Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that fighting in southeastern Ukraine “intensified significantly” a day after US officials said the main thrust of the Ukrainian counteroffensive had started.
“As of the recent days – yes, indeed, we confirm that hostilities have intensified, and significantly, too. The main clashes occurred on what they call the main strike direction in the West — the Zaporizhzhia direction,” Putin said, according to the Russian news agency TASS.
Putin said the Ukrainian assault has yielded no success and claimed Ukrainian forces suffered heavy losses. “The enemy achieved no success on any contact swath; all counteroffensive attempts were stopped, and the enemy was pushed back with high casualties,” he said.
For their part, Ukrainian officials claimed their forces captured the village of Staromaiorske in the Donetsk Oblast, near the border of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast. While Ukraine has made some incremental gains in its counteroffensive, there’ve been no major breakthroughs.

US officials told The New York Times on Wednesday that Ukraine had committed thousands of NATO-trained reserves for its new push. But on Thursday, a US military official told the Times it wasn’t clear how many soldiers they will commit. “It remains to be seen what they’ll truly commit, when they’ll commit it, and where,” the official said.
The goal of Ukraine’s push is to sever the land bridge Russia has secured from Crimea to the Russian mainland. But success seems unlikely, as The Wall Street Journal recently reported that Western officials didn’t believe Ukraine had enough weapons or training to dislodge Russian forces but hoped they would be able to break through anyway.
Russia lost the war over a year ago. The outcomes on the battlefield can’t change the fact that Ukrainians want their independence and self determination. Even if the Russians could obliterate the Ukrainian army, Russia would then be an unpopular occupying power surrounded by millions of resentful Ukrainians. Like Israel in Lebanon. It would take longer, but the only end possible to this war is Russian withdrawal from Ukraine. Ukrainians won’t give up even if the US and NATO withdraw their aid. This is an asymmetric war of national resistance and a critical mass of Ukrainian hearts and minds have committed themselves to independence from Russia.
Yes, self determination according to CIA, Mi6 and Black Rock.
LOL Are you still drunk from last night or are you just another Leftist Incel Sh*tposter Ken?
Incels are generally right wingers.
LOL Wrong again ….
Saddly, the only incels I know are also hard left, with some really wildly impractical ideas reeking of dorm room fantasies to remake the world.
They are some of the biggest problems for those of us who would like to see real reforms, real economic justice, or at least to limit the return to the Robber Baron Era we now see.
“It would take longer, but the only end possible to this war is Russian withdrawal from Ukraine.”
They aren’t going to withdraw from all of Ukraine. Not going to happen.
Damn, Wars! Twice — like I commented above. I can certainly see the Russians keeping what they have in Donbas. Crimea, however…
Crimea river.
Crimea for sure. There will be a wider war if Ukraine wants Crimea back.
And you saying, “keeping what they have in Donbas” makes you a “tankie”. Doesn’t even matter if you are just facing reality and you would hope Russia could be negotiated to give it back, it still makes you a “tankie”. Why do you hate America?
We need an equally cute name for those who spread Ukraine’s propaganda lies.
I suspect they would limit themselves to occupying the Russian speaking parts of Ukraine – as in the whole South and East of the country, possibly including Kiev. They’d leave alone Lviv and the north west.
That’s pretty ambitious. It’s the reason you are failing in Ukraine. You guys don’t believe in lessons learned but hey, keep on trucking. Human lives is not that important for the Kremlin as long as they keep their wealth.
They see it as critical to their national security
Your interpretation shows you have paid little attention to the facts on the ground, not to mention the entire history of this disaster beginning at the end of the cold war, and even before.
What you read/hear from media is a narrative which bears very little content or truth. It’s propaganda aimed at what you would like to believe. Based on what you’ve written here, you repeat it.
Don’t you mean Ukrainian withdrawal from Russian territory?
Once Zelinsky figures that out and manages to sneak out of Ukraine (seeking refuge in one of his villas) before the mobs catch up to him, everyone will be in a better place.
Another passing thought…..I guess Nuland really did, “f*ck the EU!” Thing is, she f*cked Ukraine even more.
why would he leave? he’s got the strongest Army in the region now. Yes, small one but highly effective. Has given his nation the unity and sense of identity it needed and has most of the world on his side.
