Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) vowed in a letter to his colleagues to bring a bill to the Senate floor as soon as December 4 to fund military aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. President Biden has requested the funding as part of a massive $105 billion spending package.
“One of the most important tasks we must finish is taking up and passing a funding bill to ensure we as well as our friends and partners in Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific region have the necessary military capabilities to confront and deter our adversaries and competitors,” Schumer said. “That’s why I intend to bring the President’s national security supplemental package to the floor as soon as the week of December 4.”
Schumer blamed Republicans for the delay in the passage of the $105 billion behemoth, which was formally requested on October 20. He said the biggest holdup “is the insistence by our Republican colleagues on partisan border policy as a condition for vital Ukraine aid,” although Biden’s request includes $13.6 billion for the border.
House Republicans have passed a bill that stripped the over $14 billion allocated to fund Israel’s war in Gaza from Biden’s $105 billion request. But it has been rejected by Democrats because it includes cuts to the IRS, and Schumer has refused to bring it to the floor for a vote in the Senate.
Despite the impasse, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) said Monday that he is “confident and optimistic” that Congress will be able to pass funding for both Israel and Ukraine. President Biden has requested $61 billion to fund the proxy war in Ukraine for another entire year despite Kyiv’s failed counteroffensive.
Johnson said Israel is a “top priority” for the US and said Ukraine is also important but must be tied to border funding. “Ukraine is another priority. Of course, we can’t allow Vladimir Putin to march through Europe. And we understand the necessity of assisting there. What we’ve said is that if there is to be additional assistance to Ukraine — which most members of Congress believe is important — we have to also work on changing our own border policy,” he said.
Johnson said that negotiations on the issues were ongoing. He also said the other items included in Biden’s $105 billion request will also be worked out. “With regard to the rest of it, there’s some other items in the supplemental package — I think all that will come together in the coming days,” he said.
Biden also asked for $7.4 billion to spend on the US military buildup in the Indo-Pacific region, which includes $2 billion in military aid that’s expected to mainly go to Taiwan. Republican China hawks are asking for another $12 billion to spend on preparations for a future war with China in the region.
Terrible people, all of them.
Biden keeps spending money to kill Ukrainians and Russians as long as it is not Americans. The man is not even a mediocre president, he is a total failure and the party’s idiotic establishment is willing to make him president again? What an insult to their constituents not to mention the nation as a whole, and the Republicans are no better.
That’s what empires do, lash out at everyone to make ourselves extra extra safe until the empire bankrupts itself from so many destructive entanglements and paranoia. May American arrogance be ended for good.
Not the 1%. To the 1% the remaining ones beneath them need to suffer. The strong do as they may, while the weak suffer as they must.
Where do those politicians get all that money to finance multiple wars and killings around the world?
U.S. government deficit is alread at $1,7 trillion ($1700 billion), and it effectively doubled in 2023.
Answer : they borrow against the future and ask the Fed to print more money, creating more inflation for everybody.
When will the time come to pay the piper?
When the time comes it is gonna be VERY ugly. Long, forever live the 2nd!
Hahaha. OK, hero! The “2nd” became obsolete when the government started making tanks and attack aircraft. (But you keep calling for the revolution, Jethro!) Your local “militia” doesn’t even have the firepower of your average SWAT team!
The US deficit is more along the lines of $23 Trillion — does anyone believe that can ever be repaid?
20% of Federal Tax revenue now goes towards paying interest on the debt
That’s not the deficit, that’s the total debt — and it’s up to nearly $34 trillion. This year’s deficit (that gets added to the debt) is at about $1.7 trillion.
If only all Americans were to not pay on April 15, that just may send a message.
The war crimes trials will be epic – that’s for sure
Plus, The reparations bill will take decades to pay off
There will be no trial. The people committing the crimes control the world. What we need is a global revolution, then we can have that trial.
The global change is happening right before your eyes in real time.
Blind rage and blood lust for genocide ain’t a sign of strength, it’s a sign of weakness.
… and Fear.
I try to stay away from making predictions; far too many variables, and some are unknown at the time of the predictions.
That said, this isn’t about change happening. As I said, the people committing the crimes run the world. It’s irrelevant to the ability to try them for their crimes what might happen at some future date.
Not necessarily. A deep financial crisis is coming and will do. But a global rev, the rise of The East is also on the horizon as we speak.
Not for the 1%…………….
How do you figure? Once the Western currencies implode, and their Eastern capital is ‘frozen’, how will they pay their whores?
Revolution doesn’t have to be violent or even physical. The revolution in the Soviet Union was neither, for example.
That is complex, and still very much in process, and hpefully to resolve creatively –i.e., not bourgeois capitalism.
Well let us see, for all the tough talk by the Arab nations about Israel and Gaza NO ONE has stepped forward to put an end to it by whatever action called for. They talk a big game but when the time comes to perform they are impotent, maybe the USA and Israel can always get away with pulling all the evil they desire. Russia, China, Iran and N.K. must remain strong to counter the evil coming from the DC GHOULS!
Hamas, Hezbollah, amd some others seem to be doing quite fine pummeling the IDF.
Article about IDF refusing to fight–israeli-unit-refused-returning-to-batt
They can pummel all they want but if the need arises U know Biden will commit U.S. troops and air power to the fight as the USA is a slave to Israel.
And, turn his attention away when the Zionists use tactical nukes.
If Biden does that he may as well retire himself for 2024 election…!
netman, U know any USA POTUS would do the same,,even Trumpy, DeSantis, Cali-Gov., Haley for sure!!!
This time is different…!
Since the Pentagon hasn’t won a war in like 75 years…..
How about 125 years? US was on the winning teams for both WW1 and WW2. they did not win either war by themselves
Just being polite 😀
Arab countries abandoned their support of Palestinians years ago. Forget what they say in public, just watch what they do. It’s thoroughly disgusting, but like the large majority of humans, they obsess on money, and the U.S. is Daddy Moneybags.
This madness in D.C. MUST end, it is beyond an outrage towards the suffering citizens of the U.S. D.C. is the real enemy, not Russia, or China, or Iran,,but the D.C. Ghouls of both criminal parties.
Who is the terrorist? Sorry if this disturbs anyone…..
I admire lowkey. Good song.
Poignant, artful, true.
If you investigate, you’ll find out where it’s comin’ from
Look through our history, America’s the violent one
Unlock my brain, break the chains of your misery
This time the payback for evil shit you did to me
They call me militant, racist ’cause I will resist
You wanna censor somethin’, motherfucker, censor this
My words are weapons and I’m steppin’ to the silent
Wakin’ up the masses, but you claim that I’m violent
Tupac, Violence
Sen. Schumer can start a Go-Fund-Me page for Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan Funding. Those who wish to support can donate and leave the taxpayers out of it.
Can Schumer be expelled from the Senate and from the US? The “dual citizenship” types cannot be trusted, to put it mildly. Here’s a simple litmus test: A) The USA B) Israel — CHOOSE ONE.
What makes you think that Schumer is a “dual citizen?”
See above.
The most active word in the vocabulary of all of our politicians is “kill”, even if it is not heard. Watch their lips, and really listen. What is heard is kill, kill, kill, kill more. Kill in the morning. Kill in the evening. Kill at supper time. NATO? “Kill” in caps.
Schumer is Traitor Numero Uno…!
Shumer must give up his Israeli Citizenship .
What makes you think he holds Israeli citizenship?
What makes you think the poster was positing a literal truth?
What makes you think the poster was being metaphorical?
Breaking News! The Koch Group has endorsed Nikki Haley for POTUS.