Senate Republicans blocked a motion to advance a massive $111 billion spending package that includes military aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan over a partisan dispute on border issues.
The effort failed in a vote of 49-51, with every Republican voting against the measure. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) also voted “no” due to his opposition to providing Israel with more unconditional military aid as it’s killing civilians on a massive scale in Gaza. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) switched his vote to “no” when he realized the bill wouldn’t receive the 60 votes it needed so he could bring the bill to the floor again in the future.
President Biden initially requested $106 billion for the spending package, but Senate Democrats increased the number to $111 billion. The legislation includes a whopping $67 billion to spend on Ukraine to fuel the war and prop up the Ukrainian government for another entire year despite clear signs that Ukrainian forces cannot break through Russia’s defenses.
The $111 billion bill also includes billions to beef up security at the border, but Republicans are looking for changes to asylum laws to make it more difficult for migrants to enter the country. Schumer called the vote despite the lack of a deal, and the bill was expected to fail.
Earlier in the day, President Biden pleaded with Congress to pass more funding for the Ukraine war, claiming if US aid dried up, Russia would invade NATO territory in Europe. “Then we’ll have something that we don’t seek and that we don’t have today — American troops fighting Russian troops,” Biden said.
The president also took shots at Republicans for their border stance. “Petty, partisan, angry politics can’t get in the way of our responsibility as a leading nation in the world. And literally, the entire world is watching,” he said.
All D’s voted for it (other than Schumer for procedural reasons) … $111 billion for (1) a proxy war, (2) an ethnic cleansing, and (3) setting up the next proxy war.
Who are these people?
War criminals.
“(1) a proxy war” was also conceived as an ethnic cleansing of Russians in Donbass and Crimea.
‘these people”, they are our true enemy, change must come,,Purge The DC Ghouls!
I seriously think the only thing actually perhaps possible is to minimize the power of the beast. DC needs to be de-fanged by starvation of funds.
Good. For, Them. I’m not ascribing any particular virtue to republicans; they are just as odious and contemptible as democrats; but their hate for biden is so great that it actually compels them to do the Right Thing for once, just by accident.
Not another penny for a wasted, pointless war in Ukraine that benefits no one and only harms Ukrainians. I sincerely, sincerely, hope.
“only harms Ukrainians” There is 100,000 plus Russian families that will disagree with that statement.
True; although the people pushing this aid consider those deaths a virtue.
In a word, good.
“ Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) switched his vote to “no” when he realized the bill wouldn’t receive the 60 votes it needed so he could bring the bill to the floor again in the future.”
Such a man of principle.
They’ll get the money for the Wars. They always do.
Gridlock saves the day!!! For now. . .
To think that this bill failed to pass because the republicans had disagreements on border issues and not out of principles is stunningly worrying.
It’s all one party when it comes to war, and pleasing the Military Offense Industry.
By hook or by crook. . .
Business as usual. It’s a welcome roadblock as long as it lasts.
Good news for Ukrainians. Thousands of their lives will be saved. Sooner this Kiev regime collapses, better for everyone.
Wait! Help me with the logic here, Joe. I’m having trouble following. So, if we don’t fund Ukraine and its war against Russia, we would have to send our troops to start WWIII and nuclear war? …No you’re probably right. …Sorry. Parts of my brain got washed out from the frequent brainwashing I’ve been receiving. I’m sure I’ll catch up when the brainwashing stops. …No. Please. It’s not time yet. Ugh!
Genocide Joe needs more bombs.
20,000 dead in 45 days is a modern day record for civilian deaths and every one died from an American munition.
And all would be alive, if Hamas did not attack on Oct 7.
Give me the money to give to Ukraine and Israel to kill Russians and Palestinians or I will kill your own kids,,,so what will it be? Joe Biden wisdom.
Since 2014 the Donbass has been defending itself from global elite ethnic cleansing and genocide. Its not that the global elite wanted to kill them all if they fled to Russia it achieved the same goal.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) and NATO lost over 125 thousand servicemen and 16 thousand units of various military equipment in six months of the global elites so-called counteroffensive.
