Israel has released its first draft of its plans for post-war Gaza. Throughout the four months of a brutal onslaught, Israeli forces have decimated the Strip and killed 30,000 Palestinians. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s post-war plans call for “operational freedom of action in the entire Gaza Strip without a time limit” and “demilitarization” of Palestinians.
The Israeli government first released the document to some media outlets on Thursday. According to the translation from NBC News, the document says, Israel will “maintain its operational freedom of action in the entire Gaza Strip, without a time limit,” and “The security perimeter being created in the Gaza Strip on the border with Israel will remain as long as there is a security need for it.”
Israel is also requesting control of the border between Egypt and Gaza. Netanyahu’s plan may face resistance in Washington and Cairo. Egypt has demanded that Israel not deploy its forces along the border. The US has asked Israel not to expand buffer zones in Gaza. However, Tel Aviv has ignored nearly all of Washington’s requests over the past four months with no impact on US aid shipments to Israel.
Netanyahu says he will not allow the rebuilding of the Strip to begin until the Palestinians have been “deradicalized.” Additionally, Tel Aviv plans to have complete control over the future political system in Gaza. Netanyahu says the Strip will be fully demilitarized.
President Joe Biden has requested that Netanyahu allow Arab states to finance the reconstruction of Gaza and allow the Palestinian Authority (PA) to govern Gaza in the process of creating a sovereign Palestine. Netanyahu’s proposal did not mention the PA.
The Israeli government has repeatedly stated that it will not allow the PA to control Gaza or the Palestinians to have a state. In the statement released by the Israeli government, Netanyahu says, “Israel utterly rejects international diktats over a final-status agreement with the Palestinians.”
Netanyahu additionally plans to shut down UNRWA, the main aid agency in Gaza, that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians rely on for survival. Tel Aviv recently accused the UN Relief and Works Agency of employing 12 people who took part in the Hamas attack in Israel. However, a US intelligence community assessment only endorsed the claim with “low confidence.”
Kyle Anzalone is the opinion editor of, news editor of the Libertarian Institute, and co-host of Conflicts of Interest.
I’d say this is the end of the 2-state solution, but how many bounces can a dead body have? 2-state has been out for decades now, though few have admitted it until now.
So Israel wants to have full control over Gaza and presumably W Bank? Sure. Make all residents of historic Palestine co-equal citizens with equal rights and participation in the democratic process and you can have full control … of course, the nature of the government may change; but that’s democracy.
There’s been a Palestinian state for 35 years now. It’s recognized by 135 other states, it’s recognized by the UN as an observer state, it’s a member state of Interpol and the International Criminal Court, and it’s not going away.
I’d say that the future possibilities for Palestine, in order of probability, look like:
1) A single, Arab-majority state, replacing Israel; or
2) Israel at least attempting to survive by recognizing and negotiating peace (however temporary) with the state of Palestine, under which it withdraws to the 1967 lines;
3) Israel at least attempting to survive by recognizing and negotiating peace (however temporary) with the state of Palestine. under which it withdraws to within its internationally recognized borders as set in UNR 181.
I haven’t included the possibility of Israel eliminating the Palestinian Arabs and absorbing Gaza, the West Bank, etc. because if that’s even possible, the possibility is far too remote to waste much time on.
I think the only problem with this analysis is that the crazies in Tel Aviv at the moment seem to be bent on achieving that impossible elimination and absorption.
I don’t disagree.
I remain bent on bedding Jennifer Lawrence. But she’s unlikely to agree to a long weekend in a hotel suite with a private jacuzzi and mirrors on the ceiling, and if I get pushy about it I’ll probably get arrested or shot.
I was talking about the possibilities, not about the batshit insane unobtainable desires.
Makes sense, but please avoid the use of bad visuals. You don’t need to use bad visuals in order to make a point! Now, I can’t get them out of my head! Is this what I get for reading your posts?
I like the visual.
LOL. I do too. I’m just messing with him. 😆
You solutions are possible of course, but not likely. Number 1 is extremely unlikely. I just don’t see after 75 years of hard fighting Israel just disappearing. Going back to 1967 lines, not likely. Too many settlers and Israel is not giving up East Jerusalem. Number 3 the same chance as 1, almost none. After 75 years of development and treaties with Jordan and Egypt defining major parts of Israel’s border, just not going to happen.
In its history, Jerusalem has been destroyed twice, besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times. The Jewish population of Palestine has been exiled four times.
States come and go, as do ethnic/religious identifications for those states. How big is the Muslim population of al-Andalus (aka Spain) these days?
History didn’t end in 1948.
You facts are true. And in 200 years who knows? But i am confident in the near future, Israel will be around long after you I are not.
Well, I’m only hopeful for another 20 years or so, and you may be right.
Here’s the thing:
Israel has a fairly successful record when it comes to military operations and expansionist goals. My read on 1948 is that not many people expected it to survive then, and it also held its own in 1956, 1967, and 1973.
But since then, it seems to have been less successful, as it has become more and more dependent on US support. And that support has been slipping since at least 2016 (when Barack Obama had the US ambassador to the UN not veto an anti-settlement resolution in the Security Council). Trump was over-the-top “pro-Israel” when he needed financial support, but he’s mercurial/unreliable. Instead of the electorate automatically just accepting “pro-Israel” as the default position, that position is starting to come with costs rather than just benefits.
There will be a point at which the US political worm turns enough that the checks stop coming, or at least get greatly reduced. If the Israelis don’t get serious about recognizing and negotiating with the state of Palestine before that time comes, it’s going to be in a very disadvantageous position and that disadvantage will be maximally exploited by its opponents.
