Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown spoke with his Chinese counterpart, Gen. Liu Zhenli, in a video call on Thursday, marking the first high-level military talks between the US and China in over a year.
China halted such communications in August 2022 in response to then-House Speaker Nany Pelosi’s provocative trip to Taiwan. China also declined to hold a meeting earlier this year between Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and former Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu because Li is under US sanctions, which the Biden administration refused to lift.
The Pentagon said that during the call between Brown and Liu on Thursday, the two leaders “discussed the importance of working together to responsibly manage competition, avoid miscalculations, and maintain open and direct lines of communication.”
The Chinese Defense Ministry said that Liu called on the US to “earnestly respect China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea.” In recent years, the US has significantly increased its military presence in the South China Sea and is strongly backing the Philippines in its maritime dispute with China.
The Brown-Liu conversation came about a month after President Biden met with Chinese President Xi Jinping, and the two leaders agreed to resume military dialogue. NBC News reported on Wednesday that Xi told Biden during the meeting that China will eventually “reunify” with Taiwan, preferably by peaceful means.
The NBC report caused a stir among China hawks in the US, but Xi was repeating what has been China’s official position for decades. Chinese officials often say they seek “peaceful reunification” but do not rule out using force. According to NBC, Xi also said predictions that China might invade Taiwan by 2025 or 2027 were wrong because he has not set a time frame.
American diplomacy reminds me of visiting pre-K when my daughter was expelled for screaming on and on rather than talking about what the problem was. (She improved over time.)
I don’t think Genocide Joe or Blinky will improve.
Enough with the “anything Washington does must be bad and anything their opponents do I must support” fanaticism. Look at the map of the Chinese dictatorship’s “maritime claims”. They claim they should control the waters all the way down to Kuala Lumpur, and all the way around the republic of Taiwan. They claim all the water outside Vietnam, all the way to the Philippines, all the way down to both parts of Malaysia so the Malaysians can’t travel between their two main islands without passing through “China”.
If the Chinese dictatorship’s ministers had their way they would control South-East Asia like an empire. They know these waters don’t belong to them, it’s an excuse to be aggressive and force other countries to concessions.
None of our business. We don’t own the world, even though the warmongers think we do.
Capitalism has to continually expand (markets & resources) in order to survive. In the West, and especially the US, it’s structurally over-determined. They simply can’t accede to “sharing the wealth”, and can be stopped only by the opposition of a greater force, either internally (after a crisis) or externally (Russia/China), … or both.
Biden is upset because I got a fantastic deal on my fantastic refrigerator from China. Russia sold cheap gas to Germany. Look what happened to them.
Talking is excellent, truly. But, we need to implement some things, a kind of proper protocol, so that, hopefully, we can avoid such potential and dangerous engagements in the future….
You have no rights in the S China sea you dip $hitz. Talks over.
Exactly – and that’s why we need to butt out and leave Asia for the Asians. Isn’t the entire Western Hemisphere (Monroe Doctrine) enough for you warmongers?
No I don’t think so, we need to enforce the international laws that have uphelp peace and world order for the past 80 years. Not allowoing some war mongering $hit muffin like Xi Jinping to start unraveling it. F him, he wants buck, let’s buck. I’m tiring of him and his horse $hi!t.
BS – we’ve been party to more wars than any other country. Just what are those “unpublished” rules comprising the “rules based order”?, and who gave us the right to enforce them, when no one knows what they are, other than “We’ll do what we want, and all others will do what we want.”
You are fast becoming my favorite poster here. You deal with situations very directly, no bs. I totally respect that and you too.
We know that Donna.
You love everything anti US and pro dictators here.
That was established long ago so i dont get you fake peace activism claims that no one but you and your crew of tankies here believe.
How about Jackie Chiles 4 President?
Is he not too anti US for you?
Outside your profile parameters? Maybe?
You are either dumb or you just don’t give a damn because you are a phony
You and what army with that “we”? As long as America is good, America will be great. Y0u seem to working for the opposite with your fake patriotism.
No fake here. Bad try.
Sorry about the WE. I meant,
About 90-95% of you here are either anti US or pro Dictators. Perhaps a combination of both.
WE know what you are doing here but it’s ok, it’s called FREDOM, a word you hypocrites hate
You love your dictator friends or you’d be politicking for us to kill millions of those Muslims in Egypt.
The world that wanted peace, gave us the rights to enforce. Those with the guns enforce the laws. We are the big gun, and China and Russian would be wise to remember it becuase nobody wins a nuclear war.
That’s laughable. You would have loved Germany in the early days of the war, because then they wanted peace, too?
I’m not arguing with someone that lacks the sense you do. Written law by civilized nations. I guess you just can do that with neandrathals in Russian and Society. Where only the ruling elite have priviliges and no middle class.
So those unwritten laws are what justifies your infliction of death and destruction on nations that were/are no threat to the US? That figures.
Do you upvote yourself or have Igor behind you?
Hey Oleksandr, back to Kiev with you. Or have you changed your name to Heinrich seeing you seem to have nazi tendencies which would make you right at home in Kiev.
In answer to your question which didn’t deserve an answer but out of the kindness of my heart I’ll give you one; the answer is No, but i did just downvote you.
Kindness, and your heart. Oxymorons.
Kindness and sympathy for the ill-informed, just plain morons.
