Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has hit out at Americans who prefer a less interventionist foreign policy, smearing them as isolationists who want to see the US “retreat from responsibility.”
Austin, a former Raytheon board member, made the comments in a speech at the Reagan National Defense Forum in California on Saturday.
“You know, in every generation, some Americans prefer isolation to engagement—and they try to pull up the drawbridge. They try to kick loose the cornerstone of American leadership,” Austin said.
The Pentagon chief accused less interventionist Americans of trying to “undermine the security architecture that has produced decades of prosperity without great-power war.” However, most opponents of the US involvement in Ukraine are against the policy because it risks a direct clash with Russia.
Austin has overseen the policy of pouring weapons into Ukraine, which he said shortly after the Russian invasion was designed to “weaken” Russia. The US and its close NATO allies discouraged peace talks early in the war, and mounting evidence suggests the idea was to prolong the conflict.
In his rhetoric, Austin appeared to be targeting Republicans in Congress who have opposed additional funding for Ukraine, although the vast majority of GOP members against the proxy war with Russia favor funding Israel’s onslaught in Gaza and the military buildup in the Asia Pacific that risks war with China.
“And you’ll hear some people try to brand an American retreat from responsibility as bold new leadership. So when you hear that, make no mistake: It is not bold. It is not new. And it is not leadership,” Austin said.
Austin went on to urge Congress to pass a full-year appropriations bill and to approve President Biden’s behemoth $106 billion spending request that includes military aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.
“You know, our competitors don’t have to operate under continuing resolutions. And so, doing so erodes both our security and our ability to compete,” he said. “And I also urge you to pass our urgent supplemental budget request to help fund our national-security needs, to stand by our partners in danger, and to invest in our defense industrial base.”
On Monday, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), who has voted against both funding the Ukraine war and new military aid for Israel, criticized the administration for citing the “defense industrial base” as a need to continue funding wars.
“Believe them when they tell you, funding these wars is mostly about enriching America’s Military Industrial Complex,” Massie wrote on X, citing a letter from the White House’s Office of Management and Budget. “The plan is to ‘revitalize’ the Defense Industrial Base. Ending the war in Afghanistan was tough on profits. Note: DIB is the new MIC.”
War criminal Austin. POS Austin.
Every nickel the smarmy Yes-man ever made comes from war, especially now, either from his government job or his Raytheon gig. So discount everything he says on the subject, as just the whining of another salesman desperate to keep his commission checks coming in, whether the customer “want” or “needs” his “product” or not.
Austin’s opinion should be as irrelevant as the USSA (UN) and Israeli governments. All want a state of permanent war and sanctions.
Anyone else feel like we’re just along for the ride? Until the dollar loses it reserve currency status, and/or we get nuked:
F*CK LLOYD AUSTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once a Raytheon man, always a Raytheon man.
Pascal Najadi, the son of fellow WEF co-founder Hussain Najadi, says the crimes of Schwab and his buddies are so great that there needs to be an immediate arrest of both Schwab and other WEF executives. These people are what i refer to as the global elites.
Doom your comments are really interesting, I wish you’d provide links.
There is no such thing as isolationism. Whenever the pejorative is used, know the user is a product of the war, fear, empire regime.
I’m starting to really like Massie, he has no phucks to give about exposing these criminals.
Austin is a complete idiot…!
“Complete Idiots” are okay with me and are usually benign creatures, unless they’re also evil. That’s exactly what makes them most dangerous.
The “DIB” is the same old Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academic-Think-Tank complex.
Seems to me Mr. Austin needs some historical updates, especially concerning how our country was founded and the principles upon which it was founded.
Donna, he knows his ancestors were slaves, and he is the winner. The system worked for him, he knows to be honest and do the right thing brings nothing, all the friends around him came up the same way.
General Austin has been a real star. . ./s
Syria, Sep 2015
A $500m effort to train Syrian forces against the Islamic State has resulted in only a handful of fighters actively battling the jihadi army, the top military commander overseeing the war has testified.
