And an essay by Naomi Klein:
We need an exodus from Zionism
Naomi Klein
Thanks for the links, I saw Naomi’s speech at last month’s ‘Seder in the Streets’ in Brooklyn, she was wonderful and her speech powerful, I’ll enjoy reading it. Have seen some of Gabor & Daniel’s work, not this with the 3 of them, I’m looking forward to watching it.
But the indoctrination I was referring to is specific to some American jewish children attending Jewish schools explored in the film Israelism and how they’re trained from childhood to be advocates and activists for the state of Israel. It focuses on two American jews, Simone Zimmerman, co-founder of If Not Now, and Eitan (no last name) who joined the IDF after high school and their transformation meeting Palestinians and visiting Gaza. I found the Hillel scenes, Jewish campus org in most US colleges, of young US & Israeli jews, their vulnerabilities so apparent were particularly compelling.
Guardian Review:
Al Jazeera: Zimmerman and her co-director discuss the film
I haven’t seen the film, but the Mates and Greenwald touch upon it.
Dr Mate ties the element of inherited (passed down, repeated) trauma as a basis for its effectiveness, if you will.
In my opinion, like all indoctrination, it is most effective if it can trigger a weakness or perceived need and provide a solution. Much like product advertising .
The continual repetition that members of their religion are eternally abused “victims”, that everyone is out to get them, that they’re hated because they’re so much better than everyone else, etc. can be a very powerful force when drummed into children’s heads year after year. It’s one of several things that make the Chabad organization so thoroughly vile and extremely dangerous.
And in the service of empire and imperialism.
This same parlor trick mindfuck has been drilled into US citizens’ brains from cradle to grave: we are most moral, a shining beacon, a force for good and freedom, we must assert our will across the globe.
We must impose “freedom and democracy” everywhere, at gunpoint if necessary. Unfortunately people have been hoodwinked into thinking “freedom and democracy” equal unfettered capitalism. China knows that its social model wouldn’t necessarily work everywhere, and long ago learned not to try to impose it on other peoples. Unfortunately the US seems intent on teaching its citizens that our model is the only valid one for everyone everywhere and that if they don’t automatically accept it then we must force it on them. I suppose it makes resource wars easier to justify.
They have turned countries into ruins. It’s not about “our model”. We welcome totalitarianism, dictators, etc., provided they accept being under control of empire. Making our enemies, in economic and hegemonic fights, their enemies, and handing over their precious resources to the tippy top of empire wealth.
The “fight for democracy” is cover for aggressive theft and money laundering.
Chabad is an organization that reaches out to other Jews-nothing more and nothing less. It it wrong for a Christian organization. to strengthen their ties to their faith? As far as believing that they are better than everyone else-where did you get that idea-if you don’t like the bible-don’t read it.
So either you know nothing about Chabad, or you’re back to your regular program of lying about everything.
The Zionist state is a product of classic European and Islamic antisemitism,and the failure of the world to allow for assimilation. The “zionist state” exists because its people were driven there.
Well, yes because of European antisemitism, that has a long and extremely horrible history, and it is rooted in the history of Christianity, from the earliest proto Catholic church onward.
But you will find no animosity between Zionists and actual antisemites, like for example Christian Zionists, the prime inheretors of medieval Christian antisemitism – who just need the Jews to gather in Israel to die collectively as a vehicle to reach their promised Apocalypse. The Israeli in return just regard them as useful idiots. Which of course they are.
But the history of Zionist nationalism is a bit more convoluted than just a reaction to European antisemitism. Your last sentence is just sheer nonsense altogether.
During WW II, neither the free European countries,nor the US, or Cuba accepted any refugees. During the creation of the state of Israel,the Arab world expelled 750,000 Jews whose ancestors had lived there since before the birth of Jesus. Facts.
Oh, good grief, do you really feel compelled to lie about **EVERYTHING**? Damn, there is something really wrong with you.
The noble and just free State of Israel was a product of hope for freedom and safety.
The zionist state is a product of the human desire for freedom.
the lowdown 34
I had to look at the vote results with trepidation, but Canada “only” Abstained. Is there such a thing as a “half-scummy” move ?
At least it wasn’t a No vote, that we’d have if the federal Conservatives take out next election. They’ll take the “half-” out of it.
