International aid workers visiting the Gaza Strip are relaying the horrific situation Israel is inflicting on the Palestinians. UNICEF reports over 1,000 children have lost legs. Israel is forcing the 2.3 million residents of Gaza into increasingly small areas that lack the ability to accommodate basic needs for survival.
UNICEF spokesperson James Elder said, “Around 1,000 children in Gaza have lost one or both their legs.” He told journalists in Geneva that “every single child is enduring these ten weeks of hell and not one of them can escape.”
Due to the conditions in Gaza, as well as the lack of aid, doctors are often forced to conduct surgeries in unsanitary facilities and without painkillers. “Not only were they amputated without anesthesia, but many of them were amputated in a very quick fashion,” he said.
Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta, a London-based surgeon who traveled to Gaza to treat patients, told Middle East Eye that having to perform these operations without anesthetic was “one of the most difficult things I’ve had to do in my career.” At a November press conference, he said, “One night, at Al-Ahli Hospital, I performed amputations on six children.”
The UNICEF official said that even if children recover from the amputation, they do not escape the hell of the threat of death. “As a parent of a critically sick child told me, ‘Our situation is pure misery…I don’t know if we will make it through this.’”
Spokesperson Dr. Margaret Harris added that WHO staff in Gaza spoke of not being able to walk in the emergency wards “for fear of stepping on people” lying on the floor “in severe pain” and asking for food and water. She called the situation “unconscionable” and said that it is “beyond belief that the world is allowing this to continue.”
The Israeli military has destroyed most hospitals in Gaza. The medical facilities continuing to operate face frequent attacks and a lack of supplies. A Washington Post investigation recently found that the Israeli Air Force is using 2,000-pound bombs near hospitals.
Elder went on to say that the Israeli military operations make civilians face the constant threat of death. He explained, “Where do children and their families go? They are not safe in hospitals. They are not safe in shelters. And they are certainly not safe in the so-called ‘safe’ zones.” The safe zones are “tiny patches of barren land, or street corners, or half-built buildings, with no water, no facilities, no shelter from the cold and the rain and no sanitation.”
In recent weeks, experts have warned that forcing Palestinians into safe zones with no aid or infrastructure will lead to famine and epidemics. Aid groups have already estimated there are 100,000 cases of diarrhea and 150,000 respiratory infections. In addition, 570,000 Palestinians in Gaza are in a state of starvation. Elder warned the combination of malnutrition and disease will be lethal for the population.
“An immediate and long-lasting humanitarian ceasefire is the only way to end the killing and injuring of children, and child deaths from disease, and enable the urgent delivery of desperately needed life-saving aid,” the UNICEF spokesperson explained.
Kyle Anzalone is the opinion editor of, news editor of the Libertarian Institute, and co-host of Conflicts of Interest.
Israel is forcing the 2.3 million residents of Gaza into increasingly small areas that lack the ability to accommodate basic needs for survival.
safe zones!
blame Hamas,its supporters,its enablers.
What kind of a man are you? What would you do if you were in their shoes?
So you think it is manly to attack civilians on Oct 7, than hide in tunnels built under civilians structures.
Correction, they attacked IDF soldiers in legal self-defense, they had enough of the brutal Israeli occupation, they broke out of their prison, the Israeli casualties are collateral, you know what that is when the Israelis claim collateral damage, like when they mow the lawn in Gaza, you know what I mean? Many were killed by ill trained IDF soldiers. It is cowardly to bomb unarmed civilians, some 70% women and children, not to talk about hospital, schools, churches, ambulances. Zionists crying, pretending to be the victims is ridiculous. Did it ever cross their mind that Palestinians have human rights too? I don’t really think so, Israelis wallow in self-pity.
So entering private homes and murdering every ne there-young old,cripples, is acceptable with you?
Just so we’re clear, you’re part of the problem. If you believe even half of what you post you’re a full-blown idiot, if you don’t know or don’t care you’re a despicably inhuman sociopath.
Go look in a mirror.
I struggle to find anything you said that isn’t very likely entirely true.
Credit where credit’s due, Unc – Western psyops keeps the majority citizenry abjectly misinformed & antagonistic to the designated threat-enemy(-ies) of the moment; trained for their role by an mis-education system that no longer teaches students the analytics of how to think; and fed their queues by the government’s capitalist megaphone, mainstream media. But you already know all that 🙂
Are you talking about the homes that were destroyed by tank fire?