“We’re talking four or five,” General Lloyd Austin, commander of US Central Command, told a dissatisfied Senate armed services committee on Wednesday
Iraq, Dec 2020
Biden selected General Austin as SecDef, rather than a civilian as is better. A person familiar with Biden’s decision said the president-elect chose Austin because he is crisis-tested and respected across the military. Biden especially liked the orderly US withdrawal from Iraq in 2011. . . .Austin wasn’t as good in his Afghan withdrawal, commonly seen as a fiasco.
Everyone’s ancestors were slaves and slavery wasn’t an invention of the New World.
More proof that Lloyd J Austin the Turd has a lack of intelligence somewhere on the bottom of the bell curve.
As Emil Cosman suggests his IQ is below 86!
That may all be true, but it was enough to make lots of money. How many thousands of Raytheon shares does he have?
Love the guy! Are you posting all my favorite characters? It is amazing how he points out only very obvious things. Okay?
Nice sense of humor…!
“Arch Traitor slams American Patriots” fixed the title for ya!
The man gets a sales commission from Raytheon, what can we expect?
The “Good Times” are over in Ukraine!
It is ending as expected, at the end the US president, no matter which party, simply walks away and lets the proxies and others do the clean up of the horse manure.
That is happening in Germany now, Scholz is the German Zelensky.
“Hello My Dear Friends…” “I have a lot of interesting updates, so let’s start.” “If those days were good time for the Ukrainians, I can’t imagine what is bad times for the Ukrainians.” “It’s very difficult to understand the situation.” “This is the real video.” “I don’t know if they can do this.” Emodeepo for you and also for you, emodeepo for everybody. What are your favorite quotes?
Well, he can go screw himself AFAIC.
The US doesn’t need a standing army at all, Canada and Mexico are not threats to national security, and having a half-million ground army only contributes to the chance of (and plans for) foreign wars. And the US always loses them!
Constitutional scholars out there know about Article I, Section 8 which favors a standing navy, but not a standing army:
1: The Congress shall have Power. . .
12: To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;
13: To provide and maintain a Navy;
So a standing army is unconstitutional I’d say.
That may be so, but it is not profitable for the MICC, the real profiteers, and money always wins.
Yes, “War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.”–Smedley Butler
Austin is smarting from a comment Senator Graham, made about losing all confidence in him. Now he has to show how agressive he is. He will have to do some groveling. Watch and kearn how this is done.
Does the man understand that publuc he is ostwnsibely serving is actually his boss? And the public is not exactly keen on expanding our “responsibilities ” when we are running out of cash. Running government mnth to month, as treasuries are not selling, Fed buys them, but this is just fancy way to write a check that will bounce.
So, Austin is in business of generating demand for military goods and services, so we can pay with money we do not have. And we will do it in style, Austin is being repremanded for expressing concern for civilian casualties. As he will have to eat this — he is insuring to offend just about everyone who has money to lend us.
J.K. Rowling is a masterful character builder in Harry Potter. She did very well at teaching millions of young people about totalitarianism. Austin and his ilk are known as death eaters.
Death eaters support themselves with death and chaos. Austin is a death eater.
Ron Paul’s response to Austin.
The Real Problem With Our Foreign Policy…
Dec 4 – Over the weekend Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin explained to the American people what’s really wrong with US foreign policy. Some might find his conclusions surprising.
The US standing in the world is damaged not because we spent 20 years fighting an Afghan government that had nothing to do with the attacks on 9/11. The problem has nothing to do with neocon lies about Iraq’s WMDs that led untold civilian deaths in another failed “democratization” mission. It’s not because over the past nearly two years Washington has taken more than $150 billion from the American people to fight a proxy war with Russia through Ukraine.
It’s not the military-industrial complex or its massive lobbying power that extends throughout Congress, the think tanks, and the media.
Speaking at the Reagan National Defense Forum in California’s Simi Valley, Austin finally explained the real danger to the US global military empire.
It’s us.
According to Secretary Austin, non-interventionists who advocate “an American retreat from responsibility” are the ones destabilizing the world, not endless neocon wars.
Austin said the US must continue to play the role of global military hegemon – policeman of the world – because “the world will only become more dangerous if tyrants and terrorists believe that they can get away with wholesale aggression and mass slaughter.”