I found the Abstained votes more interesting than the No votes, since the latter were mostly pretty predictable. Not only Canada but Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Austria, Netherlands, Czechia, Bulgaria, Romania, Paraguay, Lithuania and Latvia. Fiji, the Marshall Islands, and Vanuatu also rather bravely abstained. The big surprises, to me at least, were the UK and Ukraine. Interestingly neither Ecuador nor Venezuela voted at all.
Countries are getting braver at giving the US the middle finger, which can only be a good development.
I disagree that there was anything “brave” about abstaining. More like too cowardly to piss off the US while hoping the no’s will feel their wrath.
A true free and fair Palestinian State is the best way to make peace in the region and about time as well.
The US should look on the bright side. They might be able to arm the Palestinians, in addition to Israel. “Always look on the bright side of life!”
Never going to happen because the Zionist don`t want two states .
As the US has clearly demonstrated and continues to demonstrate in the UN they are neither in favor of a two state solution. We can safely toss the sanctimonious rhetoric out of the window.
As the US now facilitates and assists in genocide, with ample deliberation, we can pretty much remove the veil of ignorance about what the US thinks the Endlösung should be: industrial mass murder.
Only every American President since Clinton tried.
That is the Zionist way I guess. These Zionist would tie a Palestinian kid on the hood of their armored car while accusing Hamas of using human shields. I have no reason to doubt that it just doesn’t occur to them. This is the extent to which these people are indoctrinated. They honestly don’t see through their own lies anymore.
The PLO would paint a star of David on a donkey’s back and urge people to beat it. Arafat told his people that he would get what he could not,and take the rest later. It takes a good deal of indoctrination for a rapist to stab his victim has he rapes her,then after she is dead, obliterate her face with 30 rounds from an AK-47. Schools that teach kids to count dead Jews.
“It takes a good deal of indoctrination for a rapist to stab his victim has he rapes her,then after she is dead, obliterate her face with 30 rounds from an AK-47.”
Geez, this is a new one. Did this happen before or after the 40 babies were beheaded? Or are you making shit up to deflect from the real atrocities like starving people to death?
And the Arabs want one Judenrein state.
That’s the Hasbara talking point. Now, the reality is the Zionists want a state that is rein fur Juden, meaning they want no Palestinians or anyone that is not Jewish in their state. That is what Zionism is.
The Zionists first etnically cleansed the land after first stealing it, and then now they ethnically cleanse the land they want to steal.
In the time between they contended themselves with removing the Palestinians visually, systematically and with Eichmannian banality. And then as some dutiful and regular routine go on a murder spree, “mowing the lawn,” as these Zionist fanatics call it.
It is a racist ideology, therefore it is a racist state inherently. And this is why it is such an atrocious entity.
Go-see what Arabs say. Israel has millions of Arab citizens doing well. How many Jews now live in the Arab world-ZERO ZERO ZERO.
Go see what Israel DOES.
Arafat killed any chance of that.
Only Hamas refused to go to Oslo, and they just shot themselves in the foot,er,blew their own feet off with Oct 7. As far as Palestinians-they are humans and deserve self development,but they want all the land,as many Israelis do.
Let’s turn back the clock and say Hamas had aattendfed Oslo. What would the situation be presently? Any different? FUCK NO. Do you want quotes?
Yes-give me quotes.
Go back to when I gave you them the previous multiple times I’ve posted them. Netanyahu made it known who ruined Oslo and who made damn sure there would be no Palestinian state. Him.
Please explain the difference between the concept of the “chosen people” and the concept of the “master race.”
So much for Jeffrey Sachs claims that the UN could make Palestine a state. The UNSC can’t even make them a member. This sort of suggestion is a side-show, not a real solution. The real solution is Israel has to be militarily destroyed and itself occupied, by Hezbollah most likely, probably with assistance from other regional states such as Syria and Iran, then turned over to the Palestinians.
They would have to keep the US from helping Israel out, but if Israelis continue to leave for Europe or the US, there won’t be anyone left to use those weapons. Still, I can’t see the prospects of this happening.
West isolated on this issue.
“ Israel’s United Nations ambassador physically fed a mock copy of the U.N. charter into a shredder to illustrate what he said was the General Assembly’s disregard for the document as delegates voted to advance Palestinian membership to the world body.
The stunt came just before the General Assembly voted overwhelmingly for a resolution asking the Security Council to make Palestine, which has U.N. observer status, into a full member.
