Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki claimed on Thursday that Wagner fighters were deployed to Belarus in an attempt to “destabilize” bordering NATO countries, which the alliance refers to as its eastern flank.
Morawiecki called the Russian mercenary force “extremely dangerous” and said it had been “being redeployed to NATO’s eastern flank to destabilize it.” He estimated there could be more than 4,000 Wagner members in Belarus.
Morawiecki made the comments with Lithuanian President Gitanas Naused while meeting at the Suwałki Gap, a strip of land on the Polish-Lithuanian border that stretches from Belarus to the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad. The two leaders met to discuss the threat they believe Wagner poses to the region.

“Today, the borders of Poland and Lithuania are the borders of the free world that stops the pressure from the despotism from the East,” Morawiecki said. He warned that Wagner could carry out “sabotage actions” and thanked Lithuania for “military cooperation and for the joint promise that we will defend every piece of land of NATO countries.”
Poland has been beefing up its border with Belarus since Wagner fighters went there as part of a deal to end Yevgeny Prigozhin’s short-lived mutiny against the Russian military establishment. Tensions escalated on Tuesday when Poland accused Belarus of violating its airspace with military helicopters, an accusation Minsk denied.
Separately on Thursday, Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak said Warsaw’s response to recent “provocations” has been to “increase the size of the Polish Army on the eastern border of the country by redeploying troops from the west.”
“Today, the borders of Poland and Lithuania are the borders of the free world that stops the pressure from the despotism from the East,”
Holy cow! Is this Gondor bordering Mordor, then? Does this crap sell in Poland? What year is this?
Yes, it does. Let’s face it, they must buy it and in bulk. Otherwise, after they got their “clock cleaned” so many times in history, they want to get their “clock cleaned” once more and this time with nuclear bombs? (Sarcasm)
“The great nations of Poland, Lithuania, and the other two pipsqueaks I can’t recall, holding back the teeming hordes of easterners from our peaceful and pristine lands” … they DO sell it in bulk!
You probably read some of my posts regarding my Polish neighbor. His flaming racism toward Russians is staggering, especially after consuming some alcohol. I can sense varying degrees of that racism here in this space by some folks. If we are capable of harboring such racism toward each other, how can you not question our own humanity? One more thing, people who are always speaking against racism can themselves be some of the most racist people on Earth. (Sarcasm)
They are dreaming of a world 500 years past, when the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was the real power on the edge of Europe.
Now of course they are a small power combined with one so tiny it is no power.
The US destabilized NATO, Wagner is not needed. Biden did it for Putin already, the same is true for the EU, sanctions and the pipeline sabotage helped killing the German and with it the EU economy.
The USA is Europa’s biggest enemy. Biden is getting what he asked for. He said Russia lost, then the USA must have won Biden’s war or not?
That is likely to be the longer term impact, but it is suppressed right now by EU leaders afraid to face it.
But soon they reach the point when they can’t deny it anymore. Most European NATO members are also EU members, but the pipeline sabotage and sanctions are killing the EU.
They can’t fund NATO when they are broke, they are already stabbing each other in the back.
The smart neocon politics are so stupid it is mindboggling, how can anyone take their narrative seriously?
The neocon economic sanction warfare is suicidal not just for Europa, it is killing NATO, it is like an alliance with Russia, the neocons must have encouraged the partnership between China and Russia, that was very kind of them too. Even stupid Stoltenberg is useless. /s
One would think Poland and the Baltic little states would learn something from the Ukraine debacle, but no.
NATO never defended a NATO member, it was always using military aggression serving US interests and leaving a trail of death and ruins behind with no exceptions.
Now the smart Biden people destroyed the EU economically, most are also NATO members, and they blew up the LG pipeline, a declaration of war from NATO members to Germany, another NATO member.
Now they play nice in public, but Europeans hate the US and NATO.
I have no idea if they really are worried about Wagner, or if they are just using Wagner’s name for effect.
