Russia launched massive missile and drone attacks on Ukrainian energy infrastructure on Thursday morning and destroyed one of Ukraine’s largest power plants in the Kyiv region.
The Russian Defense Ministry said the bombardment was in response to Ukrainian attacks on oil refineries and other energy infrastructure inside Russian territory. Ukraine has been stepping up attacks inside Russia as it has become clear there’s no hope for victory on the battlefield, and Ukrainian lines are at risk of collapsing.
“The Russian Armed Forces delivered a massive strike last night by air-launched and seaborne long-range precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles against Ukrainian fuel and energy facilities. The goal of the strike were achieved. All the targets were destroyed,” the Russian Defense Ministry said, according to TASS.

Ukrainian Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko described the strikes as a “large scale, enormous, missile attack that affected our energy sector very badly.”
According to The Associated Press, the Trypilska plant that was destroyed in the Kyiv region supplied power to 3 million customers, but none of them lost power because the grid was able to compensate for it since energy demands are lower this time of year, but the loss of the plant will be felt later in the year.
In Kharkiv, Ukrainian officials said 200,000 people lost power after a series of Russian strikes on energy infrastructure.
Electricity exports used to be one of the Ukrainian government’s largest revenue sources, now they have to import electricity from the EU just to keep the lights on in Kiev.
FABulous 3000 will shake Ukraine to it’s foundation and eliminate most of it’s territory.
The good news are: no collateral damage was reported this time. Ukrainian anti-air defense, which was the cause of previous collateral damage, is depleted to such a point that the civilians are quite safe in time of Russian attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure.
US: Russia is stupid. We would destroy our enemy’s energy production facilities on day one.
2 Years Later:
US: Russia is very bad. They destroyed their enemy’s energy production facilities.
Russia: Ukraine is stupid. We’ll take it in 3 days.
2 Years and 300,000+ KIA later: ——————
3 day claim was fake news, Kremlin never said that.
That’s how the corporate mass media works. First they create a fake news story, then they repeatedly refer to it as something real.
Repeating a lie enough times causes people to believe it. It’s an old propaganda technique, and it’s very effective.
Repetition is the second rule I thought. The first rule used to be who lies first wins. The repetition is more or less guaranteed by laziness.
Says the Kremlin propaganda boy.
Here you go, MAGA-boy:
“Moscow has stepped up strikes on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure in response to Ukrainian attacks on Russian oil refineries”
It’s the other way around, DeCamp. Russia started this war, you doofus.
Reading comprehension fail.
No US started this war when they orchestrated the 2014 coup and plans to expand Nato
A responder on Common Dreams wrote the assertion; “There was no Coup.”
Assertions are easy to make up.
Yes. Assertions ARE easy to make up.
No. The Ukrainians dismissed their Putin-loving leader and replaced him with someone who would follow their wishes and lean towards the West. (Which was a good idea if you want democracy instead of dictatorship.)
Then Russia invaded.
So we should over throw, “dismissed”, JoBye today because he is way unpopular with the USA citizen???? Hmm….U do know the “dictatorship” you mention resides today in D.C. , wake up buddy!
MAGA guy says what?
The current powers of Ukraine wanted Ukraine to become a member of NATO which was impossible with Poroshenko as Ukraine’s president. Hence he was forcefully removed.
A NATO-Crimea was considered one step too far by Putin, hence he took Crimea.
And your point is?
Porkchop was not forcefully removed; he was overwhelmingly voted out, in a loss to the Pygmy, who promised to end the UA aggresion against the Donbass..
You attempt to re-write history. You failed.
And a little over a month after the invasion:
March 28, 2022. President Zelensky publicly declares that Ukraine is ready for neutrality combined with security guarantees as part of a peace agreement with Russia. “Security guarantees and neutrality, the non-nuclear status of our state — we’re ready to do that. That’s the most important point ... they started the war because of it.”
But the WEST didn’t want peace. So sure, a good idea to get in bed with the West.
Obviously, Russia wanted war because THEY INVADED UKRAINE. Leave Ukraine and peace will automatically break out.
And Zelensky said:
“Security guarantees and neutrality, the non-nuclear status of our state — we’re ready to do that. That’s the most important point … they started the war because of it.”
So, give Russia what ZELENSKY WAS READY AND WILLING TO DO and peace will break out.
Right. Let them continue to die.
Russians dying too. For what again?
But the US is backing Ukraine. Russians dying (weakening Russia) is what the US wants. The problem is the US, and you apparently, don’t care how many Ukrainians die or how much of their infrastructure or landscape is destroyed to achieve that goal. The US, and you apparently, want that to continue rather than to give Russia what they wanted, and what Zelensky was agreeing with, on March 28th, 2022. In other words, you don’t want peace.
You didn’t answer what the Russians are dying for…
Because the Russians dying had nothing to do what we were talking about. And Zelensky already gave the reasons.
“Security guarantees and neutrality, the non-nuclear status of our state — we’re ready to do that. That’s the most important point … they started the war because of it.”