A furious Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan, invoking the Holocaust, World War Two and the Oct. 7 Hamas attack, ripped his colleagues for wanting to “advance the establishment of a Palestinian terror state led by
the Hitler of our time.”
She is baaaack!
Liz Cheney joins old foe Trump in public slam of Biden’s latest move in Israel: ‘Wrong and dangerous’
“Withholding aid to Israel is wrong and dangerous. America must not abandon Israel. Doing so would mean victory for Iran and all its terrorist allies,” she wrote.
She’s such a POS
It was disgusting to see normal seemingly-rational people fawn all over her when it looked like she might stand up to Rump for the nomination. More than one person whose opinion I formerly respected called her the prospective “savior of the country”.
While the children of good people sometimes turn bad, it’s exceedingly rare when evil people spawn anything but more evil.
It’s like Bush being reinvented.
She’s essentially her father with better message control (and no record of shooting his friends in the face)(and then making them apologize!)
Ah, common ED! She’s the gift that keeps on giving!
;-} 🤮👹😎
I usually don’t make an empty insult comment, but the shoe fits.
a.i.p.a.c. is the cancer in the u.s. government.
AIDPAC is not apart of the US government
Hi Jake:
In all honesty, you must be able to admit, the far reaching arms and influence exerted by the PAC, indeed any PAC. It is, simply, pervasive.
Was it ok when big oil controlled mideast policy?
It doesn’t have to a part of the US government to be a cancer in the US government.
Hateful myth that “they control everything”.Bull
They don’t control “everything”. But you believe in a bigger myth if you think they don’t have a large amount of influence.
In 1948 Israeli got the world’s sympathy including the Soviet Union & a United Nations vote. The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin took place on November 4, 1995, following a mass peace rally in Tel Aviv. You all tell me Religion Today: “You Reap what you sow. I am in a mood, I read an article of a 1968 radical who was in the Jewish Voice For Peace who is telling the Columbia University kids they are making some of same mistakes his generation did .
In 1948 Israeli got the world’s sympathy including the Soviet Union & a United Nations vote. The as$a$sination of Yitzhak Rabin took place on November 4, 1995, following a mass peace rally in Tel Aviv. You all tell me about Religion — Today: “You Reap what you sow. I am in a mood, I read an article of a 1968 radical who was in the Jewish Voice For Peace who is telling the Columbia University kids they are making some of same mistakes his generation did .
The USSR temporarily supported Israel’s creation because Israel had a very strong steak of socialism at that time.
Thank you for the List Kyle… All the No and Abstain votes are Enemies of Palestinian people… and the thugs of Israel Zionist and US imperialism no matter how you look at it…!
the thugs are Hamas and their ilk.
“Opposing Israel’s butchery in Gaza is so obvious, so common sense, such a bare-minimum, fundamental-level, Being Human 101 position that if it isn’t immediately self-evident to you after learning the basic facts, your problem is much, much deeper than whatever ideology or bias or prejudice you might happen to have. There’s something wrong with you as a person.”
– Caitlin Johnstone
“Opposing Israel’s butchery in Gaza is so obvious, so common sense, such a bare-minimum, fundamental-level, Being Human 101 position that if it isn’t immediately self-evident to you after learning the basic facts, your problem is much, much deeper than whatever ideology or bias or prejudice you might happen to have. There’s something wrong with you as a person.”
– Caitlin Johnstone
It does not help Israel when idiots at the top do stupid stunts such as this one today.
According to Alex Karp, Palantir CEO, the college protesters are discriminating against jews because jews are successful.
Well I’ll give him this, Israel’s so successful it get’s two UN votes – it’s own and the US’s.
For those my age group lacking a magnifying glass, the 9 No votes were:
Papua New Guinea
United States
These dirty 9s are all receivers of U.S. funding. I would focus on the cowards who Abstained.
Nauru does not currently receive aid from the USA. The last time it received aid from the USA was in 2019 and it a “whopping” $22,000. Not even to buy a new car.
Nauru has a formal agreement to allow the US to control its vote. It is part of its security arrangements.
It also allows the US to control fishing in its territory for some reason, so it’s only viable export is under someone else’s control.
Can you say “puppet government” kiddies? I knew you could . . .
‘They do? That is interesting. You may be right, do you have a reference?
You ignored future deals and the threat of retaliation.
