US Central Command (CENTCOM) said Tuesday that a US AC-130 gunship launched strikes in Iraq against people allegedly responsible for an earlier missile attack on the Ain al-Asad airbase in western Iraq, which houses US troops.
The Pentagon said eight US troops were wounded when Ain al-Asad airbase was targeted with a “short-range ballistic missile” and that the AC-130 responded “immediately.”
CENTCOM said the AC-130 strikes strike resulted in “several enemy casualties.” A US official later told The War Zone that the strikes killed at least one member of Kataib Hezbollah, an Iraqi Shia militia.
According to AFP, the AC-130 struck a vehicle in Abu Ghraib, once the site of the notorious American torture prison. AC-130 gunships are armed with various types of heavy weapons, including 105mm howitzers.
The US airstrikes in Iraq risk significantly escalating attacks on US forces in the region. As of Monday, US troops in Iraq and Syria have come under attack at least 61 times since October 17 due to President Biden’s full-throated support for the Israeli onslaught in Gaza.
The US has launched three rounds of airstrikes in eastern Syria against Shia militias believed to be responsible for the attacks. The incident on Tuesday marked the first US strikes in Iraq since the attacks on US bases started last month.
The Washington Post reported over the weekend that the Pentagon was aware launching strikes in Iraq could “exacerbate anti-American sentiment” in the country. Many elements in Iraqi politics oppose the US presence, which consists of about 2,500 troops, and the direct US strikes could spark fresh protests.
Leaders of the Shia militias that operate in Iraq and Syria have vowed attacks on US troops will continue until there is a durable ceasefire in Gaza. They might also see the current tensions as an opportunity to drive US forces out of Iraq.
“Alleged” – code for ‘we don’t know but we’re killing someone anyway’.
CENTCOM statement: “On 21 Nov. an AC-130 gunship engaged individuals responsible for launching a missile attack on U.S. and Coalition personnel at Al Assad Airbase, Iraq.” The writer used the term “Alleged”.
CENTCOM saying the individuals in question were responsible for the missile attack isn’t the same as the individuals in question actually being responsible for the missile attack. Or even as there actually being a missile attack.
Even if CENTCOM had an unusually good record of accurately reporting on and accounting for its actions, it would still be an allegation absent corroborating evidence. And CENTCOM enjoys no such reputation.
Tom. Since the 130 was airborne, spotted the firing of the missiles and conducted an immediate counterstrike, in this case they indeed hit the persons firing the missile.
The first sentence of the article implied that the command used the word alleged in their statement. They did not.
How do you know that the C-130 was airborne, spotted the firing of the missiles, and conducted and immediate counterstrike?
Because CENTCOM said so, perhaps?
CENTCOM is a known, established, proven beyond a reasonable doubt liar institution, especially when it comes to reporting on who its operators killed, why, and under what circumstances.
Which is not to say that everything it claims is always a lie — just that its claims are not evidence of their own truth.
Another “righteous strike”. this time by this machine: It forsakes accuracy for damage.
Another cinderblock shack in the desert bites the dust… Hurray for our side! 🇺🇸
Not your side. Don’t pretend, Vladimir
If it’s on my dime then I have the dubious honor of being a subject of the Empire.
The price of Empire is endless War.
“could “exacerbate anti-American sentiment””
Yes and how many civilians not connected to the bad guys died in this attack? Once again America losing the hearts and minds of the local population.
The MIC loves it. It means more weapons research, more weapons sales.
None. The counter attack was too fast. They did not have time to hide behind civilians.
Iran called US’s bluff in 2020. At least 30 Iranian guided missiles hit Al Asad Air Base in Iraq, home of the United States Air Force and largest base in Iraq. The pentagon now admits 109 casualties, there are many dead. During the Iranian attack on Al Assad air base…….America’s air defense ships in the Persian Gulf stood down, no AEGIS or Patriot protection for 5000 US troops stranded in Iraq by Trump’s criminal insanity. With US forces on high alert, and billions of US air defense equipment on site we do not have one video of an incoming missile taken down when ballistic missiles are supposed to be the easiest to intercept.
Trump threatened to murder the PM of Iraq, ordered the Marines to murder protesters and ordered the murder of Soleimani while he was on a peace mission. Crimes don’t get worse than this and why Abdul Mahdi resigned.
Here is the address by Abdul Mahdi………………..“This is why I visited China and signed an important agreement with them to undertake the construction instead. Upon my return, Trump called me to ask me to reject this agreement. When I refused, he threatened to unleash huge demonstrations against me that would end my premiership.
Huge demonstrations against me duly materialized and Trump called again to threaten that if I did not comply with his demands, then he would have Marine snipers on tall buildings target protesters and security personnel alike in order to pressure me.
I refused again and handed in my resignation. After this, when our Minister of Defense publicly stated that a third party was targeting both protesters and security personnel alike (just as Trump had threatened, he would do), I received a new call from Trump threatening to assassinate both me and the Minister of Defense if we kept on talking about this “third party”.
I was supposed to meet him (Soleimani) later in the morning when he was killed. He came to deliver a message from Iran in response to the message we had delivered to the Iranians from the Saudis.
The Kingdom’s statement regarding the events in Iraq stresses the Kingdom’s view of the importance of de-escalation to save the countries of the region and their people from the risks of any escalation.
The kingdom of Saudi Arabia was not consulted regarding the US strike. In light of the rapid developments, the Kingdom stresses the importance of exercising restraint to guard against all acts that may lead to escalation, with severe consequences.
Saudi Arabia is sending a delegation to Washington to urge restraint with Iran on behalf of [Persian] Gulf states. The message will be: ‘Please spare us the pain of going through another war’.”
“Iran called US’s bluff in 2020” better would be “Iran called Trump’s bluff in 2020”.
Timmie! One of the trifecta of Tim, Julio, Jake has appeared!
Do you have a point to make?
Big Lies after Big Lies,
I am referring to the “lies” about Saddam Hussein producing yellowcake uranium from Niger, I am referring to the “lies” about Saddam Hussein’s milk factories being anthrax facilities ready to bomb the West. I am referring to the “lies” that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and posed an immediate threat to the USA and its “allies”.
I am referring to the “lies” that Muammar al-Qathafi was bombing his own people. I am referring to the “lies” that the Syrian Government was using chemical weapons. I am referring to the “lies” that prior to the SMO Russian tanks and armoured personnel carriers were rolling over the borders in their thousands.
I am referring to the “lies” that the Malaysian aircraft was shot down by Russians. I am referring to the “lies” that the Crimea referendum was illegal and was carried out under threat of guns.
I am referring to the lies that Russia attacked Georgia in South Ossetia. I am referring to the lies that the ‘mujahedin’ were holy warriors and Osama Bin Laden needed US weapons and training to bring democracy to Afghanistan.
I am referring to the lies that Russia used Novichok to murder an ex spy and his daughter on British Soil. I am referring to the lies that Russia blew up Nord Stream pipeline causing the biggest release of Co2 the world has ever seen. All big lies after big lies.
Trump lies!! Who knew?
Is Britain attempting to overthrow the United States of Atrocities? The BBC is absolutely destroying the Israel/US narrative in Gaza.