I did ask you what you would do if you were in their shoes? Would you just roll over and do as told?
It was the most natural response to decades of brutal, humiliating illegal occupation. The Israelis are not the victim, they are the perpetrators, the real criminals.
Do you think dropping bombs from planes on unarmed civilians, 70% women and children, and hospitals, and churches, and schools and ambulances is heroic? How many babies did they kill today?
Always worked for the Pentagon.
Make Peace;work out a modus vivendi,do the most with what I have.
You have a weird way of getting there.
2 million people’s homes are getting bombed. So the survivors leave to go to a hospital or a refugee camp and that place gets bombed, so they have to run again from place to place getting bombed like fish in a barrel. Half of them are starving. Many of them sick. No medications.
I think I’ll blame the ones bulldozing homes and bombing hospitals…
We live in rotten times because there are rotten people in charge in some countries.
“The big question has to be “Why does the United States engage in a conflict that inter alia has utterly ruined our country’s reputation worldwide and for which there is no real compelling national interest?” The answer is, of course unpalatable to many, but has to be that the US government is in many respects and vis-à-vis some of its designated national policies completely under the control of Israel and its powerful domestic as well as international lobby.“ Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest.
Global Research Rocks!
I think that the same power elite that owns the US government is in control of NATO nations governments too. I believe they are corrupt, they know what they are doing to fill their bank accounts, they are not that incompetent, more just pathological criminals and they know how to rig elections. Normal human beings they are not.
Healthy Democracies don’t produce a Trump or Biden for president no less for a second term and a one party congress with demented Reps.
That is not a conspiracy theory, one can’t make this up.
And the good Catholic Biden knows nothing about this.
He and his gang must be so proud of being such good friends with the Israelis.
They outperform Hitler and his concentration camps.
It is the Terrorist within the Arab world that admire hitler.
The Israelis copy him, the biggest compliment there is. They even improved on torture method, they starve the people before they bomb them, including children less than 7 years old, even amputate babies and have their parents unable to help and comfort them.
Civilized people don’t do it, they don’t approve of it regardless of religion, just common decency and common sense forbid it. The Israeli political elite learned to hate from the holocaust, they should understand that Hamas retaliates, what else can they expect? Don’t you see the insanity in all of this? The Israelis are the terrorists. The Russians do all they can to avoid creating more hate, learn something from them, they make friends while the US and Israel make enemies, who is the smarter one?
I have seen the picture of a 3 year old Palestinian child with his left leg amputated. I am so enraged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You should be enraged at Hamas for bringing this destruction to Gaza. No Oct 7 attack, no war in Gaza.
Stop lying to yourself. Blame the devils on steroids in Washington and Jerusalem or Tel Aviv for all of this.
You don’t rob a nation of their homes and expect them to just roll over and serve you. If you are human you understand it, even animals know that, they only kill when necessary, not like people, greed motivates them or pure insanity like a Dahmer.
The trouble started in 1920, as soon as the British Mandate attempted to implement the crack-pot ideology of Zionism, which required the displacement of existing populations. It did not work then and will never work in the future.
Who makes the Israelis kill babies, massacre a nation? Demented Biden or the people who pull his strings and could could stop it? But that requires simple common sense, which the Biden id*i*o*t*s don’t have. If you support the slaughter you are complicit in war crimes, the brutal massacre of a nation. Their brutality beats even H’i’t’ler. The insanity of it all.
And you are an idiot that keeps repeating the same nonsensical shit where history started on October 7th and the genocidal attack on a largely civilian population is justified.
Without more than 75 years of brutal, and humiliating criminal Israeli Gaza and WB occupation no war in Gaza and the WB.
Hamas demands human rights for their Palestinian parents and siblings like any other human beings, and they are HUMAN regardless of what the Zionist scum wants you to believe.
Doctors have to amputate the children without anesthetics. To see the small bodies wrapped in white cloth breaks my heart, the pain and suffering they endured in their short life is enough to make me cry. I am not ashamed to admit it. I hate all the evil people who caused it, as demented as Biden is, he must know he and his people are responsible for all that brutality, the suffering and death.
Yes,it is terrible-but Hamas started the mess. Never Again is real!
