There is a “widespread belief” among US officials that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s goal of “eradicating” Hamas in Gaza is unattainable, The New York Times reported on Thursday.
Throughout the past seven months, there have been multiple signs that the US doesn’t believe Israel could achieve its goals in Gaza, yet the Biden administration has continued to support the slaughter of Palestinians in the Strip.
In March, the US intelligence agencies released their annual “threat assessment,” and it said Israel will face “lingering armed resistance” for “years to come” and that the Israeli military would struggle to destroy Hamas’s underground infrastructure.
The Washington Post also reported in March that the US didn’t think Israel had clear or attainable goals as far back as October. “We never had a clear sense that the Israelis had a definable and achievable military objective,” a source familiar with an October 27 Biden administration meeting on the situation in Gaza told the Post. “From the very beginning, there’s been a sense of us not knowing how the Israelis were going to do what they said they were going to do.”
The Times report focused on Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to Israel and the difference in messaging from the administration and Netanyahu. Blinken said the US was still opposed to Israel invading Rafah without a clear plan for civilians, but Netanyahu’s message was that an invasion will happen no matter what.
Blinken also called on Hamas to accept Israel’s latest proposal for a hostage deal and temporary ceasefire, but Netanyahu signaled that he wasn’t interested. The Israeli leader vowed to invade Rafah “with or without” a deal with Hamas.
The Times report said US officials were “taken aback” by the timing of Netanyahu’s comment because they think Hamas would only accept a deal if they believed releasing hostages could lead to a permanent ceasefire, which has been the Palestinian group’s demand for months. Netanyahu also told Blinken that he wouldn’t agree to end military operations in Gaza for a hostage deal.
Despite the difference in public messaging, there’s no sign the Biden administration is putting any real pressure on Netanyahu to prevent an invasion of Rafah as US military aid continues to flow. So far, the US-backed Israeli slaughter has killed 34,596 people, including over 14,000 children, according to the latest numbers from Gaza’s Health Ministry.
Nevertheless, our war criminal in chief will continue to supply the means to eradicate the Gazan population.
We are ruled by monsters.
According to HR 6090, these U.S. officials are now antisemitic.
Actually those officials became antisemitic 11 Dec. 2019 when Trump signed EO 13899, Combating Antisemitism, adding antisemitism as defined by IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism to Title VI of the ’64 Civil Rights Act
It was my understanding that the definition under IHRA was added in HR 6090.
HR 6090 is the codification of Trump’s EO. Brief, I read both with an aged imperfect memory but don’t think they added or changed a word
And that aged memory tells me I read somewhere the DOE started following IHRA’s definition in 2018.
US officials just woke up from hibernation…!
The Israeli goal was never “eradicating Hamas in Gaza.” That was their excuse for their real goal of ethnic cleansing by means of genocide, Armenian Genocide style.
If as you say Israel goal was “ethnic cleansing”, than why did Hamas “open the door” to this plan by attacking Israel on Oct 7?
Another brilliant comment. As if what Hamas did justifies what Israel is doing. You’re just too fucking stupid to realize how fucking stupid you are. And yes, I used the “f” word again. You earned it.
“Attacking Israel”
Can you help us out by telling us where are Israel’s borders ?
Israel has never defined its borders.
The UN set Israel’s borders in UNR 181.
the International community only recognizes the 181 borders of the Jewish state. Hmmm
Hamas put the issue on the table, the Israelis are not winning. The USA and Israel have more to lose and nothing to be gained while the Palestinians have nothing to lose but living lives in a lousy concentration camp with no future. They pay dearly but they make the Israelis pay too and they could lose Israel again.
The only winners will be the war profiteers, it never fails.
so take up arms and go fight for Hamas.
I do support Hamas, they are fighting and dying for their families’ and siblings survival and their own. They know they want to live in dignity and with human rights or life is not worth living. They know what they fight for. What is it you fight for? The MICs profit margin. Hamas are the Palestinian freedom fighters, what is in it for you?
