The Pentagon said Sunday that a US Navy destroyer and several commercial vessels came under attack in the Red Sea, The Associated Press reported.
“We’re aware of reports regarding attacks on the USS Carney and commercial vessels in the Red Sea and will provide information as it becomes available,” a Pentagon official told AP.
Later on Sunday, US Central Command said the USS Carney responded to attacks on three commercial vessels, the Unity Explorer, the Number Nine, and the Sophie II. CENTCOM said the Carney shot down a total of three drones, including two that were heading in its direction.
CENTCOM blamed the attacks on Yemen’s Houthis, who announced that they attacked the Unity Explorer and Number Nine but did not mention firing on the USS Carney. CENTCOM also claimed the attacks were “fully enabled by Iran,” although there’s no evidence of Iranian involvement.
“The United States will consider all appropriate responses in full coordination with its international allies and partners,” CENTCOM said.
The Houthis, formally known as Ansar Allah, have been targeting Israeli-linked ships and firing missiles and drones at Israel in response to the Israeli onslaught in Gaza, which resumed in full force on Friday. The Houthis also recently downed a US MQ-9 Reaper drone that was flying near Yemen.
The US has backed a Saudi-led coalition in a war against the Houthis since 2015, but it’s rare the US and the Houthis exchange direct fire. Back in 2016, the US bombed Houthi radar sites in response to attacks on a US warship in the region. At the time, the Houthis denied targeting the US vessel.
Surprised? Not hardly.
At least we know who did it, rather than more Israeli or US false flag terrorist nonsense.
A common sense update on Global-Communism versus Sovereign Nations (senior editor at Ronin’s Revelations). Podcasts coming soon:
Agree. WTS ?
Is it finally the doomstack alliance of (Cuba, the DPRC, the DPRK, Laos, and Vietnam) leaping forth from the shadows against ~191 countries with their own governance and interests in no way threatened by communism in the year 2023 as if this were 1951 ?
Who even drags out Communist as a legit scare any more ??? Those marvelling at Henry Ford’s horseless carriage powered by leaded gaso-lyne ?
I am wondering when Hezbollah will launch a couple thousands of its rockets at Israel. One target that would be a problem is the plant in Tel Aviv that is supposed to be a chlorine manufacturing plant. If that is hit……..
Are you hoping the war expands? Do you want more deaths? Anyway it would be a bad move for Hezbollah to attack with a couple thousand rockets. Israel would respond with a massive bombardment. And firing at a chemical plant in the hopes of hitting a chlorine tank that will kill maybe a dozen or so workers not a good idea. The fury unleashed by Israel would be massive. Of course, than people like you would cry genocide because of intensity of the counter attack.
“I am wondering when Hezbollah will launch a couple thousands of its rockets at Israel.”
My guess is, when the Hezbollese feel they have reached a “use it or lose it” point. The Eye of Mordor…erm, the IDF…is FIXED upon Gaza – at least in the short term (with side ventures in the West Bank).
Yet the writing is on the wall, I fear – the Apartheid State of Israel’s government is doubling down on their need for “living space” (again that apropos German word slips the mind…) and the long-term consequence is likely to be a shift north once Gazinian territory is devastated, seeing the IDF steamroll the W. Bank on its way into Lebanon and Syria.
As such, Hezbollah miiiight hold off and see if internal ASI politics can dethrone PM Netanyahu and pull the State back from the depths of far-Right authoritarian darkness…?
The IDF is getting badly beaten up in Gaza. Israel is loosing this war, there is absolutely no reason for Hezbollah to intervene.
Netanyahu is attempting to escalate the war not Hezbollah. Hezbollah has clearly stated they are not looking for war, however if war comes they will be all in.
Care to explain how the IDF is getting beaten up? Of course not, because you simply make things up.
On the ground. In war, a combatant cam bomb all it wants, but it takes ground forces to secure areas. I don’t think the IDF forces whose main focus is as border guards is up to battling the “army of G-d”.
And why do you think that? Have you seen any indication that Hamas has pushed the IDF out of Gaza?
With more than 100,000 rockets. If they target certain assets in Tel Aviv, the Iron Dome would have just a little problem knocking them down. One asset is a chlorine plant in Tel Aviv. There are others.