How’s that for reason and logic? Austin and the interventionist elites have fact-checked 30 years of foreign policy failures and concluded, “well it would have been far worse if the non-interventionists were in charge.”
This is one of the biggest problems with the neocons. They are incapable of self-reflection. Each time the US government follows their advice into another catastrophe, it’s always someone else’s fault. In this case, as Austin tells us, those at fault for US foreign policy misadventures are the people who say, “don’t do it.”
What would have happened if the people who said “don’t do it” were in charge of President Obama’s decision to prop-up al-Qaeda to overthrow Syria’s secular leader Assad? How about if the “don’t do it” people were in charge when the neocons manufactured a “human rights” justification to destroy Libya? What if the “don’t do it” people were in charge when Obama’s neocons thought it would be a great idea to overthrow Ukraine’s democratically-elected government?
Would tyrants and terrorists have gained power if Washington did NOT get involved? No. Tyrants and terrorists got the upper hand BECAUSE Washington intervened in these crises.
As Austin further explained, part of the problem with the US is democracy itself. “Our competitors don’t have to operate under continuing resolutions,” he complained. What a burden it is for him that the people, through their representatives, are in charge of war spending.
In Congress, “America first” foreign policy sentiment is on the rise among conservatives and that infuriates Austin and his ilk. He wants more billions for wars in Ukraine and Israel and he wants it now!
And our economic problems? That is our fault too. Those who “try to pull up the drawbridge,” Austin said, undermine the security that has led to decades of prosperity. Prosperity? Has he looked at the national debt? Inflation? Destruction of the dollar?
There is a silver lining here. The fact that Austin and the neocons are attacking us non-interventionists means that we are gaining ground. They are worried about us. This is our chance to really raise our voices!
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Ever since the failure of the global elites much-touted counteroffensive the Nazi junta frontman Volodymyr Zelensky himself just admitted that they will be going on the defense. In reality, this was neither his decision, nor that of the global elite, but the logical consequence of the failed counteroffensive.
The Nazi junta and global elite controlled NATO invested enormous resources into making Avdeyevka a fortress. From this fortress Nazi’s kept near daily deadly attacks on Donetsk since 2014. Thousands of people have been killed, with many more wounded. Avdeyevka was left without most of its inhabitants as the Nazi forces took over and heavily militarized it.
Since 2014 the Donbass has been defending itself from ethnic cleansing and genocide. Its not that the global elite wanted to kill them all if they fled to Russia it achieved the same goal.
Russian agriculture boomed when Ukrainian farm families fled to Russia,
Agriculture is the foundation culture. The US imports semi-slave labor for giant centrally planned corporatist farms.
US propaganda stokes hate by telling sold-out American labor they are being invaded by illegal aliens.
Great piece except for this:
In Congress, “America first” foreign policy sentiment is on the rise among conservatives and that infuriates Austin and his ilk. He wants more billions for wars in Ukraine and Israel and he wants it now!
Dr. Paul is dreaming. The “America first” foreign policy isn’t antiwar. Far from it.
I guess you are right about that. “America First” always rang hollow for me too. It’s selfish and self serving.
The same neoliberal garbage talking point by Mr. War Piggy. I can only hope, when the bombs do drop, he doesn’t get enough time to squeal from his bomb shelter.
It’s so predictable that they would try to put a Black face on US aggression and the Military Industrial Complex.
Charter member of the MIC slams people whose first priorities are neither war nor weapons: details at 11:00….
It would be better if the U.S. took care of its own people instead of creating misery all over the world for weapon contracts and business deals that only benefit the ethically challenged super rich.
To Austin, America has the responsibility to lead ourselves into our own prosperity by wading through the bodies of the inconvenient humans we had to kill to preserve our leadership role. Maybe it’s god who blesses us with the duty to rule and kill for money.
Personally my objection to the constant warmongering of my country is not the very real risk that it will get us all killed. It’s wrong and a shameful way to be.
I guess Kissinger’s ghost found a new host. Damn that was quick.
“You know, in every generation, some Americans prefer isolation to engagement—and they try to pull up the drawbridge. They try to kick loose the cornerstone of American leadership,” Austin said.