So go fight. Send your kids,send your grandkids.
Of course you would not fight for your children, you would watch them starve and die a slow death or being ripped apart by bombs or bullets and shells, what is it to you?
Your children are just dehumanized little animals, am I right?
More evidence that 10-7 was an inside job.
That’s it !
Here !
Thanks. I will check this out.
Another method of ethnic cleansing the practice of the settler policies also funded by US taxpayers, it is a bit on the slow
motion ethnic cleansing side compared to 2000 pound bombs, but rebuilding is easier.
The IDF already has been decisively beaten by the Al-Qassem brigades. The 2 IDF brigades of weekend warriors sent in to relive the throughly mauled Nahals have been reported to have been pulled back and demobilized after getting pummeled a few days ago.
Blind rage atrocities against women and children is a hallmark of defeated militaries. That’s all the IDF seems capable of on the Southen Front
Like the Texas police at Uvalde, they’re only capable of fighting people who don’t shoot back
And you know this how? If IDF is so badly beaten why are they still in Gaza?
Still in Gaza ?
22 IDF Brigades were sent in. All but one, the Nahals, retreated. After a few weeks, the Nahals, were pulled out. The Nahals, were to be relived by 2 Brigades. These brigades are being de-mobilized.
Netanyahu wants to expand and continue the war in order to:
* Ethnically cleanse Gaza. The longer the destruction embargo goes on, the more Gazans will be killed. The survivors will become willing to leave Gaza. Appalled by the slaughter, other counties will become willing to accept refugees.
* Postpone Israeli elections. Netanyahu will likely lose an election, and then go to jail.
* Trigger a wider war that will make the US fight Israel’s enemies.
Actually defeating Hamas would muck up all of the above.
Your point one will not happen. Who would want the people Gaza? Name a nation.
Will they vote Democrat?
No need to vote. What for?
I’d be happy to welcome a pro rata number of them to the Gainesville, Florida area.
Is that swampland, has it been dried? The people would like to settle down and never move again, I would think.
What about the big and humane Christian USA? They could resettle and reindustrialize the rust belt or farm in Montana or Wyoming, lots of land belonging to no one since the Indians were driven off their land?
Because you don’t live there does not mean that it belongs to no one.
But settlers would be welcome, lots of potential settlers live in NYS. They are American citizens.
Who are these settler American citizens?
You can meet them on the WB, that is were they now live.
No one told the settlers. As they understand it all the land FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA belongs to them, some voices in NY told them that.
Who are these voices?
Ask the settlers. They are basically criminal people.
What settlers? Which settlers? what is the WB?
You don’t know? You must be joking , I can’t believe you don’t know who the settlers on the *West *Bank are. Most of them are New Yorkers, Americans who are settling on West Bank property stolen, robbed private Palestinian property. The West Bank is Israeli occupied Palestinian land, land owned by Palestinians for generations.
And what’s wrong with ” people Gaza” ?
Actually, There are lots of ” people Gaza ” in US Universities , and , to your knowledge – Russia has taken lots of Palestinian families.
Burns: Gazans will not be taken in by other countries, because “Who would want the people [of] Gaza?”
imbroglio: “And what’s wrong with ‘people [of] Gaza'”?
Ya gotta understand:
In Burns brain, Palestinians aren’t human beings – so it’s actually impossible for him to conceive of anyone helping them:
‘Cuz “who would want” to?…I’m confused…’
The US has said that accepting Palestinian refugees is under consideration. There are reports that Egypt is building a refugee camp in the desert. Whether either of these countries actually accepts refugees is tbd. But as the fatalities pile up, the likelihood of countries accepting refugees will increase.
You must have had a terrible upbringing that caused you to become such a filthy, immoral backer of genocide.
Let us speak of the attepted genocide perpetrated by Hamas.
There was none. Hamas was seeking hostages, not mass slaughter.