Just like the 300 story. How amazing, the little guy that got bullied grew up and fought back.
His army has done basically nothing in this latest ‘counteroffensive’ other than waste US hardware and Ukrainian lives. Zelinsky is in big trouble and the blame game has just started.
Here’s hoping that the EU will stand on it’s own two feet and seek diplomatic paths.
Ok General clueless.
General Clueless…..quite rich Mr. Julio, although you have tainted my appreciation of the Reposado.
Back to the main topic, and without resorting to your childish antics, it’s quite clear that you have lost touch with the reality of what Putin is capable doing (and what he will do) and how Ukraine is disposable in the eyes of the US and its global proxies.
The thing that baffles me the most with some of your questionable posts is that you somehow think Ukraine will succeed in reclaiming Crimea, Donetsk and the Donbas. In previous posts, you critique others for not understanding military strategy, warfare, etc. Some on this forum actually have past and/or current experience, so I ask you how and when will Ukraine get this land back?
It would serve you well to research and understand European history, specifically this region, and get your facts straight.
Moreover, carefully read Western media reports to get a sense of the direction of this military campaign.
The lack of any success with this sick joke of a ‘counteroffensive’ is amply reported by mainstream Western media. Everyone acknowledges it as a failure and the US is already backpedaling foreshadowing the eventual peace treaty where they will turn their military failure into a successful peace deal.
At the current rate of Ukrainian failure with their ‘counteroffensive’, they will not be able to sustain much longer. Autumn weather followed by winter freeze will be determining and deciding factors.
The empire is fading and it’s militarized economy that has wreaked havoc worldwide is losing influence due to rising global powers forcing a powershift from unipolar to multipolar. The EU is getting fed up and the early support and bravado will shift to peace talks probably before unfavorable weather arrives.
Or do you think a handful of F-16s will save the day and send Russia running home? How effective have the recent shipments of tanks, armoured fighting vehicles, artillery, ammunition, cluster bombs, etc. proved to be?
Zelinsky is done and the global hegemony the US has enjoyed since 1990 is done.
There are others that want to play in the global sandbox and the US has to understand that it has to share. They have no choice.
Some in the EU are starting to realize what Nuland did to them.
Utter nonsense ….
What is the purpose of this “main thrust”? To achieve a break through minefields to the first Russian defense line? And what then? Even if by some fantastic luck they will break through all three Russian lines of defense, Russia has enough of reserve forces to surround them and annihilate.
Are you really this ignorant that you don’t know the purpose?
Yes, Russia has enough reserves to take over the world yet, they can’t even secure Donbas.
They’re probably waiting for Ukraine to exhaust themselves before launching their own offensive.
Yes, I heard that for over a year now. So how many more months/years will they wait? In wars both sides get tired.
Is the SMO going as planned? How many more thousands of Russian cannon fodders have to die for Putin before they launch their REAL counter offensive?
Putin’s secret plan!
HAHAHA! That’s it!
Another gem from the dimmest bulb here at AW ….
That is exactly what they are doing. Russians have plenty of time. Kiev regime got in a trap, it can’t cancel those suicidal attacks against Russian minefields because the sponsors don’t allow. The sponsors are very much unhappy about the lack of success; lot of money was invested in this “counteroffensive”.
That map is from the Russians. These tankies aren’t getting any info from any other rsource. They even fail to accept Rybar’s assessment of the situation. They’re like children who need their feelings soothed.
The Russians are losing territory kilometers per day and they act like the Russians are ready to storm DC! Fools and toolbags. That’s all they are.
I’m just waiting for their increasing excuses as things get worse. Tankie tears, Donnie J!
Totally with ya. It’s like they live in a fantasy land. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with having biases but at least try being a bit realistic.
LOL. How’s the gender reassignment surgery coming along Sam … er … Samantha?
Everything you type is utter bullsh*t Leftist. WAKE UP!
Do you have anything substantive to add to the discussion or are you just trying to — effectively — throw gasoline on something, MAGA POS?
Draw them in on false hopes, flank them.
Murz is an officer in the Russian army and a popular Telegram war blogger with over 100,000 followers. Today, he wrote about Russia’s predicament on the front lines. (Post translated by Telegram’s “translate” function, with me cleaning stuff up here and there.)