… or the set-up for false flag.
The American ambassador to Poland is Brzezinski’s son, the brother of Mika on MSNBC.
The spider web of the government elite with a huge revolving door is functioning perfectly.
His daughter has her own tv show in America. She is a Liberal and hosts her own show on MSNBC. Her name is Mika.
Her foreign policy is pure neocon. She’s “liberal” as much as Sec of State Tony Blinken is liberal.
The Biden neocon team took care of NATO already, Wagner is not needed. Col. Macgregor said it, NATO is dead. The pipeline sabotage confirms it, the alliance declared war on Germany another alliance member.
Perhaps, but I won’t count NATO out until someone actually leaves. Germany should have already.
Agreed, but that’s precisely why you can’t count on the majority of Germans or Europeans to see the big picture. Someone mentioned here that the Germans’ sense of absolute obedience to their government overcomes and overwhelms their own logic. I wonder if it were you, Ikester? If it were you, then Germany not leaving NATO proves you were right. (Sarcasm)
The absolute obedience is old political propaganda. They like order and are logical. Martin Luther and Karl Marx were German, and so was Gutenberg (the guy who invented the printing press) they made history the German way.
The Germans revolted against the humiliating Versailles surrender terms WW II was the result.
Germany has a strong and organized growing opposition party in the parliament, they are conservative but not Nazis a term which the governing war parties would like to use to demonize the party.
“They like order and are logical.” It seems that was a long time ago, but I hope you’re correct and I’m proven totally wrong. It’s just hard to keep hope alive regarding their logic since many of them blamed Russia for blowing up their own pipelines. They seem to hate Russia for wanting to do business with them. Propaganda is powerful and seems to be very effective on the North Europeans. It even convinced the Scandinavians to worry about Global Warming and DUDE, they live at the Arctic circle! (Sarcasm)
I agree with you. I believe that there were no clean elections, that money greased the skids. USA/NATO Democracies are in the hands of criminal people, people without character and integrity. Germany and Russia worked well together, the Kaiser and the Zar were cousins and they liked each other, Catharine the Great was a German princess. It was the Anglo-Saxons who did all they could to keep the Germans and Russians to do business together, going back to the Westphalia peace agreement in 1648. That is still true today.
I am bad, I believe that money moves mountains even in the Arctic circle. A little /s
It certainly wasn’t me. 🙂
Thanks, it was Mark. 💕
Many NATO members are ready to jump off the wagon. When Germany, France, and Hungary start it will start an avalanche. So far neocon extortion and coercion helped to hold NATO together , the chickens are coming home to roost, we will see what it will look like in a few months from now. Former French colonies in Africa add to Macon’s troubles, and US supporting France is not helpful.
In Germany the AfD party is picking up speed, they are the real opposition in the parliament in Berlin and have very competent and attractive party members. Alice Weidel from AfD and Sarah Wagenknecht from Die Linke, two women, each one could replace Scholz, the sooner the better. We need people like that to replace Biden, RFK is appealing but we can be sure the establishment will kneecap him.
MSM will not really report the real political chaos we are already involved in. Biden, the liar, and others stick to their narrative, ” Russia already lost the war” so they say. USA/NATO with leaders like that, they can only lose, which they already have.
Scholz is Biden’s man, Germany is still an occupied country.
Humanity for Peace – Rally: Sunday, August 6, 2023, 1:00 pm – 4:00 PM Location: Hammarskjold Plaza, East 47th street & 2nd Avenue, New York, NY 10017
Maybe they’ll succeed and bring this war to an end. Or maybe this is just propaganda and a potential future false flag operation.
Wagner can do nothing against Poland without the direct support of either Belarus and more probably Russia. Wagner appears to be in Belarus in a training role for the Belarus territorial battalions and nothing more. If the number quoted – 4,000 – is accurate, it means most of Wagner either remains in Ukraine, has gone home to Russia or have been sent to Africa where Wagner operations continue. Wagner’s heavy weapons used in Ukraine were turned in to the Russian Ministry of Defense so they have no heavy weapons.
