On Tuesday, Texas Republican primary voters overwhelmingly supported a proposition in favor of legislation to restrict the deployment of the state’s National Guard to combat zones.
The proposition stated, “The Texas Legislature should prohibit the deployment of the Texas National Guard to a foreign conflict unless Congress first formally declares war.”
In response, 84% of voters said “yes,” and only 16% voted “no.”
The proposition was based on the Defend the Guard Act, legislation that has been introduced in over 30 states that would prohibit the deployment of a state’s National Guard to combat zones without a formal declaration of war from Congress, as required by the Constitution.
A version of the Defend the Guard Act has passed in three state legislatures so far. Most recently, the Idaho state Senate approved the bill in a vote of 27-8, and it now heads to Idaho’s House of Representatives for consideration.
Visit Defendtheguard.us to see if the Defend the Guard Act has been introduced in your state. Click here to volunteer for phone banking to help get the legislation passed in states where it has been introduced.
National Guard units are still being deployed to wars in the Middle East and Africa, including in Syria and Somalia. The recent drone attack that killed three members of the US Army Reserve at Tower 22 in Jordan also wounded about 40 members of the Arizona National Guard.
This trend should continue until All states adopt the Guard Act…! This would force presidents to seek congressional approval for a war that wasn’t declared on the victim country(s) or resistance groups…! Since US, not capable of sustaining a war indefinitely, would like to just bomb the rogue countries at a distance because of its impunity status; this would prevent wars all together…!
Netman. Several presidents have had “approval” from congress. Johnson had “approval” from congress after the Gulf of Tonkin incident. George Jr. was given permission to go into Iraq and Afghanistan. A declaration of war, as prescribed by the Constitution is a far more powerful hurtle. There has not been a declaration of war since WWII. Congress has abdicated its responsibilities so it can go “dialing for dollars.”
Abdicated, you said it! There hasn’t been a decent person on Congress since Dennis Kucinich was gerrymandered out of office by the Democratic Party and Barbara Lee, the only one who voted against using the U.S. military in Afghanistan, sold out. The whole electoral process is corrupt and rigged for the establishment. Only a revolution will fix things, preferably a nonviolent one.
Eventually, that giant popping sound will be the American people pulling their heads out of their U-Know-Whats. Until that happens, things will get progressively worse.
Let’s deploy the National Guard to get Bush Jr. in front of a war tribunal. If guilty, I’d prefer turning him into an amputee and buying him a mountain bike. May you pay for your sins Georgie. We’re comin’ for ya…
A common sense update on Global-Communism versus Sovereign Nations. March 1, 2024 edition:
I’d much rather get Cheney in front of a war- and human rights crimes tribunal. He ran all that stuff, Bush was a mere figurehead, even though as president he was ultimately in charge and therefore ultimately responsible.
I Love Texas!
I very much like the Texas GOP’s position, in that the “nation” to be “guarded” by the NG -is- the USA, after all.
Tho I daresay the Texas Republicans want their state’s National Guard legions at home for border “defense” waaaaay more than they care about foreign military (mis)adventuring.
States have rights.
No, states have powers. People have rights.
Very good Thomas, very good.