President Biden on Tuesday said his administration would be announcing “major sanctions” on Russia over the death of Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny.
“What I came to tell you was we’d be announcing sanctions on Russia. We’ll have a major package announced on Friday,” Biden told reporters before boarding Marine One for a trip to the West Coast.
White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby also said the US would be announcing a “major” sanctions package on Friday. Kirby said the sanctions aim to “hold Russia accountable for what happened to Mr. Navalny, and quite frankly, for all its actions over the course of this vicious and brutal war that has now raged on for two years.”
Kirby would not offer any details on the sanctions when asked, and it’s unclear what steps the US could take since it’s already imposed so many sanctions on Russia.
The White House is supportive of a plan to send $300 billion in frozen Russian central bank funds to Ukraine, which would mark a significant escalation of the economic war against Russia. But the US needs Europe to be onboard since that’s where most of the money is being held, and recent reports have said no final decisions have been made.
The US has offered sharp criticism over the death of Navalny, who died at 47 while serving a 19-year prison sentence. The circumstances of his death are unclear but President Biden immediately blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin, and hawks in the US are using his death to justify spending more on the Ukraine proxy war.
In contrast, the Biden administration has been silent about the death of Gonzalo Lira, an American who was imprisoned in Ukraine for his views on the war. Lira’s father said the US did nothing to help free his son. Lira died in January after a battle with pneumonia that he said was initially ignored by Ukrainian authorities.
Sure. But genocide is a-ok.
Sanction Nation sanctioning the world. Adios U.S. Dollar.
We have some very slow learners running the show in DC. How could anyone with even a survey course in macroeconomics — hell, a high school course — or any reasonably bright person who reads and follows the news, not understand what this behavior is doing to the status of the US$ as reserve currency?
Every new sanction movescthe MajorityWorld closer to ditching the risky US$. Yanks too stupid to realise.
The fools! What will they do with their worthless electronics, minerals, durable goods, and clothing when they can no longer trade them for pieces of paper with 18th century Americans printed on them?!?!
Yes. Because the dollar has suffered so much already. Maybe your BRICS fantasies will finally come true!
Well, the Irrational One is back, still irrational as ever. You been getting your talking points together with Dumb Don?
Sure. Reality sucks doesn’t it?
You wouldn’t know anything about reality as you seem to reside in an alternate universe.
And you tankies live in the real
world. OK.
Thank you for acknowledging it.
Everything’s fine!
I’m sure Xi and Putin discussed it before hand, knowing the way Sanction Nation is willing to sanction everyhing, including your dreams, Putin and Russia weren’t caught unaware.
What do the Russians call their Kool Aid knockoff?
Putin is never caught unaware. His air force on the other hand…
Well, of course. We can’t let them kill* a Western agent without consequences. 😏
I’m sure Moscow is trembling in terror over the possible impact of new sanctions.
*As if anyone had any idea about Navalny’s cause of death (except, perhaps, the Russian-speaking Ukrainian contractors for MI6 who . . . contributed to the Western presentation at this year’s Munich Security Conference).
The Ukrainians are desperately low on ammunition as Russia-aligned Republicans continue to block U.S. aid. As long as Ukrainian brigades must count every missile, shell and drone, Russian regiments—flush with ammo from Iran and North Korea—will have the momentum.
I understand they’re putting recruits with Down’s syndrome and pregnant women on the front line. Since you prefer spending borrowed money on a lost war in Ukraine than collapsing bridges here at home maybe you’d consider volunteering over there.
🎵Over there, over there,
Send the word, send the word to beware,
Kyivan Rus’ is coming, Kyivan Rus’ coming over,
And won’t come back till it’s over over there. 🎵
If Kiev hasn’t done already, they will do what the Germans did at the end: put children on the front lines. I don’t know if what you allege is true, but it would fall in line with what the NAZIs did to the disabled and the unfortunates like the persons you allege Kiev to put on the front lines to kill them off: persons with Down sydrome. Very NAZI.
You mean all the sh!t the Russians are doing. Even putting elders, people with disabilities, jailed criminals in the frontlines?
Yeah, keep trying to flip the scrip.
I’m pretty sure those videos were Russian propaganda but whatever reinforces your narrative. BTW, if your Putin love is so strong, when are you signing up for the Russian Storm Brigades? (They seem to be very survivable!)
satire: |ˈsaˌtī(ə)r|
the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
You are bad at it.
I didn’t see anything in that comment that was even remotely complementary of Putin. Spending money on our infrastructure sounds like a pretty good idea to me.