Which is not what you claimed. You claimed that they currently are getting funding. How many of those countries voting for the measure receive US aid? And should US cut the aid as result of their vote?
Very impressive Van Helsing. I see, you speak the ancient ‘Moldavia.
The UN has long ago lost its significance- the destruction of Tibet,genocide in Sudan,the Vietnam debacle, deforestation,the Ukraine war,Congolese genocide ect ect.
Yes, U.N. Is as worthless as the League of Nations. But it’s the dirty 9 that voted against Palestinian membership on the world stage.
Only, Palestine has no borders and acreage.
I’m OK with making Gaza the home of the nation of Palestine. And the Arabs that Jordon abandon when Jordan lost the West Bank in 1967 war should be free to move to new nation of Palestine in the area call Gaza Strip.
Just because you don’t like their votes does not make them “dirty”.
“We think these things that are happening across college campuses are a sideshow. No, they are the show.”
“If we lose the intellectual debate, you will not be able to deploy any army in the West, ever.”
Another good Johnstone take:
Empire Managers Explain Why This New Protest Movement Scares Them
“They understand that if they lose control of the narrative, they won’t be able to deploy their armies anymore.”
….Everyone should listen very carefully to Karp’s words here, because he’s giving the whole game away. He’s making it very clear how crucial it is for the empire to stomp out this protest movement and the zeitgeist upon which it rides, because the very existence of the imperial war machine depends on it. At a time when most imperial spinmeisters are trying to dismiss the importance of this movement and what young people are doing on college campuses around the world, this is a really extraordinary admission from someone who lives deep in the guts of the imperial hydra.
Such conferences are great for obtaining useful information from swamp monsters that you don’t normally hear, because when they’re surrounded by like-minded empire goons they tend to get a lot more loose-tongued than they are when they’re more aware that they have an audience of normal people.
We saw this illustrated again in a conversation between Senator Mitt Romney and Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the McCain Institute last week, during which both acknowledged some facts that generally go unstated by such creatures.
After bemoaning Israel’s lack of success at “PR” regarding its Gaza assault, Romney just came right out and said that this was “why there was such overwhelming support for us to shut down potentially TikTok or other entities of that nature” — with “us” meaning himself and his fellow lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
A Resolution should be submitted and a Vote taken to rescind Israel’s membership on account of gross violations and shredding its charter.
A wiser move would be to dissolve the UN,send them packingout of the US.
… the Security Council anyway.
And that would accomplish what? Israel would still exists and they would become even more determined to survive. Any hope of a two state solution would die if Israel was kicked out of the UN.
BB has boasted of killing the two state ‘solution’. The template is South Africa.
The UN General Assembly should take over the UN Security Council…’
The only way to do that is for the nations of the UN to quit and started a new UN. The existing UN charter prevents that from happening.
I have learned to despise Israel.
Best not to despise them but rather to try and understand their own internal and external conflict and that is how peace can be made and peace is essential to any kind of resolve.
Donna, I still judge and like the individuals, but the Zionists manipulate the public and represent the nation. I do not forget all the individual Jewish people who support the rights of the Palestinians and there are many. There is a long list of them, I am happy to know so many Jewish students have the courage to support the Palestinian people. When it is all over it will take decades for the nation to heal , so many young people in the terrible IDF learned to be brutal and humiliate Palestinians on the check points, that is a generation lost.
What ever the final solution will be I think peace in the region is only possible with demilitarization of the whole region. It can’t happen fast enough and mountains of good will.
“What ever the final solution will be I think peace in the region is only possible with demilitarization of the whole region.” That will never happen.
I agree that will never happen. But maybe without an Israel.
It’s not Palestinians who don’t want peace… rather it’s Israel…! If they wanted peace it would had happened 70 years ago…!
Therefore, despise is an appropriate word in this case…!
You are very passionate and also compassionate and I understand your emotions, certainly I do. (!)
Really?Arafat demanded the so called right of return,which killed Oslo.Hamas refused to even attend.
The return of refugees is a guaranteed right in international law. Every Israeli government has never committed to reaching any lasting peace with the Palestinians . Oslo was dead even before it started.
The right of return was initially formulated on 27 June 1948 by United Nations mediator Folke Bernadotte.[5] Proponents of the right of return hold that it is a human right, whose applicability both generally and specifically to the Palestinians is protected under international law.