You do realize that they can’t fire all the rockets at once. Tell me what do you think you would be accomplished by firing at a chlorine plant? If you have some fantasy that 1000s will die because of a chlorine leak that will not happen.
Are you bloody kidding me?!!! What is next for heavens sake?!
Most likely a counter strike with Tomahawk missiles is coming if these idiots keep firing at shipping.
“”The Houthis took credit for attacks on Israeli-linked commercial vessels but not the US warship””
oh we did attack our enemies but at no time would we ever attack our benefactor.
hey you sumbitches, what insignia does yalls have painted on the side?
oh wait, the U.S.S. Liberty had an american flag painted on it’s side ?
“the U.S.S. Liberty had an american flag painted on it’s side” It did? US warship don’t paint flags on their side.
Maybe, but the only things painted on the Liberty at the time of the attack were “GTR 5” in large letters on both the the port and starboard bow, and the ship’s name in18-inch letters on the stern. It takes almost no time to find this information on the internet in 2023. It’s weird that people don’t do that before arguing.
That said, the Israeli claim to have been unable to identify the Liberty is not very credible.
Classical fog of war. Mistakes happen in war. The bottom line is simple, Israel very existence as a nation at that time and to some extend still is dependent on the USA. Why in hell would they put that at risk by intentionally attacking a US ship? Israel would not and did not do it on purpose.
That’s a reasonable argument. But it’s not a convincing one in the opinions of many of the most well-informed observers — and survivors — of the incident. And even the mutually-agreed timeline and the publicly-known uncontested facts make it very easy to understand why many of them just didn’t, and don’t, buy it. I don’t know what the truth is, but I know enough about the attack on the Liberty to find the claims of Israeli officials and the findings of the USN court of inquiry less than persuasive.
Naturally the sailors on the ship experiencing the attack feel it was deliberate. No one has yet to determine a valid motive for the attack. Did you find anything in your study to indicate that Israel government planned the attack?
And if Israel wanted to sink the ship, why did they call off the attack when the PT boats could finish off the ship damage ship?
Timothy, young son, don’t waste peoples’ time if you’re unwilling to read McGovern’s work or, really, ALL the reliable sources on the topic that has published over the years.
This website + USS Liberty in a Google search (free to non-subscribers thru Dec 15th !)(of 2085) will easily answer the questions I am not sure you actually want answered.
There’s no indication that the surviving crew members believe the attack was deliberate because of “feelings.” They base their judgment on their actual experience of the attack.
No one has determined a motive for the attack —at least no one we know about — but several perfectly credible ones have been proposed. In any case, motive doesn’t have to be determined to establish intent.
The official explanation is that the attack was called off when one of the torpedo boats picked up a life raft from the Liberty and saw US markings. Perhaps that’s true. Whether it is or not doesn’t establish whether or not the attack was deliberate.
As you may know, the people who absolutely believe (or did while alive) that the attack was deliberate include not only crew members and others, but also then Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Admiral Moorer of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and others. The NSA report says that every crew member interviewed insisted that the Liberty was prominently flying a US flag and that the weather made it easily visible. The senior JAG officer (lawyer) for the Navy court of inquiry said the court findings were a coverup. And on and on. These things are reported in virtually all the mainstream coverage of the incident.
As I’ve said, I don’t know what happened on that day in 1967, but I do know that the official explanations are, at the very least, questionable.
Not fog of war.
From McGovern’s essay, linked in this thread :
“Equally telling is the fact that the National Security Agency (NSA) destroyed voice tapes seen by many intelligence analysts, showing that the Israelis knew exactly what they were doing. I asked a former CIA colleague, who was also an analyst at that time, what he remembered of those circumstances. Here is his e-mail reply:
“The chief of the analysts studying the Arab-Israeli region at the time told me about the intercepted messages and said very flatly and firmly that the pilots reported seeing the American flag and repeated their requests of confirmation of the attack order. Whole platoons of Americans saw those intercepts. If NSA now says they do not exist, then someone ordered them destroyed.””
I do not doubt in the slightest that they were destroyed.
OMG. The very definition of the fog of war is when things get confusing. Just because the pilots requested permission to fire does not mean it was a planned attack by the government of Israel. It was simply a screw up in command.