In the meantime, our amazing propaganda moved from stories about the “Ukrainian counteroffensive being repelled” to stories about “Well, they finally crawled along the forefield to the first line of our defense, and what?”
Let me try again to explain what is happening in human language. It is not so important how deep the enemy has advanced, but how much the balance of forces in the direction has changed during his advance.
Fortifications, no matter how powerful they may be, including minefields, without the necessary filling of fortifications and fire cover for minefields, are of little worth. [A landmine] will not jump out of the ground and run after the “Leopard” shouting “Stop, you nasty bitch! I shouldn’t have lain in the mud for half a year!” The enemy piece of iron must itself run into these mines in an attempt to overcome the minefield or bypass it, because … because the minefield has eyes, the eyes have a radio station, and at the other end of the radio channel, for example, is a battery of 152-mm artillery. And clearing a minefield covered by fire, by any means, is a long and dreary task, which will be crowned with significant success only at the moment when the artillery battery with its guns are driven by away by immediate counter-battery, so that the mine-clearing vehicle and the platoon of sappers will be able to come up and work without being stuffed with cast iron.
(I will add the post [it’s in Russian so I added the translation])
“Putin Says Fighting in Southeastern Ukraine ‘Intensified Significantly’”
Yes, yesterday Ukraine lost 20 tanks and 10 armored vehicles. So 100 dies in those vehicles and an unknown number of Ukrainians died on the ground.
How many Russians, ya think?
100 in the tanks and armored vehicles plus a few more hundred on the ground!
“The goal of Ukraine’s push is to sever the land bridge Russia has secured from Crimea to the Russian mainland.”
Or at the least to keep the spigots flowing.
Well when your funding source is demented, keeping the spigots flowing beats committing yourself to do something besides shoot off your mouth, I suppose.
Correct, actually. (Damn! A broken clock is right twice a day!)
I’m pretty sure we don’t have the same thing in mind. And you should be a broken clock. It would be an improvement.
Once again, Wars doing what he does best, attacking the folks here that support Ukraine and never ever the ones who support Russia. Then he claims he is NOT pro Kremlin but hey, actions speak for themselves.
I replied to his “attack”. You’re grasping.
And I’m right.
And you like to respond on other’s behalf so you’re it.
It didn’t have to be this way but you insist in coming after us.
It didn’t have to be this way but you insist in coming after us.
And you just proved who is going after who. I made a comment about something that was in the article. Another poster made a rude comment that I responded to, and you accused me of attacking him. And yet you insist on blaming me. Douchebag.
Yeah, play stupid victim now.
“Correct, actually. (Damn! A broken clock is right twice a day!)”
That was his reply to my comment. Was that a fucking compliment, moron?
Probably cause he is one of your favorite folks here you like to f with.
That too.
Your FAN-BOY chops are showing, “Just support the home team, never mind right or wrong…!!!!”
No, they really need to break the land bridge. It is vital for Ukraine. If Russia controls the entire eastern coastline, it will significantly damage Ukraine’s economy and Russia will use that land as springboard for future attacks, although I believe Russia will not have the stomach to come back later for more.
They know Ukraine will be significantly stronger by then and perhaps even part of NATO.
“They know Ukraine will be significantly stronger by then and perhaps even part of NATO.” Fools dreams and delusions.. A bunch of farmers against the biggest. fastest and best armed nation on the planet. They are going to be ground down to dust and their farmland polluted for eons. The fools thought they could roll Russia with NATO’s obsolete handouts? They don’t deserve our pity…..!!!!!!!!!!! Only derision & scorn.
Anything that keeps things going is wonderful for the Military Industrial Complex. Get rid of old weapons. Replace with newer weapons (paid for by we taxpayers). Test newer weapons on the field of battle. Rinse. Repeat.
Two decades of occupation in Afghanistan were great at producing “defense” contracts for side activities like base construction, food provision, etc. And I suspect a lot of old ordnance got blown off just so it COULD be replaced.
With that gone, the MIC moved on to the next payday proposition. And wherever the MIC’s eyes linger, the US government jumps to.
For once I agree with you.