You continue to ignore the Russian deaths to focus on the Ukrainian deaths. You give Putin a pass for some reason. ALL the deaths are tragic but there’s only one side to blame for the war: the invader — not the invadee. Why is it that you don’t criticize Putin for not negotiating further with Ukraine and the West before deciding to invade?
I focused on Ukrainian deaths because the US is using Ukraine as fodder. If the US was using Russia as fodder, I’d focus more on Russian deaths.
Your fantasy about me giving Putin a pass just won’t go away. I can’t help the fact that Ukraine got in bed with the west under the illusion that the west would actually support them to the point that they could defeat Russia on the battlefield. And you know that won’t happen unless the US/NATO get directly involved. So, me facing reality and not wanting more Ukrainians to die, must mean I’m giving Putin a pass. Stop being Don Julio.
And I don’t blame the “invadee” for getting invaded. I also don’t ignore the 30 years of provocations that preceded the invasion. I’m all for Russia giving back Ukraine their territory and the West acknowledging their role in this whole mess and making it right. But we both know that isn’t going to happen. And Putin wanted to negotiate before the invasion but was flatly rejected by Blinken’s “out of hand” remark when Blinken was made aware of Russia’s demands. Which coincidently, once again, were agreeable to Zelensky.
Once more:
“Security guarantees and neutrality, the non-nuclear status of our state — we’re ready to do that. That’s the most important point … they started the war because of it.”
The US isn’t supporting Ukraine because of possibly bought-and-paid-for GOP members of congress. (You can’t use that obstruction as an example of non-support from the US.)
I accuse you of “giving Putin a pass” because you focus on the US/Ukraine alliance and fail to address the reason Ukrainians are dying TODAY.
I don’t believe Putin wanted to negotiate before the invasion. That’s just lip-service he’s giving now to defend his aggression. He started the war because he’s trying to re-constitute the Russian Empire.
And there you go thinking that $60 billion is going to change things. Ukraine can’t win on the battlefield without direct support from the US/NATO. And the fact that congressional obstruction can have an effect on Ukrainian aid going through should tell them all they want to know about how they are prioritized. It should be more of a wakeup call for them to realize that they are being used as fodder.
So, are you saying I should focus on Putin? Should I say Putin should leave? Will that make Putin leave? I focus on reality. I’m not giving Putin a pass on anything. Ukraine will never get the support they need to win on the battlefield. I focus on the US/Ukraine alliance because I know Russia isn’t backing away unless the US gets directly involved and then we have WW3. And that isn’t going to happen.
Once more. Blinken rejected Russia’s demands “out of hand”. Those same demands were what Zelensky said “we’re ready to do that” in his quote from March 28, one month after the invasion. Those things actually happened. Unlike you “believing” Putin didn’t want to negotiate and wants to reconstitute the Russian empire. Jesus dude, you can’t be serious.
You’re not focusing on reality because you insist Ukraine can’t win without direct involvement of NATO. You don’t know that.
And I’m VERY serious.
Yes. I do know that. A very large country with 100 million more people and with a larger military will prevail. The fact that the smaller country is on the larger country’s underbelly makes that even more likely.
If you’re serious about thinking Putin wants to reconstitute the Russian Empire than you are seriously lacking in any objectivity. He can’t possibly be that stupid or he wouldn’t have stayed in power for so long.
You’re wrong about the larger country being able to prevail and I believe Putin IS that stupid. Russia is a third world country and he’s just another dictator.
Then why in the fuck do you care so much about that aid going through if Ukraine can prevail all by their lonesome? And Russia is hardly a third world country. Stop embarrassing yourself, you sound just like Julio.
So true AJ! Anyone with a brain can see that.
Nuland admitted it
Even before that, the U.S. started this by expanding NATO eastward in violation of its promise to Russia not to do so. And refusing to allow Russia to join NATO. And some other evil acts, but who’s counting?
Well no, the history of the conflict is actually important. What you call “starting the war” in actuallity is just one of the phases of the conflict. All very avoidable phases if it were not for the American, European and Ukrainian persistence in their utter foolishness to use Ukraine and cultivate specifically their ultranationalist neonazi factions as a proxy force to try to weaken, break up and subjugate Russia or install a puppet regime.
Even so Ukraine has nothing to worry about we hear. The Russians are backward and dumb. If they weren’t too drunk for it, they would have known how low their moral was. Their military gear is worthless, made of spare parts of Soviet era vacuumcleaners and rust, held together with duct tape and dried up earwax.
And what’s to worry about the energy infrastructure? The Russians couldn’t hit a power plant if they launched their shoddy rockets from it’s parking lot. Also we hear from Mrs. Powers that the Ukrainian economy is doing quite well. 5% growth I thought she said. So the Ukrainians are so utterly clever and inherently superior that they solved thermodynamic barriers, mistakenly thought to be laws of nature by all of physics, and don’t even need any energy to boost their industry. So let the Russians take out their energy infrastucture, doesn’t bother them anyway.
Thanks to the USA NeoCons and DC Ghouls. If it is true “what goes around comes around”, the USA is in for one hell of a ride.