Even better, why don’t you enlist in the International Legion for the Defence of Ukraine? Your Zelensky love will be greatly appreciated.
I heard they need good strong men like you to fight.
Here’s a link to help you out.
And Even better, why dont you do the same?
I’m sorry to present this in sentence form….
After losing 18-20% of their territory from 2014, at the Empire’s direction and hopes that ‘crippling sanctions’ will crush those pesky Russians, how much more territorial loss do you think the Empire will allow before it directs Zelensky to cede territory now in Russia’s hands? Lots of goodies down south in Odessa. Really think about this one. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. There we go.
I wonder what the new, rump state will be called? Or, will a new star be added to the Empire’s flag? That way, they can be part of NATO for sure!
Some more homework for you below. Please read and I’ll make sure to send you a link to a graphic novel once it’s released. That will help you a lot.
“The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He, Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short a time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated. And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed -if all records told the same tale — then the lie passed into history and became truth. ‘Who controls the past,’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’ And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. ‘Reality control’, they called it: in Newspeak, ‘doublethink'”
Yeah yeah. Keep on dreaming.
Speaking of dreaming, please tell me how Joey will fare against Trump. The presidential debate will be momentous.
I hear people are getting pretty worried about that. Or, will there be a ‘health scare’ that will give him a backdoor out?
Maybe even out of the presidency? Hmmmm?
Biden will be without his teleprompter, free to squint, raise his arms as if he was a robot, talk about visiting with dead monarchs. Trump will blast away with his usual nonsense. It will be like SNL on steroids.
How? I don’t know, why dont YOU tell me?
Im an independent voter and not anyone’s campaign manager.
As soon as you sign up for those Russian meat waves.
Well, because Russia is doing a good enough job on it’s own.
It’s well presented that facts, big words like ‘macroeconomics’ and, most importantly, emotional disassociation challenge you both.
To help you on your path to understanding and recovery, I’ve included some pictures that will help.
Item #1 – Note that Ukraine is the orange one and it’s about 20% smaller now.
Item #2 – This is not a drone and will not be included in any aid package.
Facts? 🤣
Actually, showing the size and the BS russian teleporting missiles that dont work is actually an embarrassment.
The little guy took Russia off the world ranking as #2 and with all those super galactic weapons, unlimited soldiers, and supplies, cant even take small villages.
It took Russia 4 months and over 40,000 russian troops killed to take a small city with nothing left in it defended by a handful of poorly trained and equipped Ukrainians.
You should be embarrassed for bragging about stuff like that.
Good luck selling arms. No one is going to buy your crap anymore.
Please cite reliable sources that account for 40,000 Russian deaths in 4 months.
Are you sure about that?
Sure. Size matters? How big was Vietnam compared to the US? Not a history major? How big was South Africa compared to the British Empire? Do you know history at all? (I could keep going.)
Your historical references are comical and sadly not relevant. You’re better off sticking to ChatGPT or “fighting for their homeland” bravado.
And remember there will be new history, subject to interpretation, that will document this Empire-led proxy war.
If you actually knew anything about history, it would be clear to you why this proxy war started in the first place. Let me give you a hint; it’s not about the Empire defending the ‘little guy’ from a bully.
So please tell us how exactly Ukraine will defeat Russia and reclaim the 20% of the territory. Especially without Big Brother & Co. being on the ground with them.
Your next homework assignment is to look these words/people up and construct a relevant sentence.
1) Uni-polar hegemony
2) Multi-polar (power balance)
3) Proxy
4) Macroecomics
5) Economic Militarism
6) MIC
7) George Kennan
Bonus Question:
That’s a lot of words to say nothing. You just put yourself in the same shoes as many large countries/empires. “It won’t happen to us!”
OK. New boss. Same as the old boss
There are direct statements there to counter your comments as well as the direct cause of this war.
You would benefit by understanding dialectic reasoning vs. dogmatic acceptance as you clearly fall into the latter category with your statements since they don’t make sense, but you want to believe them so bad. They work in football stadiums, but not so well with geopolitical discussions.
Obviously, it doesn’t sink in because of the limitation of your faculties. Being emotionally reactive is your forte as evidenced by your collective comments, ill sited references, personal slurs, etc. You should see someone about that.
As well, you were prompted to answer a direct question. Please answer it.
Don’t forget your homework assignment.
YOUR opinion on the direct cause of the war; and you believe you’ve offer a reasoned argument. Neither is true. (Just throwing around big words does not make an argument.)