… lipstick on the obscenity of Capitalist Imperialism.
I guess that if Austin had a conscience, he wouldn’t be the Pentagon Chief during this administration.
Fun fact the number of Palestinian children murdered is equal to the number of bombs that the United States of Atrocities has provided.
The US has provided Israel roughly 15,000 bombs and 57,000 artillery shells since 7 October while the US also urges Israel to protect civilians.
I get so discouraged with the “political election process,” I say something like: Since there’s really nothing we can do, might as well just give up. It’s like falling from an airplane, then you realize that you have a parachute on, you push the button and it doesn’t work. In fact, your fall to your doom accelerates. When would you stop pushing the damn button?
My suggestion for Austin. NATO has removed a prime cause for WW1 & WW2 namely the attack of Germany on France. Austin: help establish a SATO, South Atlantic Treaty Organization, based in Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo or Brasilia. SATO should include all American countries south of the Panama Canal and all African countries. An attack on one is an attack on all.
“…a prime cause for WW1…”
I’m inclined to disagree. Entangling alliances was the cause of WW1 (and WW1 the cause of WW2).
NATO, and your proposed SATO, are entangling alliances. Their existence threatens non-members; and emboldens weaker minor members to act aggressive and shun diplomacy knowing they have the blank-cheque of stronger major members of the alliance.
“You know, in every generation, some Americans prefer isolation to engagement—and they try to pull up the drawbridge. They try to kick loose the cornerstone of American leadership. And they try to undermine the security architecture that has produced decades of prosperity without great-power war.”
So telling! The USA’s “security architecture” is like a castle. And the correct policy is to keep the “drawbridge” down until almost every country in the world is inside the castle. Like Hadrian’s Wall or the Great Wall of China, with all of civlization inside the walls, and only barbarian, lawless, evil doing hordes on the outside. Funny how that paradign is directly contrary to the one alluded to by referencing the prevention of great power war for decades. If there are indeed other, non US, great powers outside the walls, then it won’t do for the US to build its castle right up to their borders.
Indeed. The combination of brutal arrogance with arrant nonsense and stunning stupidity is as embarrassing as it is disgusting and dangerous.
Obviously Austin still owns a lot of shares at Raytheon…!
So the pea size brain of Austin thinks if US is Not at war, it is isolated from the rest of the world…! Nothing can be further than that from truth…! All peaceful countries are isolated according to him…!
After the election of former President Donald Trump in 2016, Austin left the public sector and assumed positions on the corporate boards of steel manufacturing giant Nucor Corporation, Tenet Healthcare and United Technologies, which merged with defense contractor Raytheon Company in 2020. The merged corporation, Raytheon Technologies, is among the top five top lobbying spenders in the defense sector and spent almost $11 million on lobbying in 2020. Austin earned seven figures from the defense companies. Austin stepped down from all three board positions following his nomination in 2020. Prior to joining the Biden administration, Austin worked alongside fellow cabinet member Antony Blinken at Pine Island Capital Partners, a private equity firm investing in defense companies that touted its access to Washington.
Employment Timeline
Employment History
Period Employer Title Additional Info
2021- Dept of Defense
Revolving Door Personnel: (349) Secretary of Defense
Agency lobbying profile
2020-2020 Raytheon Technologies
Revolving Door Personnel: (13) Board Member
Client lobbying profile
2019-2020 Austin Strategy Group
Revolving Door Personnel: (1) President
2018-2020 Tenet Healtchare
Revolving Door Personnel: (1) Board Member
Client lobbying profile
2018-2021 Pine Island Capital Advisors
Revolving Door Personnel: (2) DC Partner
2017-2020 Nucor Corp
Revolving Door Personnel: (4) Board Member
Client lobbying profile
Major Donor profile
2016-2019 United Technologies
Revolving Door Personnel: (24) Board Member
Client lobbying profile
Major Donor profile
2013-2016 Dept of Defense
Revolving Door Personnel: (349) Commander, CENTCOM
Agency lobbying profile
2012-2013 US Dept of the Army
Revolving Door Personnel: (78) Vice Chief of Staff
Agency lobbying profile
1975-2016 US Army
Revolving Door Personnel: (15) Four-star General Major Donor profile
Lobbying Firm Private Sector Federal Govt. State/Local Govt.
