Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei vowed on Tuesday that Israel will be “punished” for bombing Iran’s consulate building in Damascus, which killed senior members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
“The evil Zionist regime will be punished by our courageous men. We will make them regret this and other crimes like it, by God’s power and strength,” Khamenei said in a statement published on his official website.
The statement came as Iranian media reported the death toll in the Israeli attack has risen to 13, including seven Iranians and six Syrians. Among the dead were Gen. Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a senior IRGC commander who oversaw Quds Force operations in Syria and Lebanon, and his deputy, Gen. Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi.
Israel’s bombing of a diplomatic facility marks a huge escalation in its attacks on Iranians in the region. Since October 7, Israel has significantly ramped up its airstrikes in Syria and has killed several members of the IRGC, Zahedi being the most senior.

Israel typically does not take credit for individual airstrikes in Syria and has maintained its policy of ambiguity with the consulate bombing but has strongly hinted it was responsible.
“We operate everywhere, every day, in order to prevent our enemies from gaining strength and in order to make it clear to anyone who acts against us – all over the Middle East – that the price for action against Israel will be a heavy one,” Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on Tuesday.
Israel appears to be trying to provoke a major regional war in hopes that the US would get directly involved. US officials have acknowledged to the media that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu might view a full-blown war in Lebanon as key to his political survival. A regional war would also take attention and scrutiny away from Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza.
Israel brings on the third bloody World War and will have to pay the piper. Peace on Earth and on we go!
We hope.
And so we hope it maybe so. But how can there be peace on earth if a majority are dead.
US officials have acknowledged to the media that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu might view a full-blown war in Lebanon as key to his political survival.
So, to avoid that lets send them $18 billion worth of weaponry.
Demented Zionist Biden will go on feeding and funding the monsters.
The only monsters are there are those who cannot accept that Israel,while flawed,has a right to exist in peace.
yeah right. as if Peace is Israel’s middle name or something
No, Peace is Russia’s middle name to you.
no Julio. i am not on the side of Russia.
but that doesn’t mean that i am on the side of uncle sam and his proxies either. of which Ukraine is one and Israel is another.
Well we wouldn’t have these problems had not the CIA illegally removed Mohammed Mossedegh in coup d’etat in 1953 all because he wanted Iran to control its own oil then replace his with US puppet dictator in the Shag of Iran whose brutal rule eventually led to the Islamic uprising in 1979 of the Ayatollahs.
America has its corrupt fingerprints on everything in the middle east. Not Russia.
The CIA is everywhere, embassies are great undercover homes, with diplomatic privileges for the undercover CIA agents.
They normally meddle in other nations elections and organize all the regime changes causing social problems where there are none. The US is a very evil hegemon.
Here is a quarter kid, now go away.
You need history lessons HYPOCRITE America has invaded 33 countries in less than a hundred years killed hundreds of thousand of civilians stolen billions in oil revenue assassinated hundreds of Democratically elected leaders coups constant meddling in other countries affairs including my own country Britain when that useless good for nothing Obama came here threatening us if we left the EU .
*millions of civilians*
What about Russia, what have they done the Israelis/ Americans have not done? But vice versa there is a lot the Russians did not do and US/Israel did do. They do respect international law, they do not break treaties with other nations, they keep their word. Israel /USA are rogue nations, Russia is not.
For a lasting and secure peace – all the Likud needs to do is accept the only Internationally recognized boundries of Israel those of UNR 181.
The Zionists have been killing innocent Palestinians since 1947 they are invader occupiers and have no right in Palestine never mind what a book of myth and legend day`s
The Palestinians too have the human right to exist in peace. They are the victims, no matter what you say.
For almost a century Israel made sure they would not get any peace. How brutal and without mercy the Israelis are the whole world can witness. The impunity with which they show how brutal they really are when they kill babies, children in our face is indescribable. 70% of the population are women and children, and the Israelis show no shame, for them their vile, evil is their normal.
Yes … because we all know the way to put out a fire is to put more wood on it …
Maybe the IDF thought the consulate was a hospital. Google Maps isn’t great in that region, I think you’re still better off with MapQuest there.