Can’t answer the question or do your homework? I understand. I really do.
Btw, they aren’t big words. 😉
Oh, yes. I’ll get right on the homework assignment you gave me. How much of an a**hole do you think you are? You much be a real joy at parties. Everyone must be so impressed with your douchiness! Hahaha. What an absolute jaggoff.
Oh, he’s a sensitive little fella!
Not that there’s anything wrong with that!
Sure, son. I’m sensitive to your big boy word association masterbation. You’re family must love when you come for the holidays. They can’t wait for your insight into geopolitics that you read in a book and have no concept of how to apply it to the real world.
I don’t know. Maybe read more diverse material or talk to a girl. (Whichever you think will help you out more.)
Nice try. Your responses and collective comments from various discussions/topics speak volumes and assert that you have zero concept of the real world. As a result, you are left feeling vulnerable. Your emotional reactivity underscores that. I understand that and it’s ok.
Now y’all come back now after ya get some good book-learnin’ an ed-u-macation.
(simplified for your ease of understanding)
One thing I recommend is that you find yourself a good support group/counseling to help with anger management. You’ll need that to help you cope with the eventual outcome of Zelensky’s ‘active-retreat’, I mean defence.
I’m sure you’re very “educated” and that’s OK, son. Delusion can achieve that for you.
BTW, would you care to wager what is eliminated first?
1) The Russian Air Force
2) The Russian Black Sea Fleet
And I’m sure you are, marginally, at best.
Good luck l’il fella, and try not to be so sensitive and angry.
Stick to the topics and ease off on the slurs, insults, etc. Weren’t you applying to the State Dept? You need to display a little more composure. Just sayin’.
Enjoy the ride and don’t be too upset with what’s to come with it being an election year, the ongoing ‘active-retreat’ and the pending House vote.
Awww. You think I’m angry? You bring up Zalinsky’s “active retreat” and then say I should stick to the subjects. (Spoken like a person who’s lost the argument.)
We WILL see how all of it goes. (Also, I guess no wager then?) I will enjoy the Russian equipment destruction and — if it comes to it — will support the guerilla war. (But I don’t think it’ll come to that.)
Slava Ukraini!
Based on the way you typically resort to slurs and insults is a clear sign that you’ve lost whatever argument. Clearly demonstrated with most of your discussions. Your personal attacks further support this. You really should work on that.
‘Active-retreat’ is satire (a concept you have shown difficulty in understanding) to describe what will transpire and lead to Zelensky’s/Ukraine’s eventual downfall which has been a main topic in most of the discussions. No amount of Slava Ukraini will help them with the exception of direct NATO involvement. And we all know that if it ever gets to that, the EU will return the favour to Nuland and tell her to f*ck off.
And yes we will see how it goes. Just like the Empire leading this proxy war that was supposed to cripple Russia, but that is failing as well. That’s the main goal of the Empire and it always has been since they’ve been extra active with this campaign since 2014. Actually, 1991. And when this campaign fails there will be a convenient spin/exit strategy to make it seem like that was the plan after all.
Let’s just hope it’s a better plan than the utter failure in Afghanistan.
Most importantly, remember that the Empire does not give a $hit about Ukraine and never has.
Understand that your current leadership has failed you and hope for a better more responsible America in the coming election. An America that has to restructure and learn how to share power with Russia, China, India, etc. It has no choice because there aren’t enough proxies to support its uni-polar hegemony it’s enjoyed since 1991.
That $hit is over.
More of the same empire bulls**t. Why don’t you find some original opinions instead of regurgitating the tankie groupthink? (Oops, another “slur”)
3) Ukraine
Not with this level of military genious:
“Russia-aligned Republicans” – few days ago they asked Putin, who is better for Russia, Biden or Trump. Putin answered – Biden.
Sanctions on Russia usually are hitting Germany the most.
And benefiting the Empire the most.
How about them LNG shipments at 4X cost. Those darn Russians having the nerve to blow up their own pipeline.
How dare they!?!?
Your math seems a little off.
As of February 21, 2022, the EU LNG price per megawatt hour was 94.22 euros. Four times that would be 376.88 euros.
As of February 19, 2024, the EU natural gas price per megawatt hour was 28.12 euros.
I stand corrected w.r.t. current pricing, lower demand due to climate, etc.
Emphasis should have been made to reflect cost immediately after Nordstream. The fact remains; prices and sales increased immediately after.
I also should have added how well Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon Technologies collective bottom lines have done since 2022. Nothing like a good war to get the economy going again.
Got Fact checked?