“Oslo was the greatest idea Israel ever had. It let them continue the occupation without paying any of the costs”
Hamas was never invited since it was not even in power at time.
By the way Arafat gave up so miluch and got nothing.
“ All the difficult questions: security, Jerusalem, Palestinian refugees, borders, you name it. All of them were taken out [of Oslo negotiations].”
Far-right Israelis also opposed the Oslo Accords, and Rabin was assassinated in 1995 by a right-wing Israeli extremist for signing them.
Not much into history I see. Yes, Israel has its share of blame but to put 100% on Israel shows a lack of understanding of the history of the area.
How about despising the sadistic individuals who perpetrated the Oct 7 bestial massacre?
By all means let us do that, exaggerations and all. And then let’s compare that to what has followed since Oct 8th to the present. One pales the other. Now, let’s get back to starving people to death and when their corpses get in the way, bring in the bulldozers.
You are living on another planet.
Massacre vs genocide.
I assume you’re referring to the Israel military killing of Israeli civilians on that day? Or the Israeli military slaughter of 20,000+ Palestinians (the vast majority being civilians) since Oct 7?
Good for you. Hate is a learned response.
The freedom loving Western democracies wrecked the UN as expected of the POS they call governments. So far PM Orban from Hungary has preserved his honor.
Why is France a permanent member ? . they did little or nothing in WW2 except to collaborate with the Nazis even to the point of rounding up Jews to send to the death camps .
For the same reason United Kingdom is a permanent member. France was on the winning side in WW2.
Members of the multipolar world who are at odds with Western Liberal based rules order, should arm Palestine and train Palestinians to defend themselves. This will stop the Zionist onslaught, and bring peace and prosperity.
So you want more war in that area. You think that armed Palestinians are not going to attack Israel? Look what happening right now. Armed Palestinians attack Israel in Oct 7 and started the current war. How has that help bring peace? Just brought death and destruction.
Do you think the Palestinians had absolutely no reason to retaliate against Israel for its own prior actions? The events of Oct 7 didn’t happen in a vacuum- the attack by Hamas was directly provoked by the Israel attack on Muslims praying at Al-Aqsa a few days before.
Regardless, do you think the Israeli response to Oct 7- even if it hadn’t been provoked- has been in any way proportional to Hamas’ actions?
The evidence of trained an a equally equipped armed State is the major deterrence of violence being perpetrated by an equally armed State, this is what Iran proved. Once the Palestinian can defend themselves adequately Israel has no way of continuing its bad behavior towards The Palestinian State. The Palestinians are master tunnel builders, if there motivation was simply to murder Israelis tunneling and attacking they would have done. Hezbullah it is now understood has more than enough missiles to decimate The Zionist State of Israel, yet Israel continues bombing populated areas, while Hezbullah is striking only Military sites. The reason the West wants a demilitarized Palestine is a hint at the West wanting Israel to continue being Bad.
The evidence of trained an a equally equipped armed State is the major deterrence of violence being perpetrated by an equally armed State, this is what Iran proved. Once the Palestinian can defend themselves adequately Israel has no way of continuing its bad behavior towards The Palestinian State. The Palestinians are master tunnel builders, if there motivation was simply to murder Israelis tunneling and attacking they would have done. Hezbullah it is now understood has more than enough missiles to decimate The Zionist State of Israel, yet Israel continues bombing populated areas, while Hezbullah is striking only Military sites. The reason the West wants a demilitarized Palestine is a hint at the West wanting Israel to continue being Bad.
This conflict is between the irresistible force and an immovable object. The Palestinians had foreign occupiers plopping a country right in the middle of their homeland. The country of Israel was born in the ashes of Treblinka, Auschwitz, and other such places that exterminated 6-million Jews. The Israelis will do whatever they think they have to to prevent that from ever happening again. I’m not optimistic. This war will continue for generations, or until one of these populaces are either exterminated or expelled from the region. If I was a betting man…..
“In a fiery speech before the vote, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan compared the Palestinians to Hitler and Nazis, then fed a copy of the UN Charter through a paper shredder. “You have opened up the United Nations to modern-day Naziism. It makes me sick,” he said.”
If only the UN could have seen what Israel would turn into within the hour it was granted statehood. One wonders if the Israel vote were held today what the result would be? I daresay if the UN had opened its eyes a bit more the state of Israel would not exist.