To put it a different way, now or in the near future is when Israel can get the best deal available to it. It’s no longer going to be able to dictate terms. And the terms dictated to it — possibly imposed by invasion — are going to get worse and worse as time goes on.
When will the stolen property be paid for ?
Well if it is truly “stolen property” as you claim, then by detention it will not be paid for.
Of course, all this will happen when the war criminals in DC and Tel Aviv are dealt with? If there’s any nation that deserves to have its land confiscated, its leaders prosected, it’s Israel! “Demilitarizing” Gaza while the “demilitarizer” runs roughshod over a defenseless civilian population? When it comes to Israel, all laws and reason are out the window!
How can it be a “state” when it is occupied, property taken year after year.
Lots of states get occupied. That doesn’t magically make them non-states.
It’s up to Israel. They’ve arrived at an inflection point at which agreeing to a two-state solution is the very best deal they can get. Unfortunately, they remain unable to accept that and insist on following a path that makes the long-term survival of the arrangement they have now unlikely in the extreme.
Did you watch Crooke on Napolitano? He basically says the only way for Israel to survive peaceably is to not be a Zionist state.
Nationalism is sort of like a magnet. Its two poles are “love of our nationality” and “fear/hatred of other nationalities.”
Ethno-nationalism in particular tends to lean harder on that latter pole in a way that makes it more explosive because its loyalty demands, protection claims, etc. stretch across those geographical gang turf lines and get used by the nationalist in-group in ways that lead to conflict. Any nationalism that goes beyond, say, supporting a particular soccer team is unstable and doomed to eventual failure, but ethno-nationalism even more so and usually more violently.
It demands the murder of others. As I stated earlier, who would have known that the 4th Reich (In my opinion) would be a creation of the State of Israel. Soon, there will be pictures of Palestinians behind barbed wire at the compound being prepared for them by Egypt next to pictures of the Jews at the camps. The world? When it is over, the world will forget. As it did after Cast Lead, Protective Edge. So it goes.
I haven’t seen that one yet, but I think that’s absolutely right. At least, Zionism will have to mean something very different than it has since Zabotinsky if Israel is to survive peacefully as a Zionist state.
Israel is so nice. Israel invented Jeffery Epstein, then Epsteined him.
Have you read this?
And the US is now pro-apartheid:
US Defends Israeli Occupation at World Court
February 23, 2024
Among nations participating in the ICJ proceedings on Israel’s occupation, only the U.S. and Fiji are urging the court not to issue an opinion that declares the nearly six-decade occupation of Palestinian territory illegal.
Fiji? WTF
Payoff …
There are about 500 cities in the world with larger populations than Fiji. Really.
Bad plan. Leaves Israel responsible for the safety and welfare of people who are very happy to kill Israel citizens at any chance they get. Best solutions, get the kidnapped victims back. Then seal the border between Israel and Gaza completely. Nothing crosses the border. Lift the sea blockage and let Gaza trade with the world via the Sea or Egypt.
Gaza is now free to become what they want to be come. And if Gaza makes the mistake of attacking Israel again, Israel flattens Gaza by air again.
why do you persist in thinking Israel gives one single damn about the hostages? Their every action says otherwise.
Israel will never have peace again … the Gaza war will never be over as there’s no one to surrender.
“Leaves Israel responsible for the safety and welfare of people who are very happy to kill Israel citizens at any chance they get.”
If Israel doesn’t want to be responsible for the safety and welfare of people it holds under belligerent occupation, it can always end the occupation.
This isn’t rocket science, Tim. It’s really easy to understand.
Will not end. A book somewhere says that the land is theirs. Big, brave America is too much of a coward, is filled with too much money from sources that rule congress is very complicit. I would like to be a fly on the wall at one of the meetings the Biden administration has with “experts”. I would bet that they want the whole “Final Solution” to get over before November.
They may well go that way. It may even be the most likely path they take. But if they do, Israel will have destroyed its chances for long-term survival as a Zionist-supremacist nation and the US will in an even larger, darker and more permanent stain, with unavoidable and very undesirable consequences.
I agree, that is why I want them to leave Gaza ASAP. But they need the kidnapped victims free first.
If you lost most of your family to an Israeli air strike, would your not want just a little revenge.
I am sure they will. That is the problem everyone wants revenge for someone being killed. That is why relative to Gaza I recommend a complete disengagements and total isolation of Gaza and Israel.
No words…:
This world is cruel and unjust.
I can’t watch it. I can only imagine and that’s bad enough.
Same here.
Sorry, Kyle. I noticed a word is missing. “The Israeli Prime *CRIME* Minister also wants to deploy troops along the border with Egypt”
Biden joins the slaughter party because Israel has BLACKMAILED the perverts we call the US government!
Who on earth would have known that the Fourth Reich would be created in Israel. Anyone?
It is not actually a surprise. It is only too human for the victim to become an abuser, learning the lesson on how to abuse. This is a source of spouse abuse and child abuse, a common lesson in life. It is well studied.
This pattern is known as a cycle of abuse, a predictable cycle of cognitive distortions and self-destructive and/or abusive behaviors.
We just don’t like to admit what we know.
“Netanyahu says he will not allow the rebuilding of until the Palestinians have been “deradicalized.”
After 30 thousands deaths, it’s a tad bit delusional to think of such an outcome.
Netanhau shows the world why the Palestinians cannot be left defenseless and disarmed. They must be able to defend themselves, and they even more so need to form alliances with nations that can help them.
Israel defines its own security as absolute freedom to kill and abuse Palestinians forever.
That is not a “solution.” It keeps the problem alive and bubbling.
Of course. We are witnessing ethnic cleansing done by genocide of the Armenian Genocide method, from which the only escape would be to run abroad with no hope of return (but Israel assassins will follow anyway).