Who are these people? They’re supposed to be our best and brightest and they’re a stuck record!
Russia has better financials post – how many rounds of – Ukraine sanctions than before. Putin’s more prominent on the world stage, can not only put two sentences together without babbling but give a 30 minute Russian history lesson without notes while Israel is making the US look like whinny schoolboys being pushed around by the playground bully. Yeah go for nor sanctions, at this point really what could it hurt?
“a 30 minute Russian history lesson without notes” – next day, in his other interview to Zarubin, Putin explained that it was one of several versions of History, Norman version, which, as probably, Putin understands well, is a fake one. Norman version was created at the beginning of 18th century by German academicians in service of Romanovs. Putin talked on old historian issues quite few times. Maybe only once he openly contradicted the official version when with documents in hand he talked about Kulikovo battle and claimed it was a civil war where Tatar units, the same as Russian units, participated on both sides. In other cases, talking about History of times before 16th century, Putin usually adds: “as specialists say”. Those specialists, as we know, are carrying on with the version of Russian History fabricated by Germans and Putin knows that. He has access to all ancient documents. It is important for any political leader to know the real history of his country. It helps to make the right decisions.
Yes, a 30 min conveniently manipulated history lesson that didn’t answer sh!t.
If sanctions dont hurt Russia, stop complaining.
Virtue signaling from Biden, especially when those pesky poll approval numbers for Trump won’t go down.
Which is worrysome.
Biden is going to put them on double secret sanctions:
There’s not much else he can sanction them with, unless maybe he wants them cut off from Geritol and checker board sets.
I wonder if it’s just coincidence that China’s three largest banks cut off sanctioned Russian entities yesterday, or whether some recent event has the PRC starting to limb down off the fence?
Chinese banks are just trying to avoid secondary US sanctions, as are banks around the world. A fair portion of the payment processing has been taken over by smaller Chinese banks without much exposure to Western transactions.
This has nothing to do with Navalny and it’s not an indication of a Chinese retreat from its relationship with Russia. The PRC leaders aren’t nearly dumb enough to do that.
China started retreating from its relationship with Russia on February 24, 2022. But only slowly and cautiously, probably mostly to reduce its public embarrassment over Putin pulling his stunt so soon after the whole “unlimited cooperation” press conference.
China clearly wants to remain as neutral as it can in the whole thing (especially given its discount oil windfall, and its twice-affirmed obligation to hold its nuclear umbrella over Ukraine). But it seems to be continuing its slow veer away from coddling Putin.
“China started retreating from its relationship with Russia on February 24, 2022.”
China remaining “neutral” will not do a d*mn thing to dissuade us from prepping for a war against China. I would hope Xi understands that.
An interpretation, unless you’re going to claim a personal relationship with Xi.
double down has worked so well against Russia;-)
Russia in turn should sanction US over the cover-up death of Epstein in prison…!?
As well as ignoring the death of Lira.
And remember Assange, and his decade of torture and Snowden who is living in Russia.
Here’s Navalny in Glenn Greenwald’s video, at 6:31:
Navalny is talking about killing cockroaches with a shoe, and then shows a picture of Muslims and says that for bigger vermin a gun is preferred. He holds up a gun. Then a man dressed like a Muslim attacks him and after the camera stabilizes again Navalny appears to have shot him.
Navalny marched for expelling Muslims from western Russia, and advocated splitting off the non-White parts of Russia, such as Chechnya.
At one point he got 27% of the votes in the election for mayor of Moscow, while another candidate got a lot more. He had at one point the support of 2% of the voters, not more.
He embezzled money from state forest company Kirovles, but got away with five years of probation. He then together with his brother Oleg, a postal worker, embezzled money from Yves Rocher. Once again he got away with probation, in 2014.
He supported Russian Crimea’s secession from Ukraine, he supported the war to protect Russian South Ossetia from Georgia’s invasion, and he advocated protecting Russians abroad. So he supported the foreign policy Biden loyals are attacking.
He was in Germany and there was a big news story about him being poisoned, to fit in with the two other stories of obscure Putin critics being in Western Europe – London – and being poisoned. Like in a James Bond movie. That’s what makes headlines. None of these people mattered as critics, with no support or audience in Russia, but they were the basis for the claim that “Russia is not a democracy!” Nowadays it’s simply an article of faith.
He went back to Russia, where he was sure to be arrested for breaking the terms of his probation with his trip. Who convinced him to go to certain imprisonment? Which served only the White House?
