The Biden administration has secretly approved more than 100 separate Foreign Military Sales to Israel since October 7 to support the mass killing of Palestinians in Gaza, The Washington Post reported on Wednesday.
It’s unclear how many of the sales are being funded by the US, but many could be, as Israel receives $3.3 billion in annual Foreign Military Financing, a form of US military aid that gives foreign governments money to purchase US arms.
Only two sales have been made public, one for $106 million worth of 120mm tank ammunition and one for $147.5 million in components needed to make 155mm artillery shells. The Biden administration drew criticism for the deals because they bypassed Congress to push them through as quickly as possible.
US officials told the Post that there was no public debate for the other 100 deals because the dollar value fell under the threshold needed to inform Congress. Considering the vast number of arms sales in such a short period of time, making them low value was clearly an effort to keep the arms transfers out of the public eye as President Biden is under increasing scrutiny for supporting Israel’s genocidal campaign.
The Post report said that US officials told Congress during a classified briefing that the hundreds of sales amounted to thousands of precision-guided munitions, small-diameter bombs, bunker busters, small arms, and other types of “lethal aid.”
The exact number of bombs and other types of equipment the US has delivered to Israel since October 7 is not clear. The Wall Street Journal reported on December 1 that the US had provided Israel with 57,000 artillery shells and 15,000 bombs, including massive bunker busters, but that figure is likely much higher since the report was published over three months ago.
The revelation from the Post comes as the Biden administration claims it’s pressuring Israel to allow more aid into Gaza, where children are starving to death and a major famine is imminent. But the US is not using any of its leverage over Israel as it continues to provide unconditional military aid for its military operations and starvation campaign.
Over 30,000 Palestinians have been killed and over 71,000 wounded in Gaza since October 7, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry, which says about 70% of the casualties are women and children. Despite the massive civilian casualty rate, the US is looking to give Israel another $14 billion in military aid on top of the $3.8 billion it receives each year.
Of course, it has been and will continue to be the policy of USA to support Israel. Hamas goal is the destruction of Israel. Form Hamas charter, section 20. ” Hamas believes that no part of the land of Palestine shall be compromised or conceded, irrespective of the causes, the circumstances and the pressures and no matter
how long the occupation lasts. Hamas rejects any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea.”
So you finally read Hamas’ 2017 charter, that would be a good thing had you read it with honorable intent to gain knowledge and increase understanding in a complex conflict of more than a century’s duration. But of course you did not, your intention was quite the opposite.
Lacking the merest modicum of integrity, you cherry picked, decontextualized, and deliberately excerpted complete sentences in Section 20 to not just distort, but to reverse it’s intended meaning to that of your simplistic and fallacious contention: “Hamas goal is the destruction of Israel.”
You’re both an idiot thinking no one would catch your chicanery and an unprincipled pos, albeit a pretty amateur one.
Likud‘s 1977 charter calls for the destruction of Palestine in clear text. It’s illuminating that Tim quotes the Likud text in full „from the river to the sea“
Have you read it? Anyone reading Hamas charter would clearly see that Hamas goal is indeed the destruction of Israel. You have to be an idiot to not understand that. Here is another quote from section 18. “The establishment of “Israel” is entirely illegal”
Feel free to “Cherry pick” something from the document to refute Hamas goal. I always get amusement how terrorists supporters like you justified their position.
Yes, Tim, I’ve read it. My positions aren’t formed by political entities but independent research & analysis, Hamas’ charter was source info to that process.
Your contention ”The establishment of “Israel” is entirely illegal” is evidence of destructive intent is a fallacy. Hamas is making a legal argument, combined with the sentence above they’re calling into question the legality of the entire process leading to resolution 181 and sentence following identifies the rights violated. You can argue the legality of each of those documents, it’s been done, a search will deliver it, or the legality of the rights asserted but you’ve no argument the statement is evidence of malicious intent.
Reading without bias would improve your comprehension and thus any dependent argument – or as in this case – absence of argument.
The Likud Party has had “From the river to the sea, Israeli sovereignty” in its platform since the 1970’s.
Every revelation magnifies the atrocity that is Biden’s role in the inhuman suffering and slaughter going on both in Europe and the Middle East.
“Foreign Military Financing, a form of US military aid that gives foreign governments money to purchase US arms.”
What a racket! US tax dollars are given in “aid” to foreign govs with which they must buy weapons from US vendors. So effectively US tax dollars are money-laundered through foreign entities into the coffers of the MIC+.
DC is little more than a Criminal Enterprise.
I don’t believe it. I don’t believe Israel “must buy weapons from US vendors.” I want to see the actual FU@KING receipts! I have a spirit in my head telling me Israel receives all the US weapons and keeps this money with no strings attached. …And yes, I’m also an idiot.