Colonel Douglas Macgregor keeps claiming Russia has 100-150,000 troops in Belarus, but there is zero open source evidence for that. The Ukrainians themselves, who you would think would be most concerned if that were true, claim that there were no more than 9-12,000 Russians in Belarus earlier in the year and most of those have allegedly gone back to Russia. So without a significant Russian presence, Wagner is no threat to Poland or Ukraine.
So this is merely to stir up a casus belli for Poland to make aggressive moves against Belarus and Ukraine. Which if they do will result in their being (eventually of not immediately) annihilated.
The last Polish war game run by the Poles themselves against Russia, including assuming they were armed with F-35s and Abrams tanks, resulted in the Polish army being wiped out in five days. Which is why they decided to increase the size of their army. Their government is deluded and ignorant if they think this matters to the Russian capability to annihilate them.
4000 troops are capable of “destabilizing” Poland with their presence in a neighboring country???
Either those are some bad ass soldiers that can scare people from afar.
Or Poland is extremely weak (4000 troops scares you?)
Or this is just political bluster for us in the cheap seats to get us worked up.
I’m going for Door #3.
The Poles aren’t as over-the-top hysterical with their propaganda as our noble allies in Ukraine, but they are definitely always near the top of the Unhinged Crazies lists.
Poland has elections coming up this autumn.. If the current group of loonies aren’t hysterical enough, we might see what the US-backed opposition has to offer.
4000 troops aren’t that many, but Wagner fighters are good, and that means Poland needs to oppose them with at least 3x that number to feel safe. This, of course, is the whole idea of sending the Wagner troops there. They tie up at least 12k Polish troops, who could otherwise be deployed to Ukraine.
They turned in their heavy weapons.
The idea was then that they would provide trainers in the training camps of the Belarus Army. They were to be like US Special Forces “instructors” and “advisers.”
Wagner trying to destabilize NATO bad.
US/NATO trying to weaken Russia good.
A few hundred merc’s are going to destabilize NATO? LOL
The hyper-ventilating Pollocks need to settle down and have another shot of vodka.
My worry is that they are so well represented among our own State Dept people, and in a sympathetic media.
“Today, the borders of Poland and Lithuania are the borders of the free world that stops the pressure from the despotism from the East,” Morawiecki said.”
The only dspotism is in Ukraine under Zelensky.
There is enough despotism to go around.
Our own neocon crazies will one day be seen that way too, by our own new leaders, who will wonder how they ever happened, as they now “wonder” about Trump.
Well, when it comes to destabilization, I’d say Poland has been there, done that.
“trying to destabilize NATO”
is NATO really so feeble that they could be destabilized?
NATO is not very stable if such a small contingent of private forces could destabilize the alliance.
It is less than a brigade size, without heavy weapons anymore, which were turned in when they left Russia.
Poland is looking for an excuse to make trouble.
As indicated by the map included in this post, these discussions should always consider Kaliningrad, the Russian satellite province separated from Belarus by the Suwałki Gap along the border of Poland and Lithuania. NATO countries threaten to cut off access to this province by both land and sea.
That this particular announcement of the Russian menace was issued from a location along the Suwalki Gap, suggests that Poland is intentionally trying to divert attention from its own motives.
Willie & Sinead
“Don’t Give Up”
somebodies are destroying this world
and little guys like you and me and poor animals
will be the ones who pay the price
Sounds exactly like a neocon talking point. By the way, 4,000 Wagners vs the Polish army could probably do a lot more than just sabotage actions.
oh Lordy now, troubles so hard – oh Lordy now, troubles so hard –
don’t nobody know my troubles but God, don’t nobody know my troubles so hard
edit = thank you couple of guys for recognizing what i was saying
wagner revolt. exile to belarus. what a artful show to move russian troops without looking like pro russian movements. clever.