He was also prosecuted for fraud, and in August 2023 he was sentenced to another 19 years for charges of fomenting, financing and carrying out extremist activities, and “rehabilitating nazist ideology.”
But he had indicated he was willing to be a White House tool, so they gawked at him and hid his earlier political statements. He seems to have been switching between politics depending on what would give him attention. Anything for that possible high paycheck in office.
Before his death Russia seems to have negotiated about sending Navalny to the West in exchange for an imprisoned Russian. So why would they want to kill him? They wouldn’t. His death only serves Biden, no one in Russia cared about him.
None of those who pretend to care about Navalny care one bit about U.S. citizen Gonzalo Lira, imprisoned in Ukraine. All he did was post on his U.S.-based blog. So anyone here who criticizes Ukraine’s attack on Donbass could be imprisoned and killed in Ukraine. He had tried to go to Hungary for treatment, he had a severe lung inflammation and they refused to treat him, so that killed him. It was the same as shooting him. Biden wanted him dead. The U.S. embassy ignored Lira’s wife, they ignored a U.S. citizen being imprisoned and killed without a trial.
But all the socialist sheep now bray about Navalny while ignoring Gonzalo Lira, or the others murdered openly in Ukraine. Such as the mayor of a town who communicated with the Russians in 2022 to open a humanitarian corridor – the Kiev regime shot him when he was sitting in his car.
“But all the socialist sheep . . .”
Disappointing that you concluded a long, mostly well-considered and valuable post with a ridiculous reference to people who don’t exist, and/or to an ideology you don’t at all understand..
I concur with those who say you ruined a well thought out comment with more “socialist” dribble. Still, worth the upvote.
I agreed with everything you wrote, but what socialist sheep? They’re not socialists. Lol.
Yes, it hurts to lose your CIA mole.
So more sanctions that will make Russia even stronger and drive other nations to view America as an evil empire in decline!
Navalny death is a security risk?
Lol … it’s ironic isn’t it, “security risk” is the go-to justification for every idiot act of the blob when it’s the blob’s that the country’s biggest “security risk.”
For a senile old man it is a security risk. He expected Navalny to replace Putin, another Biden failure. The CIA crime corporation had lots of money invested in the guy, including a Yale education.
“The circumstances of his death are unclear”
Yes, super unclear, because he was doing great, he was free, rich, and enjoying his luxury life traveling the world in his billion dollar yacht dying of natural causes at age 47.
Or perhaps he was just put in a fcking gulag under medieval conditions and Slowly Poisoned.
Waiting to see if they will ever release the body or if it mysteriously disappears.
The only circumstance that matters is that he was in a Russian state prison.
When you put someone in a cage, you own whatever happens to him there.
And Americans should apply that standard to (to name three) Julian Assange, Ross Ulbricht, and Leonard Peltier.
And i cannot disagree with any of that.
Just like Jeffery Epstein and Gonzalo Lira, RIGHT?
And you try not to bring too much BS.
Do some research first.
Learn to read.
“Biden Says He’ll Impose ‘Major’ Sanctions on Russia Over Navalny’s Death”
In related news, White House pledges to rein in Israeli escalating mass civilian slaughter and starvation by ‘gloves off finger wagging’
Bombs and sanctions are the only policies the bully in the WH knows. Finger wagging is for his CYA election campaign.
The US does not hold $300 billion of Russia’s money. The EU holds it.
The EU is unwilling to send it, specifically Belgium is unwilling, and it is held in Belgium.
Why? Because doing that would devastate the banking system centered there. Nobody has ever broken those interbank rules before, not even in WW2, never in the whole Cold War.
It is self protection, by Belgium and the EU.
The US could grab $30 billion actually in the US. But Russia can take a lot more than that in what was once called “Reprisal.” Again, self protection must be considered. It is not free money, it would be a tax on those Americans whose assets would be forfiet in reprisal for this crime.
As an example, nations once issued “Letters of Marque and Reprisal” authorizing private action to take back what was stolen by another government. That is now barred by treaty, but then so is this illegality. Other reprisal is possible instead, directly by government action, not barred by that treaty.
Biden’s statements make him appear to be suffering from a combination of some kind of cerebral incapacitation mixed with confusion about where he is in time and place.
I view his comments as fundamentally delusional.
I look forward to the presidential debates. That’s if they actually happen.
The senile old man is not able to debate now, much less a few weeks from now.
Trump and Biden, should they be the candidates, are just debris of the broken government.
The leading Western democracies are being ruled by a Criminal Syndicate. Our officials are criminals, people without integrity and no morals and no common decency.