Ask the few survivors of the border villages.Kill the men, kill the elderly and kids,take the women for breeding-typical.
Most of those survivors are left wing kibbutz dwellers. They would hate just about everything you stand for.
” kill the elderly and kids” Very few kids killed on 10-7, around 20, compared to the 10,000 or so killed by Israel in Gaza, with the promise of tens of thousands more.
What Israel is doing is a crime against humanity that must be punished severely.
Hamas attacked military posts which the Kibbutz are. The IDF, poorly trained and undisciplined thugs killed most of the Israelis, including hostages. Hamas did not have helicopters and weapons to do it, the IDF did. An investigation is needed.
They also attacked peaceful villages.
Really, something the Israelis would never do to the Palestinians.
As long as they can move there will always be resistance against so much sadism as the USA/Israelis display.
HAMAS is resistance, Abbas is the president of the Palestinian people, is he? Does he even exist?
Rapimng a woman while stabbing her in the back.Then shooting her face with 30 bullets-typical Hamas Sadism.
It takes sick minds with extremely sick imagination to make up such sick stories. They cross the line even for sex obsessed sadists. Too incredible and overdone even for vulgare sex propaganda.
How does a male rape a woman WHILE stabbing her in the back, then even shoot her with 30 bullets. One has to be very sick and stupid to make that up.
Jake and if you believe that you are a very sick man, or did you even make it up?
Jake is trying to justify genocide
Your comments are full of lies .
To provide a pretext for the current war against Gaza, Israel has fabricated claims that Hamas committed mass rapes during its 7 October offensive. –
“Netanyahu wants to…continue the war in order to….Ethnically cleanse Gaza. The longer the destruction embargo goes on, the more Gazans will be killed [and]. survivors…willing to leave Gaza.”
It is so clear:
the goal is ethnic cleansing by making Gaza “uninhabitable” – “unfit for human life” – by ongoing mass murder, embargo (food, medicine, every other human necessity), and physical destruction.
Netanyahu has been kept in office by the Hamas attack.
400+ Israelis massacred by the IDF on 7.Oct.
Only on planet 45.
And the Hamas attack would have gotten the same response from Israel whether Netanyahu was in charge or not. They didn’t conveniently allow it to happen for no other reason than to do what they are presently doing.
More evidence that 10-7 was an inside job!
Blinken also called on Hamas to accept Israel’s latest proposal for a hostage deal and temporary ceasefire, but Netanyahu signaled that he wasn’t interested.
And Blinken still said it was all up to Hamas. And the offer was generous.
Of course Israel can beat Hamas. The question is does Israel want to. The cost would be high. Many more people would die.
I don’t think that more people dying is a consideration for the Israelis.
And not with Timmy either.
So return the hostages, and then Israel will look bad for continuing the war.Until then,they have a free had to fight these kidnappers and rapists.
“kidnappers and rapists ” ?
Here !
Israeli propagandist behind Hamas ‘mass rape’ narrative exposed as grifter, fraud .
22 IDF brigades were thrashed by Al-Qassem. That’s a fact Jack.
The IDF proved itself to be a poorly trained, horribly led, bunch of amateurs. That IDF conscripts and weekend warriors failed at the most basic squad level tactics is to be expected given their slovenly training. But the world was surprised to see IDF regulars also fail miserably at the basics of soldering.
The IDF proved that it’s good at bombing rubble, destroying hospitals, massacring women and children, & organ harvesting – but going Mano-a-mano against Al-Qassem not so much.
Were you there? How many military battles have you fought? War is bad,urban warfare worse,as the terrorists crawl under the ground.
Blind Rage is a tell of every defeated military
Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich: “We must obliterate Rafah, Deir al-Balah, and Nuseirat. The memory of the Amalekites must be erased. No partial destruction will suffice; only absolute and complete devastation.”
So Israel and Ukraine can’t win but we will continue to sink billions into these wars. Life is good for the MIC.