The Israelis are allowed to commit any crime with impunity, all they have to do is to scream “anti-Semitism”. It is a brainwashed Western world permitting and funding their Zionist crimes.
The spineless and greedy US politicians funded the crimes of the settlers. Obama only asked for a moratorium on settlements and could not get it. Who is in charge in Washington, Netanyahu or demented Biden or Blinken now that Nuland is gone? Who is running the show, do we have a free press or not?
Corrupt journalists in MSM who sold their professional integrity long ago is all we have left. We still have credible, independent journalists but the powers in government work hard to eliminate them.
Now we know how most Germans felt during the crimes of their Nazi regime.
If Iran strikes back, they should hit Israel in the Golan Heights rather than in Israel itself.
Why? Because Israel only strikes Iran in Syria. Israel won’t strike Iran directly without US. So, Iran should not strike Israel strike Syria directly. Hit them in Golan – preferably in the Shebaa Farms area, which is part of Lebanon, according to both Syria & Lebanon.
An interesting idea. I give you credit for thinking as opposed to most people comments here which go something like Israel bad, Iran good.
Israel bad and Iran good, sounds fair and square to me.
We all recognize your sincerity,but enough already. Anything that Israel does to prevent itself from being destroyed by Iran is just,just,just.
jake, Tim Burns, Don Julio, at this point Israel is like the bully that invites violence on it.
You forgot to mentioned the other bully that got invaded and annexed by your emperor, Putin.
America didn`t want nukes in Cuba pointing at them so why should Russia have nukes in Ukraine pointing at them ? . and don`t give yourself a head ache thinking about it the answer is obvious .
I say we oblige them.
Who invaded who on Oct 7?Who opposed Oslo? Who is massing on Israel’s northern border?
The IDF invaded Palestine and killed the Israelis by mistake. That is why the Zionist monsters don’t investigate.
The Israelis opposed Oslo, and Hezbollah is protecting their Lebanese borders against the monster next door.
Who opposed Oslo? Bibi. Sharon. The Israeli Right.
What Israel has done since 10/7 makes the event of that day appear quite minor in comparison. You’re defending genocidal monsters. That makes you a monster Jake.
Just genocide.
Good one. I thought he was stuttering.
And once more, that works both ways.
Fake peace activist and Dictator lover.
Mornin DJ,
Fake is a word that I would apply to you, not me because, I believe in World Peace, not hypocrisy, like you do.
Peace on Earth is what the father gave to the son and that simply makes you a son of a gun, lol, lol, lol, and I’ll be laughing all the way to the bank and you’ll simply be laughing on the way to hell, here on Earth.
Have a truly nice day you hypocrite!
Hey Don? Why don’t you go fq yourself with a chainsaw?
You are absolutely right. There is no doubt who is on the side of the angels and who should be sent to hell.
The opposite of the comments of the ruling elite in the West.
There’s little question who the monster is. Israel.
14,500 children killed by Israel in Gaza since 10/7.
You are defending a monster and that makes you a monster.
Hope you get cancer and die!
That is an interesting idea. Iran could make a precision missile strike on Israeli positions in the Golan and Shebaa Farms to send a message that Iran can strike any part of Israel with the 500-750 missiles Iran has which have the range to hit Israel.
The only problem is that Israel would consider that a strike on Israel, declare war on Iran, launch an air and missile attack on Iran, and get the US to attack Iran in its stead – which is what this whole affair is intended to do.
Which is why I think Iran should do this instead of hanging back. The Middle East war is inevitable. Might as well go ahead and start it.
Iran will then hit the Israeli and American sites. If Hezbollah really cranks it up (which they have not as yet) the critical manufacturing areas in Tel Aviv could be hit, including the chlorine and ammonia manufacturers. All kinds of things can happen, including Israel using a tactical nuke on Syria and Iran, that do not have the bomb. There are two carrier groups in the area. If a third shows up, then the attack on Iran is on. Three carriers allow for there to be sortees around the clock.
Not true…! Israel has attacked Iranian nuclear facilities numerous times using drones based on Kurdistan, Iraq or their airbase in Azerbaijan…!
So, if Iran hits an Israeli embassy or consulate, then what? I doubt that will happen. What if it did?