Since they always remind us how stupid the Russians are, I found this clip for my Polish neighbor and fan club here of a Russian using a shovel:
“They hoped”.
All this death and destruction for what will likely prove to be an unrealized “hope”.
They have reserves?
They are holding back a significant force?
Hard to say. They seem to have committed some of the heavy brigades but they are keeping some in reserve for a breakthrough. (Tokmak and then Melitopol?)
A few soldiers here and there might be technically called “reserves” but if those fools have some huge force just sitting around waiting for the “opportune” time to push Russia out….this is a clown show run by a senile fool and a comedian who should be on TV making people laugh not fighting a war.
Maybe tomorrow for the Russians. Hold out hope a little longer.
Tomorrow might be better for Ukraine.
Today really sucks
Not according to everyone except the Russians!
If you don’t understand warfare, you will find this topic hard to comprehend.
So you are finally admitting your short comings.
I’m proud of you Donny.
Not tracking what part of my response was an admission but that’s ok. Whatever keeps your stress level low. Glad I can assist.
And a clown in the White House leading the way.
Basic agreement between both sides. US / NATO / Ukraine launched a large offensive, Russia was ready for it, heavy intense fighting across a whole front.
Russia: our defenses held everywhere
Ukraine: we took one town
US: reserves being held back (no breakthrough to exploit)
Heavy fighting will continue. Odds are that parts of the line will collapse for one side or the other, or both in different places. But that is for another day.
I now see this war as the rabbit and the turtle. Ukraine being the rabbit.
In this version, the rabbit is already road kill.
Days into the big push, and hardly any news emerges. That means the “good guys” are getting slaughtered, so America politely pretends there’s nothing to discuss. Which is an improvement over the hawk’s plan to give them everything forever, consequences be damned.
pro-Russian sources talk about a lot of fierce fighting, with US / NATO / Ukrainian forces making small gains in the south. There seems to be a Russian offensive in the north which is not being discussed.
In the meantime, US and Russian sources about the Russia – Africa Summit are describing 2 different events.
I feel that major changes are happening that we will mostly learn about only after results from these changes start to impact us.
As the posts indicate there are many arm-chair generals here, can we just go back and discuss why this war, or any war today needs our taxes and our blood when there is absolutely no danger to America? that is except for war industry profits which come back to Wash. It’s all the American people’s fault that this is continuing, but maybe something else is behind this insanity we now witness in Wash. and around America with all the mass shootings and Wash. sanctioning other perversity like censorship, war without a declaration, etc. –don’t get me started, but the enlightened people here know the list of ways Wash. is destroying American from within and later from other ways, like WWIII. If you can afford it, buy a condo in So. Argentina or Chile; they also come with furniture. And, keep your passport up to date.
Although I feel that you are over optimistic about the future of not rich Americans, I agree with the general idea. The US is falling apart and our job creators have their new out of the country living arrangements already good to go.
It would be better if these were just Biden’s lies. Then we could fix the problem just by replacing him. I think he will lose next November, replacing one liar with another, at which point we will be discussing the kinetic conflict with China over Taiwan. Hopefully all sides will persist in not using nukes.
There’s an agenda behind this to destroy America from both within and now possibly through war. And, I believe it’s just political BS behind it. Both parties are diametrically opposed to each other and the vendettas go on and on. And, every crisis is exploited for political purposes. You’re right there will just be another liar in the White House. This is all about using the American people and their taxes for the profit of the few at the expense of the many. It’s wrapped up in lobbying which is a euphemism for corruption within the state. Nukes will be used by whoever starts to lose the war,
Es la verdad
well phrased
Remember the Quiz Show You bet your life with Groucho Marx. That is what our rulers are doing,betting our lives.this ain’t a football,game
I am too old and poor to leave. This is a fact that I regret.
Found this EXCELLENT time line on the Ukraine war, good for both sides to review and get up to date. Jeffrey Sachs makes the case for diplomacy now.
“The American people urgently need to know the true history of
the war in Ukraine and its current prospects. Unfortunately, the
mainstream media ––The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, MSNBC, and CNN –– have become mere mouthpieces of the government, repeating US President Joe Biden’s lies and hiding history from the public.”
It is a crime and a shame that so many people are being led down the rabbit hole.