On Tuesday, President Biden delivered a speech at the Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Days of Remembrance Ceremony and declared his support for Israel remains “ironclad,” demonstrating that he will continue to support the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza.
“My commitment to the safety of the Jewish people, the security of Israel, and its right to exist as an independent Jewish state is ironclad, even when we disagree,” Biden said.
He also slammed the pro-Palestinian protests at colleges across the country, again smearing them as antisemitic despite the fact that many Jewish students are participating.
“On college campuses, Jewish students blocked, harassed, attacked while walking to class,” Biden said. “Antisemitism — antisemitic posters, slogans calling for the annihilation of Israel, the world’s only Jewish State.”
The president also portrayed the protests as violent, but the movement has been peaceful. The most significant violence occurred when police moved to break up the demonstrations at some of the colleges and when pro-Israel agitators attacked an encampment at UCLA.
“There is no place on any campus in America — any place in America — for antisemitism or hate speech or threats of violence of any kind — whether against Jews or anyone else,” Biden said. “Violent attacks, destroying property is not peaceful protest. It’s against the law. And we are not a lawless country. We’re a civil society. We uphold the rule of law.”
In his speech on the Holocaust, the president made no mention of the tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians who have been slaughtered by Israel in the US-backed campaign in Gaza. Last month, Amos Goldberg, a Holocaust scholar at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, said Israel was “undoubtedly” committing genocide.
Goldberg wrote in The Palestine Project: “Yes, it is genocide. It is so difficult and painful to admit it, but despite all that, and despite all our efforts to think otherwise, after six months of brutal war we can no longer avoid this conclusion. Jewish history will henceforth be stained with the mark of Cain for the ‘most horrible of crimes,’ which cannot be erased from its forehead. As such, this is the way it will be viewed in history’s judgment for generations to come.”
We’re used to politicians lying, but this is particularly vile.
“… we are not a lawless country. We’re a civil society. We uphold the rule of law.” Which is why the US has cut off all arms shipments to Israel. /ssssssssssss
Certainly Israelis deserve a lasting and secure peace. The Likud has failed miserably in providing either. The best path for Israelis is to finally accept UNR 181 and UNR 194 as the starting point for a lasting and secure peace.
Israelis could look to the example of Singapore as a model. Prosperous and peaceful Singapore is surrounded by hundreds of millions of Muslims, yet tiny Singpore has found a path of success.
Well, they aren’t holding any people boxed in.
As for Indonesians being Muslims that is technically true, but they also drink alcohol, reasoning that it’s okay as l0ng as they don’t get drunk. They got Islam from sea-faring merchants, far more lax in their doctrine than the rulers, peasants and soldiers.
There Muslims who drink alcohol and do other things contrary to teaching of Islam as like many other people. The worst offenders are the rulers. Muslims are humans after all. By the way, Indonesia was a Dutch colony for a long time.
There are Muslims and other minorities in Singapore but all are treated equally and same. Their rights and lives are protected and respected. There is not one group held above other groups.
Recall that back in the 50s Singapore was a seething hotbed of ethnic tension and simmering violence – somehow the (Chinese) leadership was able to peacefully navigate the challenge.
Today Singapore is a wealthy model of a society.
Hell, they could look at their own history. Once the Crusades ended the Jews, Christians and Muslims of the region lived pretty much at peace with each other for centuries, all the way to the 1940s. There were occasional flare ups of violence, mostly over property or someone’s kids wanting to marry, but they always died down the same as any other mixed community in the world.
Then the Europeans invaded again and started another Crusade.
Have you been asleep for the last 75 years? Israel never wanted peace.
Max Blumenthal @MaxBlumenthal
Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are core values in any democratic system.
I feel a tad perplexed, by our President…
He should be “ironclad” about that and if he has any questions, he should immediately refer to the US Constitution and The Bill of Rights.
“Differences of opinion should be tolerated … but not when they are too different. That’s when you become a subversive mother …”
They should refer to the case over the TikTok ban.
They hate anything they feel they can’t control. Tik Tok they want banned and President Trump they want put in jail.
Have to admit, Rump can’t even control himself . . .
Trump controlled himself right into the GOP nomination and the White House.
We can all reaffirm Joey Biden’s ironclad lack of character and morals!
Complete asswipe. My contempt for this POS increases by the hour. Worst excuse for a president I’ve seen in my 80 years.
I too am 80. Biden is one sorry excuse for anything. That makes me a sorry excuse because I voted for the POS. I feel like I have to shower 10 times a day to get rid of the stench.
Don’t beat yourself up. You voted against Trump. It’s not like anything would be different. We were fucked either way and we will be again.
Absolutely correct. People who keep voting for the state will continue to suffer what states do. And so will the rest of us.
I assume the downvotes are because I disparaged the Don. Heeeere’s Donny.