Now, Timothy, I think you and I both know – the Israeli pilots knew EXACTLY what the Liberty was, whose it was, and most importantly, their supervisors thought they knew what the Liberty knew (that it had intercepts of IDF intention to massacre Egyptian POW’s)
To claim “well sometimes people get confused in war” does not apply here and, after reading McGovern’s essay, only an idiot would think the IDF made a series of mistakes.
Yea right. IDF is stupid enough to transmit such message with out encoding it. That just is nuts. And how would the IDF know that Liberty had intercepted said message? And finally why did not IDF sink the ship if that was their plan?
“…message with out encoding it.”
It was 1967. You think they had 128-bit encryption ? How old ARE you, Timothy ?
“…Liberty had intercepted said message…”
My understanding is that the IDF knew the Liberty was a US surveillance ship listening in on as much radio and signals traffic it could sweep up – primarily to gauge what the Egyptians were going to do next (like when ~20 years later the USA satellite intel suggested Iran was about to exploit a weakness in Iraq’s defenses so the US warned Saddam and he gassed the Iranians in his counterattack.)
The Israelis thought the ship had intercepted their plans to commit a war crime so they knowingly decided to kill the witness(es).
They failed in part – but succeeded in never being formally blamed for it or suffering any reprisal.
“mistakes” …. right. the Israelis made a big “mistake”.
and uncle sam let them get away with it = who was the guy at the bottom of it all? oh right, it was MF POTUS Johnson.
or was it Nixon?
i was just a child back then and honestly they all looked the same to a little tiny guy like i was in 1967.
Johnson. When the ship was under attack, American aircraft should have been scrambled. ASAP.
They were scrambled and called back once it was determine to be a friendly fire incident.
They fled once the Liberty’s comms came online and the SOS was transmitted to a Navy carrier group. They knew they’d failed to sink her after a LOT of trying.
That is silly.
It’s recorded history, silly or not.
It was no “mistake”. The Zionists did not want us to listen in one their “operation”, which was grab the remaining 22% of Gaza and the West Bank.
That is so stupid it is beyond belief. The war was in full swing and it was no secret that Israel was going to go after the West Bank if Jordan entered the war. And again why would they risk losing support of the USA or worst getting attacked by the USA if they sank one of our ships?
Pilots notified home base that they recognized the ship as being American.
No official documentation I’ve ever seen says that any of the Israeli pilots recognized the Liberty as American and reported that to superiors before the attack.
Do you have a citation?
Well there is no pictures of the USS Liberty with a flag painted on. If you have one post it. In fact if you have one of any US warship with a flag painted on it post it.
you are correct, the USS Liberty actually had a target painted on it’s side.
oops how stupid were the U.S. sailors, floating around with a target painted on their side.
Go back under the rock from whence you came.
If this helps…
The esteemed Ray McGovern, this August 2014 essay on ( ) includes these two details :
“First, the Liberty, a virtually defenseless intelligence collection platform prominently flying an American flag in international waters, came under deliberate attack by Israeli aircraft and three 60-ton Israeli torpedo boats off the coast of the Sinai on a cloudless June afternoon during the six-day Israeli-Arab war.”
“The following exchanges are excerpts of testimony from U.S. military and diplomatic officials given to Alison Weir, founder of “If Americans Knew” and author of American Media Miss the Boat:
Israeli pilot to ground control: “This is an American ship. Do you still want us to attack?”
Ground control: “Yes, follow orders.”
“But sir, it’s an American ship – I can see the flag!”
Ground control: “Never mind; hit it!””
I’m pretty sure I had a Christmas package on one of those commercial ships….
Umm..where do you think they got the drones fool? Iran of course.
So what? Where did Israel and the Azov battalion in Ukraine get their weapons? Hmmm?
Do we deny it?
Notice these “attacks” are always carried out by POS nobodies with little to nothing of an outcome. Meanwhile, the sponsoring countries with actual weapons logistics have thumbs up their asses.
Notice these “attacks” are always carried out by POS nobodies with little to nothing of an outcome. Meanwhile, the sponsoring countries with actual weapons logistics have thumbs up their asses.