For registered lobbyists, employment histories may be incomplete prior to 1998 because the Senate Office of Public Records does not make registrations and reports available electronically for those years.
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just nother gangsta of capitalism
this sleezeball should be in prison
Austin, a former Raytheon board member. That says it all.
As has been said before – noninterventionalism is not isolationism.
The DPRK is isolationist.
Switzerland is (or largely was) noninterventionalist.
The Swiss seem to be doing better than the North Koreans, pound-for-pound.
How about interventionism for all countries? That way the whole world could follow our footsteps?
Austin belongs to the John Foster Dulles school of diplomacy. But the long American dominance of past eras has been exposed as nothing but hot air. that’s why they hate Putin so much.
Dulles was far smarter.
He was obsessed with Communism, wgich scrambled his thinking. Eisenhower, who knew little about foreign affairs, relied on him, unfortunately. And his brother carried on his policies long after being fired by JFK, who was ultimately killed by those of the John Foster Dulles mind set.
He was still far more intelligent that Austin. I’m aware that one of the Dulles’ was fired by JFK but then was named by LBJ to head up the Warren Commission and was again appointed to head the CIA.
So Austin is claiming that the USA is having such a wonderful effect on the world that we should all encourage more interference, more wars, more violence, less sovereignty of other nations. Look around and reflect, My Lord.
SecDef Austin is corrupt, having sold himself to Raytheon while still a serving officer, and now as SecDef.
He is also something of a fool, self promoting with lies, really blatant lies that caused his own staff to complain to higher ups.
However, even he has said that what the Israelis are doing would be a “strategic defeat.” Oddly, that bit of truth is the only thing he is attacked for by the powers that be in DC.
“We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world, but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first. We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example.” – DJ Trump, 1st inaugural address
The Israeli Government is safe and effective and certainly will lesson the impact of ethnic cleansing and genocide.
Loyd Austin has a different concept of what “isolationist” means. I would say that those who want the rest of the world to look at us up the barrel of a gun are the isolationists. The “isolationists” that Austin speaks of want to be “traders,” not “traitors.”
In the Beschloss book “Presidential Courage” I read something infinitely funny. On page 35: “He (John Adams) agreed with his old friend Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, who thought that a large standing army was like a swollen penis, providing an excellent assurance of domestic tranquility, but a dangerous temptation to foreign adventure”.
So far Israel has murdered 63 journalists and media workers in Gaza since 7th October. Israel is deliberately targeted them, if you kill the journalists then the truth cant get out.
If you challenge or speak out against the global elite they will take every opportunity to kill you. Zionism, Terrorism and Nazism is the means by which the global elites wage war for Profit. And business is good.
American NEOCONs have destabilized Europe to a point not seen since the 1920s and 1930s.
Here are comments from Russia about Finland joining NATO.
That’s interesting. We lived calmly and peacefully with Finland. The Finns went to St. Petersburg, spent their honestly earned money in bars, ate deliciously, drank merrily. The Russians went to Kotka and Helsinki on their own business.
There was trade, cultural exchange, there were no complaints or questions. But Europe has lost its sovereignty and is hurting itself, because the guys from Washington decided so.
Finland decided to add to the list of countries; who are an aggressive adversary for Russia. The Finns will now make shells for the Kyiv regime. I really hope that the Kiev regime will not live to see the moment when Helsinki will be able to carry out uninterrupted supplies of BC to Ukraine.
As a result, Russia will now be forced to take the Finnish factor into account in its defense policy: And the Finns are unlikely to get better from this.
Americans have been nurturing this total infantilism of the European peoples for years. The governments of almost all EU countries are pursuing policies that are directed against their own population, but the population looks at their smartphones and remains silent: And he rejoices that Washington’s puppets are taking away the future from the next European generations. While Russia is demilitarizing Ukraine, the US is deindustrializing the EU.
God makes you mad.
F^^K You Lloyd.
USA citizens are not responsible for other nation’s woes.
Maybe American corporate interests overseas should be protected by the corporations and not the taxpayer?