Then Iran gets his ass handed to itself. 🤷🏽♂️
It won’t happen… Unlike US and Israel, the majority of countries including Iran follow the international laws…!
Really? Ask the people of Tibet.Ask people who used to live near Israel’s northern border. Ask if the people of Taiwan want to become part of Mainland China? Ask the people of the Ukraine. Ask the people of Mauritius. ask thepeople who lost heir homes when Degaule wanted to make the little boom boom.
All the things you refuse to do. You want a list? It would be a mile long, the USA has a very criminal history, lets talk about it.
Starting with the genocide and the broken treaties with the AMERICAN INDIANS. The real history they don’t teach you in school not even in college.
Israel is provoking Iran to retaliate in kind so US would be forced to intervene and fight Iran for them…! The best thing for Iran is to be patient, Not attack Israel directly, and let Hezbollah & Houthis intensify their attacks on Israel…!
Israel is losing in Gaza and has not achieve its goals there mainly the elimination of Hamas. They will not be able to kill 2 million plus remaining Palestinians even with the supply of US arms for the next decade…! Eventually, Israel must end its aggression on Gaza, and that’s when the internal Israel comes alive…! Let the Israeli citizens topple their Crime Minister…!
‘crime minister’ is absolute gold.
But look at the monsters they created, the undisciplined sadistic IDF soldiers will be the future nightmare of Israeli society. The fanatic hate of the settlers who are dancing while blocking aid for the starving Palestinians and by the majority of Israelis does not look good, they are smiling monsters. They are people without a soul.
the monsters are the Hamas terrorists who refuse negotiations,and committed a pogrom against peaceful Israel on Oct 7.
But they did, remember the exchanges at the beginning of the standoff? It worked so well that a terrified Netanyahu put the kibosh on it before a general peace broke out.
If you don’t remember, I do and so does everybody else.
Give it up you sound like a broken record that should be thrown out in the trash.
That is your opinion, Hamas are NOT terrorists, Israel and the US are not peaceful.
The monsters, the war criminals are in power in DC and Tel Aviv.
Nothing Hamas did, even if true, justifies the sadistic, monstrous massacre of an unarmed nation, 70% women and children.
We are governed by despicable evil and vile people.
What do you smoke anyway? Wake up and watch Aljazeera and democracy now and look at the Gray Zone, get out of your bauble.
Only 30% of the Germans voted for the Nazis.
The Nazis were the terrible result of the thoughtless, humiliating treaty of Versailles. Versailles broke the back of the German middle class, they lost their wealth and their businesses, they supported Hitler, not the Socialists and the workers.
The victors showed no mercy, that is true of the Israelis and Americans, they show no mercy for the beaten and humiliated Palestinians, they would not accept an unconditional surrender, genocide is their trump card.
Look at it this way… Iran not directly attacking Israel is actually preventing a major middle east war or world war iii…!
The Iranians are so evil and hateful and of course they are anti-Semites. Poor Israelis, my heart breaks for them/s
70-80% of the Israeli public are in favor of the genocide. This doesn’t end until all of them are driven out of Palestine.
There are only 67% of Israeli that are in favor of Israel military operation in Gaza… Note that they do Not think it’s a Genocide because of Israeli mainstream media brain washing its public…! A few days ago tens of thousands Israelis protested the administration of crime minister demanding an immediate election and a deal to release Israeli hostages…!
They’re only demonstrating because they think Netanyahu is incompetent and corrupt (which he is). They still want all the Palestinians dead.
As for polls:
Polls Show Broad Support in Israel for Gaza’s Destruction and Starvation
So don’t quibble me over the statistics. That makes you a Genocide Denier.
Yea, I heard this song and dance before. Short of a direct attack, Israel is invincible.
Yes just like on Oct 7th
Oct 7th was by design. Also, it is possible that U.S. may compensate Iran by giving them some Israel targets to defuse this tension.
Here is Richard Medhurst and Professor Marandi discussing the Iranian response followed by Richard covering the latest terrorist attacks by the IDF on Palestinians:
LIVE INTERVIEW: Prof Marandi on Israel’s Bombing of Iranian Embassy, Resistance, and More
It’s open season on Zionist embassies and consulates… Good luck and good hunting!