“Stop the protests now!!!” Trump said in an all-caps post.
Trump on Monday tore into Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) for his criticism of Israeli Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu and call for new elections in Israel.
“Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion, they hate everything about Israel, and they should be ashamed of themselves,” Trump said on the radio show of his right-wing former aide Seb Gorka.
How Trump Saved Ukraine Aid
Trump spells POS.
The oligarchs who picked all the losers for leaders of Western democracies must be suicidal, why else would they have picked such slimy people. If there is anything left when it is all over there will be another global order, we can only hope it will be better.
The American century lasted not even a whole century.
I voted for Biden as well. I’ve resolved this year to vote for anyone other than Trump or Biden.
I shall not vote for any Democrat again. The party has indulged in atrocious behavior AFAIC, and no longer bears any relation to my interests or beliefs.
As to your comment, I’m happy to be acquainted with a fellow patriot, if only in this venue. Our generation was acquainted with a different breed of politician when we were young and I feel fortunate to have them as a yardstick by which to measure the extent of our descent into the current obscenity.
I feel badly for my son and grandson and hope for a better future for them despite the present ofal in power.
Mine too. I literally want him to die
Biden affirms his allegiance and loyalty to Zionism above everything else.
What a way for One-Term Biden to cap off an utterly mendacious career as the trusty servant of whoever pays. The servant of the credit card companies, the banking interests, the weapons makers, the chemical companies, the police state, etc. could not help but be a self-declared zionist, a “true-believer”, as it were …
This is why installing a weak, pliable stooge in the White House was an imperative move. No way President Trump would have ever allowed the United States to appear this weak and ineffectual before the rest of the World. Rigged elections have consequences.
If Trump was in power Gaza would have been nuked already and you would be in a detention camp. In fact, stay tuned.
I can’t tell if that was obvious sarcasm or you work at MSDNC.
No, it means what it says. Genocide Joe Biden is a war criminal who has released police state tactics in the US, and Trump is a Nazi who will unleash a reign of terror around the country in probably about 10 months.
Give us a rundown on what Trump would have done.
There were no new Wars in the 4 years Trump was President.
There were plenty of airstrikes, drone strikes and killer sanctions in the old ones. The belligerence didn’t stop.
Watch this on the news, what a scary man Biden is, like watching historical figures of old, bathing in the adulation of world dominatiom and power. He’s totally off his rocker, charging ahead with ww3, his holy crusade for all that’s good…..if you don’t like it, thete will be consequences!
And then you have people like Howard Stern saying this :
“I know you’d be a good father to the country, and I want to thank you for providing a calming, influential and organized administration,” Mr. Stern told Mr. Biden.
If that doesn’t bring up your lunch, nothing will.
Not that I ever had any respect for Stern to start with, but this would have finished it off.
Biden’s rhetoric has always been mendacious and inflammatory, the only difference now is he doesn’t plagiarize his speeches, he gets them from the ‘Israel Lobby.’
Right on Professor Goldburg..It’s a GENOCIDE, even a holocaust of mostly women and children.
What could be more deranged than the slaughter of tens of thousands of the innocents, 70% of whom are women& children. It is a terrible thing to do which will for a century tar the humanity of all the Jewish
People. Even the Jewish people who deplore what The Jewish State is doing under the Zionazi rule of Bejamin Netanyaho. Who could have believed that the Zionists under Netanyahu, would becum Nazis in all but name, slaughtering the young & innocent and claiming self defense as an excuse. This slaughter is the most serious war crime since the cold war. The World needs to bring to justice the perpetrators of this heinous crime forthwith.
Most serious since Rwanda, at least. Which Clinton ignored, but at least he wasn’t supplying either side with weapons.
I caught a glimpse of an article that alleges that there is a gaggle of GOP “representatives” who said they will push a bill authorizing shipping Pro-Palestinian protesters to Gaza. That’s right. To GAZA. In other news. it has been exposed that there is an Israeli agent embedded in the WUPD at UCLA. His name is Cohen.
Yes, IRONCLAD — worthy of IRON CROSS,
From two cases which I am familiar with, there was once a time when the Jewish partner from a religiously mixed marriage, visiting or residing in Israel, could go to a court and get that marriage annulled without the partner having any right to stop it.
Is that still true?
The vile demented old man will have to swallow lots of crow before the election. The Zelensky Ukraine is not likely to survive long enough to the election, someone will have to sign the Ukrainian UNCONDITONAL SURRENDER most likely before the election, Putin, the victoriously newly elected president will preside, poor Putin must go Biden, can’t just walk away. The Gaza situation is looking just as bad. Netanyahu can bomb the hell out of Gaza, and what will he gain by that? He too is a loser. Lots of crow to swallow and eggs in the face. The old war hawk deserves it. Not to forget the destruction of NATO and the EU, job well done old man.