The Ukrainian neo-Nazis admire Hitler, they are as insane as the Israeli Zionists.
Well, I have to
No, Jake. The trouble started in 1920, as soon as the British Mandate attempted to implement the crack-pot ideology of Zionism, which required the displacement of existing populations. It did not work then and will never work in the future.
The Arab world had the concept of the Dhimmi-all those who did not accept Islam were relegated to a special status-e.g.-no Jew might ride a hose,lest his head be higher than that of a Moslem.ect,ect,ect. The British Mandate made alot of noise,but it did not import Jews to Palestine. Itis in the nature of humans to move and search for better place to live. There are Chinese people throughout the world. In the US,we have laws to prevent discrimination in housing-people have a right to move if they can find a place. If some immigrant buys a home next to me,as long as he does me no harm,he has a right to live there. The Arabs displaced 750,000 Jews from their countries.
“There are Chinese people throughout the world. In the US,we have laws to prevent discrimination in housing-people have a right to move if they can find a place…”
Exceeeeept when Chinese nationals want to buy property near “sensitive areas” (military bases etc.) in at least a couple US states. THEN discrimination is Just Fine Apparently.
This misery must end now!
google had a whole slew of articles regarding how the IDF targeted the Israeli NOVA music festival on Oct 7 and blamed it on Palestinian’ Hamas in a false-flag attack.
i posted a good 3 of them here last month. but SURPRISE! google now returns an “error” “no page exists” message when i search for that now. the same BS happened with google and youtube re: 9/11 except that scrubbing took a matter of many years to finish.
i guess we know who is in charge of what, right google?
Google is Evil
Google News stinks. For the past few years any time I selected “Fewer Stories Like This” and then “Choose Why”, it NEVER gave me ‘COVID-19′ as an option, to filter out stories.
Google was the Branch Covidians’ best propaganda machine.
Yes, and we all know who invented the clap,and destroyed the gold standard,and is in league with evil space aliens
“Who controls the British crown?
Who keeps the metric system down?
We do, we do
Who keeps Atlantis off the maps?
Who keeps the Martians under wraps?
We do, we do
Who holds back the electric car?
Who makes Steve Gutenberg a star?
We do, we do
Who robs gamefish of their site?
Who rigs every Oscar night?
We do, we do.”
“ The administration of United States President Joe Biden has once again bypassed Congress to greenlight an emergency weapons sale to Israel, which has only intensified and broadened its attacks on the Gaza Strip despite growing international outrage.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told Congress that he had made a second emergency determination in less than a month, covering a $147.5m sale of equipment to Israel, the State Department said on Friday.”
Do NOT be drawn away from the real issue at hand here, as most of the world is lazy concerning the facts.
1000+ limbs of children……that’s 1000+ pieces of prime human meat, to be ground into ‘walnut sauce’ or freeze dried for its adrenochrome benefits.
“It’s a BIG club, and you aint in it” – George Carlin
Feel nothing but disgust for the state we put up on pedestal of virtue for so long, knowing we are lying to ourselves. Ferl nothing but a disgust for all the people in this country, our frlliw Americans supportiing this inhumanity under all kinds of excuses. This vile state is punching everyone in the face, spitting at any human instinct, barking at our and European politicians that shake and quiver at the bark. If this Christmas did not wake us up to the stench of hell, I have no idea what will.
I see my friends shutting down their senses, want to close their doors, their eyes and ears, uncomfortable talking as if talking about this genocide breaks an unspoken code of silence when our government choses to be vile in our name. We deliberately whip up wind around the globe.
We will reap the whirlwind.
“UNICEF spokesperson James Elder said, ‘Around 1,000 children in Gaza have lost one or both their legs.’” Israel is so nice. The only cost for Gaza’s children to survive is “one or both their legs.” They can keep their arms.
I recall reading that IDF snipers (even prior to this war) intentionally targetted appendages of Palestinians with the goal of causing amputations.
Happy 2024, by the way, both in a grim fashion and a friendly one.
Right back at you, Uncle! Your memory is 100% correct!
Israeli officials are stating that this carnage will go on for a year.
The world must unite against Israel and crush its ability to continue its murder spree!
Where are all those who always claim to advocate for, defend, fight for , and never compromise on human rights, and tell their adversaries to protect human lives and forsake violence ?