Kind of like how the USSA (UN/WHO controlled US government) had to buy masks and testing kits from the ChiComs.
The only think shocking with this story is that it reveals that the Washington Post is doing some real journalism. Or at least something close to it. Mind blown. . .
The system does not change. Sometimes the leaders do but the policies don’t. Sometimes Americans die but mostly it is simple working folk in other places that feel the pain. No wonder the US is hated all over the world. It is going to get worse before it gets better.
Indeed it is, assuming their worse can be humanly bettered.
No, it’s promoting a leading US industry with a huge export trade meeting global demand for human slaughter.
The EU wants its own racket:
Amid Ukraine war, EU Commission adopts plan for European war economy
The plan proposes to turn the EU Commission into a coordinating body, overseeing supply chains and production of EU arms manufacturers. It decrees that “the Commission … will work towards the establishment of a single, centralised, up-to-date catalogue of defence products developed by” EU arms manufacturers. It will also help fund “strategic stockpiling by industry of basic components such as electronic components and raw materials.”
The plan’s most drastic provisions are those granting the European Commission and Council vast emergency powers to control and reorient European economic production towards war, suspending civilian production, in the event of international crises. The European Council is the assembly of heads of state of the EU countries, while the Commission is the EU’s main executive body…
This is a recipe for a collapse in living standards for broad masses of workers, together with the imposition of military dictatorship in all but name. The EU Commission plan cynically tries to justify such policies by invoking the NATO-Russia war in Ukraine…
As capitalism plunges into a Third World War, the imperialist powers are not aiming to protect themselves from Russia, but competing to grab as much plunder as they can from the world economy. This is why, even though the United States and most EU states are nominally NATO allies, the EU military plan contains a series of measures aimed at competing with Washington.
The EU plan complains that EU countries still today overwhelmingly buy their major weapons systems from the United States. It states, “78 percent of the defence acquisitions by EU Member States between the start of Russia’s war of aggression and June 2023 were made from outside the EU, with the US alone representing 63 percent.”
A critical component of the EU military plan is to ensure that EU armies buy a majority of their equipment from EU companies.
Great article, thanks for sharing! I think it explains Nuland’s hasty exit. Briefly, with Ukraine’s utter collapse almost at hand and the $61B at best stalled I think she concocted a strategy, several sources have quietly acknowledged its existence, to fund and extend the war 10 years, freezing it at the current conflict line while rebuilding Ukraine’s military & economy to “deterrence” capacity, potentially backdooring it into NATO. Extricating the US from funding the war, going forward to be born by it’s NATO allies in a formal 10-year commitment. She referenced it quite obliquely before congress last week. I think Miss “F the EU” got way too far out over her skis, your article EU’s response/threat and her exit the beginning of some serious fence mending. It’s a theory 🙂
Thank you Captain Obvious. I’m being facetious. And yes, please end NATO. I believe we’re waking up, but the question of how to reign in our war criminals remains…
A common sense update on Global-Communism versus Sovereign Nations. March 1, 2024 edition:
The US govt is EVIL!
it is not only the Government. It is the Banks,Oil Companies Insurance Companies and Big Pharma that need to be regulated or overturned,also our Court system.
It’s the Crony Capitalists that make Socialism and Communism appealing to the masses.
“…President Biden is under increasing scrutiny for supporting Israel’s genocidal campaign.” Is that scrutiny in favor or against? I suspect any meaningful and effective scrutiny is more in favor of Israel’s genocidal campaign than against it because nobody gives a $hit about “the public eye.” Look around please. “The public eye” is blind, deaf, and dumb. If Israel goes down, the US will go down with it regardless of what “the public eye” thinks.
In Michigan a mom who provided the gun before a school shooting was found guilty of manslaughter
Meanwhile Joe Biden provides the gun before and keeps resupplying ammo during a five month killing spree. I wonder if he will face charges?
Haha just kidding, our federal “justice system” exists to preserve power! Did you really think it’s in the business of delivering justice?
This will be recorded in history as not just Israeli but also as US Genocide of 2023-2024…!
US officials told the Post that there was no public debate for the other 100 deals because the dollar value fell under the threshold needed to inform Congress.
I did not know that. Does that just apply to Israel? As much as I hate to say it, I hope so.
The total symbiosis between the murderous Netanyahu government and the clueless Biden administration must be the wonder of the world. Future historians will mark the Biden administration as the final chapter in moral decline of the US government.
And when Donald Trump is elected next November, the American empire would finally have its emperor.
As Benjamin Franklin sait it, in 1787, at the Constitutional Convention, “a Republic or a Monarchy? —A Republic, if you can keep it.“