Ukraine has now burnt through three NATO provided armies in 2 years with significant losses in men and machinery. NATO has the following losses in Ukraine; 549 Aircraft, 257 helicopters, 9541 UAV’s, 442 Anti Aircraft systems, 13840 tanks inc. APC’s, 1188 multiple rocket launchers, 7253 field artillery and 15986 military automotive equipment. Approx. $1 Trillion of NATO hardware.
They are now asking for a fourth NATO army to be provided, the problem is that Ukraine has run out of men to throw into the meat grinder. The 20-30 male age group has collapsed. The proposal now is to draft woman and children, presumably at gunpoint like the males.
OT. 82 years ago today Pearl Harbor was attacked. Do people still remember Pearl Harbor?
As one of the most successful psyops in history? Absolutely. Before Pearl, 70-80% of Americans were against entry into ww2, afterwards, the same percentage were for it. Mission accomplished!
Yep, a major miscalculation by Japan. Public opinion changes after an attack like that.
‘Tora Tora Tora’ was great. And in its own way, so was ‘The Final Countdown’.
Like all historical events is slowly fades with time. The Japanese paid a heavy price for bombing of Pearl Harbor. Something like 600,000 civilians and 2,ooo,ooo soldiers Japanese died in the war. It was a bad plan and based on the hope the America was not interested in a long term fight.
The gop finally did something good(completely by accident ? Hell hath freezeh over
Go ask Moses,er mikey johnson. cause at night, god talks to him..
Earlier in the day, President Biden pleaded with Congress to pass more funding for the Ukraine war, claiming if US aid dried up, Russia would invade NATO territory in Europe. “Then we’ll have something that we don’t seek and that we don’t have today — American troops fighting Russian troops,” Biden said
As the wise man Elmer Fudd once said, “Be verwy afwaid”.
Troops don’t count, but replacing airplanes is good business, and they need planes to drop the bombs on Europe and Russia.
If NATO countries, e.g., the United States, bomb Russian targets in Russia (which now includes Crimea and the eastern former Ukraine, of course Russia will retaliate against “NATO” countries from which the attacks originated. As if we wouldn’t do the same if the shoes were on the other feet.
Looks like after Ukraine continental Europe will be the next proxy to replace the Ukrainian cannonfodder. The MIC could really go on selling even more 2000 pound bunker buster bombs, the continent is bigger than Ukraine and Gaza combined, even the WB included.
So you are predicting that Putin will go after another European country after Ukraine. He might, because he needs to feed his ego.
“…And literally, the entire world is watching…”
Yes, Mr. President. And they see the possibility of avoiding WW3 – by the Republicans of all people, but stranger things have happened.
They make the same mistake President Putin made, they believe the Republicans would be sane politicians. That is not likely, the neocons are in both parties. Nuland has been silent lately, but her Husband is editor of the WP.
“…they believe the Republicans would be sane politicians.”
I like to call the GOP “temporarily-useful idiots”.
Just the motions to go through normal politics in congress, they will fund the total military aid bill. The scum bags in congress just play their usual game for entertainment of their voters.
They want to get reelected next year and they will kill to get reelected.
Why is “supposed aggression” by Russia the basis of our foreign policy…..
I think it is because the neocons and the MIC they serve say so.
Why is “supposed aggression” by West the basis of their foreign policy…..
“‘Then we’ll have something that we don’t seek and that we don’t have today — American troops fighting Russian troops,’ Biden said.” WHEW— I’m so glad Trump didn’t win the elections! Imagine that! We avoided a COLOSSAL CATASTROPHE! …No. No. See, Biden was trying to prevent the COLOSSAL CATASTROPHE until it became SO FU@KING NECESSARY! …IKR?!
re: Biden . . . if US aid dried up, Russia would invade NATO territory in Europe. . .Then. . .
Biden is tossing in the towel*. He knows damned well why and how Russia’s SMO involved. He knows about the 2021 warnings from Russia, the limited 2022 invasion with an initialed agreement which was scrapped, etc. which is why he’s saying Russia in Ukraine is okay.
*unless he escalates to retain ‘world hegemony’
They all are on the MIC payroll, we know what to expect from them.