‘Widespread’ Belief Among US Officials That Israel Can’t Beat Hamas
what a load of crap that is. Israel has the very best and the very most weapons that the U.S. could ever supply. not to mention however much food and water allotment that the U.S. could ever supply as well.
and never mind how many U.S. peoples might need any sort of aid.
anyway check these girlys out =
Israel can not beat Hamas? ahem. Lol, reality check?
Donna, Hamas is only the name of the Gaza resistance movement, there are others also in Gaza and the WB. Abused people will always replace the lost fighters. As long as there are abused people there will be resistance to the abuse, the circle will never stop, it will escalade just as the civil rights movement did and Hamas in Gaza.
Calling Hamas terrorists does nothing to change that.
“there have been multiple signs that the US doesn’t believe Israel could
achieve its goals in Gaza, yet the Biden administration has continued to
support the slaughter of Palestinians in the Strip.”
And why do you think that is then? Because THAT’S NOT THE POINT. The POINT is a wider war in the Middle East to eliminate Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran. Israel is just the stalking horse with Netanyahu taking the opportunity under the neocon plan to deal with his Palestinian population by means of genocide.
Hamas isn’t even an issue. They were deliberately provoked to respond by the Israeli intent to destroy the Al-Agsa Mosque which was promoted BEFORE October 7 – something literally everyone but Alastair Crooke and me has forgotten. No one even remembers that the Hamas attack on October 7 was called “THE AL-AQSA FLOOD.”
Even Bankers do not believe it,but so long wars are going on they stay in power.I find it hilarious when OZ government criminalized Nazi salute,not criminalizing Bankers who finance both sides of war.There is no carbon foot print in wars.Wars are pure green energy as green grass grows on graves of fallen soldiers .Carbon they want to remove is useless eaters,to comply with GEORGIA GUIDE STONES plan.
What is really outstanding is that the moral aspect is never even touched on. So much for Western Christian values.
The Western powers beat even the original Nazis in brutality.
Even the carpet bombing allies did not bomb buildings or ambulances with the red cross symbols or medical care takers.
I think never in history has there been a more traumatized population than the Palestinian people. Every man, woman, and child has been severely traumatized from the moment they were born.
The criminals in Tel Aviv and Washington are beyond pale.
No,the Christians tormented and evicted the Jews in their midst,so that had to build a safe and free country-Israel.
Forget about religion it is all about land and resources and power. Religion is a great piece of propaganda to sell the brutal slaughter of people, mostly defenseless women and children.
ISRAEL AT WAR DAY- 28,470 honestly why?
Hamas is starters, Hezbollah is main course, and Houthis is desserts, Iran is supper. Israel’s nightmare has just begun
“Blinken said the US was still opposed to Israel invading Rafah without a clear plan for civilians, but Netanyahu’s message was that an invasion will happen no matter what.”
No matter how much Biden has prodded, demanded and begged, Netanyahu does and will do what he wants.
There are then two possibilities: either Biden is a stooge of Israel or Biden is willingly complicit on the genocide (and genocide it is).
The possibility that Israel controls the US government is not as far fetched as it seems. Bush’s attack on Iraq and his sending of Americans on behalf of Israel was recently the topic of a documentary on U Tube.
Bus was an oil man,Iraq had cash, clean oil,and had planned to kill the old man Bush. Military suppliers made out like bandits.
Both sides can make each other very miserable,but cannot defeat each other
Muddying the Water on US Student Protests
Alastair Crooke
Interesting as usual from Crooke. One correction, however, of Luce rather than him. I’ve heard on a number of occasions, e.g. on Judge Nap’s shows, the idea that whereas in Vietnam days opposition here was based on fear of the draft nowadays it is based on selfless idealism and horror. I quite assure you there was plenty of “idealist” horror at the pictures of napalmed kids in 1968 and the stories returning vets told about what was going on there as there is now. Depicting it all as about self interest and the draft was an old canard of the war’s supporters back in the day.