The Senate on Thursday voted to begin deliberations on a $95 billion foreign military aid bill that stripped out border spending that was in the original $118 billion piece of legislation, which the chamber voted down on Wednesday.
The Senate voted 67-32 to take up the new bill, signaling that it will get the 60 votes that are needed when it comes up for a final vote. But it’s unclear when the next vote will happen as Republicans might try to add some amendments to the spending package.
The debate will likely take days as Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is looking to slow the process as much as he can. “I’ll object to anything speeding up this rotten foreign spending bill’s passage,” Paul wrote on X.
The bill includes about $60 billion for the proxy war in Ukraine, $14 billion to support the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza, and $4.8 billion for Taiwan and the Indo-Pacific region.
Senate Republicans rejected the initial $118 billion bill after months of negotiations, enraging Democrats. Seventeen Republicans voted with Democrats on Thursday to take up the foreign military aid bill, which would be enough to pass the bill through the chamber.
It would also likely pass through the House if a vote happens, but House Republicans could prevent it from being brought to the floor until they get a border deal that they like. Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) was the first to reject the $118 billion bill after it was unveiled by the Senate, saying the House was left out of the negotiations.
Sadly, just Pigs in a trough. Somethings don’t change. And Trump wanted to drain the “swamp”. Now, that’s just evian.
Some reasonable men may be able to slow these military aid bills down but there is no wat in hell to stop them and make peace prevelant in the world. The business of the US is war and destruction. Our Capitalistic economy needs war,death and destruction like a junkie needs a fix or an alcoholic needs Bourbon.I don’t mean to excuse the Scotch or Vodka drinkers.
The MIC and bankers are betting that after WW3, they will still be on top. That or they have cities build on Mars, where they’ll take refuge.
The House is looking for excuses to say no to sending our wealth by the boatload to the far corners of the world. The GOP demanded a bribe around border policy, certain the donkey asses would say no. Shocked by a yes, the GOP still won’t let this through Congress. The mass destruction and killing doesn’t bother them, but the foreign giveaway sure doesn’t make America great again.
Meanwhile in Russia:
The Russian President has approved a record budget increase of around 30% for military spending in 2024, reaching 36.6 trillion rubles (€376.7 billion).
But don’t you dare b!tching about Peaceful Great Neighbor Russia here. That’s not Antiwar. We should only support Russia and its tax payers.
Hey fuckface do you see anyone lauding military spending in Russia? We would all do well to heed the words of President Dwight D. Eisenhower (his words apply to any government not just the USA):
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. […] This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.”
I have a T-shirt with a picture of Ike, with those words. I have been given weird looks, been called anti-American, and, told that is why we have to have our guns in our homes. Seriously.
I would love to have one of those. Where did you get it.
LOL look at dipshit DJ downvoting your tshirt. He’s such an unhinged neocon fascist that he can’t abide the mere suggestion that maybe we shouldn’t be the biggest gun runners on the Planet.
You two remind me te show “ The Americans”

That’s because you are anti America, pro Russia, and a huge hypocrite.
Where do you live again? and where does your salary and social benefits come from?
Do you talk about the US like you do here in public?
Oh, need attention from a brain damage Vet?
Lauding? Actually there are many lauding war spending in Russia but you are from there, you know better, tell us about it.
Again FckFace, I protest Russia and you come in their defense.
Need some eggs. How’s your heating system in Moscow?
Eat a Dck Fascist Neocon Putin Lover.
You are the Solovyov of this blog.
So I get it you don’t agree with President Eisenhower’s observations? Par for the course with a neocon fascist shit stain like yourself. You won’t be satisfied until we are all wiped out.
Maybe Don got a pay raise, he is posting BS for a change.
I do get pay raises. Good ones too.
ALL the time for just calling out your BS and hypocrisy.
What else you got, fake American?
Wow, maybe my opinion is getting attention, why else would they pay you so well?
I am deeply ashamed for the chicken-shit government we have.
Yes, we pay attention because it is entertaining and we hate impostors.
Watch out, the entire USG is looking at you, that’s how we know you are a phony American and a big hypocrite.
Dont be quoting Eisenhower hoping to elevate your intellect.
We know you are a phony.
And no one is getting wiped out.
That’s a desperate Kremlin troll line.
You can’t ever answer a straight question, can you? Do you agree with Eisenhower or not?
Hmm, What was that again? Epstein who?
So now you are equating one of our greatest President’s with a convicted pedophile?
The last I read, the Russian defense budget equaled the increase in our budget. We, the United States of Atrocities has a military budget that is more than ten other countries, including China, combined.
Sure, Very Low Potential 1730.
More BS from you.
Facts hurts your the brain initially, but give it some time, the pain will eventually go away.
Yeah, yeah. aNAL yzer.
So are you the muslim guy from your last avatar or this white dude?
And how did you conclude the last avatar was Muslim? LOL
Lol I don’t know, first thought.
You had him for a while until you took him down.
Did I get guess it right? Well, perhaps your spouse?
You try too hard. I’m still not impressed.
Lol I don’t know, first thought.
You had him for a while until you took him down.
Did I get guess it right? Well, perhaps your spouse?
Look who is talking.
Exactly. Thank you.
While the US is supporting Ukraine’s fight for its freedom and independence, Russia is increasing its military budget to kill more Ukrainians and take their land. .
You criticize my nation for supporting Ukraine and I criticize your nation for attacking and annexing Ukraine.
You sick nazi.
The only aid is for the Washington Kleptocracy!
Anyone watch the full Tucker Carlson interview? I only got excerpts from Greenwald before it aired.
The coverage was muted by the “Biden is a senile old guy who doesn’t remember stealing classified documents” coverage.
It’s quite remarkable. And it’s right here:
Let’s make it easy. Cut the funding and weapons for the Israeli Zionist administration, then, debate the rest.
A Bill making all the Yea’s partners in genocide. Take not ICJ.
It takes only COMMON SENSE to stop the slaughter in Ukraine and Gaza. and to start concentrating on sensible governing, they don’t have it.
Yeah, the type of common sense Putin doesn’t have.
It took common sense not to invade but he did it anyways.
Can’t expect much from that dumbass.
Don, what you say is meaningless.
“The Senate on Thursday voted to begin deliberations>”
Wait!! Don’t they first have to vote on whether or not to take up the question of if they should or should not deliberate?
they are getting ready to get ready
Our Uniparty always puts Americans LAST. But we can all agree, we’ve got the best congress that money can buy. As AOC explained, “Follow the Benjamins”.
March of Tyranny.