Yeah, that’s why you spend all of your time supporting nuclear terrorists and war mongering tyrants on an anti war peace website forum. Makes perfect sense. If you are KGB.
That’s about as nonsensical as me accusing you of being a Tonton Macoute terrorist from Haiti.
And, stop channeling Herman Goering’s statement at Nuremburg on how warmongers like you, when in power, attempt to quell dissent from the peacemakers (like me)
You’re one of the biggest warmongers on this website. And only a dumbass like you wouldn’t know that the KGB stopped existing when the Soviet Union did.
Ha ha, yeah, sure I’m sure it’s ended pal. Just a new name on an old face. I have told you a number of times, I acknowledge that my government has committed some corrupt act and have war criminals such as George Bush, Barrack Obama, Lyndon Johnson, Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, sBill Clinton, Henry Kissinger, and countless others. It’s why I’m on this website right now, keeping an eye on what they are meddling wtih around the planet. But the paradigm has shifted. There is a new threat, that will threaten the peace, prosperity, wealth and environment on this planet for years to come.
That’s China, and your hero Putin just pledged his allegiance to him, and invaded a sovereign nation. I don’t absolve Nato, or the United States for setting the table for this war in Ukraine. But I do think Putin has demonstrated his monstrosity, greed and lust for legacy in this conflict. Genocide is genocide. I am completely opposed to the Israeli offensive in Gaza, and appalled that we are supporting it.
Hit it on the nail.
Hey Stankie, go back to your dictatorship in ‘Kraine.
Far from dictatorship which is why you dont like them.

More dictatorship than Russia.
Ukraine no threat to Russia and you support Putin.
You are Full of it.
UKraine being a part of NATO – threat to Russia, as if you didn’t know that. I suppose you’d have that same take on it if Mexico and the rest of Central America joined an anti-American Alliance. Sure you would, you hypocrite. As far as being full of it, shovel some of it out of yourself.
And stop pretending that the greatness of America is predicated on how much we can invade and bomb nations that aren’t/weren’t a threat to us. You are the opposite of a good citizen.
You lost me on your last paragraph.
But referring to the first, Ukraine was never going to be in NATO. You know that however, now it WILL, thanks to Putin’s peaceful actions.
As for the Mexico topic, Whatever happens south of the border is their business.
On our sude, we’ll just increase security so your point about me is nonsense.
That’s a lie. There are plenty of public statements that indicate they were going to be in NATO. If they were never going to be a part of NATO, why didn’t the US and NATO put that in writing so that the SMO wouldn’t have occurred? Well?
Cuba was south of the border. Was that their business in 1962, too?
I can say I’m going to sleep with Jennifer Lawrence all I want without there actually being a chance of me sleeping with Jennifer Lawrence.
Admission to NATO requires unanimous consent of all member states. There was a near-zero chance of getting that consent even if Russia thought it was a great idea, and no chance whatsoever of getting that consent if Russia opposed it.
How much land and territory from those wars have we kept/ annexed?
How much of the resources of those nations do we control? You don’t have to annex entire nations when you can pay off the leaders and extract what you want. And if that doesn’t work, you just pay for and prod paid off Fifth Columnists to overthrow democratrically elected government, like your evil Kiev Regime. Zelensky is actually killing his own people doing our bidding. You’re so 20th Century mentality.
BTW, what bought you to this very old article. Did your penpal or doppelganger Jackie Chiles summon you? Such a stooge.
Leave it to Asians? They are being bullied by China. They dont like what Xi is doing but they have no means to fight back.
Again, you guys support dictators. That’s why you are all in bed with Putin in Ukraine then destroy your own narrative by then switching your support to Hamas and Palestine which are too fighting for freedom and independence just like ukraine.
Sucks to be anti US. It makes Your moral compass get all over the place when it comes to international issues involving the US.
Actually is risible.
No one bullies like we bully and you condone it, which makes you a bully enabler. It must really suck for an anti-democrat like you to not have 100% support for your mongering. You’d have loved Radio Berlin to sway your weak mind./
Didn’t know you were so concerned about that “religion of peace” in Asia. My my haven’t we come full circle. Your feigned concern is obvious.
Agree. I was just in Nepal couple weeks ago.
Even the Nepalese are against The china S sea take over.
And they are landlocked.
Oh really, even the Cubans were/are against sanctions. Well then none of Nepal’s business or ours.
Dictator lover

Dumb argument. Has nothing to do with what is in America’s interests. You keep holding to your fantasies that any nation has the moral right to DICTATE the form of government another nation has. That would make you a Dictator lover.
“If voting made a difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.”
– Mark Twain
Of course! The Chinese have no rights in the a body of water called the South China Sea.
Just for once, maybe Uncle Stupid could leave other people to hash out their own problems.
Or we just rename it NATO sea. Problem solved.
Go get your copies now. Putin has one too.
You have one – that’s obvious. Pervert. But then you like the Surgeon General better.
Surgeon General? Is he a Dictator?
That was a johnny-come-lately definition that you trotted. “Dictator” wasn’t in your original post. And, you don’t have the authority or gravitas to set the parameters of anything, warmonger.
And, how dare you describe the Surgeon General as a “he”? Have you no humanity. You could get your mouth washed out with soap for that heartless comment.
Take it easy on the weed. It’s strong.
I wouldn’t know about that, but you seem to be the expert on that.