What is truly unfortunate is that there are zero peace initiatives, other than the upcoming summit in Switzerland that is guaranteed to be a boondoggle. Zelensky’s has been told by his masters to stick to the ‘peace only based on full Russian withdrawal’ narrative which is almost as comical as his 31,000 KIA statement. Instead, what will be emphasized is Ukraine acknowledging recent strategic infrastructure losses, no air defenses, “we’re spilling our blood for you, master!” and Zelensky demanding immediate aid.
It’s obvious that the war has entered a new phase as Russia has been knocking off Ukraine’s power distribution right at the source as well as other infrastructure. We aren’t talking about ‘death by a thousand cuts’ anymore. This conflict is now entering a phase of wholesale organ removal. Coupled with that is the frontline territorial losses that are basically all at Ukraine’s expense. Or, is there another summer counteroffensive planned? When? 2025? 2026? 2027?
Even with aid packages it’s infeasible to think that Ukraine will be able to sustain this for much longer unless there is direct NATO frontline and airspace intervention. Macron….yeah, right you’ll send in troops. Sure you will my friend. Sure you will…😂
This will most likely lead to further escalation and possibly lead to tactical nuclear deployment. I’m pretty sure no one really wants that, so the NATO involvement is just another round of huffing and puffing that amounts to a whole lot of nothing.
Election year, rapidly declining public support, EU discontent, Gaza genocide/ongoing funding issues, etc. Please, let’s be realistic. This situation is only getting worse by the day for the Ukrainians and it’s time for true and realistic peace brokerage.
What I’m interested in most is the modified narrative that is going to be used to describe the pending exit strategy.
Not that it’s a direct correlation, but let’s hope it works out better than the stellar performance in Afghanistan.
What is truly unfortunate is that there are zero peace initiatives, other than the upcoming summit in Switzerland that is guaranteed to be a boondoggle. Zelensky’s has been told by his masters to stick to the ‘peace only based on full Russian withdrawal’ narrative which is almost as comical as his 31,000 KIA statement. Instead, what will be emphasized is Ukraine acknowledging recent strategic infrastructure losses, no air defenses, “we’re spilling our blood for you, master!” and Zelensky demanding immediate aid.
It’s obvious that the war has entered a new phase as Russia has been knocking off Ukraine’s power distribution right at the source as well as other infrastructure. We aren’t talking about ‘death by a thousand cuts’ anymore. This conflict is now entering a phase of wholesale organ removal. Coupled with that is the frontline territorial losses that are basically all at Ukraine’s expense. Or, is there another summer counteroffensive planned? When? 2025? 2026? 2027?
Even with aid packages it’s infeasible to think that Ukraine will be able to sustain this for much longer unless there is direct NATO frontline and airspace intervention. Macron….yeah, right you’ll send in troops. Sure you will my friend. Sure you will…😂
This will most likely lead to further escalation and possibly lead to tactical nuclear deployment. I’m pretty sure no one really wants that, so the NATO involvement is just another round of huffing and puffing that amounts to a whole lot of nothing.
Election year, rapidly declining public support, EU discontent, Gaza genocide/ongoing funding issues, etc. Please, let’s be realistic. This situation is only getting worse by the day for the Ukrainians and it’s time for true and realistic peace brokerage.
What I’m interested in most is the modified narrative that is going to be used to describe the pending exit strategy.
Not that it’s a direct correlation, but let’s hope it works out better than the stellar performance in Afghanistan.
Russia has to have a neutral Ukraine next door, is the narrative/justification for the war.
knocking out the power of your neighbor is a really funny way to treat them if you want them to like you or be neutral to you. No, it will make them hate you.
I know US has a bad role in this war but Russia is absolutely the aggressor in this conflict and I want there to be at least one comment by true anti-war people.
“I want there to be at least one comment by true anti-war people”
Here I am. What do you want me to comment about?
UA still hasn’t apologized for murdering the 14,00+ citizens of Donbass, thus necesitating outside intervention..
14,000 on both sides during a civil war. You’ve GOT to start reading history more accurately instead of reading Putin propaganda.
You suck.
True antiwar people… And what exactly are true antiwar people? I assume you’re not including the Ukrainians who were attacking their own people in the east for 8 years prior to the SO. I also assume you’re not including the administration in DC which got the whole ball rolling with the coup in 2014. I assume you’re not including the other actions taken by the administration in DC over the course of 80 years, including coups (beginning in 1953), invasions (beginning in 1958, followed and preceded by numerous other coups and government overthrows), the invasion of Iraq in 2002 based on an outright lie, the invasion of Afghanistan for a cumulative total of 20 years, the destruction of the Libyan state in concert with NATO, the war on Serbia in the 1990’s providing for the removal of Serbian territory (in exchange for which the grant of territory in the new Bosnian paradise for yet another US military base), the invasion and occupation of Syria which is ongoing, … Lest we forget the imposition of sanctions against any country which opposes our international edicts, not to mention the nearly 800 US military bases around the world …
But sure, Russia is obviously guilty of promoting violence on the international scene.
Turn out the lights; the Party’s over..
Almost over and the alternative is apocalyptic.